Chapter 1: A strange man



Thunder raged as the rain poured down relentlessly, soaking the earth. Both animals and humans alike took shelter, the storm showing no sign of easing. Inside a cave, dimly lit by a small fire, the atmosphere was tense.

The cave itself was short but wide enough to accommodate both wildlife and humans. At the center, small stones formed a circle around a fire, shielding the flames that fed on burning branches and bushes.

Gathered around the fire was a group of humans. Their bodies were large, covered in thick fur, and their features more beastly than man. All eyes were on two figures locked in argument. One was lean, with dark hair and striking blue eyes. His tall, muscular frame was visible through the gaps in his fur. The other was massive, with dark brown eyes that matched his hair and thick muscles rippling under his skin.

"What are you saying? We will not go to that witch! We can fight them... they're afraid of the sun!" the larger man, Lucas, growled, his deep voice commanding the attention of all present.

"Really? Let's say you're right and we attack during the day. What happens when they retreat to the caves or other dark places? They're stronger, faster. And they heal from everything. We stand no chance, Lucas! You know this. We have to make the deal," the lean man argued, placing a firm hand on Lucas's shoulder, desperation in his voice.

"What do you mean, 'if it's true'?" Lucas ignored most of what he'd heard, honing in on the critical detail.

"Only the newborns fear the sun, Lucas. The rest—there are rumors from other tribes that they now have a hierarchy. Stronger ones are emerging," the lean man explained, his voice lowering as he tried to convince his friend.

"No, no… We can still find a way. There must be a way to kill them. Nothing is immortal!" Lucas protested, locking eyes with his companion.

"We already have a way," the smaller man replied softly, his tone betraying a hopeless truth.

"We can't trust that witch. No one even knows where she came from. What if we turn into something worse?" Lucas's voice wavered as doubt crept in. He couldn't shake the images of his fellow tribe member who had been turned—killing his own family, drinking their blood with a wide, horrifying smile. He couldn't let that happen to him, not to his wife and children.

"To beat a monster, you have to become one," the lean man said, gripping Lucas's shoulders tighter.

"No," Lucas pushed him away, his voice cracking with emotion.

The cave fell silent. No one dared speak—this was a battle between their chief and his second-in-command, their bravest warrior. The tension was thick as rain pounded the ground outside, drowning out the sounds of the wilderness.

"You have no choice," the lean man muttered, not meeting Lucas's gaze.

"What… what did you say?" Lucas stepped closer, but his friend remained silent, staring at the ground.

"Chief? Chief, answer me!" Lucas called several times, but the man stood still, unresponsive. Just as Lucas reached out to touch him, he heard it—a low, animalistic growl.

Lucas recoiled in shock. His heartbeat quickened, his instincts screaming that a predator was near. But there was no predator in the cave... so where was the threat coming from?

The growl echoed again, and Lucas's blood ran cold as he looked at his chief's face. His once-blue eyes had turned a menacing red.

"No… you didn't…" Lucas backed away in horror, his mind racing. His chief had already made the deal.

"Everyone, we need to leave!" Lucas shouted to the group, but as he turned to them, he realized the awful truth. Each and every one of their eyes glowed the same eerie red. He was the only one left.

"I was a fool. So I'm the only one left clinging to humanity?" Lucas's voice trembled as he turned back to face his chief, who now stood before him, breathing heavily, his body moving with each labored breath.

"Kill me then," Lucas challenged, though his voice was filled with despair.

"Kill you?" The voice that responded was no longer his chief's, but something darker, deeper, and inhuman. "I will convert you."

Lucas watched in horror as the chief's canines elongated, sharp and deadly.


A scream echoed through the cave, swallowed by the sound of the unrelenting storm.


*Present Day*

"Aah, I can't believe school starts tomorrow. Ugh, I'm so used to my lazy lifestyle," a young woman sighed, driving her luxurious car through the rain. Her face, the very definition of beauty, was framed by long, flowing hair. Her blue eyes sparkled, and her lips formed a perfect pout as she complained. Her body was curvaceous, her outfit chosen to accentuate rather than hide her natural allure.

She groaned in frustration at the thought of returning to school. Her holiday had been filled with luxury—traveling, fine dining, endless entertainment. Now she had to return to that strange place.

"Well, whatever… just one more year," she muttered, flashing a dazzling smile that could captivate any onlooker—though there were none nearby.

But then something strange caught her attention.

"A fog? Really?" she frowned. The sky had been clear just moments ago, but now her visibility was dropping rapidly. As the fog thickened, she could barely see a meter ahead.

She slowed the car, planning to stop until the fog lifted, but before she could, a figure appeared in the road. A man, dressed in a dark coat, stood right in her path.

"No!" she gasped, slamming the brakes, but it was too late.


A low groan echoed in the dimly lit room. A man opened his eyes to meet a black ceiling, his head heavy and mind foggy. Sitting up, he kicked off the duvet, revealing his stark naked body. Yet, the man seemed unbothered by his state of undress, as if the confusion clouding his mind overshadowed all else. He could remember nothing, nothing but his name—Lyon. But whenever he tried to think beyond that, sharp pain lanced through his skull.

Suddenly, the soft click of the door drew his attention. He looked up to see a stunning young woman enter, carrying a tray of food. Her flawless skin and delicate features momentarily distracted him, but no memory of her surfaced.

"I..." she stammered, her cheeks flushing as her eyes traveled up his bare, muscular chest. His piercing gaze seemed to freeze her in place.

Lyon stood, his towering form casting a shadow over her petite figure. "Who are you?" His voice was cold, cutting through the thick silence of the room.

The woman stood speechless for a moment, blushing harder as her gaze dropped, inadvertently landing on his lower body. She quickly averted her eyes, her heartbeat quickening.

"You... you had an accident. I brought you here," she answered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lyon's dark blue eyes narrowed as he examined her. He could hear her heartbeat, her breath, the rush of blood through her veins. Every tiny sound was magnified to him.

"Thanks," he said simply, then added, "Where are my clothes?" Without waiting for her to offer, he took the tray of food from her hands and sat back down, immediately starting to eat.

"Rude," Kate thought, biting her lip. She hadn't even had a chance to offer the food properly, but it seemed he didn't care.

"I washed them. They were... smelling," she said, hesitantly, half-expecting him to be offended. But Lyon didn't react, too focused on devouring the food in front of him.

"How do I know I have clothes and especially the image of it.. that dark coat ?" Lyon wondered as he chewed. It was strange—some memories felt out of reach, while others surfaced without warning.

"Is it dried?" he asked, his voice flat.

"Yeah, should I bring them?" She offered quickly, eager to leave the room. His presence unnerved her, made her feel small, like prey under the gaze of a predator. His eyes... something about them was different. They shared the same shade of blue, but his were darker, deeper, like an abyss.

"Yeah. And... your name?" Lyon asked, pausing between bites before adding, "Do you have more?"

"Oh... I'm Kate. And more what?" she asked, confusion momentarily overshadowing her nervousness.

"Meat. Bring me everything you have," Lyon commanded. His words carried an authority she couldn't resist, and despite how strange the request was, she found herself nodding.

"Yes," she said, backing out of the room quickly. A pit had formed in her stomach, gnawing at her. What had she done? She should have taken him to a hospital, not brought him into her home. This man... something about him felt wrong, dangerous.

As she reached the hallway, Kate hesitated for a moment and turned back. "What's your name?" she asked impulsively, regretting it the moment the words left her lips. But Lyon's reply came almost instantly.

"Lyon." His voice was softer now, but his gaze pierced through her, sending a shiver down her spine.

Kate blinked. For a brief second, she saw something else in his eyes—something not human, something predatory and primal.

Panicking, she spun around and fled, slamming the door behind her.


Back in the room, Lyon chuckled softly. "Interesting," he muttered. He needed clothes, yes, but more than that—he needed to figure out what was happening. Something deep inside him stirred, and he couldn't help but feel... hungry.


Kate reached for her phone, her fingers trembling as she dialed the emergency number. Her heart pounded in her chest, the panic rising with each passing second.

"Hello, is this the police?" she asked breathlessly when the call connected.

"Yes, what's your emergency?" came the calm response from the other end.
