Chapter 155: Betrayal Uncovered

Jenna's fingers flew over the keyboard, her eyes darting across the lines of code. The cyber café's dim lights cast a flickering glow over her face, making it hard to read her expressions. Alyssa stood nearby, her nerves on edge. She glanced at Luca, who paced back and forth, his gaze fixed on Jenna's screen.

"We're almost in," Jenna murmured, breaking the silence. Her voice was calm, but there was a hint of hesitation that Alyssa didn't like.

The seconds stretched into minutes, the tension in the room growing thicker. Jenna finally hit the last keystroke, and a folder opened on the screen. "There," she said, her tone triumphant. "Everything Darren's been hiding."

Alyssa leaned over Jenna's shoulder, eyes scanning the contents. Names, transactions, encrypted communications—it was all there. Everything they needed to expose Darren's criminal empire. Relief washed over her, but it was short-lived. Something caught her eye—a file labeled "Luca."

She glanced at Luca, whose eyes widened as he noticed the file. "What is that?" he demanded.

Jenna's fingers hovered above the keyboard. "I was going to ask you the same thing. Looks like your name's all over Darren's personal records."

Alyssa's heart sank as the realization hit her. "Luca," she whispered, her voice trembling. "What did you do?"

Luca took a step back, his expression a mix of fear and defiance. "It's not what you think. Darren... he blackmailed me. He forced me to work for him years ago. I had no choice."

Jenna's eyes narrowed as she turned to face Luca. "And you didn't think that was something worth mentioning before dragging us into this mess?"

"Enough!" Alyssa snapped, her mind racing to make sense of the situation. "Jenna, show us what's in the file."

Jenna opened the document, revealing a list of surveillance reports, intercepted communications, and even photos of Alyssa, Gray, and Mark—all taken without their knowledge. It became clear that Luca had been feeding Darren information from the start.

Alyssa's breath hitched as the betrayal cut through her like a knife. "You've been spying on us," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "You used us."

Luca's face contorted with guilt and desperation. "No, I swear, I was trying to protect you. I stopped reporting to him weeks ago. I—"

Before he could finish, the sound of shattering glass filled the room as a flashbang was thrown through the café window. It detonated with a blinding light, and Alyssa felt herself being yanked to the ground. She heard shouts and gunfire erupt outside as chaos broke loose.

Jenna dove under the desk, clutching a handgun she pulled from a drawer. "Darren's men! They found us!" she yelled.

Alyssa struggled to her feet, her vision still blurred from the flashbang. She grabbed Luca by the collar, fury surging through her. "This is your fault!" she shouted, shoving him back. "If we don't get out of here, we're all dead!"

Luca stumbled but regained his balance, pulling a weapon from his jacket. "Then let's fight our way out!" he growled.

Mark and Gray joined them, guns at the ready as Darren's men stormed into the café. The narrow space erupted into a deadly standoff, bullets flying and bodies hitting the floor. Alyssa ducked behind a row of computers, her pulse pounding in her ears.

She locked eyes with Luca for a moment, seeing the anguish and determination in his gaze. But there was no time for forgiveness—only survival. She would deal with Luca's betrayal later. For now, they had to make it out alive.

As Alyssa fired back at the advancing attackers, she knew one thing for certain: this was far from over.