Chapter 8: who am I ?

"Do you think Drake will come to school today?" Kate asked as she sat down beside Mark.

"Maybe. Maybe not. I mean, something did happen to him," Mark replied, looking serious.

Kate glanced around the noisy classroom before leaning in closer. "What happened to him?"

"Well... he was with her all night, and now that I think about it, he didn't go home with me," Mark said with a frown. Kate's eyes widened. This was serious.

*Click.* The door opened, and everyone turned to look. Some expected the teacher, but Mark and Kate hoped to see Drake. Instead, they were disappointed. A new girl stepped in.

Kate stood up with a stiff smile. "Hey, Lydia," she called, walking toward the new girl.

"Hey," Lydia replied flatly, taking a seat next to Kate.

Mark and Kate resumed their conversation while Lydia put on her headphones and started listening to music.

A few minutes later, the door opened again. This time, Drake entered with the teacher and Lily.

"Sorry for being late. I had to take care of something," the teacher said with a smile as Drake and Lily took seats at the back.

The class fell silent, partly because the teacher had arrived and partly because of Drake's entrance.

"Good morning, everyone. We have a new student today. Mind introducing yourself?" the teacher asked, turning to Lydia.

"Hi, my name is Lydia," she said in a flat tone before sitting down.

As the day went on, things seemed normal—until lunchtime. Mark and Kate dragged Drake into an empty classroom.

"What happened? Where did you go? Why didn't you come to school?" Kate bombarded him with questions.

"Relax... I was sick, so I had to stay home," Drake answered with a smile. Mark eyed him skeptically.

"Don't lie to me, bro," Mark said, but Drake just smiled.

"Heheh, I'm fine, guys," Drake reassured them, though Kate and Mark still seemed unconvinced. After some questioning, they finally let it go, and Mark headed out.

"Well, I heard your sex tape audio," Kate teased, giggling.

"No, you didn't... Lies! I didn't have any... sex," Drake stammered, looking away.

"Cute," Kate thought. "Alright, deny it all you want," she said with a smirk, making Drake roll his eyes.

"You're just like Mark... Stop rolling your eyes!" she said, playfully pinching his cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah... So, any gossip?" Drake asked, knowing Kate always had some juicy news to share.

"Actually, yes! I wanted to tell you the other day, but you ran off. Then, you weren't here yesterday," Kate pouted.

"Alright, alright. What's the scoop?" Drake asked, leaning in slightly.

"Well, I met a guy," Kate began, recounting her encounter with Lyon. After she finished, Drake frowned.

"Why the frown?" Kate asked, curious.

"You said he's more handsome than me?" Drake laughed.

Kate rolled her eyes. "Not funny. And yes, he is."

"Whatever makes you feel better," Drake said with a grin.

"Really now?" Kate said, her lips curling into a smirk.

"Really," Drake replied, leaning closer. Their faces were inches apart, the air between them charged with tension.

*Click.* "I leave you guys alone for a few minutes, and you're about to kiss," Mark said with a wide grin as he entered.

Both Drake and Kate pulled back in silence.

"Did I ruin the moment?" Mark teased, making them blush.

"Erm... I'll catch you later," Kate muttered before rushing out of the room.

Once she was gone, Mark sat down with Drake. "Dude, you have to tell me what's going on," Mark said, clearly excited.

Drake looked at him and shook his head, chuckling. "He's starting to realize why they we're all friends. They all love the gossip."

"Nothing happened, man," Drake said, leaving Mark confused as he walked out the door.

"Man, are we keeping secrets now?" Mark shouted as Drake quickly shut the door behind him.

Outside, Drake froze as he locked eyes with Lily.

"We need to talk... with my sister," Lily said calmly, but Drake felt a lump form in his throat as he swallowed hard and followed her.


**At the cafeteria...**

Kate sat across from her Friend ( cousin in name alone)Lydia, who was lost in her music.

"Will you stop listening to those songs and actually eat?" Kate said, enjoying her meal.

"I told you... I hate human food," Lydia replied flatly, not bothering to look up.

"Seriously? So what, you prefer animal food?" Kate asked, confused.

"Maybe, if it's a leech," Lydia answered with a sly smile.

"You're weird," Kate muttered, making Lydia pull off her headphones.

"What did you order today?" Lydia asked, eyeing her cousin's plate.

"Your favorite," Kate teased with a grin.

Lydia glanced at the dishes in front of them before responding. "I don't have a favorite. They all taste bland."

"Don't say that!" Kate chuckled.

"I think you mean *your* favorite," Lydia shot back with a side-eye.

"Yeah, yeah... Enjoy, cold princess," Kate laughed, watching Lydia reluctantly take a bite.

Once they finished their meal, they walked to class together, chatting along the way. When they finally arrived, the classroom was empty except for the two of them.

"So, who was that guy who walked in earlier? And the girl, plus the old woman?" Lydia asked curiously.

"Oh, Drake? He's my bestie. The girl is a new student named Lily, and the old woman... is your teacher," Kate replied, rolling her eyes.

"Are you interested in her?" Kate suddenly asked, staring straight into Lydia's eyes.

"Maybe..." Lydia whispered as she leaned forward, pressing her lips against Kate's.

Kate gasped, her lips parting as Lydia's warm tongue slipped into her mouth. Their tongues intertwined, and Lydia's hands slowly moved down Kate's back, sending shivers along her spine.

Lydia's grip tightened on Kate's butt, making her moan softly.

*Ding... ding...*

The school bell rang, breaking the moment. They pulled apart, breathless.

"I missed you," Kate said, her voice full of longing.

"I missed you too, baby," Lydia replied with a playful smile.

Lydia sat down, her thoughts elsewhere. *"So, those three furry beasts are together,"* she thought, her curiosity piqued.

Here at La Portale Quirts, it wasn't uncommon for a single teacher to handle all subjects—a bit crazy, but the teachers were rigorously trained. And because of it, this place produced the best students around.


Lyon pushed open the door, coming face-to-face with a group of people in suits. Despite their arguing, Lyon could sense the intense aura of power that surrounded them—an unmistakable sign of their high-status positions.


Aliya coughed, and the bickering executives paused, turning their attention to the door. Their shock was palpable when they saw Lyon.

"You... you're alive," one of the board members muttered while the others frowned, their expressions chilling. It was as though a silent war was brewing between Lyon and them.

Aliya glanced at the scene and sighed. She couldn't speak; everything was left in the hands of her boss.

Lyon remained calm on the outside, but inside, fear gnawed at him. His mind raced as he looked at them, but he pushed the fear down, stepping forward confidently.

Standing before them, Lyon spoke, his voice steady. "I see you've been trying to choose a leader while I was gone. How brave of you."

*"I hope this works,"* Lyon thought as silence hung in the room, broken only by the sound of mocking laughter.

"Who is this?"

"Hahaha... Aliya, did you bring in an imposter?"

"Move him away."

"Get this dog out of here."

The executives dismissed him with a wave of their hands, their laughter filling the room. Aliya clenched her fists, anger surging through her. These ungrateful fools—she had been there from the beginning, when Lyon had picked them up and elevated them to their current status.

Lyon's expression turned colder, something darker taking over him. His hand gripped the table, and with a sudden crack, a piece broke off in his grip. Lyon crushed it into powder, his eyes glowing crimson red.

"Do you dare defy your alpha?" Lyon growled, his fangs extending. A terrifying, beast-like aura spread through the room, twisting the faces of the executives. Their eyes glowed shades of yellow and blue in response as low growls echoed from their throats, fangs growing out.

Aliya's yellow eyes brightened as her own fangs appeared, excitement coursing through her.

*"Boss, you really are back."*

She bowed deeply, smiling. "I welcome the alpha."

Lyon's crimson eyes met hers, his fangs still out, exuding cold, dominant power. This was the alpha who had changed her, the one who had made her fall in love.

"Now, do you dare say it again?" Lyon asked, unaware of the full extent of his transformation.

"We dare not."

"We welcome the alpha."

The board members stood and bowed, their tones subdued. With a satisfied look, Lyon's eyes returned to normal, and his fangs retracted as he took a seat at the head of the table.

"Now, tell me how my company has been," Lyon commanded, and the board members began to speak.


**7:00 p.m.**

The night had fallen, the bustling city below illuminated by thousands of lights. Lyon stood by the glass window, lost in thought.

*"So, this is what I am now... I'm a beast I don't know... I'm the richest man on earth, yet I'm someone the world barely knows. I'm the known and the unknown... I am Lyon?"*

Lyon's mind spiraled as he questioned his identity.

*"Why can't I remember my origin? What happened a year ago?"*

Suddenly, his head throbbed as memories flooded back.

*"What did you do?"

"I did what I had to."

"What am I?"

"Something far stronger than you can imagine."


"You are my strongest warrior, Lucas. You can't remain human while the others are this."*

Lyon's breathing quickened as the voices continued.

*"What do you mean, Chief? You made me like this... I don't know what I am."

"I told you... you are something stronger."

"And what about our tribe?"

"They will be safe... We will convert them."

"And then?"

"We will kill our enemies. Get your revenge. Our revenge. The tribe will survive."

"Lyon... what are we? What is our name?"

"We are creatures of the night. Hunters of both predators and prey. We are myth brought to life. We are stronger alone but even stronger together. We are the enemies of the cold-blooded ones... the opposite yet superior. We... we are werewolves."*


Lyon awoke in a sweat, his mind clouded. He had recovered something from the past, but all it revealed was what he was—a werewolf.

His head throbbed again as more memories flooded in. He recalled losing consciousness the day before, picking up the phone, and calling someone. Then, the image of him drinking to excess flashed by, followed by a beautiful figure entering the room. His urges had taken over as he had given in to wild abandon.

He had been with her for hours, but now, as he lay in bed, he couldn't remember who she was.

Lyon pulled back the duvet and saw a face.

"What the...?"
