Chapter 15

It was almost sunset when John and his team wrapped up for the day. The bustling market had finally quieted down, and the last rays of sunlight cast a golden hue over the town. They folded up the walls of their modified cart, neatly packing away the remaining goods, and began dragging the cart toward the gate, ready to return to their camp.

As they approached the entrance, the familiar figure of the guard from earlier came into view. He stepped forward, blocking their path with a mischievous grin.

"Well, trader," the guard began, his tone light but suggestive, "Will you be bringing the same items next time you're in town?" He gave John a wink, clearly referring to the beer they had slipped him earlier.

John chuckled, nodding as he caught the guard's meaning. "We'll see what we can do," he replied, playing along. "Might have something special in stock next time."

The guard laughed, patting John on the back. "Good to hear. You know where to find me," he said with a grin before stepping aside to let them pass.

With that, John and his team made their way through the gates, pulling the cart behind them as they headed back to their camp, knowing they had made a strong impression today—not just with the townspeople but with the guards as well.


Once they were far enough from town, ensuring no prying eyes could follow, John led Charlie Team off the main road. They veered into the thick bushes about 50 meters to the side, moving silently through the dense foliage. The heavy underbrush swallowed their movements, and soon, the road was out of sight behind them.

After a short trek, they arrived at the hidden camp. The vehicles were already positioned in a semi-circle, their camouflage netting expertly draped over them, blending perfectly into the wilderness. The camp was quiet, efficient, and nearly invisible, concealed from anyone who might pass by on the road.

John and Charlie Team quickly pushed the carts into the semi-circle formed by their vehicles.

Once inside, John opened a hidden compartment in one of the carts, revealing a large sack filled with currency. It was the money they had earned throughout the day's sales.

Before arriving, they had asked the people of Brighthaven to explain the local currency system:

1 gold = 100 silver

1 silver = 100 copper

For reference, a single loaf of bread cost about 20 copper.

By the end of the day, they had earned a total of 25 gold and 30 silver—a fortune by the standards of ordinary townspeople.

John then ordered Charlie Team to begin restocking the items for the next day's trade. As they got to work, he made his way into the command vehicle. Sitting down at the control station, he adjusted his headset and switched on the radio.

"Alpha Team, Bravo Team, report in," John said, his voice calm as he called for updates from the team leaders stationed around the perimeter.

Static buzzed briefly over the radio before the replies came in.

The radio crackled to life, and the familiar voice of Alpha Team's leader came through, steady and reassuring. "Alpha Team here, all clear on our side. We're currently monitoring the town, and everything seems quiet. The soldiers are keeping a close watch, and morale is high. Over."

John nodded to himself, pleased with the report. "Good work, Alpha. Keep your eyes peeled. Bravo Team, what's your status?"

There was a brief pause before Bravo Team's leader responded, a hint of enthusiasm in their tone. "Bravo Team reporting in. We're monitoring the perimeter, and there hasn't been a single sighting of anything out of the ordinary. The camp is secure, and we're ready to respond if needed. Over."

"Understood, Bravo. Maintain your positions and stay alert. Let me know if you see or hear anything unusual," John replied, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

The radio crackled again, breaking the tense silence. "Alpha 3 to Hunter Actual. Drones are detecting massive movement on the roads on the opposite side."

John's heart raced. "Visual?" he asked, his voice steady despite the unease creeping in.

"Sending drone footage now," Alpha 3 responded.

As the drone feed flickered onto the screen, John's expression hardened. The camera panned over a large group—almost 500 to 1,000 individuals—moving swiftly down the road, kicking up dust in their wake. He leaned closer to the screen, focusing on the figures clad in armor bearing the unmistakable insignia of the Kingdom of Eldoria.

"Are those soldiers?" John asked, trying to suppress the rising tension in his voice.

"Yes, sir. They appear to be a military unit," Alpha 3 confirmed. "They're well-organized and equipped for a potential engagement."

John furrowed his brow, pondering,'What could the soldiers be doing at this time?'

The drone footage revealed a flurry of activity among the Eldoria soldiers. Tents were being erected with impressive speed, and he noticed multiple injured individuals being treated by medics. The sight was both concerning and intriguing.

With the drone equipped with advanced technology, they were able to pick up snippets of conversation among the Eldorian troops. John leaned closer to the screen, straining to catch every word.

"We have lost a lot of good men back there," one soldier said, his voice tinged with fatigue.

"Those monsters just keep coming. We barely held them off," another replied, a hint of anger lacing his tone.

"They're regrouping, and we need to prepare for another wave," an officer commanded, directing the soldiers to gather supplies and check their weapons.

Hearing those chatter, John's heart beat faster. If the soldiers of the Eldorian Kingdom barely defeated the enemy, then a second wave was imminent. The thought sent a chill down his spine. The creatures lurking in the shadows were relentless, and the news of their resurgence could spell disaster not only for the Eldorian soldiers but also for Crestfall and his team.

He quickly calculated the possible outcomes. If the Eldorian soldiers were overwhelmed again, the chaos could spill over into the town. Citizens who had only just begun to relax could find themselves in the midst of a new nightmare.

As John realized the gravity of the situation, he quickly ordered both Alpha and Bravo teams to be on extra alert. "We need to be prepared for anything. Keep your eyes open and report any unusual movements."

Lamenting his earlier oversight, he couldn't help but think about how if he had not forgotten to build the armory back at Fort Sentinel, things would have been different.

With the armory operational, they would have access to a stockpile of weapons and explosive munitions—missiles, rockets, and even armored vehicles like tanks. These resources could make a crucial difference in the face of an overwhelming enemy force.

Then he shook his head, dismissing the regret. Oh well, it's no use crying over spilled milk, he thought. "We can't dwell on what could have been. We need to focus on what we can do now." He turned his attention back to the screens displaying the drone footage. The Eldorian soldiers continued to move about, treating the wounded and setting up makeshift tents, but there was an underlying tension in the air.

"Charlie Team," he called over the radio, "keep track of the supplies we have. If we need to supply the Eldorian soldiers with anything - food, medicine - we'll do it. We must be ready for a potential attack, and the more we can aid them, the better our chances."

"Understood, Hunter. We're on it," Charlie Team replied.

"Alright, everyone," John said, rallying his thoughts. "Stay focused. Monitor those drones and keep your weapons ready. We need to be prepared to defend ourselves and assist our allies if necessary. We'll face whatever comes together."

As the soldiers adjusted their positions and tightened their grips on their weapons, John steeled himself for the challenges ahead, determined to safeguard both his team and the town of Crestfall.


The next morning, John and his team set out for the town once again, this time with extra supplies for medicine alongside their usual inventory. As they approached Crestfall, a heavy, gloomy atmosphere enveloped the area, casting a shadow over their spirits.

Upon entering the town, it became clear that something was amiss. The usual hustle and bustle of the marketplace had diminished significantly. Fewer people filled the streets, and those who did were marked by grim expressions. The vibrant colors of the market stalls seemed muted, overshadowed by an unspoken tension that hung in the air.

As they navigated through the narrow lanes, John noticed a few townsfolk peering from behind closed doors, their eyes filled with apprehension. The sense of unease was almost palpable, as if the very air had thickened with worry.

"Keep your eyes open," John instructed his team, his voice low but firm. "Let's stay alert and be ready for anything."

They made their way to their usual spot in the market, setting up their stall amid the somber atmosphere. The cart, modified to serve as both a display and storage for their goods, looked out of place against the backdrop of worry and despair.

As the morning progressed, more townsfolk began to gather around John's stall, but it was a different crowd than the day before. Gone was the vibrant energy of eager shoppers; instead, a sense of urgency and anxiety permeated the air.

People approached hesitantly, their faces etched with concern. Whispers filled the atmosphere as families discussed the unsettling presence of the Eldorian soldiers and the recent monster attacks. The tension was palpable, each glance exchanged among the townsfolk heavy with unspoken fears.

Suddenly, a merchant shouted at John and his team, accusing them of being opportunists and claiming that the townsfolk should not rely on outsiders for help. "We've managed before without your kind!" he bellowed, his face twisted with disdain. "What do you know about our troubles?"

John remained silent, absorbing the merchant's words while gauging the crowd's reaction. Some townspeople looked uncertain, glancing between John and the merchant, while others took a step back, clearly uncomfortable with the tension.

Suddenly, a desperate cry echoed as a soldier from the Eldorian Kingdom approached the merchant who had earlier shouted at John and his team. "Who sells medicine?" the soldier demanded, his voice a mixture of urgency.

The merchant, seeing an opportunity, responded quickly but with a cruel twist. "I'll sell it to you, but only if you pay double the price—right now!" His voice dripped with greed as he justified the outrageous demand by citing the dangers posed by the Stampede.

"Double the price?" the soldier scoffed, incredulity etched on his face. "Why have the prices been raised so much? Just yesterday, the costs were manageable. People need medicine to survive, not to be exploited!"

The merchant's smile faded slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. "These are different times, soldier. The chaos of the Stampede has created a shortage, and I have to protect my business," he replied, crossing his arms defensively. "If you want medicine, you'll have to pay for it. Simple as that."

The soldier stepped closer, frustration boiling over. "You call this a business? This is exploitation! What's next, charging extra for food?"

The merchant smirked, unfazed. "It's not my fault the world is in chaos! I have bills to pay too. The danger has increased, and so must the prices. If you can't afford it, then perhaps you should find someone else!"

Just as the argument reached a boiling point, the merchant added, "But I can offer you the medicine if you can pay right now. I don't take credit or IOUs."

The soldier's expression darkened. "You want us to pay upfront at a time like this? What kind of a man are you?"

"Just a smart businessman," the merchant replied coolly, shrugging off the soldier's accusation. "This is a matter of survival for everyone. And if that means charging a little more to keep my shop running, then so be it."

At that moment, John stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. "I can help," he said, his voice calm yet authoritative, cutting through the rising tempers. "Bring those injured soldiers here."

The soldier turned to John, relief washing over his features. "Thank you, sir. We need all the help we can get," he said, his voice filled with gratitude.

But even when the soldier ignored the merchant, he was still persuading the soldier to buy his medicine and slandering John. "You think he'll help you? He's just a trader looking to profit off your desperation!" the merchant shouted, trying to rally the crowd against John.

The soldier clenched his fists, feeling the weight of the merchant's words, but he refused to let them sway him. "I don't care what you say. I'm not wasting time with you," he snapped, turning his back to the merchant.

John turned to the soldier, his tone firm but calm. "Lead the way to your encampment. We'll bring the medics and supplies—let's move quickly."

The soldier nodded and beckoned for John and his team to follow. They quickly closed up the carts, securing their goods, before falling in line behind the soldier, ready to assist with the urgent medical situation.

As they passed through the opposite gate, a grim sight unfolded before them—rows of tents hastily set up, with soldiers lying on makeshift beds, some writhing in pain while others worked feverishly to tend to the wounded. The air was thick with the cries of injured men, the metallic scent of blood, and the stench of sweat and desperation.

John and his team wasted no time. Pulling their carts through the sea of wounded, they moved swiftly toward the most critical cases. His medics immediately sprang into action, assessing the severity of each injury while John coordinated with the soldier who had brought them.

"Start here," the soldier said, pointing to a cluster of tents where the most badly injured lay, their faces pale and sweat-soaked. "These men... they won't last long without help."

Without hesitation, John's medics began administering first aid, setting up IVs, and distributing the medicine they had brought.

They moved with precision and confidence, their training evident in every action. One medic knelt beside a soldier with a badly mangled leg, likely from a monster attack. With a practiced hand, the medic cleaned the wound and applied a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. The soldier winced but stared in astonishment as an injection was given, with the medic explaining, "This will prevent infection and help your body recover."

Nearby, another medic was stitching a deep laceration across a soldier's chest. With steady hands, they closed the wound and then applied a gel from an advanced medical kit. "This will help seal the wound faster," the medic explained calmly. The wounded soldier's eyes widened as the stinging quickly faded, replaced by a cooling sensation. "Never seen anything like this," he muttered, astonished.

A third medic tended to a soldier suffering from a high fever, attaching an IV drip and administering medication that brought the fever down in minutes. "How... how did you do that so fast?" the soldier asked, disbelief in his voice. The medic simply smiled and replied, "It's just good medicine."

As more soldiers observed, whispers spread throughout the camp. "Who are these people?" one murmured. "How can they heal us so quickly?"

John watched his team with pride as they worked seamlessly, transforming the once frantic, pain-ridden camp into a scene of hope.

Soldiers who moments earlier groaned in agony were now sitting up, astonished at how quickly their wounds were treated and their pain eased.

The medics had turned what seemed like dire situations into moments of relief, leaving the Eldorian soldiers speechless.

"Your men... they're incredible," the soldier who had led them to the camp said, his voice full of gratitude and admiration.

As the medics continued their work, a sudden loud sound reverberated through the camp, startling everyone.

Soldiers jerked in surprise, some instinctively gripping their weapons. The air, once filled with the moans of the wounded and hurried whispers, now crackled with nervous tension.

John's head snapped up, scanning the area, his hand instinctively hovering near his sidearm. "What was that?" he asked. His team immediately went on high alert, ready for any potential threat.

As the eerie sound echoed through the camp, one of the Eldorian soldiers rushed toward John and his team, panic etched across his face. "That sound… it's the warning for an impending monster attack!" he shouted, his voice filled with urgency.

The camp erupted into controlled chaos as soldiers scrambled to their feet, grabbing weapons and armor in preparation for the oncoming threat. John's heart pounded as he quickly shifted into command mode, eyes darting toward the surrounding terrain.

"Everyone, get ready!" John barked, his voice firm. "Alpha, Bravo, we need support immediately. We have an imminent threat incoming! Charlie, prepare to provide support. We hold this position."