The two teens settled with talking about schoolwork, Hydrus showed Hermione his self-made tests and let her look them over. He explained that George came by a lot and helped him. She praised him for doing such a fine job. She made sure to thank him for his gift, again. Much too soon she had to leave; she promised that if she was going to take the note's advice she would let him know first.
A mentally exhausted young man cooked dinner that night. He was very upset about what happened with Ron, even if he wasn't overly surprised. He was glad to finally rid himself of that stress-inducing hindrance. It was a good thing he still had Hermione, though he did feel bad for keeping secrets. That girl was one of the two people he'd miss when he left. However, judging from her reaction to the little bit he did tell her he'd have to keep her in the dark, for now, besides, if she wanted to go on to greener pastures then who was he to stop her. He'd just have to wait and see if she succeeded.
George would be visiting tomorrow, so Hydrus would ask his opinion, though he was a bit nervous about how the older Weasley would react to what he had to do to Ron. Knowing his older friend, he decided that George would understand, then again, Ron was family and the Weasleys always tried to protect one another. With his thoughts going in circles, he had a fretful night's sleep.
Ron's gift, of a dragonhide cloak, was put away by a smirking Kreacher. The house elf never trusted that particular redhead. Kreacher would sneak it back into Master's things the next time he went through them.
When George showed up the next afternoon with a very thoughtful look on his face, and his young friend got more worried. He showed the redhead into the study and perched on the edge of one of the chairs. "So what's up?" he asked.
"What happened yesterday? And don't give me that bullshit about poisoned tea and head injuries. Mum might've bought it, but Hermione was acting very out of character when she came back to the Burrow. I want the truth," the single twin said with a piercing look.
"Before you get too angry, let me explain. I only did what I had to do to protect myself," Hydrus all but begged.
"Explain," came the curt demand.
So the new Black told the older Weasley exactly what happened the day before, leaving nothing out. "So, you see, I had to do it. He threatened to go to Kingsley and the last thing I need is the Ministry breathing down my neck more than they already are," the worried teen finished, still perched to run if his friend didn't understand.
Throughout the retelling, George's face contorted through many different expressions; from appalled, angry, sadness and finally settled on regret. "I think… I'd better leave for a while, until I can calm down. I know you only did what you felt you had to do, but that's my brother you're talking about," George said as he stood to leave.
"George, please try and understand, I'd never hurt you intentionally. However, I get where you're coming from," Hydrus said sadly. He only hoped he wouldn't lose his only confidant.
"I'll try and keep an open mind. I know how Ron gets, but I know how you jump blindly into things. I'll think it over and we'll see what happens, but right now I have to go," the redhead said. He gave a brisk nod and left.
George came back the next day, much to his relief. After they settled in the study, George looked Hydrus straight in the eye and said, "Okay, I understand, but I think you should stay away from Ron. His jealousy is strong and if you get around him, he might remember what the fight was about. I don't want that to happen"
"I don't either, so, I promise to not seek out your brother for any reason," the younger man swore.
"That also means you can't go to the Burrow when he is there. We owe you a lot, and I, for one want to make sure you're repaid. I just don't want any fighting at home; Mum is all stressed out over money. So for me, could you not go there?" he asked. The entire Weasley family owed Harry for saving the lives of many of their members. He just wanted peace at the Burrow and if Ron was still jealous that wouldn't happen.
"I try and stay away from there anyway." The immortal shrugged. "I love your mum to death, but she is quite smothering. I'm glad you came back, George."
"Yeah, me too. Let's go over some of those notes," George suggested.
The two inventors got together over the phone and worked on it until they came up with a conclusion. They discovered that with another Rune array they would be able to get coverage anywhere. George went out and purchased another phone and a service plan. Now they had a new way to communicate.
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