Chapter 9: A visit

**"What the...?"**

Lyon rubbed his temples, his head pounding as flashes of someone walking into the room kept replaying in his mind. He blinked and realized there was nothing but a pillow beside him.

**Knock. Knock.**

A soft knock echoed from the door. Lyon groaned, "Come in."

Aliya entered, bowing slightly. "Good morning, sir," she said.

Lyon stood up, stretching, catching Aliya's eyes on him once more before she quickly looked away.

"Morning, Aliya," Lyon replied as he moved toward the bathroom. Just before entering, he paused. "Why are you here this early?"

Aliya fidgeted. "Oh, right! Boss, we have to head to the school. The one you founded."

Lyon turned around, a confused look crossing his face. "I founded a school?"

Aliya nodded with a smile. "Yes, sir. It's quite famous, actually. We're just visiting as guests today."

Lyon raised an eyebrow. "Won't I get mobbed the moment I arrive? I am the richest man, after all."

Aliya shook her head. "No, boss. No one outside the board has seen your face. You've always said you hated the attention and fame that comes with wealth."

Lyon grunted in acknowledgment. "Hmm, that sounds like me. What's the school called?"

"La Portaled Quirts," Aliya replied as Lyon turned on the shower.

Lyon's voice echoed faintly from inside the bathroom, "I feel like I've heard that name before."


**At La Portaled Quirts**

Inside the classroom, during a break, Kate and Lydia were deep in conversation.

"So, how's your dad? He visited recently, didn't he?" Kate asked, smiling.

Lydia shrugged. "That old man is still kicking, I guess."

Kate raised an eyebrow. "Is that really how you talk about your father?"

"Maybe," Lydia responded nonchalantly.

Kate sighed, amused. "You'll never change, will you? So, how are my parents doing?"

Lydia smirked. "Well, my dad's best friends with yours, you know. They talk all the time, laugh about all sorts of random stuff."

Kate grinned. "Laugh like what?"

"Like beasts," Lydia said with a chuckle, and the two girls giggled together.

"They're doing fine though. Your parents are abroad finishing their projects, but they'll call you soon."..., lydia replied.

"Sigh... I guess I'll just have to tell her later on that they're dead "

"Hey, could you ask your dad to get in touch with mine? They haven't called me since last year." Kate pouted.

Lydia laughed. "There, there, cutie. Why not just move in with me?"

"Hmm, maybe. You just want me around so we can finally..." Kate teased with a wink.

Lydia's said hurriedly ."Shh! I'm not... I'm not into girls like that!"

Kate rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right."

Just then, Drake walked by. "So, is Lydia your girlfriend now?" he asked, laughing.

Kate playfully punched him. "Shut up, Drake."

Mark leaned over, chuckling. "Is this a love triangle?"

Kate and Drake glared at him, causing Mark to back off. "I was kidding!" he said nervously.

Suddenly, a click echoed through the room. Their class teacher, Michelle, entered. "I hope you all enjoyed the break," she said. "Today, we have a special guest visiting the school."

The class quieted down, curious.

"This person is none other than the owner of La Portaled Quirts. Please be respectful—he's more powerful than all of your parents combined," Michelle said, making the room fill with gasps.

"Follow me," she instructed, leading the students to the auditorium.


**At the Auditorium**

The large room filled quickly, students from all classes converging. Teachers lined the walls, all eyes on the raised podium where the school's administration stood.

The dean stepped forward. "Thank you all for coming. Today, we are honored to introduce a very important person. He's the owner of this school and insisted on meeting all of you personally."

Lyon stepped up to the mic as the dean gestured toward him.

Kate's eyes widened in shock. "Is that... him?" she whispered to Drake.

"Wait, is that the guy you told me about?" Drake asked in disbelief.

"Yes, but... he's different. So different," Kate said, watching Lyon's every move.

"Different how?" Drake pressed.

"Like the difference between a kid and a billionaire," Kate replied, eyes locked on Lyon as he began to speak.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Lyon, and apparently, I own this school." Lyon's deep voice resonated through the auditorium. "I'm here to check things out and see how the place is running."

As he looked around, something caught his attention. His enhanced senses picked up a faint smell—blood and fur.

"It seems things are going well," Lyon continued, though his mind was focused on the scents around him. "I want to thank the dean, the teachers, and the students for your hard work."

The crowd clapped as Lyon stepped back, though his focus remained sharp.

He leaned toward Aliya. "What's that scent? Blood and fur?"

"Sir, those are vampires and werewolves," Aliya whispered.

Lyon's eyes scanned the room again, locking onto Kate briefly, who quickly looked away.

He could feel it—multiple eyes were watching him, predatory stares filled with murderous intent.

A boy near Kate seemed especially tense, his gaze filled with hostility, while a few others emitted a pungent blood scent. Two other females, one a teacher and one a student, also had strong auras. This was no ordinary school; it was a supernatural gathering.

As the dean began speaking again, Lyon felt his body begin to heat up, his muscles twitching. His instincts screamed that he was being challenged, and his eyes briefly glowed crimson.


Lyon let out a low, almost inaudible growl, and all the supernatural beings in the room faltered, feeling dizzy.

The dean turned back to Lyon, oblivious. "Thank you once again, Mr. Lyon."

Lyon nodded, his eyes still faintly glowing as he walked out of the auditorium.

After he was gone, Kate glanced at Drake, noticing his dull expression.

"What's wrong?" Kate asked, snapping Drake out of his thoughts.

"Nothing," Drake replied as the students exited the building. The teachers, on the other hand, were preparing for their meeting.

"Woo...," Drake muttered as Lily suddenly dragged him along.

"Who was that? And stop yanking me like that!" Drake protested as they walked.

"That was a higher-level wolf, almost on the same level as my father," Lily replied, her mind racing. She hadn't seen many like that before, and the fact that her dad could match it was astounding.

"Incredible... No wonder the paranormal events around this school seem normal," Drake said, and Lily nodded.

"Also, there's a pack meeting tonight. I'll pick you up," Lily added.

"What—" Drake's response was cut short as the scent of blood rushed to his senses. He turned, only to see Lydia, Kate's friend, standing nearby.

"What are you two talking about?" Lydia asked as she approached, but Lily stepped forward, glaring at her.

"Stay away, vamp... or I'll kill you," Lily growled, pulling Drake away.

Meanwhile, Kate caught up with Lydia.

"What's up, cousin?" Kate asked, smiling.

"We're just friends, Kate. Don't call me that," Lydia replied, sounding irritated.

"But we're like sisters," Kate responded, her smile still sweet.

"Sisters don't kiss each other," Lydia shrugged, making Kate chuckle.

"Hey, by the way, what's up with your friend?" Lydia asked, nodding towards Drake.

"No idea. He's walking with the new girl," Kate said, and Lydia smiled mischievously.

"Your friend is gone," Lydia teased, and Kate rolled her eyes.

"I'm not jealous," Kate replied, her voice defensive.

"Right..." Lydia smirked as they walked on.


"That girl... stay away from her," Lily warned as they moved further from Lydia.

"Huh? Why?" Drake asked, confused.

"You could smell the blood, right? She's a vampire, and not just any—she's from an ancient clan," Lily explained.

"What the—seriously, are you guys for real?" Drake said, his frustration rising.

"If you want to survive, listen to my warning. Stay in your house tonight," Lily said, walking away, leaving Drake standing there, dumbfounded.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into?" Drake muttered, an eerie smile crossing his face.


"Boss... That's how the school is," Aliya said, watching her master ponder.

"Vampires and werewolves? I thought they hated each other. How are they in the same school?" Lyon asked, clearly confused.

"Boss, you should be asking yourself that. No one knows how you did it, but you convinced the entire vampire community. You're savage," Aliya replied with a grin.

"Really? Hmm... I see. Have you ever seen my wolf form?" Lyon asked, another question crossing his mind.

"No, Boss. You said we didn't deserve to even look at it," Aliya murmured, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"And you still beat us like children in your human form," she added with a chuckle.

Lyon's expression remained one of surprise as the vehicle sped on.


That night...

A massive 3-meter-tall wolf with glowing red eyes emerged from the shadows of the forest, howling into the night.

Drake, studying in his room, heard it and immediately got up.

"It's time," he whispered to himself, making his way downstairs. Glancing at the clock, he sighed.

His life had changed.

11:00 PM.

Drake slipped out of his house, his parents and brother fast asleep. He sprinted towards the woods, and soon, a pair of glowing red eyes met his gaze. Emerging from the trees was a giant wolf-like creature—muscular, with long claws, a bushy tail, and a snout that stretched like a wolf's jaw.

Drake stood face to face with a werewolf, but he wasn't scared. After all, he was a hybrid, and he had seen a monstrous wolf that was even larger and more powerful than the creature before him.

"Transform, and let's go," came a female voice.

Drake, remembering what Lily had told him, felt an intense pain surge through his body as he collapsed to the ground. It felt like shards of glass tearing through his skin. Fur sprouted, bones elongated, broke, and healed all at once.

Within seconds, he transformed into a similar 3-meter-tall werewolf, his eyes glowing yellow.

"An omega," Lily muttered, her hind legs springing into action as she darted forward. Drake, still trying to grasp the situation, followed behind, struggling to keep up as she widened the gap with each stride until she vanished from sight.

Drake slowed down, walking through a thick, bushy area until he emerged into a clearing where the pack had gathered.

Here stood the true pack of alphas. Even Lily's father's friend, a beta, wasn't present.

"Father, this is him," Lily said, standing beside her 4-meter-tall father.

"Nice to meet you, hybrid," Duke said, sizing Drake up.

"Yes, sir... Nice to meet you," Drake stammered, earning a few chuckles from the alpha wolves nearby.

"Relax, you're one of us now. All you need to do is..." Duke paused, his gaze shifting to the side.

"Is? I'm listening, sir," Drake said, eager to know more.

"Shh... quiet," Lily whispered, also staring into the distance.

"He's here," Duke said, his expression turning grim.

"Who's here?" Drake asked, completely lost.

"An original," Duke replied, his voice low and ominous.
