Chapter 154: A Dangerous Gamble

The safe house was a rundown apartment on the edge of the city, hidden among abandoned buildings and empty lots. The walls were cracked, and the air carried a musty smell of dust and decay. But it was secure, and that was all that mattered.

Alyssa, Luca, Gray, and Mark filed inside, shutting the door behind them. The dim lighting cast shadows on their faces, making the place feel even more desolate. Alyssa dropped the USB drive onto a small wooden table at the center of the room.

"So, who's this hacker?" Alyssa asked Luca, her arms crossed. She could sense the uncertainty in the air, the lingering tension among them.

"Her name is Jenna," Luca replied. "She's worked with Darren's rivals before and knows how to cover her tracks. But we need to be careful—Darren's not the only one who'll be after her if she starts digging into his network."

Gray scoffed. "And you trust her? Sounds like she could just as easily sell us out if the price is right."

Luca's gaze hardened. "She owes me a favor. If anyone can get us what we need from that drive, it's her."

Alyssa could see the reluctance in Gray's expression but knew they didn't have many options. She picked up the USB drive again, feeling its weight in her palm. "Then let's not waste time. Where can we find her?"

"She operates from a cyber café downtown," Luca answered. "It's risky, but she has a setup there that's practically untraceable."

Mark spoke up, his voice laced with doubt. "If Jenna is as good as you say, Darren might already know she's on our radar. We need to be prepared for anything."

Alyssa's jaw tightened. "We've come this far. There's no turning back now. Let's go."

As they prepared to leave the safe house, Alyssa noticed Luca hesitating near the door. His eyes flickered with something—guilt, perhaps, or maybe fear. She approached him, keeping her voice low so the others wouldn't hear. "Luca, is there something you're not telling us?"

He glanced at her, his expression conflicted. "It's just... Jenna and I have history. She's not exactly... stable. If she realizes how desperate we are, she might try to exploit it."

Alyssa's eyes narrowed. "So, she's a liability?"

"No," Luca said quickly. "She's our best shot. But we'll have to handle her carefully."

Alyssa's instincts told her there was more to this story, but there was no time to press for details. They needed to move before Darren closed in on them. "Just make sure she doesn't betray us," she warned.

The four of them exited the building and made their way downtown. The streets were quiet, the city still blanketed in the darkness of night. As they approached the cyber café, Alyssa's pulse quickened. She knew this was a gamble, and if Jenna wasn't trustworthy, everything they had done would be for nothing.

The cyber café was small and dimly lit, its neon sign flickering faintly. Luca led the way inside, and a young woman with short, dyed hair sat behind a cluttered desk, tapping away at a keyboard. She looked up as they entered, her eyes narrowing as recognition dawned on her.

"Well, well, look who's back," Jenna said with a sly grin, leaning back in her chair. "And you brought friends. What do you want, Luca?"

Luca stepped forward, holding up the USB drive. "We need you to decrypt the data on this. It's urgent."

Jenna's gaze shifted from Luca to the others, her smile widening. "Darren's business, huh? You're either very brave or very stupid to mess with him."

Alyssa stepped forward, meeting Jenna's gaze. "We're both. Now, are you going to help us, or should we find someone else?"

Jenna's grin faded slightly as she assessed Alyssa, then she shrugged. "I'll see what I can do. But if Darren comes knocking, I'm not going down with you."

Alyssa's jaw clenched. "Just get us the information. We'll handle Darren."

As Jenna started working on the USB drive, the tension in the room thickened. The clock was ticking, and Darren wouldn't stay in the dark for long.

To be continued...