Chapter 8

As John's perspective returned to normal upon the completion of the Defensive Walls, he received a notification from the system.

[⚠️System Notification:

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the first step in building your base! Your newly constructed defensive wall marks the beginning of your fortification journey!

As a reward, Tasks are now available!]

A wave of pride surged through him as he read the message. This was more than just a structure; it marked the beginning of his journey toward fortifying his stronghold.

John opened the Tasks section, and a list of objectives materialized before him, each one offering a glimpse into the future of his base. The organized layout made it easy to see his progress and what still lay ahead.

[ Tasks:

Completed Tasks:

• Build the Barracks ✅

Reward: 10,000 Points (Unclaimed)

• Build the Defensive Wall ✅

Reward: 10,000 Points (Unclaimed)

Available Tasks:

• Build the Power Station ❎

• Build the Vehicle Garage ❎


• Upgrade Barracks to level 2 ❎

• Upgrade Defensive Wall to level 2 ❎


John took a deep breath, a sense of anticipation bubbling within him as he focused on the unclaimed rewards. With a determined flick of his wrist, he activated the claim option for both completed tasks.

Claiming Rewards…

The holographic interface pulsed for a moment before displaying a triumphant message:

[System Notification: Rewards Claimed!]

Build the Barracks: +10,000 Points

Build the Defensive Wall: +10,000 Points

His points surged dramatically from 3,200 to 23,200. The sudden influx of points was exhilarating, and John felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him.

"Now we're talking," he muttered, a grin spreading across his face as he gazed at the new total. This substantial increase opened up a world of possibilities for further development.

John's mind raced as he recalled the updates about his tasks and the potential to enhance their base further. He felt a spark of curiosity about the barracks and decided to test the system's capabilities. With a determined thought, he focused on the barracks and willed the system to display its current status.

To his delight, a holographic interface materialized before him, showcasing the barracks' specifications and upgrade options:

[Barracks Status:

Current Level: 1

Occupants: 11 Soldiers

Capacity: 20 Soldiers

Upgrade Cost to Level 2: 15,000 Points

Upgrade Benefits:

Increased Capacity: Accommodate up to 40 soldiers]

John carefully considered the information displayed in front of him. The current capacity of the barracks was set at 20 soldiers, which meant that his ability to summon new troops would be limited to this number.

He knew that if he wanted to expand his ranks, he would need to upgrade the barracks to Level 2, allowing for up to 40 soldiers.

John understood the importance of upgrading the barracks, but he quickly realized that rushing to Level 2 without proper preparation could backfire.

Summoning 40 soldiers might seem like a tactical advantage, but without enough weapons, armor, and equipment, they would be vulnerable in the field.

He needed to focus on maintaining a balance between troop numbers and firepower, ensuring that every soldier he summoned was properly equipped for the challenges ahead.

It was clear to him that upgrading the barracks prematurely would stretch his resources too thin.

He needed to gather more points, secure better gear, and gradually build his forces in a sustainable way.

With this in mind, John made a mental note to prioritize strengthening their arsenal and supply lines before increasing the size of his army.

John closed the task menu, feeling a sense of accomplishment but also aware of the road ahead. With the rewards claimed, it was time to shift focus.

John opened the soldier section and was taken aback by the change. Before, he had only seen a single list of grayed-out soldiers, but now, two distinct columns appeared before him. The interface had clearly evolved.

In the first column, he could see the soldiers he had already summoned—each one active and fully equipped.

[ Active Summons]

[Sergeant Sarah Blake]

Role: Scout

Weapon: Modified M4A1 Carbine

Specialty: Reconnaissance, quick response

[Corporal Daniel "Shade" Harris]

Role: Marksman

Weapon: M110A1 SDRM

Specialty: Long-range precision shooting

[Private First Class Emma "Flash" Carter]

Role: Scout

Weapon: Modified M4A1 Carbine

Specialty: Stealth and speed

[Private Jack Mason]

Role: Scout

Weapon: Modified M4A1 Carbine

Specialty: Terrain navigation, close-range combat

[Specialist Marcus "Tank" Holt]

Role: Weapons Specialist

Weapon: M4A1 Carbine

Specialty: Heavy firepower and explosives

[Corporal Alex Reyes]

Role: Weapons Specialist

Weapon: M4A1 Carbine

Specialty: Tactical support, heavy ordnance

[Private First Class Leah Morris]

Role: Infantry

Weapon: M4A1 Carbine

Specialty: Squad support, defense

[Private David Simmons]

Role: Infantry

Weapon: M4A1 Carbine

Specialty: Assault and flanking maneuvers

[Private Ethan O'Connell]

Role: Infantry

Weapon: M4A1 Carbine

Specialty: Tactical operations

[Squad Leader: Corporal Walker]

Role: Squad Leader

Responsibilities: Leading the hunting group and coordinating missions

The second column displayed the list of soldiers he could potentially summon, with many new options.

Some, like infantry and snipers, were now available, while others, such as medics and engineers, remained grayed out, awaiting further spefic building to be built.

John stood before the holographic interface, deep in thought. His current balance of 23,200 points gave him the option to summon at least 10 more soldiers, but something held him back. He weighed the pros and cons carefully.

Summoning more soldiers would increase his manpower significantly, giving him a larger force to secure the perimeter and protect the base.

However, with the terrain still mostly unknown and the threat of hostile creatures like the Grythox and Gravoks lurking nearby, moving blindly could lead to a disastrous outcome.

More soldiers could be useful, but without a clear understanding of the land or what dangers lay ahead, they might be walking into an ambush.

What he truly needed right now wasn't more bodies on the ground, but a way to scout the area and gather information safely. Drones.

They would give him the aerial advantage, allowing him to survey the landscape and pinpoint any threats or resources without exposing his troops to unnecessary risks.

Yet there was one major flaw in this plan—the power issue. The drones required electricity to function, and once they ran out of battery, they'd be as good as useless.

Without a power station, there was no way to recharge them, leaving John in a frustrating position.

Summoning drones would only buy him a limited window to scout before they became dead weight.

He realized that prioritizing resources for the power station might be the only solution, but that would leave him vulnerable without enough defenses in place.

It was a delicate balance between building the infrastructure for long-term survival and maintaining immediate combat readiness.

After weighing the pros and cons of summoning more soldiers, John made his decision.

With 23,200 points at his disposal, he knew he could summon at least 10 soldiers. These additional troops would man the defensive walls, fortifying their position against potential threats.

"I'll buy 10 soldiers. They'll be critical in holding the line," John muttered, determination etched on his face.

He selected the soldiers, each costing 1,000 points, which brought him to a total of 10,000 points spent.

For the remaining soldiers, he would form a hunting squad to scour the area for potential threats.

They would be essential for scouting out creatures lurking in the shadows. Additionally, John decided to invest in technology to aid their efforts. He bought four drones, each costing 500 points, totaling another 2,000 points.

Finally, knowing the importance of ammunition for their survival, he allocated 3,000 points to stock up on supplies.

With his new total dwindling, he checked his points.

Total Points Remaining: 23,200 - 10,000 - 2,000 - 3,000 = 8,200 Points

Satisfied with his purchases, John felt a renewed sense of purpose. The next tasks lay ahead of him: mapping the area and locating any creatures that might pose a threat.

Once they identified these dangers, they could hunt monsters to gather more points, ultimately aiming to build the Power Station.

As the darkness deepened around them, John gathered his soldiers to a central spot where they could make a campfire. The flickering flames soon danced in the night, providing warmth and light that chased away the shadows.

"Alright, everyone, gather around," John called, gesturing for them to come closer. Once they were seated around the fire, he took a moment to gauge their expressions, each face reflecting a mix of determination and anticipation.

"I want to lay out our plan for the upcoming days. For tonight, we'll rest. Tomorrow, I'll have Squad Leader Walker form a hunting group with ten members. Your mission will be to scout the area and track down any potential threats."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, then continued, "The remaining soldiers will man the defensive walls. We need to ensure our safety while the hunters are out there."

The soldiers nodded in agreement, their eyes reflecting the fire's glow as they considered the task ahead.

After laying out his plans, John dismissed his soldiers, watching as they scattered to their respective spots around the campfire.

Before they fully dispersed, he raised his voice to ensure he was heard over the crackling flames.

"Hold on a moment!" John called, catching their attention. "I want to remind everyone, especially the ten new soldiers, that you need to take shifts on the defensive walls tonight. It's crucial we maintain our watch while we rest. Each of you has a role to play in keeping this base secure."

The soldiers nodded, understanding the importance of their duty. With that, they began to organize themselves, some heading toward their designated positions along the defensive walls, while others settled in for the night, ready to recharge for the challenges that lay ahead.