Now, Harry was not, and probably never would be, a big and meaty kind of guy like his uncle and cousin, even if he tried. However, a year of eating more food than he'd ever dreamed of getting from the Dursleys had filled him out, and his burgeoning magic and Nutrient Potions from Edward had corrected a lot of the flaws the Dursleys had left with his body.
Harry was no longer a scrawny waif a stiff breeze could knock over. He was bigger, stronger, taller, and most importantly, heavier.
And all of that meant when he landed on the sword, the full weight of his body was put behind it, driving it even deeper into the troll, the tip of the blade just barely visible poking through its chest.
A troll's heart was larger proportionally compared to a human, and the sword had managed to pierce it, severing multiple arteries instantly. Even for a beast whose brain was literally the size of a walnut, this was considered 'a bad thing.'
The troll staggered, surprise crossing its dumb face, before it toppled forward without a word. It lay still, a pool of oily black blood growing beneath it.
"Owww," Harry groaned, a hand clutching his chest where he'd landed on the sword's pommel. He then rolled over off of the troll's back, and groaned some more when the pain lanced through his leg next.
"Merlin, Harry! That was bloody mental!" Ron shouted as he and Neville ran over to him. From the hallway, Hermione, Susan, and Hannah also sprinted over to check on him, concern all over their faces.
"It worked, though," he chuckled, before wincing. He then gave Neville a concerned look. "Hey, your wand…"
Neville quietly shook his head. "Yeah, it's broken."
"Damn," Harry muttered. "Sorry."
"I'd rather have you alive than an unbroken wand," Neville replied.
At that, Hermione initiated a massive hug while sobbing in relief, drawing the boys together with her, and was joined by Susan and Hannah a moment later, all six of them hugging each other happily.
"What's all this?!"
"Professors!" Hermione shouted as she looked up and over Harry's shoulder, her bushy head poking out and staring down the hallway.
With impressive speed, the group untangled itself from the hug-pile and turned around to see a group of their teachers standing there, staring at the scene in shock. Professor McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout, Snape, and Quirrell, along with Headmaster Dumbledore, had just arrived in the hallway, and were taking in the damage and dead troll in disbelief.
"Can someone explain what happened here?" McGonagall finally demanded, stepping forward and glaring at the students.
For some reason that none of them could fathom, that was incredibly funny to the First Years. Harry snorted, then Susan let out a giggle, and then all six of them were laughing their asses off in front of the bemused and bewildered faculty.
"It's a long story," Hermione managed to get out between hiccups of laughter. That only caused them to laugh even harder.
The professors just shared confused looks with each other.
Harry POV:
Halloween passed by, and there were a few new changes for Harry. For one, Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot had joined their friend circle. The troll's attack had traumatized the two, but Hermione had been able to keep them safe in the bathroom with a shield spell she'd read in an upper-level textbook. They'd clung to Hermione and the boys in the aftermath, and Harry couldn't deny it'd made things more interesting.
Hermione certainly seemed to like having more girls to get along with, and the bickering between her and Ron also decreased drastically. The red-head was also striving to do better in class, especially Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Another change had been Neville getting a new wand after exploding his old one saving Harry's life, and everyone could only marvel at how much better he'd become at doing magic. No longer at the bottom of the class, he was now firmly fourth best spell caster among the Gryffindor First Years. Harry was proud to say he was second best. Hermione, of course, was number one.
It didn't help much with his potion work, sadly, but there was only so much one could do when you had Professor Snape as a teacher.
It was mid-November, and the air was growing colder, and the leaves were almost all gone from the trees in the Forbidden Forest.
At the moment, the group was walking down the yard, eager to have another chat with Hagrid. Ever since they'd fought a troll, the four Gryffindor's and two Hufflepuffs had wanted to know more about magical creatures. And, since Care of Magical Creatures was only for Third Years, that meant chatting with Hogwart's half-giant Groundskeeper.
"I hope he's in, I'm freezing," Susan muttered, shivering as a chill autumn wind blew past.
"Where else would he be?" Ron asked with a frown. "This is his home."
"He could be tending to the animals for Care of Magical Creatures. I understand he does a lot of that, since Professor Kettleburn is getting old and losing limbs," Hannah said.
"Kettleburn… he's the professor with two wooden legs, a hook hand, and a fake nose?" Harry inquired.
"Yes, he usually sits at the far end of the table with the other electives teachers," Susan confirmed.
"Is it weird that the Hogwarts staff is so small?" Harry asked his friends. "It feels small to me with only one teacher per subject."
"I dunno," Ron shrugged. "There aren't that many students, so why have more teachers?"
"There's like a hundred or so students per year, except for ours. That's nearly seven-hundred students, minimum! My old school had dozens of teachers, at least one for every twenty students, and it still felt like there weren't enough for all of us."
"As much as I agree with Harry, I think we're getting side tracked," Hermione piped up as the six of them reached the simple log cabin that was Hagrid's home.
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