Battling the Troll

The troll was inside the bathroom already, the doorframe ruined with bits of rubble everywhere, and it was smacking the door of a stall, trying to break it down. Screams came from within, which explained why it was focusing on it at all. Somehow, the door to the stall hadn't been turned to splinters, but flickers of light that rippled across the door told Harry that it must have been a spell of some sort.

"Oh, shit," Ron uttered in horror.

"What do we do?" Neville asked in a panic.

"We draw its attention away from the girls," Harry said defiantly, pointing his spell at it.

"Shouldn't we wait for the teachers?" Neville asked with a gulp.

"They all think it's at the dungeons, remember? That's on the other side of the castle!" Harry retorted. "Aguamenti!"

A stream of water shot from his want tip, though it didn't reach far enough and didn't even reach the trolls feet.

"Oops, I guess it's too far," Harry said awkwardly when Ron and Neville both shot him deadpan looks.

"I have an idea," Ron said, quickly formulating a plan as he looked around the hallway. "Guys, can you follow my lead?"

Harry and Neville nodded, and he swiftly explained his plan. "We have to lure the troll to the stairs in the main corridor! They're designed to trap anything that intrudes on the school. We get it onto the stairs, we've gotten it away from the girls and the teachers can deal with it later!"

"Brilliant!" Harry praised, and Neville nodded. "What do we need to do?"

"Get it's attention," Ron said grimly.

"Got it," the Boy-Who-Lived said with a nod. He then ran over to the troll, and raised his wand.

"Oi! Lard butt! Over here!" Harry shouted, running up to the troll and spraying it in the back with water from his Aguamenti spell.

The troll turned around, a look of confusion on its face as it wondered why it was wet. Was the screaming little meat-nugget the cause?

Annoyed, it stopped banging on the bathroom stall, and stomped out of the bathroom. As it bent its head to get through the door frame, Harry hit it with another Aguamenti, blasting its face with it. Sopping wet and angrier than before, the troll let out a bellow and started to stomp after Harry.

Behind the troll, the bathroom stall door creaked open, three frightened faces peeking out, and Harry made a shooing motion at them to start running. He then turned around and began to escape towards the stairs where Ron and Neville were waiting, the former halfway up a staircase and the latter waiting at the bottom.

Harry managed to keep insulting and spraying the troll with water as he ran away, and succeeded in luring it towards the main stairwell which connected almost all of the stairs in the school.

However, as the troll stomped after Harry, one of its big, dumb feet slammed down near a pile of bricks that'd been dislodged when it'd broken its way into the girl's bathroom. By sheer dumb and bad luck, the troll's foot sent a bit of stone flying towards Harry.

Harry stumbled and fell as the brick the troll had accidentally kicked at him slammed into the back of his left leg with tremendous force. Harry tried to get up, but a howl of pain escaped his lips. The piece of masonry had broken or torn something in his leg! He was trapped.

"Neville! Cast a spell! Get it attention's away from Harry!" Ron shouted from the tops of the stairs as he looked down at the scene in horror.

"I-I can't do it!" Neville cried, frantically shaking his wand at the foot of the stairs. Sparks sputtered, but the spell he was attempting refused to work.

"Damn!" Ron swore, before looking around. His eyes landed on a suit of armor nearby at the top of the stairs on the second floor, complete with sword and shield, and he pointed his wand at it. "Wingardium Leviosa!" he shouted, and to his relief, it worked. The sword began to float, and Ron directed it over the edge of the staircase, where it fell, point down, onto the troll.

The sword stabbed into the troll's back, right between its shoulder blades. Unfortunately, it didn't drive deep enough, and the lumbering behemoth didn't even seem to notice it'd been stabbed! It just kept stomping towards Harry, murder in its eyes.

The troll roared, and swung its club to the side, trying to knock aside the black-haired boy who'd dared to stab it.

"WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!" Neville screamed, swishing and flicking his wand desperately at Harry. His wand exploded, but the spell still went off, Harry being catapult upwards into the air towards the ceiling, the club narrowly missing him.

After rising up high, Harry naturally began to fall, and straight down towards the troll. Harry desperately angled himself towards the sword, which was still stuck in the troll's back. He landed on the sword, just as he planned, and put all of his weight and strength into trying to shove the blade even deeper into the troll.


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