Chapter 10: the original

"What is that?" Drake asked in surprise. It was his first time hearing about the Originals.

"If no one's told you yet, let me inform you now. The Originals are the direct descendants of the ancestral wolves. They possess immense power," Duke said with a grin.

"Dad... should we run?" Lily asked, feeling the intense pressure that affected only alpha wolves.

"No, we need to check it out. You must respect stronger wolves. It's part of the rules... He already has our scent. Disobedience could cost us our lives," Duke said, leading the way.

Behind them, Drake sighed and struggled to keep up. "What kind of werewolf am I going to meet? Is it like that one?" he thought, shivering at the memory of the monstrous wolf. If it was the same werewolf, they were all doomed.

A few minutes later, they arrived. The scent in the air hit them immediately.

"Wait... isn't that Kate's house? The scent is coming from inside!" Drake exclaimed, charging ahead.

"Wait!" Lily shouted, trying to stop him, but Duke growled.

"Leave him. The Original probably knows about him already. Let's see what happens," Duke said, frowning.

"But" Lily began, but Duke cut her off with a growl, his red eyes turning crimson.

"I said, stay," Duke commanded, his voice low and dangerous. Lily bowed her head, whimpering in submission.

Drake pass through the guards and entered the house, his nose guiding him toward the scent of the Original wolf.


Meanwhile, Kate woke up suddenly, a nightmare still fresh in her mind. She had seen red eyes watching her from the corner of the room.

As she looked around, her heart skipped a beat. There was someone standing in front of her. She caught a glimpse of crimson red eyes before they shifted to a calm blue.

Kate tried to scream, but her mouth was covered. The moonlight spilling into the room helped her see the face of her intruder, it was Lyon.

"Relax... I'm just here to talk," Lyon said, slowly removing his hand.

"You... You're rich, right? What are you doing here? How did you get in? What are you?" Kate's voice trembled as she rattled off questions, but Lyon covered her mouth again.

"Forget that. I need some information about the school," Lyon said, his tone calm but firm. After a moment, Kate nodded, and he removed his hand.

"Okay, fine. What do you want to know?" Kate asked, still shaken but more composed now.

"The supernatural part," Lyon replied, sitting on her bed, his face uncomfortably close to hers. It created a dangerous vibe.

"Well... there have been some disappearances, ghost sightings... But the worst are the humans disappearing, and the brutal killing of animals around the school," Kate explained, avoiding eye contact.

"And how does the animal death connect to the school?" Lyon asked, frowning.

"They're found inside the school. It's creepy. It's like a bear mauled them or something—like something ate them. It's a disgusting sight," Kate answered.

Lyon frowned even more. "I see... I'll try to stop this," he said, standing up.

"Wait, where are you going?" Kate asked.

"Would you rather I stayed here and slept with you?" Lyon asked, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.

"No! I... I mean, no, thank you," Kate stammered, her face turning red.


As Lyon left the room, Kate's heart still raced, especially after remembering what he said about her expecting someone.

"Who's there?" she called out, walking toward the window. The fear crept back in as she saw nothing outside.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence. "Hey, Kate," someone said, making her jump back.

"Who's that?!" Kate asked, fear lacing her voice.

"Relax, it's me, Drake," he replied, climbing through the window, completely naked.

"Why... why are you here, and why are you naked?" Kate gasped.

"Uh... I drank too much and ended up here," Drake lied as he collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily.

Kate rolled her eyes. "Must've been some party." She walked over to her wardrobe, pulling out a large shirt and pants, handing them to him.

Drake accepted them with a grin. "Thanks."

"Tell me first so I can turn around," Kate said, quickly facing the other way.

"What's there to be shy about? You've seen it all before," Drake teased.

"We were eight back then, not now," Kate retorted.

"There's no difference... Alright, I'm done," Drake said, and Kate turned around.

The clothes were tight on him, especially the shirt, but the pants fit better.

"You look nice," Kate said, chuckling as Drake's face twitched.

"Take me to the guest room," Drake requested with a smile. Kate nodded and led him away.


Back in her room, Kate sat on her bed, deep in thought. "Was that really Drake? He said he was drunk, but I didn't smell any alcohol. This is scary..." she murmured to herself, pulling the blanket up to her chin.

Her hands were clenched into fists. This night was far from peaceful.


**At the Guest Room**

Drake lay staring at the ceiling, his brow furrowed. Memories of the encounter earlier flooded his mind, filling him with dread.

He had rushed to Kate's window, hoping to find answers, only to be met with the man he feared most—the school owner. The scent had been unmistakable. The man wasn't just any wolf, but an Original. His blue eyes had shifted to a chilling crimson red when they locked gazes.

Drake had felt his body freeze in terror at the sight of that faint smile. It was like watching a predator toy with its prey before delivering the final blow.

"So the school owner is a werewolf—and not just any werewolf, but an Original. But what was he doing in Kate's room?" Drake thought, struggling to fall asleep as the scene replayed in his mind.



Lyon glanced in a particular direction and moved swiftly. Even in his human form, his strength far surpassed that of any ordinary person. His werewolf abilities were intact, allowing him to cover distances in mere strides.

In moments, he stood before Duke, the towering alpha wolf. Though Duke stood nearly four meters tall, Lyon, at just under two meters, looked him straight in the eye with calm indifference.

"I greet the Original," Duke said, bowing his head in submission. Beside him, Lily followed suit, though her eyes were wide with shock.

The entire pack of alphas bowed their heads to a human.

"Isn't that the owner of the new school?" Lily thought, her heart racing. "And he's an Original?"

Lyon observed the scene with a cold expression. He had no idea what an Original wolf was but decided to go along with it for now.

"What are you doing here?" Lyon asked coldly.

"We're surveying our territory, sir," Duke replied, his voice low, his head close to the ground.

"Hmm, I see. Carry on," Lyon said, disappearing in the blink of an eye. He had no interest in lingering, only curious about the creatures that had been watching him.

"am glad nothing happened," Duke muttered, letting out a heavy breath. The pressure had been unbearable,one misstep, and they all could have been killed by that Original.

"Dad... that was the guy I told you about,the owner of the school," Lily said, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"Are you sure about this?" Duke asked urgently, his face pale.

"Yes, Dad," Lily confirmed.

"A school with both vampires and werewolves? Well, if anyone could pull that off, it's him... The first Original I've seen, are they going to come back now ?," Duke murmured, still stunned.

Lily's thoughts drifted to her sister, Michelle, who had chosen not to be part of the pack. She flew solo, but Lily knew she had to warn her sister to be cautious.

"I just hope things don't get out of hand because of him. The war between vampires and werewolves has been on hold for over two centuries," Duke thought as he let out a long howl.



The pack joined in, and soon the wild chase resumed.


**Morning: 6:34 AM**

Kate stepped outside and saw Drake waiting for her. He was tapping his foot anxiously.

"You're up early... What's up?" Kate asked with a slight smile. She had been sure she wouldn't sleep last night, but surprisingly, she had. Her dream had been pleasant, and seeing Drake confirmed that her dream was right.

"Yeah, I've got to ask you something. How do you know the guy who was in your room?" Drake asked, his frown deepening.

"Huh? Why are you asking so suddenly?" Kate replied, puzzled.

"It's important. Just answer me," Drake said, standing abruptly, the tight shirt he wore threatening to burst.

"Alright, fine... Will you sit down first?" Kate said, concerned.

"No, I'm listening," Drake insisted, remaining on his feet.

"Okay, that was the guy I mentioned before. The one from back then," Kate said, and Drake's eyes widened in shock.

"Kate, listen to me. Stay away from him. He's dangerous," Drake said, gripping her arm.

"Relax. I know. And I will. Don't start lecturing me," Kate said with a smile, trying to calm him down.

"I'm serious, Kate," Drake insisted.

"Okay, okay. Now let me make you some breakfast so we can get ready for school," Kate said, turning toward the kitchen.

"An Original... We're screwed," Drake muttered after she left, pacing around the room. What could he do? He was just an ordinary omega. Against an Original, he would be utterly destroyed. Even Duke, the high wolf and Lily's father, wouldn't dare challenge him.

"Sigh... What can I do?" Drake asked himself, slumping down on the couch.

"Hey! I'll make your favorite, alright?" Kate called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, thanks," Drake managed to reply, his mind still racing with worry.
