Chapter 10

John and his squad moved with precision, forming a tight formation as they neared the gate of the burning town.

Positioned at the center, John led them forward as they encountered multiple hostile creatures on the path. The soldiers opened fire in perfect coordination, dropping the Grythox and Gravoks with controlled bursts.

Their familiarity with each other's strengths and the tactics they'd rehearsed were key, as they pressed forward.

Each encounter was swift but dangerous, and despite the challenging numbers, they pushed through, steadily approaching the large entrance of the town, bracing for what awaited inside.

As John and his squad neared the town's wall, they spotted five mantis-like creatures, each as tall as a human and armed with razor-sharp appendages that gleamed in the firelight. The creatures moved swiftly, their scythe-like arms ready to strike.

Without hesitation, John gave the order, and the squad unleashed a storm of bullets. Their rifles rattled, sending streams of fire toward the creatures.

The mantis-like creatures shrieked as they were hit, their quick movements no match for the coordinated barrage. Within moments, they were torn apart by the relentless gunfire, collapsing in a heap of motionless limbs.

[+1 Notification! 🔔]

A prompt from the system flashed before John's eyes, briefly pulling him out of his focus. He glanced at it, but quickly dismissed it, knowing now wasn't the time for distractions. Whatever reward or update it held could wait.

John then signaled the squad to push forward. They moved cautiously, weapons ready, scanning the area for any threats lurking.

As they entered the large gates, the noticed something grim beneath the bullet riddled bodies of the mantis like creatures.

Beneath the mantis-like creatures lay the bodies of fallen humans, their forms clad in plate armor reminiscent of the medieval era. Scattered around them were swords, shields, and spears, once wielded in a futile attempt to fend off the monstrous invaders.

The stark contrast between the ancient weapons and the advanced firepower of John's squad deepened the mystery of the town's defenders. It was clear that this was no ordinary battlefield.

Suddenly, a piercing scream echoed from the courtyard. John's eyes snapped toward the sound, and there, just beyond the gate, he saw one of the mantis-like creatures towering over a man desperately holding a rake, shielding his wife and child.

The creature's razor-sharp appendages glistened in the dim light, poised to strike. Without hesitation, John raised his XM7 rifle and barked out an order.

"Take it down, now!"

Bang... Bang...Bang...

The creature dropped to the ground with a heavy thud, lifeless. The man, initially startled, turned to John, his eyes wide with disbelief and gratitude.

His wife and child clung to each other tighter, their faces pale with fear as they peered out from behind him.

"It's okay now," John reassured them, lowering his weapon slightly. "You're safe. We're here to help."

The man's grip on the rake relaxed as he took a cautious step forward, eyes scanning the squad for more signs of danger. "Thank you... I thought we were done for," he stammered, his voice trembling.

John nodded firmly, his expression resolute. "Get your wife and child inside the house," he instructed the man. "Stay there until we've secured the area."

The man hesitated for a moment, glancing back at his family, then nodded. He quickly ushered his wife and child through the doorway, closing it behind him.

"Alright, listen up!" John called out to his squad, splitting them into two teams. "Team One, move to the left flank. Team Two, cover the right. We need to eliminate any remaining creatures in the courtyard before we push further into the town."

Corporal Walker nodded, leading Team One as they maneuvered to the left, while John took command of Team Two. The squad moved with purpose, weapons raised, scanning the area for any signs of movement.

"Stay sharp!" John reminded them, the tension palpable in the air. "We don't know what else is lurking out here."

As they advanced deeper into the town, John and his squad began to encounter more survivors amidst the chaos.

The remnants of the once-vibrant community were now filled with despair and fear. People peeked out from behind broken walls and debris, eyes wide with uncertainty.

"Quickly, over here!" John shouted, motioning for the survivors to come forward. "We're securing the area. Get inside that house!" He pointed towards the man's home, which now stood as a temporary sanctuary.

One by one, the survivors—a mix of men, women, and children—hesitated before making their way to the house.

John could see their expressions, a blend of hope and fear, as they glanced back at the burning buildings and the remnants of their lives.

"Stay close to the walls!" John urged them, his voice steady. "We're almost there." The soldiers maintained a protective perimeter, ready to react at any sign of danger.

As the last of the survivors ducked inside, John turned to his squad. "Let's keep moving. We need to clear the rest of this area and ensure everyone is safe."

After an intense hour of combat, John and his squad finally managed to mop up the remaining creatures inside the town.

The once chaotic streets were now eerily quiet, with the only sounds coming from the occasional distant gunshots echoing in the aftermath of their fight.

As they surveyed the area, the evidence of the battle was all around them—scattered bodies of the mantis-like creatures lay strewn across the ground, while the remnants of the townspeople's belongings remained untouched, waiting to be reclaimed.

John took a moment to catch his breath, surveying the faces of his squad.

They looked weary but resolute, having pushed through the relentless threat to bring some semblance of safety to the area.

The survivors they had directed to the man's house were likely still huddled inside, hoping for the violence to end.

"Let's regroup and check on the civilians," John said, his voice steady despite the exhaustion creeping into his bones. "We need to ensure they're alright and assess the situation. After that, we'll figure out our next move."

As John and his squad made their way back towards the house, he opened the system to check his rewards. To his surprise, a flurry of notifications flooded his interface:

[5 Notifications! 🔔]

[1. Battle Rewards: You have successfully eliminated a total of 250 creatures in the town.

Reward: +500,000 Points]

[2. First Kill Bonus: You have slain your first Mantis Beast, known as a "Razorclaw."

Reward: +5,000 Points]

[3. Civilians Rescued: You have rescued a total of 20 civilians during the operation.

Reward: +50,000 Points]

[4. Task Completed: Liberate a town x1.

Reward: +100,000 Points]

[5. Hidden Achievement: "Protector of the Innocent" unlocked for rescuing civilians amidst danger.

Reward: +50,000 Points]

John stared at the notifications in disbelief as the numbers added up in front of him.

Total Points Earned: 89,000 (previous points) + 500,000 + 5,000 + 50,000 + 100,000 + 50,000 = 794,000 Points

His heart raced at the sight of the vast resources now at his disposal. With these points, he could now enhance his base and soldiers with proper equipment.

Feeling a renewed sense of purpose, John dismissed the notifications, knowing he had to focus on the pressing matter at hand.

As John surveyed the aftermath of the battle, a heavy weight settled on his shoulders. The town, once filled with life, now lay in ruins, its streets littered with the remnants of chaos. Twenty civilians huddled together, their faces a mix of gratitude and fear, and John knew he faced a critical decision.

He stood silent, allowing the urgency of the moment to sink in as he weighed the pros and cons of leaving the townspeople in their familiar environment or bringing them back to the safety of the base.

On one hand, leaving the civilians here held its advantages. They were in their own town, a place they knew well.

Familiar with the layout and resources, they could potentially fortify their homes, turning their knowledge of the terrain into an advantage against future threats.

Moreover, staying would allow them to retain control over their lives. Rather than feeling like refugees at the base, they might feel empowered by choosing to defend their home.

The sense of unity and resilience among them could strengthen their morale, allowing them to rebuild what had been lost.

But the risks were daunting. The town remained vulnerable, with the danger of creatures returning at any moment.

Without sufficient protection, the civilians would be in grave danger. John knew he and his squad would be far away, making it difficult to provide immediate assistance if the townspeople encountered further threats.

Furthermore, with limited training and resources, the civilians might struggle to defend themselves, leading to chaos and despair should another attack occur.

On the other hand, bringing the civilians back to the base offered immediate safety in numbers. The fortified structure would provide a secure haven from any potential threats lurking in the wilderness.

At the base, the civilians could receive training and access to supplies, which would empower them to defend themselves in the future.

The presence of other soldiers and civilians at the base could provide emotional and logistical support, easing the townspeople's transition after the trauma they had experienced.

Yet, John was aware of the cons. Displacing the civilians from their homes could leave them feeling like refugees, potentially undermining their morale.

The base could become overcrowded, straining resources and creating tension among residents and soldiers alike.

John took a deep breath, recognizing that he could not shoulder this decision alone. The weight of leadership pressed down on him, but he knew that the townspeople deserved a voice in their own fate. Turning to face the group of civilians, he cleared his throat, preparing to address them.

"Listen, everyone," he began, his voice steady but filled with empathy. "I know you've been through a lot today. You've lost your homes, and you're facing an uncertain future. I have a choice to make, and I want your input on what we should do next."

The townspeople shifted uneasily, their eyes filled with a mix of hope and fear. John continued, "You can stay here and try to rebuild, but this town is vulnerable. Creatures like the ones we just fought could return. Alternatively, I can take you back to our base, where you would be safe and have access to resources, but you'd be leaving your home behind."

He paused, allowing the gravity of his words to settle. "I want you all to think about what you truly want. Do you feel safe here, or do you believe the base offers a better chance for survival?"

The group exchanged glances, a mixture of uncertainty and determination reflected in their faces. The air hung heavy with tension as they considered John's words.

Finally, an older woman stepped forward, her voice shaky but firm. "We want to protect our home. This is where our lives have been, where our memories are. But we're scared. This is the first time the Kingdom of Eldoria has failed to protect us. We need to know we can defend ourselves."

John furrowed his brow, confusion crossing his face. "The Kingdom of Eldoria?" he asked, seeking clarity.

The townspeople exchanged puzzled glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern at his apparent ignorance of their realm.

An older man stepped forward, his brow furrowed. "You mean to say you don't know about Eldoria? It's the kingdom that has governed us for generations. They promised us safety, but today was the first time we've felt their failure."