Chapter 12

As the boats glided smoothly onto the riverbank, the soldiers helped the townspeople disembark, their faces reflecting a mixture of relief and amazement. The journey had been swift—astonishingly so.

The Futura Commando boats had covered the 10 kilometers in just 10 minutes, a feat that left the townspeople in awe. In their wooden boats, the same trip would have taken at least 30 minutes, struggling against the river's current.

The sleek, dark military boats were a far cry from the weathered wooden vessels the townspeople were accustomed to.

With their sharp angles, modern materials, and powerful engines, the Futuras seemed almost alien in their speed and efficiency, making their traditional boats feel like relics of a bygone era.

"That was... fast," one of the men muttered, still trying to grasp what had just happened.

His amazement was echoed by others, who marveled at the smoothness and power of the boats they had ridden.

John, seeing their reactions, stepped forward. "Welcome to Havenbrook. I know this is all new for you, but we're here to make sure you're safe. We've set up a secure base, and we'll take care of you from here on out."

The civilians glanced at each other, still processing their swift journey and the advanced equipment surrounding them. For the first time in days, a glimmer of hope lit their weary faces.

As they followed John and his soldiers toward the fortified base, they could sense that this was more than just a refuge—it was a new beginning.

As they walked towards the base, Corporal Walker asked, "Why separate the main base from the residential area?"

John glanced at him and replied, "Our main base, Fort Sentinel, will remain our personal stronghold, where the military operations and command are focused. Havenbrook, on the this side, is for the civilians—a safer place for them to live, away from the immediate dangers we face. This way, we can keep our defenses tight while giving them a semblance of normalcy."

Walker nodded thoughtfully as they neared the entrance to Havenbrook.

The entire place was full of activity as the townspeople began to settle into their new surroundings.

Soldiers assisted with the process, helping to unpack belongings and organize the temporary shelters. The atmosphere, though still tense, was beginning to ease as people adjusted.

Meanwhile, other soldiers were busy setting up multiple ziplines, creating a quick and efficient route between Havenbrook and the main base, Fort Sentinel.

The hum of work filled the air, and for the first time since the attack, the townspeople began to feel a sense of security.

The townspeople approached John, their expressions a mixture of gratitude and respect. One of the elders, speaking on behalf of the group, stepped forward and said, "Sir, we can't thank you enough for saving us and giving us a safe place to stay. Please, let us help in any way we can."

John nodded, appreciating their willingness to contribute. "Your help would be welcome. We'll need all hands to ensure the safety of this new settlement. Together, we can make Havenbrook secure for everyone."

The group looked relieved, ready to repay John's kindness with hard work.

John stepped up to one of the newly installed ziplines, gripping the handle with anticipation. He pushed off, feeling the rush of wind as he zipped across the 400-meter distance between Fort Sentinel and Havenbrook.

The speed and efficiency of the setup impressed him, and he could already see the strategic advantage these ziplines would provide for quick movement between the two bases.

At each end of the zipline stood watchtowers, tall and sturdy, giving soldiers a clear vantage point. John had invested 25,000 points in each tower, modifying them with hooks for the ziplines.

From these towers, soldiers could monitor both Fort Sentinel and Havenbrook, ensuring the safety of the entire settlement.

As John dismounted from the zipline, he summoned the system to review his purchases and check his remaining points.

The preparation for Havenbrook had cost him 118,000 points, and the resources for the ziplines had added another 2,000 points.

With an initial balance of 794,000 points, he now had 674,000 points remaining.

His mind shifted toward Fort Sentinel.

While Havenbrook was being secured, his next major task was to upgrade Fort Sentinel's defensive walls.

The base was their stronghold, and any future threats could be more dangerous than what they had already faced.

The current defenses, while solid, would need to be reinforced to ensure they could withstand any larger assaults.

"First priority: Fort Sentinel's walls," John thought, focusing on fortifying the main base.

He knew that an upgraded defense would be critical as their numbers grew and the challenges ahead became more complex.

There was much to do, but with the points he had accumulated, the upgrades would be within reach.

"Time to reinforce the heart of our operations," he muttered, planning out the defensive overhaul that would strengthen Fort Sentinel.

With that in mind, John summoned the system and immediately upgraded Fort Sentinel's defensive wall for 28,000 points. Afterward, he extended the wall westward, away from Havenbrook, to ensure the two bases maintained their distinct purposes while providing added security.

Once the wall was complete, John continued building key infrastructure. He constructed a command center for 30,000 points, followed by a communications tower for 20,000 points, a supply depot for 20,000 points, and finally, a vehicle bay for 35,000 points.

The total cost of these upgrades amounted to 133,000 points.

With these new structures in place, John took a moment to appreciate how far Fort Sentinel had come, knowing that this would now be a fully fortified and operational stronghold.

Now, Fort Sentinel had expanded to a formidable size of 1.5 square kilometers, compared to Havenbrook's more modest 500 square meters.

The larger size of Fort Sentinel reflected its purpose as a military stronghold, equipped with all the essential facilities for defense and operations.

Meanwhile, Havenbrook remained a smaller, more peaceful settlement designed for the townspeople, providing them a safe place to live while remaining connected to the main base.

With 541,000 remaining points, John made strategic decisions to bolster his forces and enhance the fort's capabilities.

He built another barracks and upgraded it to Level 3 for 90,000 points, providing additional capacity for more soldiers.

He also constructed a medical station for 20,000 points, ensuring that the wounded would receive proper care.

Next, John summoned additional troops to strengthen his defenses and operational readiness. He summoned:

30 Infantry at 1,000 points each, totaling 30,000 points.

10 Medics at 1,000 points each, totaling 10,000 points.

10 Scouts at 1,500 points each, totaling 15,000 points.

10 Snipers at 2,000 points each, totaling 20,000 points.

The total cost for these summoning actions was 85,000 points.

After these purchases, John had 366,000 points remaining, ready to invest in further upgrades and fortifications as needed.

John summoned the system and allocated 150,000 points to refresh the Supply Depot's contents.

He watched as the virtual inventory filled with essential supplies: food, medical supplies, ammunition, and other crucial resources needed for both daily life and any impending conflicts.

With the depot now fully stocked, John realized that he had alleviated a significant burden from his shoulders.

There would be no need for him to summon resources continuously; the townspeople and soldiers could simply head to the Supply Depot to access everything they needed.

Next, John made his way to the Vehicle Bay, eager to see what assets he could summon to bolster his growing operations. To his surprise, he discovered that only ten vehicles could be summoned at a time.

Determined to make the most of this opportunity, he browsed through the available vehicles, carefully considering each option. After weighing his needs for both construction and transportation, he made his selections:

1 Caterpillar D9 Bulldozer for 15,000 points: Essential for clearing debris and fortifying the area.

2 M2A4 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles for 20,000 points each: Perfect for troop transport and providing fire support during missions.

2 M1126 Infantry Fighting Vehicles for 20,000 points each: Offering additional mobility and protection for his soldiers.

1 HEMTT (Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck) for 20,000 points: Great for transporting supplies and personnel.

2 JLTVs (Joint Light Tactical Vehicles) for 15,000 points each: Fast and versatile, ideal for scouting and rapid response.

2 M1083 Medium Trucks for 15,000 points each: Useful for logistics and moving larger quantities of equipment.

Total Points Spent: 175,000 points

With each vehicle summoned, John felt a growing sense of empowerment. The vehicles would not only enhance his operational capabilities but also symbolize the renewed strength and resilience of his community.

As he looked over the newly summoned fleet, John envisioned a well-coordinated team, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, ensuring the safety and prosperity of Fort Sentinel and Havenbrook.


It was lunchtime when John finished reviewing everything in Fort Sentinel. The atmosphere was buzzing with activity as soldiers and townspeople alike worked to settle into their new surroundings.

Earlier, he had ordered some of his soldiers to gather cooking ingredients and set up an area for the townspeople to prepare meals.

He believed that allowing them to cook would not only provide nourishment but also help alleviate some of the stress and trauma they had experienced.

As the rich aromas of stews and roasted vegetables wafted through the air, John felt a sense of warmth and camaraderie.

Groups of townspeople huddled around makeshift tables, sharing stories and laughter as they chopped, stirred, and sautéed.

The sound of their voices mingled with the sizzling of food, creating an atmosphere of hope and resilience.

As John joined the bustling group of townspeople, the tantalizing scents of their cooking surrounded him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with them. After a few moments of casual conversation and laughter, he decided it was time to gather some information that could prove useful for their future.

"Hey everyone," John said, raising his voice slightly to catch their attention. "I have a few questions I'd like to ask while we cook. How many kingdoms are there around here, and what nearby towns should I know about?"

The townspeople paused their cooking and exchanged glances, clearly intrigued by his inquiry. An older man who had stepped forward earlier cleared his throat, wiping his hands on his apron.

"Well, there are three main kingdoms in this region," he began, his tone serious. "Eldoria, of course, is the largest and governs most of the land. Then there's the Kingdom of Verenthia to the north; they are known for their skilled archers and vast forests. Finally, to the south, there's the Kingdom of Kaldara, famous for their blacksmithing and trade routes."

Another townsman chimed in, "As for nearby towns, there's Crestfall to the east. It's a bustling market town where travelers often stop. Westward, you'll find Stonebrook, a mining town rich in minerals but often plagued by bandit attacks."

John listened attentively, nodding as he absorbed the information. "And how do the kingdoms and towns interact with one another? Is there a lot of trade, or are there tensions?"

The older man continued, "Trade has been the norm for many years, but tensions have been rising, especially since the recent events with the Stampede.

People are on edge, and trust has become a rare commodity. Eldoria has promised safety but failed to deliver, causing many to seek alliances elsewhere."

"Thank you for sharing this," John replied, his mind racing with the implications.

Understanding the political landscape would be vital as he prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

"It's important that we stay informed and build connections. If we can establish good relationships with nearby towns, it might help us strengthen our position here."