Chapter 11

In the grand castle of Eldoria, the air was thick with tension. Commander Alaric strode purposefully through the ornate hallways, his boots echoing against the polished stone floor.

The flickering torches cast shadows on the walls, mirroring the uncertainty that gripped the kingdom. He reached the heavy wooden doors of the king's chamber, took a deep breath, and pushed them open.

Inside, King Cedric lounged on a lavish throne, surrounded by opulence. His fingers drummed impatiently on the armrest as he regarded Alaric with a dismissive gaze. "Well? What news do you bring?" he asked, his tone lacking any real concern for the lives at stake.

Alaric straightened, forcing himself to remain composed despite the frustration boiling within him. "Your Majesty, I regret to inform you that our assembled troops of 10,000 men have been decimated. They were en route to the town of Brighthaven when they were ambushed by a relentless horde of creatures."

The king's brow furrowed, but it wasn't out of concern for his soldiers. "The Stampede, I assume," he said, waving a hand dismissively. "It seems to happen every ten years, yet we always manage to survive somehow."

"Yes, Your Majesty, but this time—" Alaric began, only to be cut off by the king's scornful laugh.

"Survive? Is that all you think about? My concern lies with maintaining my power, not with some backwater town full of peasants. If they cannot defend themselves, it is their own folly."

Alaric's jaw clenched. "But, Your Majesty, those people are innocent. We cannot abandon them to such a fate!"

"Why not?" King Cedric leaned forward, his expression calculating. "If we pull our troops back, we save our strength for a true fight. Brighthaven is not worth losing more men over. They're expendable, just like the soldiers who fell. I won't risk my crown for them."

Alaric's frustration boiled over. "And what of the people's faith in you? If we abandon them now, they will see you as a coward. You risk your own legacy."

"Legacy?" The king sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "The only legacy I care about is my own survival. As long as I remain on this throne, I have won. The people will eventually forget. They always do."

With a heavy heart, Alaric recognized that reasoning with the king was futile. "Very well, Your Majesty. I will prepare the remaining troops for a strategic withdrawal. But we must send word to Brighthaven, to warn the people of their impending fate."

King Cedric nodded, his expression indifferent. "Do as you wish. Just ensure it's a brief message. I don't want to waste resources on a town that has already proven its weakness."

As Alaric exited the chamber, he felt the weight of despair settle upon him. The king's self-serving nature would lead to devastating consequences for the people of Eldoria.

Abandoning Brighthaven was a decision that would haunt the kingdom for years to come, but Cedric cared only for his own safety, leaving the townsfolk to face the darkness alone.


John took a deep breath, knowing he had to clarify. "I understand this may sound strange, but we're new here. We don't have the history of Eldoria that you do. I'm not familiar with the details of your kingdom's governance or past events. Can you tell me, has this onslaught of creatures happened before?"

The townspeople exchanged bewildered glances, their expressions revealing a mix of confusion and curiosity. Finally, the older man nodded, determined to explain. "Yes, this is not the first time we've faced danger. Every ten years, we experience an event known as 'The Stampede.' It's a nightmare that has plagued our lands for generations."

John leaned forward, intrigued. "The Stampede? What is it exactly?"

The man took a moment to gather his thoughts. "It's when hordes of creatures emerge from the forests, overwhelming our defenses. They come in waves, relentless and vicious, drawn to our towns and villages. In the past, the kingdom would send troops to protect us, but the numbers of creatures seem to grow stronger with each cycle. Today was meant to be different; we had hopes of a successful defense. Instead, we lost everything."

Another townsman, a younger man with eyes filled with determination, spoke up. "The last Stampede was catastrophic, but we managed to push the creatures back. It took everything we had. But this time… this time feels worse."

John felt a chill run down his spine. "So, you're saying this was the first time the kingdom failed to protect you?"

"Yes," the older man replied, his voice tinged with bitterness. "For years, we relied on the kingdom's promises. We thought they would always come to our aid. But now, we're left to fend for ourselves. The king cares more about his own security than our safety."

The townspeople nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting a shared sense of betrayal and hopelessness. "What can we do?" the younger man asked. "We're afraid. If we stay here, we risk another attack. If we leave, we abandon our home. The king won't protect us, and it seems the creatures are getting bolder."

John felt the weight of their despair pressing down on him. "You've shown incredible strength and resilience. If you choose to stay and fight for your home, I will help you prepare. We can train and fortify the town together. I can provide resources, and together, we can build a community that defends itself."

The townspeople exchanged glances, their expressions shifting from fear to determination. But then, the older man spoke up again. "As much as we want to protect our home, we've lost too much already. We've seen how capable you are, and we believe you can help us find safety and rebuild elsewhere. We don't want to risk losing more than we already have."

His words resonated deeply with the group. They all nodded in agreement, and one by one, they began to voice their support for leaving.

"We've lost our loved ones and our homes," the younger man added, his voice firm. "We can't stay here. We need to find a place where we can rebuild without the constant threat of the Stampede."

John felt a swell of determination as he saw the conviction in their eyes. "Then let's go together. I'll ensure your safety and provide for you at my base. We'll make a new home, where you can all begin again."

With a collective sigh of relief and a renewed sense of hope, the survivors gathered their belongings and prepared to follow John.

John relented with the townspeople's request, understanding their fear and desperation. However, he was determined to keep his abilities a secret from them, fearing it would complicate their trust. He needed to strategize and act quickly.

Stepping outside, he found a quiet corner away from prying eyes and activated his radio. "Hunter Squad, this is John. I need you to prepare for a defensive operation. I'm taking five soldiers back to the base to fortify our defenses and build a defensive wall on the opposite side of the river where the townspeople will live."

"Copy that, John. What's the plan?" came the response.

"While you assist the townspeople in gathering their belongings, I'll upgrade the base and start constructing the wall. We need to ensure they have a secure place to stay until we can figure out our next steps."

"Understood. We'll keep an eye out for any threats while helping them."

After the call ended, John returned to the group of townspeople, who were anxiously waiting for his guidance. "We're going to split up," he announced, his voice steady. "I'm taking five soldiers back to the base to prepare for your arrival. The Hunter Squad and the rest of my team will help you gather your belongings and salvage what you can. We'll meet you at the river once you're ready."

The townspeople looked uncertain, but John's confidence reassured them. "We'll make sure you're safe," he added. "Just focus on collecting what you can."

With a mix of relief and trepidation, the townspeople nodded, grateful for John's leadership. He and his five soldiers quickly set off toward the riverbank, where they found the same boat he had used when he first arrived in the area.

Upon arriving at the base, John immediately set to work. He activated the system to upgrade the barracks and fortify their defenses.

[Upgrading Barracks: Level 2 to Level 3

Cost: 30,000 Points

Benefits: Increased Capacity to accommodate up to 60 soldiers]

Now, with a firm resolve, John turned his attention to bolstering his forces. He needed more soldiers to protect the townspeople and fortify their new camp along the river. Activating his system, he navigated to the summoning interface.

[Summon Infantry:

Cost: 20,000 Points

Quantity: 20 Infantry]

With a quick mental confirmation, John initiated the summoning process. A bright light enveloped the designated area, and moments later, 20 new infantry soldiers materialized before him.

With the soldiers now summoned and ready to defend their new home, John decided it was time to take decisive action. He gathered a few of his newly summoned infantry and boarded the boat he had arrived in.

The gentle lapping of the water against the sides of the boat provided a momentary calm as they crossed to the opposite side of the river.

Upon reaching the other side, John disembarked and surveyed the area. It was a strategic location for their new camp, but it needed fortification.

The importance of building a solid defensive wall was clear in his mind, especially given the recent threats from the creatures. He activated his system to initiate the construction of the defensive walls.

[Defensive Wall

Cost: 28,000 Points]

With a swift confirmation, the points were deducted from his total, and a series of bright lights signaled the construction process. The ground trembled slightly as the defensive wall began to rise, made of sturdy materials designed to withstand any assaults.

As the last section of the wall completed, John felt a surge of confidence. The camp was now much safer, but he knew they needed adequate shelter for the civilians and his soldiers. Next on his agenda was to set up military tents to ensure everyone had a place to rest and recuperate.

[Military Tent

Cost: 700 Points each

Quantity: 10 Tents

Total Cost: 7,000 Points]

John entered the command to purchase the tents, deducting the points from his remaining total. As the tents materialized in the designated area, he began assigning his soldiers to help set them up.

"Alright, team," John called to the infantry, "let's get these tents up as quickly as possible."

After overseeing the construction of the tents and ensuring the initial safety of the camp, John made his way back to the base to focus on building the power station.

The thought of having a stable energy source energized him; it was a crucial step toward enhancing their defenses and improving the living conditions for both soldiers and civilians.

[Power Station

Cost: 30,000 Points

Description: A power station that combines solar and diesel generator systems.

Power Output: Provides 100 kW of electricity.]

John accessed his system, initiated the construction, and watched as the power station materialized with a low hum.

The infrastructure was a large military container, designed to provide power for any future technological enhancements they might require.

With the power station operational, John felt a sense of accomplishment. He knew that his efforts would significantly enhance the safety and security of the townspeople and his soldiers. However, he wanted to ensure that everyone had the means to travel safely across the river.

Deciding that additional transportation was essential, he purchased three more sets of Futura Commando military rubber boats, ensuring that they could move more civilians efficiently. He then called some of his soldiers together and issued orders.

"All right, listen up!" John commanded, his voice steady and authoritative. "I need a team to head back to the town and escort the group of civilians here. We have to ensure their safety during the journey, and I want to make it as smooth as possible."

A couple of soldiers stepped forward, ready to take on the task. "We'll make sure they're all accounted for, sir," one of them replied, a look of determination in his eyes.

John nodded, satisfied with their commitment. "Good. Prepare the boats and check the supplies. We'll meet back here after you've fetched them."

With the team mobilizing, John took a moment to gather his thoughts. He felt a sense of urgency, knowing that every second counted.

He hoped the townspeople would be willing to join him at the new base, recognizing that safety was a priority now more than ever.

As the soldiers set off toward the town, John turned his attention back to the base, confident in the preparations he had made to welcome the survivors and strengthen their new community.