George took the finished notes and started building cheaper phones to sell in the shop, for when they finished the research on getting service or setting up a magical equivalent. Hydrus started working on a VCR, so he would have more entertainment here at home. They had gotten a telly to work earlier that month and he got cable service, once again confusing the installers when they were done.

The young inventor already had one of the book-readers taken apart, and he would work on that later. The two decided that they would sell these as well. These breakthroughs were going to make a big profit and at the same time thumb their noses at the sheep that bought them.

The next day Mundungus came by with some news. "'ydrus, yer gon'a 'ave ter give me mawer money fer yaaahr supplies," the petty thief said.

"Why?" the new Black snapped, the last thing he needed was bad news. His money wasn't limitless, and he hoped the thief wasn't trying to swindle him.

"Prices are up all over da 'lley," Fletcher explained. "Seems that since da Muggle-raised left, da shops cost wen' up. Gringotts 'as also increased in'erest rates, just so they can stay in business."

"Oh, sorry that I snapped. That's actually good news. Maybe I can get better deals on the continent, would you be able to go to France or somewhere? I'll make sure you're well compensated." This was wonderful news. Soon enough the rich will be poorer. It had taken many counseling sessions to keep Hydrus from hunting down the Death Eaters that escaped Azkaban, so if he wasn't going to kill them, he was going to do the next best thing and bleed their money dry. He was still unsure if he would let them live when he went back in time, but that was a worry for later.

"Yeah, I've got connecshuns over there."

Hydrus nodded and then had a thought. "Any rumors on how Hogwarts is coping? I'm sure with so many students going elsewhere; they have to be hurting for funds." This thought caused a bit of turmoil. On one hand, the castle had been his home for many years, on the other hand, every year was blackened with attempts on his life. Not to mention all the times the student body turned their backs on him.

"Word on da street is what da Board ov Governors are 'rying' ter refawm da school ter one like Durmstrang. That's got ole Minerva in a right tiff. The Wizengamot ain't doin' much be'er, since da Pure-bloods wan' ter invite fawerigners." The scruffy man laughed.

"Hmmm," he hummed after he worked his way around the accent, not wanting to express his opinion to the other man. He knew it was only the vow that kept the thief silent and someone as sneaky as Dung would know how to work around such vows. It was only because Hydrus paid the man that he hadn't already, but the teen was going to play his cards close to his chest around the petty thief. "Thanks for telling me," he said instead. "You go and talk to your connections and see if they can set you up with better prices."

"'lright, I'll check in wiv yew when I know," Mundungus said as he got up to leave. He knew a dismissal when he heard one.

"Right," the teen said distractedly, still mulling over his feelings. He waved his hand in the general direction of the door and wandered out of the room. He knew Kreacher would make sure the other man left. He went to the workroom he and George set up, there was a bit of new technology that he wanted to play with. It would keep his mind off all the things that happened in the last few days.

While he was happy to learn that prices were up in Diagon Alley, and probably Knockturn, it saddened him that Hogwarts might turn into a Pure-blood school. He would have to talk to the Prime Minister to see if one of the Muggle-born could figure out a way to detect accidental magic. That way they could set up a school for the new wizards and witches in Britain. He would write a letter later.

Shaking his head from those thoughts, he picked up the bulky cell phone and tried to see how he could use it. The Rune array to power it was easy enough, but that didn't give him coverage. Since it was a new item on the market, there wasn't much to it. He had purchased one of the plans to get him service, even though it confused the hell out of him, with long distance charges and roaming fees and other strange charges, very little of it made sense. But, if what he and George had discovered was correct, then he would soon have a phone that bypassed all of that.

He worked on the phone for the rest of the day, making notes on investments for the future. He could see the great potential in this device. He'd have to go to a brokerage firm tomorrow and do just that. He would also have to see if he could put some money in Microsoft and other upcoming computer businesses. Since it will take more time to get the time travel equations down, he would need more funds.

The next day, Hydrus set up a non-magical bank account with 5,000 pounds and asked them who they recommended for a brokerage firm. They suggested Smith and Anderson, which is where the young man went. He bought stock in Motorola, Apple and Microsoft, as well as a few smaller technological businesses.


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