Chapter 5

As the bear-like creatures closed in, their muscular forms barreled through the forest, eyes filled with primal rage.

Despite their initial agility, the combined efforts of John and his squad had inflicted enough damage to significantly slow them down.

The fallen tree they were using as cover gave John and the soldiers a critical advantage, allowing them to hold their position while chipping away at the creatures' strength.

The once chaotic scene was now a test of precision and patience. The bears, now limping from their injured hind legs, roared in frustration, unable to muster the speed they once had.

One of the beasts lunged, its powerful muscles straining against its wounds. John's heart pounded, but his focus didn't falter.

"Steady!" John shouted, his voice carrying authority. His eyes locked onto the charging beast, which was now almost upon them. "Aim for the head!"

A series of deafening gunshots erupted from the entire squad. The synchronized firepower struck the beast right between the eyes, halting its momentum in an instant. It collapsed to the ground with a resounding thud, the dust rising around its massive body.

For a moment, there was silence—a tense calm hanging in the air. John took a breath, allowing himself a second to collect his thoughts. It had been a relentless onslaught, but they had prevailed. As he scanned the surroundings, he noticed the remaining creatures were hesitant, their aggression waning as they watched one of their own fall.

"Keep up the pressure!" he commanded, emboldened by the visible hesitation in the creatures' movements.

The soldiers were relentless, maintaining their defensive formation. Another beast stumbled as shots rang out, its hind legs giving way beneath it. Without missing a beat, two soldiers adjusted their aim and fired again, the bullets finding their mark in its head. The creature crumpled to the forest floor, lifeless.

Suddenly, an eerie stillness fell over the forest. The last of the bear-like creatures, perhaps realizing its inevitable fate, let out a low growl and began to retreat. John could see fear flickering in its eyes. It was no longer the hunter—it was the hunted.

"Let it go," John ordered, raising his hand. "No need to waste ammunition."

The soldiers lowered their rifles but remained vigilant, watching the creature limp back into the depths of the forest. John sighed, allowing himself a moment of relief. The adrenaline was wearing off, and he could feel the fatigue catching up. They had survived, but it had taken its toll.

"Status report," John said, turning to the squad leader.

"All soldiers accounted for, sir. Minor injuries, nothing critical," the squad leader replied.

John nodded, taking a moment to appreciate the discipline of his team. Despite the danger, they had handled themselves admirably.

"Alright, we need to regroup and set up camp near the river," John said, his voice firm but tired. "We can't afford to stay exposed here any longer."

The squad moved in formation, making their way towards the river, the fallen tree no longer needed for cover. As they moved, John couldn't help but think about what had just happened.

This world, wherever it was, was far more dangerous than anything he had faced before. The creatures were aggressive, and their coordination hinted at something beyond mere animal instinct.

They reached the riverbank as the last of the sunlight disappeared, replaced by the faint glow of twilight. The river shimmered, reflecting the soft purples and blues of the darkening sky.

It was strangely serene—a stark contrast to the chaos they had just faced. The soldiers began setting up camp, some gathering firewood while others scouted the immediate area for any more signs of danger.

John sat down by the river, watching the water flow. He needed a moment to think, to process everything that had happened. He reached out and dipped his hand into the cold water, letting it wash over his fingers. It was real—all of it. He wasn't dreaming.

With the campfire crackling behind him and the soldiers working efficiently to set up a perimeter, John looked up at the sky, stars beginning to twinkle above.

"Tomorrow," he whispered to himself, "we find out what else this world has in store."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the familiar bell sound rang out, startling John and snapping him out of his internal monologue.

John blinked, momentarily confused before he remembered what that sound meant—the system was trying to communicate with him again. Taking a deep breath, he focused his mind, willing the hologram to appear. Slowly, a faint shimmer formed in front of him, coalescing into a semi-transparent interface that displayed a familiar notification.

[You have 3 Notifications 🔔]

John's curiosity piqued despite his exhaustion. He wasn't sure if it would be something that would complicate things further or provide a small reprieve from the relentless challenges of this world.

The notification window expanded, revealing two distinct messages:


[1. Survival Achievement Unlocked: Gravok's End 🏆]

• Reward : 5,000 points.

[2. First Kill Reward: Gravok ☠️]

• Reward : 5,000 points.

[3. Battle Rewards: ⚔️]

• Gravok = 500 points

• Total Kills : 6 Gravok's

• Total Reward: 3000 points

John's eyes widened as he stared at the hologram, taking in the sudden influx of points. The numbers glowed on the transparent interface, almost unreal in their significance.

13,000 points.

The gravity of it hit him like a wave—he had gone from barely scraping together enough for a single handgun to suddenly having more than enough to equip himself and his team with actual firepower.

This was a game-changer. The adrenaline of the battle was still fresh, but now it was mixed with a sense of relief and excitement.

"Thirteen thousand points," he murmured, unable to hide his disbelief. He clenched his fist, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. They had survived, and more than that, they had succeeded.

He glanced at the soldiers, now regrouping and catching their breath. He had to use this reward wisely—not only to improve their chances of survival but to truly begin their mission of saving this new world.

John willed the hologram to display the shop, and four main tabs appeared before him:

1. Structures: A variety of building options filled the screen—fortified walls, outposts, and even barracks. Each had a cost beside it, showing how many points he'd need to create a defensible position.

2. Equipment: Weapons, tactical gear and even vehichles were available here. Rifles, ammunition, body armor, and other tools of war were listed along with their respective prices. Seeing more powerful rifles and potential usage of vehicles, John felt a spark of hope.

3. Soldiers: This tab offered options to summon different types of troops. There were riflemen, medics, snipers, and other specialized units. The cost to summon each soldier varied based on their specialization.

4. Resources: Supplies that they would need to sustain themselves—food, water, fuel, and medical supplies.This was more than just a military operation; survival was key, and the resources tab reminded him of that.

John's gaze shifted between the tabs, considering his options. They needed better weapons for sure, but structures could also give them a safe place to rest for the night.

He couldn't forget the need for resources either; the soldiers were human—they needed food and supplies to stay effective.

He needed a plan. And these 13,000 points would be the foundation of that plan.

John clicked on the Resources tab, eager to find essentials for their survival. The hologram flickered briefly before displaying a list of items, each accompanied by its cost. He scanned through the options, searching for MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat) and water containers.

After a moment of scrolling, he found them:

1. MRE (Meal Ready-to-Eat): 50 points each. These would provide the soldiers with essential nutrition and energy, perfect for sustaining them during their missions.

2. Water Container (5-liter): 100 points. A reliable way to store and transport water, crucial for their survival in the wilderness.

With 13,000 points remaining, John quickly calculated how many MREs he could afford with the points he had. He wanted to ensure they had enough supplies for a few days, considering the uncertainty of their situation.

After some thought, he decided on purchasing 100 MREs for a total of 5,000 points, leaving him with 8,000 points. He also selected 1 Water Container for 100 points, bringing his total spend to 5,100 points and leaving him with 7,900 points.

As he confirmed his purchase, brilliant lights converged on the ground, swirling and coalescing until, in a flash, the purchased goods materialized before him.

John stared in awe as the MREs, neatly packaged in camouflage wrapping, appeared alongside the sturdy 5-liter water container. The surreal nature of the summoning left him momentarily speechless. Each item glowed faintly, as if still resonating with the energy of the holographic system that had brought them into existence.

He reached out, his fingers brushing the surface of the water container, and marveled at how solid and real it felt.

"Alright, let's distribute these," he commanded, shaking off his initial surprise.

The soldiers quickly moved to assist, gathering the supplies and preparing to make their camp more comfortable and defensible. John felt a renewed sense of purpose as he watched them work.

Next on his list was soldiers. With just one rifle squad, consisting of ten soldiers, he knew he needed more manpower to face the challenges ahead.

Each encounter had been a reminder of how outnumbered they could be, and he needed to bolster their ranks for whatever lay ahead.

He navigated back to the holographic menu and clicked on the Soldiers tab. A diverse array of units materialized before him, each accompanied by a brief description, cost, and capabilities. John's gaze flicked across the options: infantry units ready for frontline combat, precision snipers for long-range engagements, medics for essential support, and heavy weapons specialists equipped for explosive firepower.



1. Infantry - 1,000 points: Versatile front-line fighters trained for various combat situations.

2. Sniper - 2,000 points: Masters of stealth and precision, capable of taking out targets from a distance.

3. Medic - 1,000 points: Skilled in healing and reviving comrades, crucial for sustaining the squad.

4. Heavy Weapons Specialist - 2,500 points: Armed with powerful weaponry, designed to deal devastating damage to enemy forces.

5. Scout - 1,500 points: Experts in reconnaissance, able to gather intel and navigate difficult terrain undetected.

6. Engineer - 2,000 points: Proficient in constructing fortifications and repairing equipment, essential for base defense.

7. Demolitionist - 2,500 points: Specialists in explosives, capable of breaching enemy defenses and creating strategic havoc.

8. Commander - 3,000 points: Provides tactical leadership, enhancing the effectiveness of the squad and improving coordination in battle.


However, as he scrolled through each option, he noticed that all of them were grayed out. Confusion crept over him. "What's going on?" he muttered, tapping on various soldiers, but each time, he was met with the same frustrating message.

[⚠️ Summon Not Available: Please Build a Barracks.]

John sighed, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over him. It was as if he had taken one step forward only to be pushed two steps back.