Chapter 14

It had been a month since John and his soldiers arrived in this unfamiliar world, and in that time, everything had changed. The initial chaos of their arrival had given way to a sense of purpose and structure.

With the ongoing threat of the Stampede becoming ever more intense, John had worked tirelessly to fortify their positions and ensure the safety of both his soldiers and the townspeople of Fort Sentinel and Havenbrook.

With each successful mission and each creature they fought off, John accrued points, allowing him to make significant upgrades to their defenses and facilities.

Current Status:

Barracks: John now commanded three Level 5 Barracks, each capable of housing 100 soldiers. This meant he had a total of 300 soldiers at his disposal, ready for any encounter that might arise.

Vehicle Bays: The three Level 3 Vehicle Bays were a crucial addition, each accommodating 30 vehicles. This allowed for a rapid response to threats and ensured that they could mobilize quickly when needed.

Command Center: Their Level 1 Command Center served as the nerve center for operations.

Supply Depot: With the Supply Depot upgraded to Level 3, it now housed a larger inventory of essential goods, ensuring that both soldiers and townspeople had access to food, medical supplies, and equipment.

Communications Tower: The Level 3 Communications Tower had a transmission range of 60 kilometers, allowing John to coordinate with distant outposts and keep tabs on potential threats.

Power Station: The Level 3 Power Station now provided a robust 300 kW of electricity, powering all facilities and ensuring they remained operational day and night.

The Defensive Wall of Fort Sentinel had reached Level 5, a formidable barrier against any encroaching creatures. However, John had limited its expansion to 2.5 kilometers, opting for a strategic approach rather than maximum coverage.

He wanted to ensure that their resources were allocated wisely, knowing the threat they faced was not just from outside forces, but also from potential internal issues.

For Havenbrook, John had also upgraded the walls to Level 5, expanding it to only 1 kilometer.

The mysterious expansion of the walls without their knowledge left the townspeople both mystified and confused. However, they quickly passed it off as a result of John's advanced technology, marveling at the capabilities of their benefactor.

They accepted the changes with a mix of admiration and curiosity, believing that such innovations were a part of the new era they had entered under John's leadership.

John has fully utilized all his resources to bolster his military personnel, summoning additional soldiers and equipping them with more advanced weaponry.

150 Infantry, armed with M16A4 rifles and M17 pistols, outfitted with Tier 4 full tactical body armor.

50 Heavy Weapon Specialists, ready to unleash devastating firepower with their M249 SAWs.

25 Scout/Snipers, expertly wielding M110A1 SDMRs, prepared to eliminate threats from a distance.

10 Commanders, directing operations with M27 IARs, ensuring every soldier understands their role in the overall strategy.

15 Medic Soldiers, equipped to provide critical support during battles.

50 Engineer Soldiers, tasked with fortifying positions and maintaining vital equipment.

In addition to enhancing his military personnel, John expanded their vehicle arsenal significantly, bringing their total to:

1. 5 M2A4 Bradley IFVs

These Infantry Fighting Vehicles are heavily armored and equipped with a 25mm cannon and anti-tank missiles, providing powerful support and protection for infantry units in combat zones.

2. 6 M1126 ICVs

The M1126 Infantry Carrier Vehicles are designed for fast troop transport, offering armor protection and mounted weaponry, ideal for moving soldiers swiftly across the battlefield.

3. 1 D9 Bulldozer

This massive, heavily armored bulldozer is perfect for clearing obstacles, creating defensive earthworks, and preparing land for construction in hostile environments.

4. 1 130G Grader

A versatile road construction vehicle used for leveling ground, essential for building infrastructure such as roads, airstrips, or clearing areas for fortifications.

5. 3 HEMTTs

Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Trucks are used for transporting large quantities of supplies, ammunition, or fuel across difficult terrain, ensuring the army remains well-supplied.

6. 5 JLTVs

The Joint Light Tactical Vehicles offer enhanced mobility and protection, serving as fast, agile transport vehicles for soldiers in both offensive and defensive operations.

7. 5 M1083 Medium Trucks

These all-terrain trucks are capable of transporting troops, supplies, or equipment across rough terrain, providing logistical support for missions in remote areas.

8. 4 XM1283s

These lightweight, armored multi-role vehicles offer advanced surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities, allowing John's forces to monitor and secure large areas efficiently.

With this robust lineup, John ensured his forces were well-equipped for any challenges they might face ahead.


The sun had just risen over the horizon, casting long shadows across the plains as John rode in the XM1283, which he had designated as his mobile command vehicle.

It was 8:30 AM, and the convoy was on the move.

With him were Team Alpha and Bravo, both mounted in their armored M2A4 Bradleys and M1126 Infantry Carrier Vehicles, rumbling across the rugged terrain like iron beasts.

Behind them, Team Charlie followed closely in three M1083 medium trucks loaded with essential supplies.

Their mission for the day was straightforward: head east toward Crestfall, a town roughly 30 kilometers away.

Crestfall had been selected as the target because it was closer than Stonebrook, which lay further out, about 50 kilometers west of Fort Sentinel.

The convoy moved steadily, with the soldiers maintaining vigilance. The 30-kilometer journey fell within the coverage of their communication towers, allowing John and his team to stay in contact with Fort Sentinel throughout the mission.

This provided a sense of security—if anything went wrong back at the base, they could react quickly and provide support if needed.

John radioed to the convoy, "Let's keep it tight. Crestfall is still uncharted territory, and we don't know what we'll find there. Stay alert."

Hours passed as the convoy traversed open plains and sparse woodlands. Aside from a few minor detours around rough terrain, the journey was uneventful.

Crestfall soon appeared on the horizon, its tall structures rising above the landscape. It was much larger than BrightHaven, a promising sight for future expansion.

John disembarked, followed closely by his soldiers. He surveyed the area briefly before giving orders. "Team Alpha, Team Bravo, find an inconspicuous place nearby and set up an observation camp. Keep a low profile, and monitor the surroundings for any movement," he commanded.

Without hesitation, the teams moved quickly, disappearing into the terrain to establish their hidden positions. They chose areas with natural cover, ensuring they could observe without being easily detected.

Meanwhile, Team Charlie began unloading the soldiers' supplies, organizing them with precision. They worked swiftly to assemble a battery-powered cart, disguised to look like a wooden, medieval-era wagon.

Once complete, they carefully transferred the goods they intended to trade—jewelry, ceramic plates, spoons, forks, and other valuable items—onto the cart.

The team ensured the cart blended seamlessly with the surroundings, maintaining the appearance of humble traders while secretly using advanced technology to transport their goods efficiently.

John and Team Charlie quickly swapped out their military uniforms for more modest, practical clothing that matched the local customs of this world.

Tunics, leather belts, and boots replaced their tactical gear. They blended seamlessly into their surroundings, appearing as simple traders rather than soldiers.

"Let's not stand out too much," John said, tightening his belt. "We need to look like we're part of the town until we know more about who we're dealing with."

The team nodded in agreement, adjusting their outfits and checking their supplies, preparing to enter Crestfall with the appearance of ordinary merchants.

Once the cart was fully loaded, John and Team Charlie began their journey toward the town, walking at a steady pace while pulling the disguised cart behind them.

The wheels of the medieval-looking cart rolled smoothly over the uneven path, its battery-powered mechanism silent as they moved closer to Crestfall.

When they arrived at the entrance of Crestfall, John and his team were met with a formidable sight.

Multiple guards, armed to the teeth, stood watch, their expressions stern and vigilant. Given the events that had unfolded in Brighthaven, the presence of such heavy security was expected.

However, what truly surprised them was the sight of soldiers from the Kingdom mingling with the town guards. Clad in polished armor emblazoned with the royal insignia, these soldiers exuded authority.

It was clear that Crestfall was not only fortified against external threats but also under the watchful eye of the Kingdom's military presence.

As John and his team approached the entrance, the guards shouted in unison, their voices echoing through the tense air. "State your business!"

John raised his hands slightly to indicate peace, positioning himself at the forefront. "We are traders from the West," he replied, his tone steady but respectful. "We come to establish contact with Crestfall, to trade goods and offer assistance if needed."

The guards eyed them suspiciously, their weapons at the ready. One of them stepped forward, scanning John's group from head to toe. "What kind of goods do you bring?" he asked, his expression unreadable.

John gestured towards the cart filled with jewelry, ceramic plates, and other valuable items. "We have various items for trade—something that might interest your people."

The guard remained skeptical, exchanging glances with his fellow sentries. The presence of the Kingdom's soldiers behind them added an extra layer of tension to the encounter. "You'll need to provide proof of your intentions," he stated firmly. "Follow us for inspection."

With no choice but to comply, John nodded and motioned for his team to follow, hoping their goods would be enough to win over the guards and gain entry into Crestfall.

After an intense ten minutes of scrutiny, the guards finally stepped back, waving John and his team through the entrance. "You're good to go," one of them said, a wide grin breaking across his face.

John suspected the decision wasn't solely based on their goods. As the guards had inspected their cart, he had discreetly poured a small barrel of beer—a special brew from Fort Sentinel—into their hands.

The aroma had clearly piqued their interest, and now they left with wide smiles, chatting animatedly among themselves.

As John and his team arrived at the bustling market of Crestfall, they were struck by the sheer volume of people milling about. The vibrant stalls were filled with colorful goods, and the air buzzed with the sounds of bartering and laughter.

It was a stark contrast to the tension they had felt on the journey here, especially with the ever-present threat of the stampede looming over them.

Curiosity got the better of him, and John approached a passerby, a middle-aged man with a weathered face and a broad smile. "Excuse me," John began, "I couldn't help but notice how relaxed everyone seems, even with the stampede occurring. Why is that?"

The man chuckled lightly, his eyes twinkling. "Ah, it's all thanks to the soldiers of the Eldoria Kingdom. They've been stationed here for our protection, keeping the stampede at bay and ensuring our safety. Their presence gives us a sense of security, so we can go about our lives without fear."

John nodded, understanding now why the people appeared so at ease. The soldiers' presence was a reassuring buffer against the chaos outside, allowing the town to thrive even amidst uncertainty.

"Thank you for your insight," John said, offering a friendly smile. "We're here to trade and establish connections. It seems we've arrived at an opportune time."

"Good luck to you," the man replied, clasping John's shoulder in camaraderie. "Crestfall welcomes traders, and it's a great time to do busines. Just be sure to keep your wits about you. Not everyone is as friendly as they appear."

With that cautionary note, John moved deeper into the market, ready to explore the potential opportunities that lay ahead for him and his team.

John found a suitable spot in the market where he and his team could set up their store.

The bustling atmosphere around them was filled with the sounds of vendors hawking their wares and customers bargaining for the best prices.

The cart they had assembled was cleverly designed; the walls could fold down to serve as tables, creating a versatile display area for their goods.

They unloaded a variety of items to trade: jewelry, ceramic plates, cutlery, and even some unexpected treasures like beer, perfume, soap, and shampoo that John had obtained using the system.

He believed these items would stand out in the market and attract a diverse clientele.

As they set up, John ensured that the beer was prominently displayed, hoping to catch the attention of thirsty traders and townsfolk.

The perfume, with its vibrant bottles, and the soaps and shampoos, neatly arranged, added an air of luxury to their stall.

He wanted their cart to exude a sense of quality and craftsmanship, something that would appeal to the residents of Crestfall.

"Let's keep our eyes open," John instructed his team, his voice low but firm. "We're not just here to sell; we need to gather information and look for allies. Engage with the locals and see what they know about the current situation."

Team Charlie nodded, already immersed in setting up the display and preparing for their first customers. With everything in place, John stood back and observed the market, ready for whatever opportunities the day might bring.

As soon as their stall was fully set up, a curious crowd began to gather around them. The vibrant colors of the items on display, especially the gleaming bottles of perfume and the neatly arranged soaps, caught the attention of passersby. People were drawn in by the luxurious appearance of goods that they believed only nobles could afford.

Whispers of excitement rippled through the crowd as they marveled at the quality of the products. John noticed a group of women admiring the delicate ceramic plates, their eyes wide with appreciation. Meanwhile, a group of men exchanged looks of intrigue as they eyed the bottles of beer, likely eager to sample something new.

"Step right up!" John called out, adopting a friendly demeanor to engage with the crowd. "We have fine goods here, perfect for anyone looking to treat themselves or impress their guests!"

His words, coupled with the enticing scents wafting from the perfumes and soaps, encouraged more people to approach.

Team Charlie worked diligently, answering questions and making sales, their spirits high as they exchanged pleasantries with customers.

As the crowd continued to swell around their stall, one woman stepped forward, her eyes sparkling with interest. "What is this perfume made of, and how much does it cost?" she asked, holding up a beautifully crafted bottle.

"It's made from jasmine and sandalwood," John replied, "and it's priced at just 5 silver pieces." He watched as the woman tested the fragrance, her face lighting up with delight.

"What do jasmine and sandalwood smell like?" she asked, clearly unfamiliar with the ingredients.

"Jasmine has a sweet, floral scent, while sandalwood offers a warm, creamy aroma. Together, they create a unique and enticing fragrance," he explained.

The woman nodded, clearly intrigued, and John continued, "We also have other items. Our soap for 1 silver, and nourishing shampoo for 3 silver."

As he spoke, he could see her excitement growing. "I'll take the perfume," she decided, pulling out her coins.

The crowd around their stall continued to grow, eager to buy the goods that seemed too luxurious for their everyday lives, yet were within reach thanks to John's clever pricing.

As John finalized the transaction with the woman, another customer approached one of the members of Team Charlie, who was manning the stall.

"Excuse me," the customer said, eyeing the selection of goods. "What kind of beer do you have? I've heard a lot about it."

The soldier smiled and replied, "We have a rich amber ale and a crisp lager. Both are brewed using quality ingredients, and they go for just 1 silver piece per bottle."

"Sounds good! I'll take a couple of the amber ale," the customer said, pulling out his coin purse. "And what about those plates? They look different from what we usually use."

The soldier nodded, pointing to the neatly stacked ceramic plates. "Those are ceramic plates, priced at just 2 silver pieces each. They're more durable than wood and metal."

The customer inspected the plates with curiosity, turning one over in his hands. "I've never seen plates like these before. We usually use wooden or metal ones."

"They're quite popular in the west," the soldier explained. "They're easier to clean and won't warp over time. You'll find them very useful."

Intrigued, the customer decided to take a chance. "Alright, I'll take four of those, too. They seem worth a try."

As the soldier quickly packed the items, another individual stepped up. This one was an older man, eyeing the jars on the table. "What about those?" he asked, gesturing towards the soap. "What makes them special?"

"They're handmade and infused with natural scents," the soldier replied. "Only 1 silver per bar. We have lavender, rosemary, and a refreshing citrus blend."

The old man nodded appreciatively. "I'll take three bars of the lavender, then. My wife will love these."

"Great choice!" the soldier said as he wrapped the soap for the man.

Just then, a young woman approached, her eyes wide with curiosity. "What is this... shampoo?" she asked, pointing at the bottles on the table.

The soldier smiled, ready to explain. "Shampoo is a special liquid used to clean your hair. You apply it while washing your hair to remove dirt and oil. It helps keep your hair healthy and smelling nice. This one is made with natural oils to nourish your hair, and it's 2 silver pieces per bottle."

The young woman frowned slightly, clearly puzzled. "So, you just put it on your hair? We usually just wash with water."

"Exactly! It's like washing your hair with magic," the soldier said with a chuckle. "It makes it much softer and easier to manage."

Her eyes lit up with interest. "I'll take a bottle, then! I've never tried anything like it before."

As the soldier wrapped up the item, another customer stepped forward, eagerly eyeing the selection.

John looked around at the growing crowd, pleased to see their stall becoming a hub of activity in the bustling market of Crestfall.