Chapter 2: Sacrifice


**"If there's nothing else, I'll leave now,"** the cop said.

**"Yeah, goodbye,"** Kate replied as she hung up.


***At the station***

The cop stared at his phone, something gnawing at him. **"That was strange... should I check on her? But she didn't even mention her address."** He shook his head and set the phone down, unsure.



**"I... want to report something..."** Kate's voice trembled as she tried to speak. But then, the image of that creature—the one she'd glimpsed in Lyon's eyes—flashed through her mind, freezing her in place. A cold dread gripped her, as if something, or someone, was lurking just behind her.

**"Hello? Hello?"** the cop's voice echoed through the silence, but Kate didn't respond. She slowly turned, expecting to see something horrifying... but there was nothing.

**"What's wrong with me? That feeling... it's real,"** she thought, eyes nervously drifting to the staircase that led upstairs, to where Lyon was staying.

**"Hello?"** The cop's voice cut through her thoughts again, snapping her back to reality.

**"Oh, sorry! I... I thought something was stolen, but I found it,"** Kate quickly lied, biting her lip nervously.

**"Are you sure? You were silent for a while. If you're in danger, just say 'mute,' and I'll come right up,"** the cop's voice softened with concern.

**"No, it's fine, really."**

**"Can you send your location? I should come check."**

**"No, I'm fine,"** Kate insisted.

**"Alright then, if there's nothing else, I'll leave now,"** the cop said, still sounding unsure.

**"Goodbye,"** Kate muttered before hanging up.

Kate stared at her phone, frustrated. **"What am I doing? Why couldn't I say it? I had the perfect chance to report him..."** She sat down, thoughts racing.

**"It's that creature... I couldn't move, couldn't speak. I'm trapped."** Her mind reeled as sweat trickled down her back. **"Lyon isn't normal... how did he survive that car accident? I was only going 40 km/h, but he walked away without a scratch. Just a human-shaped dent in my car."**

Her thoughts spun faster. **"Is he a soldier? No, not even soldiers are that strong. A secret agent, maybe? Or... is he not even human?"**

Her mind snapped to attention as she remembered. **"His clothes... and the food!"** Kate jumped to her feet and rushed out.


***In Lyon's room***

The door creaked open, and Kate stepped inside.

**"Can't she knock? Wait... this is her house,"** Lyon thought, his expression remaining neutral.

**"Your... your clothes,"** Kate stammered, struggling to look away from his bare chest.

**"Just drop it. The food,"** Lyon said curtly. The smell of the meat was overwhelming now, and he had to fight the urge to pounce on it.

Kate hurriedly set the food down and backed away. **"You can leave, and this time... close the door gently,"** Lyon added, dismissing her with a wave.

Frowning, Kate left the room and closed the door softly behind her. **"I just hope he's not a serial killer... or worse,"** she muttered under her breath as she glanced at the clock. It was 5:00 PM. Night was coming, and she would soon be sleeping under the same roof as a strange, dangerous man.

Kate locked herself in her room, activating all the security measures she could. She couldn't lock the entire house—she'd be trapped inside with him. Hugging her pillow tightly, she lay on the bed, mind spinning with anxiety. **"What's happening to me?"** she whispered, her heart racing. Eventually, she fell into a restless sleep.


Meanwhile, Lyon sat in his room, a small grin forming as he looked out the large glass window at the sprawling mansion grounds. **"Bringing a strange man to your home... are you brave or just stupid?"** he wondered, a trace of amusement in his cold gaze.


***6 AM***

The alarm rang, and a tired hand slapped it silent. Kate groggily sat up, rubbing her eyes. Yesterday had taken a toll on her. With a sigh, she dressed quickly—she had to leave for school by 10 AM, and there were other things to take care of.

As she approached Lyon's room, she hesitated before raising her knuckles to knock. **"Why am I nervous?"** she thought. Finally, she knocked twice.

**"Come in,"** came the deep voice from inside. When Kate entered, Lyon was already dressed, his dark coat adding to his striking appearance. Her eyes were drawn to his sharp profile. **"He really is handsome,"** she thought, unable to look away.

**"If you're done staring, shall we go?"** Lyon chuckled, breaking the silence. Embarrassed, Kate quickly lowered her gaze and nodded.

**"Yeah... let's go,"** she stammered, like a child caught doing something wrong.

Kate led the way, Lyon following behind her, his cold eyes observing her every move.


Kate opened the door, and she and Lyon stepped out. Lyon relished the feeling of the door's material, knowing immediately it was of high quality, the kind only the wealthy could afford.

"Sevet," Lyon muttered with a frown, catching Kate's attention. She turned back.

"You know it?" Kate asked, surprised. Lyon nodded.

"He's rich," Kate thought, feeling her tense nerves relax. **He might be a spoiled rich boy or a playboy,** she considered, **but if he's wealthy, I can handle him. After all, my father is someone even the richest wouldn't dare to cross.**

Lyon's eyes scanned the row of luxury cars parked outside. His expression shifted slightly—surprise. Every car was expensive, the type you only dream about.

"Alright, get in," Kate said, switching on the engine. It roared in response, the sound unmistakably powerful.

"Love it," Lyon thought, walking toward the car.

"Is this your true self?" Lyon asked, opening the door and sliding into the passenger seat. Kate, now sitting behind the wheel, flashed him a smile.

Lyon remained calm, unfazed by her sudden shift in demeanor.

"Maybe," she replied smoothly. "I should take you to the hospital after your accident."

Lyon raised an eyebrow at her change in attitude. Moments ago, she seemed shy and reserved, maybe even scared. Now, she was bolder. Amusing. But as he glanced around, he noticed one of her hands trembling slightly.

"Acting brave, huh?" Lyon mused, a grin spreading across his face.

**Vroom...** The car sped forward, the gate opening automatically as the sensors around the mansion detected them.

Kate was nervous, even though she felt more in control now that she knew Lyon was a wealthy guy who could be influenced by her father. Still, he could harm her if he wanted to.

As they drove a short distance, multiple armed guards appeared along the estate's perimeter.

"Good morning, ma'am," one of the guards greeted. Kate merely nodded in acknowledgment.

Her heart calmed. The guards, stationed around the mansion, provided a sense of security. She had requested them, not wanting to feel like she was imprisoned, but still needing protection.

Lyon's gaze drifted to the guards and their weapons. His grin faded slightly. Kate's heartbeat had slowed, signaling she felt safer now.

"Is this what you rely on?" Lyon asked, his voice gentle but probing.

"Yeah," Kate responded, not shying away from the truth.

"Are you afraid?" she asked, glancing over at him. Her eyes were calmer now as she studied his face more closely.

"Guess," Lyon replied with a slight smile. Kate snorted and looked away. Lyon found it entertaining how quickly she adapted to the situation.

As they neared the edge of the estate, several black cars were parked, waiting. The moment Kate moved, they all followed.

"Isn't this overkill?" Lyon asked, noting the convoy behind them. "Besides, you're not exactly protected yourself."

Kate smirked. "Oh, I'm protected, trust me."

Lyon raised an eyebrow but said nothing further. He spotted figures on top of nearby buildings—snipers. He had no doubt that at a single command, they would shoot without hesitation.

The city passed by as Kate drove smoothly. Lyon enjoyed the view, though the constant threat of sniper rifles aimed at his head dampened it somewhat. Memories flickered in his mind. This city—he had been here before. He had done something. Something terrible. **Something nightmarish.**

He, Lyon, had once **covered this city in blood.**


**At a Party...**

The club, known as Club Rov, was one of the most exclusive in the city. It wasn't the largest, but it was the most unique. Entry was by invitation only, and members signed contracts ensuring they would never reveal what went on inside.

Once, a high-profile figure had scheduled an interview to expose the club's secrets. He died the day of the interview, along with a few others. Rumors swirled about what happened in the club, but no one dared speak.

Inside, the rich and powerful gathered in a grand ballroom, toasting with red liquid -filled wine glasses. The slow music set a romantic atmosphere as influential figures laughed, networked, and formed alliances.

In a more secluded part of the club, a smaller group sat around a round table in silence.

On the table were two humans, bleeding from their necks.

"Live prey," one of the members said, his crimson eyes glowing as he stood, ready to pounce.

"Relax, Kite," a female voice cut through the silence. "It's not going anywhere."

"I like my blood warm," Kite replied, ignoring her as he approached one of the humans. The others watched with amusement, eager for the show. The humans were barely alive, their necks freshly slit.

"Oh, live prey… that look, that desperate need to survive," Kite murmured, lifting one of the tied-up humans. A muffled groan escaped the victim, his mouth gagged. He couldn't scream, and the excruciating pain and weakness in his body told him death was near.

Kite savored the moment. "Well, I can't let this blood go to waste."

With a smile, Kite opened his mouth, revealing four sharp, two-inch fangs, and bit into the human, draining him dry.

Minutes later, a shriveled corpse was disposed of in the incinerator. The body was completely drained of blood.

Kite sat back down, looking satisfied.

Another member stood up and carried a cup to the remaining human, squeezing out the blood in careful portions. He passed the cup to the others, and soon, they all had a drink.

"Let him in," Kite said, and two figures emerged from the shadows. One carried the second body to the incinerator, while the other opened the door for a man in a cloak.

"My lords, the High Ones," the man kneeled before them, not daring to meet their eyes.

"Let's get to the point," one of the members said impatiently. "When will you sacrifice your daughter? She's eighteen now, and time is running out."

The kneeling man hesitated. It was an agonizing decision for him.

"A vampire with a heart… you're a rare one," Kite sneered, approaching the man and pressing his foot down on his head.

The man remained silent.

"You have one week. Bring her here," Kite commanded, pressing harder.

**Boom.** The man's forehead slammed into the ground, hard.
