Chapter 16

John quickly rushed toward the frontline with Charlie team at his side, leaving the medics behind to continue treating the wounded. He had given them strict orders to stay on guard and await further instructions, knowing full well that their priority was saving lives but that they might have to switch gears in an instant.

The air grew thick with tension as they approached the town's outer defenses. Eldorian soldiers were already scrambling into position, but the exhaustion on their faces was evident—they had barely recovered from their last clash. John glanced over his shoulder at Charlie team, ensuring they were ready. Each soldier moved with precision, rifles held steady, eyes scanning for movement.

"Stay sharp," John ordered. "Medics are handling the wounded. We're holding the line here."

The faint sound of the approaching horde echoed through the air—a low, guttural rumble that sent chills down everyone's spine. John could feel the ground vibrating beneath his boots as the monsters neared, but Charlie team held firm, awaiting his command.

"Hold your fire," John commanded, raising his hand as Charlie Team tensed in anticipation. "Let's see if the Eldorian soldiers can handle this first."

His team, always disciplined, eased their weapons slightly but maintained sharp focus on the advancing monsters. The ground vibrated as the creatures charged, and the Eldorian soldiers stood their ground, launching a barrage of arrows and spears before meeting the beasts with their swords.

John watched closely, his eyes narrowing as the frontline clashed. The Eldorian soldiers fought with grit, but the strain from their prior battle was evident in their weary movements. Some were already struggling to hold their positions under the overwhelming force of the monstrous horde.

"They're pushing back, but not for long," John muttered, his grip tightening on his rifle. The soldiers' fatigue was setting in, and gaps were forming in their defense.

"Stay sharp, Charlie," John added, his tone firm. "If they start to break, we move in. But not before."

Charlie Team, fingers hovering over their triggers, kept their eyes locked on the battle. The tension mounted as they waited for the moment to step in, knowing their intervention could be the difference between survival and collapse.

True to John's prediction, the frontline began to collapse as the Eldorian soldiers struggled under the relentless assault. Casualties mounted rapidly, and within minutes, the defense line buckled under the pressure of the monsters' charge. The beasts tore through the ranks, and the soldiers, already fatigued from their earlier clash, could no longer hold their ground.

Panic set in almost instantly. The disciplined formation of the Eldorian army disintegrated as fear overtook them. Soldiers scrambled back, abandoning their positions in a frantic dash toward the town walls. Cries of desperation filled the air as they ran, some throwing their weapons aside in a desperate bid for safety.

John clenched his jaw, watching the chaos unfold. The frontline had fallen much faster than he expected. He saw the soldiers rushing back to the town, abandoning their wounded and leaving gaping holes in the defense. The monsters, sensing victory, roared and surged forward, their numbers overwhelming.

"Charlie Team, prepare to move!" John barked into his radio, adrenaline surging through him. "We're going to stop this mess and hold the line until Alpha and Bravo can arrive. We can't let them reach the town."

His team snapped into action, weapons at the ready as they prepared to engage. The time for waiting was over. The defense had collapsed, and now it was up to them to hold the line.

As the defense line crumbled, the creatures poured through the gap, their relentless charge now focused on the retreating Eldorian soldiers. The air filled with the panicked shouts of men scrambling for their lives as the beasts closed in, claws and fangs tearing into those who couldn't escape fast enough.

John's heart raced as he watched the chaos unfold. "Charlie Team, move in! Cover the retreating soldiers!" he ordered, his voice steady despite the urgency of the situation.

The team sprang into action, fanning out into defensive positions. Marksmen raised their rifles, picking off the closest monsters with precise, well-placed shots. The heavier gunners opened fire, their weapons rattling off bursts of suppressive fire to slow the creatures' advance.

"Steady!" John shouted as the team held their ground, laying down a barrage of gunfire to give the fleeing soldiers a chance to regroup.

The sound of gunfire was deafening, and the monsters hesitated for a moment, unsure of this new threat. Charlie Team's coordinated assault was enough to stall the creatures, but John knew they couldn't hold forever.

"Alpha, Bravo, where the hell are you?" John muttered under his breath as he fired into the mass of charging monsters.

For every creature that Charlie Team managed to take down, two more seemed to rise in its place, their sheer numbers becoming overwhelming. The relentless wave of monsters added immense pressure, and John quickly assessed the situation.

"Fall back! Slowly retreat!" he commanded, his voice firm but calm. "Keep up the fire, but we need to give ourselves more distance. These hordes are thickening fast."

Charlie Team began to execute a tactical withdrawal, stepping back in tight formation while continuing to unleash controlled bursts of fire. The marksmen were picking off creatures with precise shots, but it was becoming clear that they were getting outnumbered.

The ground shook beneath them as the beasts surged forward, snapping and snarling as they pushed through the line of fallen monsters.

Just as the monsters were about to close in on Charlie Team, a deafening burst of 25mm fire erupted from the side, shredding the creatures in front of them. The rounds tore through the monsters with brutal efficiency, sending limbs and debris flying. The relentless charge of the horde stumbled as confusion spread among their ranks.

John looked over and saw a familiar sight—Team Alpha and Team Bravo had arrived, but the source of the 25mm fire was from a mounted weapon on the side, strategically positioned to cover the battlefield from a flanking angle.

"Charlie Team, hold position! Alpha and Bravo are flanking!" John shouted through the radio, his voice carrying above the chaos.

The newly arrived teams moved swiftly, fanning out to cover the sides while laying down suppressing fire. Alpha's heavy guns continued to rake the horde from the side, creating a clear line of defense. Bravo team pushed in from another direction, cutting off any creatures attempting to circle around.

"Team Alpha, keep them pinned! Team Bravo, watch our six!" John barked, adrenaline surging through him.

Charlie Team, now reinforced, stood their ground, returning fire as the creatures stumbled under the relentless assault. The monsters, once overwhelming, were now caught in a deadly crossfire, their numbers dwindling as they fell under the combined might of the three teams.

Together with Alpha and Bravo Teams, the entire convoy of two M2A4 Bradleys moved into position, mowing down the creatures in a relentless display of firepower. The heavy fire from the Bradleys created a lethal barrier, ensuring that the remaining monsters were unable to advance any further.

Beside John and Charlie Team, an M1126 ICV parked, its crew unloading soldiers who immediately joined the fray, laying down suppressive fire with precision. The battlefield transformed into a cacophony of gunfire and roaring engines, with the monstrous howls of the creatures echoing in the chaos.

Amidst the assault, M1083 medium trucks rolled in, quickly unloading ammunition for the entire squad. Soldiers rushed to replenish their supplies, keeping the momentum alive as they fired into the surging horde.

John hopped into his command vehicle, the XM1283, his mind racing as he coordinated the defense. With multiple screens displaying live feeds from drones and battlefield cameras, he was able to monitor the situation closely.

"Alpha and Bravo, maintain your positions! Charlie Team, move to reinforce the flank," John commanded, his voice steady and authoritative.

The convoy moved in unison, a well-oiled machine in the face of adversity. The Bradleys continued to pour fire into the advancing monsters, while John kept his eyes peeled for any shifts in the enemy's movements. He knew that while they were gaining ground, the fight was far from over, and every moment counted.


Inside the M2A4 Bradley, tension hung in the air as the crew prepared for combat. The cramped interior buzzed with urgency, the roar of the engines vibrating through the metal frame. The crew consisted of a commander, a gunner, and a driver, each focused intently on their roles.

"Target spotted! Approximately 200 meters ahead!" the commander shouted, scanning the battlefield through his thermal imaging screen. The gunner, sweat dripping down his forehead, gripped the controls tightly, his heart racing as he focused on the approaching horde.

"Firing!" he declared, adrenaline surging through him as he squeezed the trigger, unleashing a torrent of rounds into the advancing monsters. The Bradley shook with each blast, but the crew remained resolute, eyes locked on their targets as chaos erupted around them.

The Bradley's 25mm cannon roared to life, unleashing a devastating barrage into the monstrous crowd. Shells ripped through the creatures, sending limbs flying and bodies crashing to the ground. Yet for every creature that fell, two more surged forward, undeterred.

"More incoming! They're closing in!" the commander warned, scanning the area for threats as the driver maneuvered the vehicle to maintain a clear line of sight.

"Let's move to a better position!" the commander ordered, gripping the console tightly as the vehicle shook from the impact of the cannon fire.

"On it! Hold on!" The driver deftly navigated through the chaos, dodging debris and fallen soldiers as they repositioned the Bradley to face the thickening horde. The vibrations of the vehicle were jarring, but the crew remained focused, instinct kicking in as they engaged the enemy.

"Focus fire on the right flank!" the commander shouted, pointing towards a particularly dense group of monsters. "We need to hold them back!"

"Got it!" the gunner responded, swinging the turret in that direction. With every pull of the trigger, the cannon unleashed a torrent of destruction, tearing through the oncoming creatures.

The commander's heart raced as he watched the battlefield unfold. The roar of the cannon and the cries of the wounded filled the air, but the crew of the Bradley was undeterred. They knew their mission and fought valiantly, working in unison to protect their comrades and push back against the relentless tide of monsters.

As the battle raged on, the crew of the Bradley held the line, their determination unwavering. Each burst of fire brought down another creature, and together, they forged a path through the chaos, embodying the spirit of resilience in the face of overwhelming odds.


More than half of the soldiers had been unable to evacuate behind the safety of the walls during the intense battle. They stood in stunned silence, witnessing the power and might of John and his crew unfold before them. What they once viewed as a mere group of merchants had transformed into a formidable force capable of holding back the onslaught of the monstrous horde.

As the last remnants of the creatures fell, the Eldorian soldiers exchanged wary glances, their expressions a mix of admiration and disbelief. The sheer efficiency and discipline with which John and his team had operated were undeniable.

The atmosphere shifted as the initial shock began to wear off. Whispers spread among the remaining soldiers, praising John's leadership and the professionalism of his team. They recognized just how fortunate they were that John and his crew had arrived when they did, armed and ready to face the chaos head-on.

One soldier, still catching his breath, turned to another. "I thought they were just traders," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. "But they fight well."

"Yeah," his companion replied, eyes still scanning the area for threats. "We were lucky they were on our side. If they hadn't shown up…" His voice trailed off, the unspoken reality hanging heavily in the air.

As John and his team finished clearing the battlefield, they took a moment to assess the situation. John noticed the changed expressions on the faces of the Eldorian soldiers—fear was replaced with respect and a glimmer of hope. He understood that their actions had not only saved lives but had also reshaped the perceptions of those around him.

"Let's get organized and tend to the wounded," John called out, his voice steady and authoritative. "We may have won this battle, but we need to prepare for whatever comes next."

Over the radio, the drone operator's voice crackled with excitement. "Hunter Actual, all clear! No creatures in the vicinity! The area is secure!"

At this announcement, John's team erupted into celebration, cheers and laughter breaking the tense atmosphere that had enveloped the battlefield just moments before. Soldiers high-fived each other, clapping shoulders and exchanging exuberant shouts of relief and victory. The adrenaline of the battle began to fade, replaced by a wave of triumph as they processed the magnitude of their success.

John quickly recalled the stash of beers he had loaded onto the truck earlier. "Let's make this celebration even better!" he exclaimed, grinning as he grabbed a crate from the back of the truck. He began distributing the beers to his teammates, who eagerly accepted the drinks, raising them in cheers.

"Here you go, everyone! Drink up! We've earned this!" he shouted, passing the cold cans to his team members and even tossing a few to the nearby Eldorian soldiers.

The Eldorian soldiers looked on in confusion at first, still trying to understand the shift in mood. They had just witnessed the brutality of battle and the losses of their comrades, and now they were faced with jubilant soldiers handing out beers.

"Are they... celebrating?" one of the Eldorian soldiers whispered to his comrade, his brow furrowed in disbelief.

"Looks like it," the other replied, trying to make sense of the scene. "But we just lost so many. Shouldn't we be mourning our fallen instead?"

"Maybe they see it differently," the first soldier suggested, gesturing toward John's team, who were now hoisting a few of their members into the air, reveling in the moment. "They fought hard. Maybe this victory means more to them."

Just then, John noticed the Eldorian soldiers' bewilderment. He stepped forward, raising a beer can in his hand. "Hey!" he called, a wide smile on his face. "We're not just celebrating a win—we're celebrating survival! We fought together, and we've all made it through this battle. That's worth honoring!"

His words seemed to resonate, and a few of the Eldorian soldiers began to join in the celebration, albeit hesitantly at first. As John passed beers to them, their expressions softened, and they accepted the drinks with cautious smiles.

"Come on!" John encouraged, gesturing to the Eldorian soldiers. "You fought bravely out there! You're part of this victory too!"

Slowly but surely, the Eldorian soldiers began to relax and participate, their laughter mingling with the shouts of joy from John's team. They realized that while they had faced a devastating battle, they had also emerged from it with newfound allies and a shared experience that would forever bind them.