Chapter 6

John opened the Structures section of the system, his eyes scanning over the holographic menu as various building options appeared before him.

The sheer number of different structures was staggering—command centers, defensive towers, medical stations, barracks—all the essentials for creating a stronghold.

But what caught his attention even more was the amount of points each building required. The numbers were astronomical. He almost choked when he saw the cost.

John scrolled through the available options in the Structure section of the system. Each military structure had a purpose and a hefty price tag attached to it. He took note of the following options:


1. Barracks - 30,000 Points - A basic shelter for troops that allows for more summons. Provides sleeping quarters, storage lockers, a communal space, restrooms, and essential amenities.

2. Watchtower - 25,000 Points - A tall structure that allows soldiers to observe the surroundings. Enhances base security by providing early warning against potential threats.

3. Command Center - 30,000 Points - The nerve center of the base. Allows efficient coordination of squads, includes advanced communication systems, and gives access to advanced tactical planning features.

4. Medical Station - 20,000 Points - A fully equipped facility to treat wounded soldiers. Contains basic medical supplies and beds to stabilize and recover troops injured in battle.

5. Supply Depot - 20,000 Points - A storage facility for resources, including food, weapons, and other vital supplies. Helps in managing inventory effectively and ensures materials are available when needed.

6. Armory - 25,000 Points - Secure storage for weapons, ammunition, and explosives. Includes a weapons maintenance area to keep equipment ready for action.

7. Vehicle Bay - 35,000 Points - A garage for storing and maintaining ground vehicles. Allows the deployment of combat or transport vehicles, which could be critical for larger operations.

8. Training Facility - 23,000 Points - A dedicated area for troops to enhance their combat skills. Equipped with training dummies, an obstacle course, and a firing range to improve accuracy.

9. Defensive Wall - 28,000 Points - A fortified wall built around the base to protect from external threats. Comes with additional defensive features such as barbed wire and guard posts.

10. Artillery Emplacement - 40,000 Points - A defensive structure equipped with heavy artillery to defend the base from large-scale threats. Provides significant firepower for base defense.

11. Power Station - 30,000 Points - A power-generating structure that provides stable electricity to the base. Ensures that all systems, including lighting, communication, and other facilities, are operational.

12. Radar Station - 32,000 Points - Provides early detection of incoming threats and allows monitoring of enemy movements over a wide area. Crucial for anticipating attacks and strategizing defenses.

13. Communication Tower - 20,000 Points - A tower that boosts long-range communication capabilities. Allows coordination between different teams and improves overall situational awareness at long distances.

John took a moment to assess his remaining points—7,900. He realized that careful planning was crucial to make the most out of his resources.

With only 7,900 points at his disposal, he knew he couldn't afford the barracks just yet. But he made a plan for the upcoming purchases:

1. Barracks - A top priority to summon more troops.

2. Defensive Wall - To secure their perimeter and provide protection.

3. Command Center - To serve as the central hub for managing operations.

4. Vehicle Bay - Just like the barracks, there is a possibility that they can summon vehicles using this structure.

John was determined to gather more points to start implementing his plan.

However, all of that would have to wait until morning. Knowing the danger posed by the Gravoks they had already encountered, John decided that it would be wiser to make use of the daylight for any movement or construction.

In the light of day, they could see threats coming and better prepare themselves, ensuring the safety of the team as they worked toward building their base.

As the last rays of sunlight dipped below the horizon, John gathered his soldiers around the flickering campfire as they finished their MREs.

The warmth and light felt comforting, but he knew that nightfall brought danger. They had already faced the Gravoks, terrifying creatures that roamed the dark wilderness, and John couldn't risk another encounter without the right preparations.

"We need to survive the night," he said, his voice steady and authoritative. "We have to be prepared for anything. To help us stay alert, I'm going to equip everyone with night vision goggles and communication radios."

He located the essentials first—Night Vision Goggles and Communication Radios, both priced at 200 points each. With 11 soldiers to outfit, John selected 11 units of each, ensuring every member of the squad would be fully equipped for night operations. He confirmed the purchase, using a significant portion of his points, but it was a necessary investment to keep his team alive through the night.

Next, he turned his attention to their firepower. Every soldier, except for the two designated marksmen, was armed with the M4A1 Carbine, a versatile assault rifle. The two marksmen carried the M110A1 SDMR, a semi-automatic sniper rifle designed for precision at long range. As for John, he wielded the M11-A1 pistol, a reliable sidearm he had summoned earlier.

Knowing they needed sufficient ammunition, John made his next purchase carefully. He ordered:

A box of 1,000 rounds of 5.56mm ammo for the carbines, costing him 200 points.

A box of 200 rounds of 7.62mm ammo for the marksmen's rifles, priced at 50 points.

And a box of 200 rounds of 9mm ammo for his M11-A1 pistol, adding another 50 points.

John calculated the total:

11 Night Vision Goggles: 200 points each = 2,200 points

11 Communication Radios: 200 points each = 2,200 points

1,000 rounds of 5.56mm ammo: 200 points

200 rounds of 7.62mm ammo: 50 points

200 rounds of 9mm ammo: 50 points

He reviewed the transaction as the system confirmed his purchase, leaving him with 1,200 points remaining. Every piece of gear had been carefully chosen to enhance their survival for the night ahead.

"Gear up," John said, his voice calm but firm. "We have to be ready for whatever comes at us tonight."

The soldiers moved quickly, equipping their night vision goggles and radios. The soft clinks of metal and gear being adjusted filled the air as they loaded their weapons with fresh ammunition.

An hour later, the camp had settled into a tense quiet. The crackling of the fire had died down, and the only sounds were the occasional rustle of the wind and the distant calls of unknown creatures in the night. John, along with four of his summoned soldiers, prepared to take the first watch while the rest of the team caught a few hours of much-needed sleep.

John stood at the edge of the camp, scanning the dark wilderness through his newly acquired night vision goggles. His senses were sharp, and his mind was focused. The green-tinted landscape stretched out before him, every tree and rock eerily visible in the night. His M17 pistol was holstered at his side, and the soldiers around him were armed with their M4A1 Carbines, the faint hum of their radios the only indication of their presence.

Corporal Harris, the sharpshooter, crouched beside a low outcropping, his M110A1 SDMR aimed toward the treeline.

Sarah, the scout, moved silently through the perimeter, her sharp eyes never leaving the surroundings.

Private Davis and Sergeant Walker held positions at opposite ends of the camp, both vigilant and ready for any sign of movement.

"We'll rotate in three hours," John whispered over the radio, his voice barely above a murmur. "Stay sharp."

The men and women nodded in silent acknowledgment, their focus unwavering. As John continued to sweep the area, his mind wandered briefly to the rest of the group sleeping behind him.

They needed this rest—who knew what the next day would bring? But for now, it was his responsibility to keep them safe until the sun rose again.

Minutes felt like hours as the watch continued, the weight of responsibility heavy on everyone's shoulders. Every rustle in the bushes and distant sound kept them on edge, but they remained disciplined, ready for whatever might come their way. This was just the beginning of a long, grueling night.

A sudden rustle caught Sarah's attention through her night vision goggles. Her body tensed as she focused on a section of bushes moving unnaturally in the still night. She quickly brought her radio to her lips, keeping her voice low but clear.

"Commander, I've got movement at my twelve o'clock," Sarah reported, eyes locked on the disturbance. "Something's out there."

John's radio crackled in response. "Copy that, Sarah. Everyone, eyes on her position."

John signaled to the others—Walker and Harris, who were nearby. Harris, the marksman, immediately took aim with his M110A1, scanning the area through his scope. Walker, his M4A1 at the ready, moved closer to John's position, ready for anything.

John pressed the radio to his ear. "Stay calm. Hold your position. Could be nothing, but stay sharp."

He crouched low, making his way toward Sarah's location as silently as possible. The team fell into a tense silence, their senses on high alert.

"What did you see?" John whispered when he reached Sarah's side.

"Bushes moved, no wind. Something's lurking out there, I'm sure of it," she replied, her voice barely above a breath.

The rustling grew louder, sending a jolt of adrenaline through the team. Every soldier tightened their grip on their weapons, eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of an attack. Even those who had been resting scrambled to their feet, weapons at the ready, as the tension in the air became palpable.

"Steady," John whispered into the radio, his gaze never leaving the brush where the noise came from. His heart pounded in his chest, and the silence that followed was deafening.

Then, without warning, a deer burst from the underbrush, leaping into the clearing. Its hooves clattered against the ground, the animal startled and disoriented by the group of armed soldiers.

For a moment, no one moved. The squad exhaled collectively, the wave of tension breaking as they realized the immediate threat was just a deer.

"Well, that was anticlimactic," Harris muttered, slightly lowered his rifle with a half-smile.

John chuckled softly, releasing the tension in his own shoulders. "Better safe than sorry. Let's not get too comfortable though—next time, it might not be a deer."

"Don't jinx that." Sarah said with a grin, shaking her head at the unexpected turn of events.

John's chuckle died in his throat as a low, menacing growl cut through the night. Before anyone could respond to Sarah's lighthearted comment, a massive, tiger-like creature lunged from the shadows. Its roar echoed through the clearing, a deep, guttural sound that sent a chill down everyone's spine.

The creature moved with terrifying speed, pouncing on the deer that had just fled. In an instant, its powerful jaws clamped around the deer's neck, silencing the animal's brief struggle with a sickening crunch.

Sarah who was closest to the creature fired multiple shots hitting the lion on its body before getting shot on its head.

The lion-like creature let out a final, pitiful whimper before slumping to the ground, its body motionless. Sarah exhaled, trying to steady her breath, but the moment of calm was fleeting.

Without warning, the nearby bushes rustled violently. Walker's panicked voice crackled over the radio, loud and urgent. "Contacts! We've got movement—more of them!"

Before anyone could react, multiple lion-like creatures burst from the foliage, their eyes gleaming with predatory hunger as they charged toward the soldiers.

"Positions! Now!" John barked into his radio, quickly taking cover behind a fallen log. Every soldier snapped into action, gripping their weapons tightly, hearts pounding as the beasts closed in.

Chaos erupted as the creatures charged towards them. The night air was filled with deafening sounds of gunfire, flashes from multiple muzzles lighting up the darkness.

Sarah, who was still shaken but focused, together with the others quickly fired controlled shots towards nearby creatures before reloading.

Their shots found their marks, slowing and killing the creatures, but more kept coming.

Even the soldiers who had been resting moments earlier were now fully engaged, rifles raised as they provided suppressing fire from the rear. Despite the exhaustion in their eyes, their movements were quick and precise, reloading and firing in synchronized rhythm.

Sarah darted left, ducking behind a fallen log to reload her rifle before popping back up to take down another charging creature. Her shots were steady, but the adrenaline coursing through her veins made every moment feel like it could be her last.

John, in the center of the firefight, was barking orders between firing rounds, his radio buzzing with updates. "Keep suppressing! Don't let them close the gap!"

The lion-like creatures, despite their size and ferocity, were being gradually worn down by the relentless gunfire. The air was thick with the smell of gunpowder and the wild snarls of the beasts as they fell, one after another, to the disciplined defense of the soldiers.

John's pistol snapped back into action as he provided covering fire for his team, glancing back to ensure their formation held strong. The night had turned into a battlefield, but despite the overwhelming odds, the soldiers refused to let up.

"Reloading!" Mark shouted, his voice rising over the noise, but even as he ducked down to swap out his magazine, another soldier behind him stepped up to fill the gap, keeping the line from breaking.

The lions continued their assault, but with each passing moment, the soldiers pressed them back, using every tactic and advantage they had. Slowly, after an hour of full chaos, the creatures began to thin down, they either retreated into the darkness or collapsing under the relentless barrage of fire.