Chapter 9

It was dawn when the Hunter Squad, led by Corporal Walker, stepped out of the base. The first light of day broke through the darkness, casting a golden hue over the landscape.

The air was crisp, and a sense of anticipation hung in the atmosphere as they prepared for their mission.

The soldiers systematically fanned out, each member taking up a position that allowed for maximum visibility and coverage of the area.

They moved in a coordinated manner, keeping an eye on one another while also monitoring the landscape for any signs of movement or danger.

High above them, two drones whirred quietly through the crisp morning air. One drone flew ahead, its camera sweeping across the terrain to scout for any potential threats lurking in the distance.

The other drone maintained a watchful orbit around the squad, ensuring that they were safe while also relaying live footage back to John at the base.

As Walker led the team forward, he could see the first drone zipping ahead, providing a bird's-eye view of the path they were taking.

It was a valuable asset, giving them the advantage of observation without exposing the squad to unnecessary risks.

The other drone, positioned above them, served as an extra layer of security, watching their backs as they navigated the unfamiliar landscape.

The atmosphere was tense but charged with purpose. They were on the hunt, and the promise of discovery loomed just beyond the horizon.

"Hunter Actual to Hunter-1. Multiple tangos, 150 meters ahead. Grythox," John's voice crackled through the radio, the urgency palpable.

Back at the base, John monitored the feeds from the two soldiers operating equipment that resembled Android tablets.

Each soldier focused intently on their screen, tracking the live footage from the drones as they scouted the area.

"Maintain your distance and keep a low profile," John instructed, watching the drones maneuver skillfully through the air. "We need to gather more intel before making any moves."

On their screens, the soldiers could see the shapes of the Grythox lurking in the underbrush, their hulking forms blending into the shadows of the trees. John's heart raced as he assessed the situation.

Each moment was critical, and he knew that the information they gathered could mean the difference between success and failure.

As the Hunter Squad crouched behind the thick underbrush, John's voice came through again, steady and authoritative. "Listen up, team. There are ten Grythox in the same area where we first encountered them. We need to use the terrain to our advantage."

The soldiers nodded, moving with practiced efficiency. Corporal Walker gestured for his team to fan out, positioning them strategically around the clearing. "We'll take the high ground," he whispered, indicating a nearby ridge that overlooked the area where the Grythox had been spotted.

John continued to monitor the drones, their cameras providing real-time footage of the creatures milling about. "They seem to be agitated. Keep your distance and avoid drawing attention to yourselves."

The drones hovered silently above, providing a bird's-eye view of the Grythox. John noted their movements, observing how they reacted to the slightest disturbance in the foliage. "Remember, these creatures are not just fierce—they're intelligent. Use your training and stay alert."

The squad members exchanged glances, adrenaline coursing through their veins. They could see the Grythox, their lion-like forms prowling through the underbrush, eyes glinting in the dim light of the morning. Each soldier took a deep breath, focusing on the mission ahead.

"Hunter-1, you're in position?" John asked, keeping his eyes fixed on the feed from the drones.

"Affirmative, Hunter Actual. We've got a clear line of sight," Corporal Walker replied, adjusting his grip on the Modified M4A1 Carbine. "What's the plan?"

As the Hunter Squad readied themselves, John outlined the plan.

"Listened up everyone, the goal is to take down this creatures as fast as possible. Aim for the head. If it is not possible, take away their mobility, shoot their legs. Remember, don't waste your bullet". John said.

The members of the Hunter Squad nodded in agreement, their expressions serious as they settled into their positions.

Each soldier took a moment to steady their breathing, aligning their sights and ensuring their weapons were ready for action. The atmosphere was tense, filled with anticipation as they prepared for the encounter ahead.

Corporal Walker raised his hand, signaling the squad to focus. He locked eyes with each member, feeling the weight of the moment.

"Three… two… one…"

He lowered his hand sharply, and the air crackled with energy as the squad sprang into action, weapons trained on the group of Grythox.


One by one, the Grythox dropped to the ground, their forms crumpling in a series of swift, decisive shots. This time, the hunt felt almost effortless.

The soldiers were better prepared and more attuned to their surroundings, thanks to the drones above, which eased their tension and alleviated worries about potential ambushes.

With each successful takedown, their confidence grew, bolstered by the knowledge that they had the upper hand in this encounter.

John beamed with pride as he watched the soldiers regroup after the successful takedown of the Grythox.

"Well done, everyone! Your teamwork and precision made all the difference," he praised, his voice carrying over the rustle of leaves and distant sounds of nature.

With their spirits lifted, the squad pressed onward, following the river. For an hour, they traveled about 10 kilometers from the base, successfully defeating nearly a dozen new types of creatures. This series of encounters had netted John an impressive 156,000 points.

As the Hunter Squad decided to return due to their limited radio range and the drones' batteries running low, they noticed a column of smoke rising in the distance.

Intrigued and concerned since they have not noticed it on the their way, they moved cautiously forward, soon catching sight of a town that was about to be engulfed in flames on the horizon.

Outside the town walls, a chaotic scene unfolded. Grythox prowled menacingly, their movements calculated and predatory, while Gravoks wreaked havoc, smashing through debris.

Various other unknown creatures tore through the remnants of the settlement, contributing to the devastation that surrounded the burning town.

The sight was chaotic and horrifying, with cries of desperation echoing through the air.

Back at the base, John watched the horrifying scene unfold on the screen. A surge of determination filled him; he wanted to help the town and its inhabitants.

However, he knew that the distance—about 10 kilometers—posed a significant challenge.

Then, he noticed something promising: the river near their base was connected to the one flowing by the town.

This could provide a quicker and safer route for his soldiers to reach the area. With a plan forming in his mind, he quickly relayed the information to the squad.

"Listen up, everyone," John commanded, his voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "We need to get to that town and offer assistance. I'll summon new soldiers to strengthen our numbers, and we'll use rubber boats to navigate down the river. It's the fastest way to reach them."

He could see the determination in his soldiers' eyes as they prepared to mobilize. "Stay alert, and keep your weapons ready. We don't know what we'll face once we get there. We need to be ready for anything."

"Roger that," Walker replied, his voice steady as he assessed the situation. "We'll hold back for now and provide long-distance support. Let's thin out the creatures near the entrance to the town before making our approach."

The squad positioned themselves strategically along the riverbank, finding cover among the rocks and foliage.

They set their sights on the chaos unfolding just beyond the town's walls, where Grythox and Gravoks roamed freely, wreaking havoc.

"Focus fire on the entrance," Walker instructed, raising his rifle. "Aim for the biggest threats first, then work our way down. We need to create a safer path for any survivors."

As the soldiers lined up their shots, John quickly made a pivotal decision back at the base.

With a firm resolve, he upgraded the barracks to Level 2, expanding its capacity to accommodate an additional 20 soldiers.

The upgrade cost him 30,000 points, bringing his total down to 126,000 points.

With the barracks now more capable of supporting his growing force, John swiftly summoned 10 infantry soldiers at 1,000 points each, followed by 10 snipers at 2,000 points each bringing his points down to 96,000.

The additional firepower would be crucial for the ongoing conflict.

As the new soldiers materialized in the barracks, John felt a rush of adrenaline. He glanced at the screen displaying the battlefield and the chaos unfolding at the town's entrance.

The squad outside was still providing cover fire, and now, with reinforcements on the way, he was hopeful they could turn the tide of this desperate situation.

John led the way as he left the base, flanked by the 20 newly summoned soldiers. He glanced back at the defensive walls, where the remaining troops stood vigilant, ready to respond at a moment's notice.

"Stay sharp and keep a tight watch," John instructed, his voice steady. "We're heading into unknown territory. If anything approaches the base, report immediately."

With a nod from the soldiers, John turned his attention forward, his heart racing with the mix of trepidation and anxiety. They moved swiftly, knowing that every second counted as they approached the town in flames.

The hope of rescuing any survivors weighed heavily on him as they made their way near the riverbank, the sound of rushing water guiding them toward their destination.

As they reached a suitable spot along the riverbank, John quickly accessed the system to summon the necessary equipment for their mission.

He recalled seeing the Futura Commando military rubber boat while browsing through the available items earlier.

"Time to get us across the water," he murmured to himself as he confirmed the order.

With a swift motion, John summoned five Futura Commando military rubber boats at a cost of 1,000 points each, totaling 5,000 points.

Each boat would accommodate four riders, and he would ride the last one. He also ordered four boxes of assorted ammunition for each boat, adding an additional 2,000 points to the cost.

With a satisfied nod, he watched as the boats materialized along the riverbank, ready for action.

The total expense for the boats and ammunition was 7,000 points, which would be deducted from his remaining total, leaving him with 89,000 points.

"Alright, everyone," John called out, gathering the attention of his soldiers. "Load up the boats with the ammo and get ready to move. We have a town to save!"

Within 15 minutes, the entire squad reached the riverbank near the town, swiftly disembarking from the boats and positioning themselves at the front.

Without hesitation, the soldiers raised their weapons, firing at any creatures in sight, clearing the immediate area of Grythox, Gravoks, and other hostile beasts.

From a distance, the Hunter Squad, who had been providing long-distance support, noticed their arrival.

Recognizing the familiar sight of their reinforcements, Corporal Walker signaled for his team to regroup.

They jogged towards John and the newly arrived squad, exchanging brief nods as they prepared to coordinate their next move.

"Good timing, sir," Walker said as they approached, wiping the sweat from his brow. "We've thinned their numbers a bit, but there's still a lot more in the town."

John glanced toward the burning town, his expression hardening. "We're going in. Let's finish this."

John glanced back toward the Hunter Squad, noting their fatigue after hours of fighting. "Walker, you and your squad will guard the boats and cover our exit. You've been at this for hours, and I need you fresh for when we pull out."

Walker nodded, appreciating the break. "Understood, sir. We'll make sure the boats are secure and hold the line if anything comes too close."

With the Hunter Squad positioned to guard the boats, John turned to his newly summoned soldiers. "The rest of you, we're heading into the town. Stay sharp and conserve ammo. We're clearing it of those creatures."

As the squads exchanged quick acknowledgments, the Hunter Squad set up a defensive perimeter around the boats while John and his reinforcements advanced toward the town.