Chapter 7

[You have 3 Notifications! 🔔]

John slumped to the ground, the weight of exhaustion pulling him down. After an hour of intense fighting, he felt utterly drained, every muscle in his body screaming for rest. All he wanted was to lay down and surrender to sleep, but he knew they didn't have that luxury—not now. He needed to prioritize building the barracks and defensive walls as soon as possible to secure their position.

"Definitely going to buy the defensive walls," John muttered to himself, letting out a weary groan as he leaned back against the rough bark of a nearby tree.

He then willed himself to open the hologram, feeling the familiar pulse of energy as it materialized in front of him. Notifications flickered across the screen, each one demanding his attention.

"Let's see what we've got," he muttered, squinting at the glowing display.

[ You have 3 Notifications!🔔]

[First Kill Reward ☠️]

[Battle Reward ⚔️]

[Achievement Unlocked! 🏆]

He then clicked on the notification, intrigued by its content. A message appeared, detailing their recent encounter with the lion-like creature.

[1. Survival Achievement Unlocked: Grythox's End 🏆]

• Reward: 5,000 points.

[2. First Kill Reward: Grythox ☠️]

• Reward: 5,000 points.

[3. Battle Rewards: ⚔️]

• Grythox = 500 points

• Total Kills: 110 Grythox

• Total Reward: 55,000 points

Although the Grythox had posed a significant threat, their defeat came with substantial rewards for John and his team.

With the additional points from various achievements, including the 5,000 points from the first kill reward, 5,000 from the unlocked achievement and 55,000 points from the battle rewards, he felt a surge of hope mixed with excitement.

This brought his total from the initial 1,200 points to an impressive 61,200 points.

John's heart raced with excitement as he considered the implications of his newfound points.

The total now stood at 61,200 after accounting for the various rewards he'd received.

He had enough to make significant improvements to their base.

With renewed determination, he opened the hologram and navigated to the Structure section. Scanning through the available options, he focused on the barracks.

"Finally, I can get the barracks," he murmured to himself, feeling the weight of his responsibilities. "It's going to provide us with much-needed space and help boost our morale."

Before making the purchase, John recalled the nearby clearing where they had fought off the Grythox.

The ground was littered with carcasses, a stark reminder of their recent battle. He knew that if they built the barracks there, they would have to deal with the potential dangers those remains could attract.

The last thing they needed was to lure in more ferocious creatures drawn to the scent of death.

"Alright, everyone, gather around!" John called out, drawing the attention of his team. "We've just earned some significant rewards, but we can't get complacent. We need to solidify our defenses and build up our resources. That means we'll be on the hunt again soon, and I'll need everyone's input on our next moves."

He continued, "Before we buy the barracks, I want you all to pack up. We need to move away from this area. The carcasses of the Grythox are everywhere, and we won't be able to clean the site effectively. It might attract even more ferocious creatures. We need to find a cleaner location to build our barracks."

The soldiers nodded in agreement, their spirits lifted by the prospect of establishing a new base. Excitement buzzed in the air as they packed up their belongings, each member of the team eager to contribute to the next phase of their mission. They worked swiftly, gathering their gear and ensuring everything was secured for the journey ahead.

Once ready, John led the way, guiding them upstream along the riverbank. The sound of rushing water provided a refreshing backdrop as they moved away from the site of the recent battle, leaving behind the grisly remnants of the Grythox. Each step was a step toward establishing their foothold in this unfamiliar territory.

"Keep your eyes peeled," John reminded his soldiers, his voice steady and authoritative. "We can't let our guard down just because we're moving away from the carcasses. Stay alert."

The soldiers maintained a vigilant watch, scanning the dense foliage for any signs of danger. After a while, they finally reached a small clearing about 200 meters from the river, bordered by thick trees that provided natural cover. The area featured several natural barriers, including rocky outcrops and dense brush, creating strategic choke points that would allow them to defend against potential threats effectively.

"This is the spot," John announced, gesturing to the clearing. "We'll build the barracks here. The natural barriers will help us defend against any unwanted visitors, and it gives us a good vantage point to monitor the surrounding area."

As John activated the hologram system and navigated to the Structure Section, he quickly summoned the barracks using his points. The prefabricated building materialized before them, a sturdy structure designed to house their team.

As John surveyed the newly erected barracks, a sense of accomplishment washed over him. Yet, his satisfaction was quickly replaced by surprise when he realized the barracks lacked electricity. The dim interior would make it challenging to coordinate night watches and maintain morale.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "We need lighting," he muttered under his breath, thinking about the implications of a dark barracks. "How are we supposed to operate effectively without any power?"

His mind raced as he recalled the options available in the hologram system. After a moment, he remembered the Power Station structure. It would provide the electricity they desperately needed, but he knew that unlocking it would come at a significant cost—30,000 points.

However, as he watched his comrades settle into the new space, a wave of uncertainty washed over him. He was faced with a critical decision: should he invest in a Power Station to illuminate the barracks for 30,000 points, or prioritize raising the Defensive Walls, which would cost 28,000 points?

After all, he only have 31,200 remaining points left.

The need for electricity was clear; without it, their nights would be cloaked in darkness, making them vulnerable to surprise attacks.

Yet, the walls would bolster their defenses against potential threats, creating a safer perimeter around their base.

John rubbed the back of his neck, weighing the pros and cons. "If I build the Power Station, we can function more effectively at night," he reasoned. "But if we're attacked, those walls could mean the difference between life and death for my team."

He glanced at his soldiers, who were busy discussing strategies and preparing for potential threats.

"I need to ensure their safety first," he finally decided, taking a deep breath. "The walls will protect us, especially after the Grythox encounter. I can always find a way to gather more points for the Power Station later."

Resolutely, John summoned the hologram once more, ready to allocate the next set of resources toward strengthening their defenses.

The decision weighed heavily on him, but he knew it was essential for the safety of his squad. He would prioritize the walls, knowing that in this harsh environment, defense was paramount.

With his mind made up, he confidently clicked to purchase the Defensive Walls, feeling the weight of responsibility but also the thrill of leadership as he prepared to fortify their newfound home.

As soon as John confirmed the purchase of the Defensive Walls, his perspective shifted dramatically.

He was no longer seeing through his own eyes but instead observed from above, as if he were floating in the air.

The ground below him transformed into a grid of lines, each marking out square meters, giving him a bird's-eye view of the area.

John marveled at the sight. The grid lines stretched out before him, delineating the space he had to work with.

Each square represented a meter, allowing him to visualize the maximum length of the defensive wall, which he knew could extend up to 50 square meters.

He surveyed the clearing where the barracks had been established, mentally noting the strategic choke points formed by the natural barriers surrounding the area.

The contours of the land, the trees, and the rocky outcrops provided excellent opportunities for defense, and now he could see how the wall could fit into the landscape.

The grid lines flickered slightly, and John noticed that as he moved his gaze, the walls began to shimmer in the designated area, outlines rising from the ground like sturdy ramparts.

He could see where he needed to position them to maximize their effectiveness against potential threats.

With this new perspective, John felt a surge of confidence. He could not only envision the layout but also strategize how best to utilize the walls.

As the walls took shape in his mind, he considered where to place entrances and lookout points, ensuring his team would have clear lines of sight for any approaching danger.

As John hovered above the clearing, he focused on visualizing the placement of the Defensive Walls. He imagined where he wanted each segment to appear, considering both strategic advantage and accessibility for his soldiers.

In his mind's eye, he envisioned the walls forming a protective barrier around the barracks, creating a safe zone for the troops.

He pictured the walls extending from the edge of the thick trees on the north side of the clearing, curving around to meet the rocky outcrop on the east, effectively creating a fortified perimeter.

"Let's place the first segment here," he thought, directing his vision to the area near the entrance of the clearing.

He could see it clearly—an initial wall segment rising, sturdy and imposing, signaling a formidable barrier against any incoming threats.

This would serve as the primary entry point, where they could monitor anyone approaching from the outside.

Next, he visualized additional segments extending along the western edge, aligning with the natural rise of the terrain.

"This should provide a vantage point," he mused, knowing that elevated positions would give his soldiers a clear view of the surrounding area.

The rocky outcrop would serve as a natural lookout, but the walls would complement it, ensuring that they were covered from multiple angles.

As he imagined the final segment stretching across the south, connecting back to the trees, he considered how the layout would create a series of choke points.

These would be essential for funneling any attackers into predictable paths, where his soldiers could engage them effectively.

With each imagined wall segment, John felt a growing sense of control over their environment. The visualization process gave him clarity, allowing him to strategize beyond mere construction.

He began to think of how to incorporate lookout posts along the walls and possibly even trap points that could be set up to deter any creatures or enemies that might approach.

He finally imagined a small gate on the eastern side of the wall for troop movement, ensuring it was reinforced but easily accessible. This would allow for quick exits and entries, especially during scouting missions or in case of emergencies.

As the walls solidified in his mind, he took a deep breath and felt a renewed sense of determination. "This is it," he thought. "This is how we take control of our safety." With the layout set, he was ready to finalize the defensive walls.