It was a nice-looking place, with an entire wall taken up by windows that looked out over the lake, providing an amazing view of the stars reflected on the surface. And there wasn't a speck of dust to be seen, but that was to be expected with House Elves running around, Harry thought. He'd only met Inky a few times, but in that short period he'd learned they were clean-freaks of the highest order.
Tables and chairs had been set up near the windows for them, and food was already waiting for them there.
"We're going to go and freshen up a bit first," Hannah said, dragging the two girls with her down the hall. "Don't start without us!"
"Hurry, I don't know how much longer I can hold Ron back," Harry said with a chuckle.
"Oi, I'm not that bad!" the red-head protested.
Still, everyone, even Ron, laughed at the bad joke, and the girls left, leaving the boys alone in the room to wait. Which was rather hard as the meal the elves had brought up smelled amazing. The winged pig in the painting hung on the wall certainly agreed, if the eager squeals were anything to go by.
Though Harry found it was getting harder to concentrate on anything as a throbbing pain began to build up within his head. It didn't feel like any headache Harry had ever had before, as it felt sharper, like being jabbed with needles centered on his forehead.
He hid any signs of discomfort, however, and smiled and laughed along with Ron and Neville, trying to distract himself from the pain. It worked well enough, but it was very uncomfortable.
Around five minutes later the boys were interrupted by Sweepy appearing before them, looking worried.
"Students needs to be going backs to their dormsies!" he (or she? Harry wasn't good with telling the difference between House Elves since he'd only ever met two of them) said nervously.
"What? Why?" Harry asked, headache completely forgotten as he picked up on the fear and nervousness radiating from the diminutive helper.
"There's a trollsy loose in the castle!" Sweepy informed them. "Teachers said it was in the dungeons!"
"Okay, we'll go, thank you for the warning," Harry said, even as Neville and Ron gaped in shock at the House Elf, who popped away after delivering the message.
"A troll? Here? In Hogwarts?" Ron sputtered in disbelief.
"Sounds crazy, but I'm not going to stick around and find out if Sweepy was lying. Not that I think he was, just saying," Harry hastily said. "We should head back to the dorms."
"Wait, what about the girls?" Neville asked, concerned. "Do you think they know about the troll?"
Harry opened his mouth to say 'yes,' but he couldn't. Had a House Elf gone to warn them? Or had it only come to them because it knew we'd be in the room in the first place?
"Uh-oh," Harry muttered, a sentiment shared by Ron and Neville if the worry in their eyes was any clue.
"Let's go get them!" Ron said, already running for the door.
Harry caught up with him, and he recalled passing a bathroom on the way to the classroom. He ran towards it, Neville and Ron right behind him.
"Hermione! Susan! Hannah!" Harry shouted as he burst into the bathroom, only to pause, confused, when he didn't see any trace of them. "Wait, where are they? They said they were going to the bathroom!"
"Nobody uses the second-floor girl's bathroom!" Ron shouted at Harry in annoyance.
"That's right! They don't want to deal with poor old Myrtle!" a young-looking ghost wailed dramatically as she phased through a bathroom stall. "No one cares about me whether I'm living or dead!"
"I'm very sorry to hear that," Harry said, genuine sympathy in his voice for her plight. "I know what it's like to be ignored."
That caused the ghost to pause in her waterworks and to stare at him in befuddlement.
"Really?" she asked, and Harry nodded.
"Yes, but we can't stay, there's a troll loose in the school and our friends don't know about!" Neville said quickly, stepping in.
"A troll? Oh dear, looks like I won't be the newest ghost in Hogwarts," Myrtle said, sounding a bit excited at the prospect, and the boys paled at the thought.
"Please! Can you help us find them?" Harry pleaded.
"They probably went to the first-floor bathroom," Ron guessed. "This one is, uh, occupied, and the third floor's bathroom is in the West Wing, and off limits!"
"Oh, right, that whole forbidden corridor thing," Harry muttered. He then turned to Myrtle with a pleading look. "Can you please check on them?"
"Fine," she huffed, then dove into the floor. She returned a moment later, a look of concern in her eyes.
"Where did you say the troll was?" she asked, and the boys went even paler.
"Oh, shit!" Neville swore, and as one, the trio booked it for the staircase.
They made it to the stairs and rushed down to the first floor, where a foul stench slapped them in the face as they ran to the bathrooms.
"That's a troll, alright," Ron said weakly, pinching his nose as they did so. He also whipped out his wand, something that Harry and Neville copied a moment later.
Besides the smell, the trio could also hear a loud thumping, and as they turned a corner, the boys skidded to a halt, taken aback by the definitely out of place creature in front of them.
Twelve feet tall, grey-blue skin, with a tiny bald head and oddly oversized ears atop a burly body. Its feet were covered in warts, and its nails were a worrying shade of green.
Oh, and it had a massive club – probably was an entire tree at one point – that the troll was smashing against the girls bathroom.
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