Chapter 13

After a hearty meal with the townspeople, John took a moment to unwind and reflect. However, a nagging feeling surfaced in his mind. Amidst the rush of building structures and upgrading them to bolster both Fort Sentinel and Havenbrook, he had completely forgotten about the Task feature in his system.

With a sigh, John opened the system and navigated to the [Tasks] section. The screen flickered for a second before displaying a long list of completed tasks, each accompanied by unclaimed rewards.


[Completed Tasks]

• Upgrade Barracks to Level 2 ✅

Rewards: 10,000 (Unclaimed)

• Upgrade Defensive Wall to Level 2 ✅

Rewards: 10,000 (Unclaimed)

• Build More than 1 Barracks ✅

Rewards: 10,000 (Unclaimed)

• Build More than 1 Defensive Wall ✅

Rewards: 10,000 (Unclaimed)

• Upgrade Barracks to Level 3 ✅

Rewards: 10,000 (Unclaimed)

• Build the Command Center ✅

Rewards: 10,000 (Unclaimed)

• Build the Communications Tower ✅

Rewards: 10,000 (Unclaimed)

• Build the Supply Depot ✅

Rewards: 10,000 (Unclaimed)

• Build the Vehicle Bay ✅

Rewards: 10,000 (Unclaimed)

• Build More than 5 Structures ✅

Rewards: 50,000 (Unclaimed)

John stared at the list in disbelief. "I really let this slip," he muttered to himself, realizing he had 130,000 points waiting to be claimed.

Without hesitation, he hit the claim button on each task, watching as his total points surged upward from 41,000 points - after his massive buying spree - to 171,000 points.

As John stood by the river, his gaze wandered to the right, where the ziplines buzzed with activity, transferring goods and supplies across to Havenbrook.

Soldiers efficiently moved crates of food, medical supplies, and equipment, making the process look seamless.

The sight sparked a thought—while the ziplines were ideal for lighter cargo, they were no help when it came to transferring vehicles.

He narrowed his eyes at the water, the river's depth and current still a formidable challenge. "I need something more robust," he muttered to himself.

Vehicles like the Caterpillar D9 and the Bradley IFVs were too large and heavy for any simple transport method.

The ziplines had solved one part of the logistical puzzle, but now he needed a way to get those massive machines across the river.

A bridge would be ideal, but the cost, time, and effort involved were immense.

Nonetheless, John opened the system and went into the equipment section, hoping for an something.

As he scrolled through the options under the Engineering tab, something caught his eye—a modular bridge system called Ascrow.

The Acrow bridge was designed for military use, capable of being quickly assembled and disassembled, with sections that could easily span a river like the one separating Fort Sentinel and Havenbrook.

It was built for heavy loads, able to support vehicles as large as the Bradley IFVs and Caterpillar D9 bulldozer, making it the perfect solution for his current dilemma.

The description highlighted its adaptability: "Modular design allows for easy transport and assembly by minimal personnel. Can support vehicles up to 80 tons."

John smiled. This was exactly what he needed. Not only could it solve the issue of vehicle transport, but it could also be disassembled and moved if necessary.

He quickly checked the cost: 50,000 points. It was a considerable expense, but one he was willing to make to ensure smooth transport between the two bases.

John immediately used the system to deploy the Ascrow modular bridge, carefully selecting a location about 50 meters from Havenbrook's main gate.

He watched as the system mapped out the terrain, adjusting the placement for the riverbanks' uneven slopes. The bridge materialized section by section, extending from Fort Sentinel's side of the river toward Havenbrook.

Satisfied with the bridge's construction, John glanced at his watch. It was 2:00 PM. With a sense of accomplishment, he made his way across the newly built Ascrow modular bridge, its metal surface firm beneath his boots.

The sound of the river flowing below him was almost calming, a contrast to the tension he'd felt earlier.

John walked straight into the command center. The structure was imposing, as large as three container vans lined up side by side. Inside, the room was spacious, with three large screens already mounted at the forefront.

At the center, several soldiers were busy installing multiple smaller screens, preparing the infrastructure for the base's surveillance and communication systems.

Noticing their efforts, John approached the soldier in charge of the operation, Sergeant Michael "Tech" Carson, a tech specialist known for his efficiency.

"How's it coming along, Carson?" John asked, glancing at the half-installed setup.

Carson straightened up and gave a quick salute before responding. "We're making solid progress, sir, but we're missing some key equipment to complete the surveillance system. We need 15 more high-definition surveillance cameras, a set of long-range communication antennas, and three drone control stations to monitor the surrounding areas. We've got the basics covered, but without those, we won't have full operational capability."

John nodded, taking in the details. "And how soon can we have those installed once the equipment arrives?"

"If we get the supplies, we can have everything up and running in less than 24 hours, sir."

"Good," John said, already summoning the system to check the availability and cost of the needed equipment.


It took only 14 hours to fully set up the surveillance systems at both Fort Sentinel and Havenbrook. John now sat in the command center, watching the live footage on one of the large screens.

The display showed the D9 bulldozer clearing land around Havenbrook, its massive blade pushing away trees and debris. The surrounding area was being prepped for a new purpose—one that hadn't been part of the initial plan.

Just yesterday, a group of townspeople had approached John with a request. They wanted to plant crops to ensure a steady food supply. Their offer to handle the task on their own had been well-intentioned, but John knew they needed a more efficient solution, especially with the potential dangers that lurked nearby.

He had objected at first, leading to a discussion that resulted in a compromise: John would order the bulldozer to clear land past the bridges, creating a dedicated agricultural zone away from Havenbrook.

By doing this, John could ensure both safety and efficiency. The agricultural section would be strategically placed far enough to protect Havenbrook from potential threats but close enough for easy access.

Additionally, the cleared land wouldn't interfere with John's future plans to expand Havenbrook to 1 square kilometer, giving the residential area more room to grow as needed.

On the other two screens in the command center, drone footage streamed live, showcasing the ongoing mapping efforts of the surrounding area.

The drones were systematically surveying the terrain, providing valuable reconnaissance that John and his team could utilize for future planning.

So far, they had successfully mapped out a 20-kilometer radius in all directions, revealing vital information about the landscape, resources, and potential threats.

One of the key highlights of the drone's footage was the town of Brighthaven, from where the townspeople had fled.

The images showed a once-thriving settlement, now eerily quiet and overrun with vegetation. The devastation left by the recent Stampede and subsequent creature attacks was evident.

As the drones continued their work, John contemplated the information they were gathering.

With each frame captured, they were building a clearer picture of their surroundings and identifying potential sites for further expansion, resource gathering, and defense fortifications.

The mapping project was not only essential for immediate security but also for laying the groundwork for long-term growth and stability in their new home.

An operator suddenly called out to John, breaking his concentration. "Sir, a group of creatures has been spotted in the west, in the plains."

John's heart sank as he processed the information. He couldn't shake the feeling that these hordes always came from that area, as if the plains were a breeding ground for the creatures.

"How many creatures are we talking about?" John asked, his voice steady despite the rising tension in the command center.

"Estimates suggest at least a hundred, but we need to confirm with drone surveillance," the operator replied, his fingers flying over the controls to zoom in on the footage.

As the screen displayed a clearer image of the creatures moving in the distance, John noted their erratic movements.

They were agile, darting through the grasslands, making it difficult to count them accurately. He could see the shapes of Gravoks, Razorclaws and Grythox among them, their menacing forms a stark reminder of the threats that lay beyond their defenses.

"Prepare the soldiers," John ordered, already strategizing their response. "We need to set up a perimeter and keep an eye on their movements. If they're heading this way, we can't take any chances. We must be ready to defend Havenbrook and Fort Sentinel."

The operators nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting a mix of determination and concern.

"Activate the surveillance drones on that side and alert the Hunter Squad. I want eyes on those creatures at all times," he commanded.

As the team sprang into action, John took a moment to collect his thoughts. This could be a test of their defenses and a chance to gather more information about their enemies.

If they could understand the creatures' patterns and behaviors, it would give them an edge in future encounters.

John glanced at the operational map as he formulated a plan. With the imminent threat approaching from the west, it was crucial to mobilize their forces efficiently.

The Hunter Squad had now split into two teams, and each team would utilize their vehicles for rapid deployment.

Team Alpha would take one of the M2A4 Bradleys. It was equipped with a driver, a gunner, and six soldiers, making it a formidable force on the battlefield.

The Bradley's powerful 25mm chain gun and TOW missile launcher would give them an edge in engaging the creatures from a distance while keeping the soldiers protected inside the armored vehicle.

Team Bravo would utilize the M1126 Infantry Carrier Vehicle (ICV). This team consisted of one driver, one gunner, and nine soldiers, offering them greater troop capacity for a more aggressive approach if needed.

The M1126 provided an excellent balance of firepower and mobility, perfect for navigating the terrain and responding to threats quickly.

"Have both teams ready to roll in five," John instructed, glancing over the soldiers preparing their gear. "Make sure the weapons are loaded and the vehicles are fueled. I want to minimize any downtime once we get a visual on those creatures."

The soldiers moved with purpose, checking their equipment and communicating with each other to ensure everything was in order.

John watched as the operators monitored the surveillance feeds, keeping a close eye on the creatures' movements.

As the minutes ticked by, the anticipation grew. John knew they had to act decisively. "Once we have confirmation of the creatures' location, I want Team Alpha to take the lead and engage from a distance. Team Bravo will follow up and be ready for any close encounters. We'll use the vehicles' capabilities to our advantage."

"Understood, sir," the team leaders acknowledged, their focus unwavering.

Finally, the operator called out, "Sir, the drones confirm the creatures are moving closer—approximately twenty kilometers out. They seem to be heading in our direction."

"Alright, it's time to show them what we're made of," John declared, his voice steady and commanding. "Let's move out!"

With that, the two teams hopped into their respective vehicles, engines roaring to life. John took a moment to center himself before climbing into the command vehicle, ready to coordinate their movements from the front line.


As Team Alpha and Team Bravo rolled out of Fort Sentinel, the sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over the plains. The sound of the engines roared, drowning out the rustling of leaves and the distant cries of wildlife. The soldiers felt a surge of adrenaline, knowing they were about to face a formidable enemy.

Inside the M2A4 Bradley (Team Alpha):

Corporal Emma "Viper" Rodriguez, the gunner, remained firmly in her seat, her hands gripping the controls of the 25mm cannon. "I've got visuals on the creatures!" she announced, her voice steady despite the tension. "Looks like they're a mix of Grythox and Razorclaws, with some Gravoks in the mix. At least twenty of them, maybe more."

"Driver, keep us steady," Sergeant Daniel "Griffin" Lee commanded, his eyes fixed on the terrain ahead while monitoring the screen displaying drone footage. "Get ready to disembark."

As they closed in, the creatures became more visible—sleek, predatory forms moving swiftly across the open ground. The sunlight glinted off their scales, making them appear almost ethereal, yet menacing.

"Steady... steady..." Griffin urged, the anticipation palpable. "We're almost there!"

The Battlefield:

With a sudden shout, Griffin commanded, "Disembark!" The hatch opened with a hiss, and six soldiers sprang into action, quickly deploying into the field, while Emma stayed inside, ready to provide support with her cannon.

"Cover me!" Griffin called out as he led the team into the fray. Emma quickly assessed the situation, her eyes darting to a Grythox lunging forward.

She squeezed the trigger, unleashing a burst from the 25mm cannon. The round struck true, sending the creature staggering back with a pained roar.

"Good shot, Viper!" Griffin praised, scanning the battlefield. "Team, form up! We'll take them down together!"

The soldiers moved in coordinated formations, ready to engage. The creatures noticed the soldiers and began to charge, their snarls echoing across the plains. Emma remained focused, her aim steady as she scanned for targets.

"Jack, keep an eye on the left flank!" Griffin ordered, his gaze sharp. "We can't let them surround us!"

From her position inside the Bradley, Emma continued to fire at the advancing creatures, sending a volley of rounds toward a charging Razorclaw. "Target acquired!" she shouted, watching as the creature fell under her fire.

As the soldiers moved together, Emma steadied her aim, breathing deeply to focus. She unleashed a burst of fire aimed at the oncoming Gravok, the rounds hitting their mark and staggering the beast.

"Now! Push forward!" Griffin yelled, leading the charge as the six soldiers pressed against the remaining creatures.

Emma kept her cannon trained on the battlefield, ready to provide covering fire as the M2A4 Bradley stood as their stronghold.

The combination of Emma's precision and the soldiers' teamwork pushed back the horde.

They fought bravely, determined to drive back the creatures and protect their home at all costs, with the M2A4 Bradley's cannon booming in support of their efforts.

Inside the M1126 (Team Bravo):

"Team Bravo, disembark!" Sergeant Marcus "Rhino" Holt commanded, the driver slowing the vehicle to a halt. "Let's show them what we're made of!" He opened the hatch, and the soldiers quickly followed suit, pouring out with determination.

Private First Class Ethan "Falcon" O'Connell was among the first out, his rifle ready. "Spread out! Stay in formation!" he called out, scanning the battlefield for targets. As the soldiers found cover, Rhino remained inside the vehicle, manning the turret to provide suppressive fire.

As Team Bravo disembarked, the gunner unleashed a stream of bullets, targeting a group of approaching Razorclaws.

The heavy rounds impacted the ground around them, sending dirt flying and forcing the creatures to dodge and weave.

"Keep your heads down!" Rhino shouted from his position in the turret, his voice steady as he fired. "We need to hold our ground!"

Ethan and the other soldiers swiftly moved into a defensive line, taking cover behind rocks and debris as they prepared to engage.

The sound of gunfire echoed around them, the tension palpable as they braced for the impending clash with the creatures.

"On my mark, we advance!" Ethan instructed, keeping a sharp eye on the advancing Razorclaws. "Get ready to fire!"

"Suppressing fire in three… two… one!" Rhino counted down, unleashing another barrage from the turret as the soldiers moved out from cover. The bullets struck the ground around the Razorclaws, forcing them to split and redirect their charge.

"Now, go! Push forward!" Ethan commanded, leading the way as Team Bravo pressed ahead, their rifles at the ready.

Rhino continued to provide cover, his turret spinning to track the creatures while the soldiers moved with purpose, determined to push back the horde and protect their territory.


Back at Fort Sentinel:

John watched with pride as his soldiers executed the plan flawlessly. "Great job, everyone! Keep pushing them back!" he shouted over the radio, his voice brimming with encouragement for both teams. The sight of his soldiers, united and relentless, bolstered his spirits. He could see the creatures starting to falter; their advance was slowing as they faced the combined onslaught from the vehicles and the determined infantry.

The M2A4 Bradley and M1126 ICV worked in harmony, their firepower coordinated with the sharp aim of the soldiers on the ground. Each volley fired pushed the creatures back further, creating a widening gap between them and Fort Sentinel.

Within just ten minutes, the entire fight concluded. The battlefield lay strewn with the remains of 146 defeated creatures—Grythox, Razorclaws, and Gravoks—each one a testament to the soldiers' resolve and skill.

As the dust settled, John felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him. He watched as his soldiers returned to base, some exchanging high-fives and shouts of victory, while others patted each other on the back, proud of their performance.

"Welcome back, heroes!" John greeted them as they entered Fort Sentinel, his smile wide. "You've all done exceptionally well today. Each of you contributed to our safety and the future of Fort Sentinel and Havenbrook. To celebrate this victory, I'm treating everyone to some cold beers!"

Cheers erupted from the soldiers at the announcement, their spirits soaring even higher. The camaraderie was palpable as they gathered around, grateful for the chance to unwind after the intense battle. John joined them, raising his glass in a toast.

"To teamwork, bravery, and many more victories ahead!" he proclaimed, and the soldiers echoed his words, clinking their bottles together in celebration.