Chapter 17

As the battle concluded and the cheers of victory echoed through the air, John's HUD flickered to life with a series of notifications from the system.

The familiar chime sounded, signaling the rewards and updates from the intense engagement.

[Survival Achievement Unlock: Nighthowler 🏆 | First Kill Reward: Nighthowler ☠️]

• Reward Total: 10,000 points

[Survival Achievement Unlock: Frostfang 🏆 | First Kill Reward: Frostfang ☠️]

• Reward Total: 10,000 points

[Survival Achievement Unlock: Webshadow 🏆 | First Kill Reward: Webshadow ☠️]

• Reward Total: 10,000 points

[Survival Achievement Unlock: Scalebane 🏆 | First Kill Reward: Scalebane ☠️]

• Reward Total: 10,000 points

[Survival Achievement Unlock: Direpaw 🏆 | First Kill Reward: Direpaw ☠️]

• Reward Total: 10,000 points

As John glanced at the rewards, he couldn't help but feel a sense of astonishment. The creatures he had just faced were unlike any he had encountered back in the plains. Intrigued, he began to read the descriptions of each creature, his curiosity piqued by their unique characteristics:


A swift, rodent-like creature the size of a large dog with glowing red eyes and oversized fangs. Its dark fur blends into shadows, making it hard to spot.


A massive, white-furred wolf with icy blue eyes. Its fangs and claws freeze flesh on contact, making it a deadly predator in wintry terrains.


A towering, black spider-like creature with long, spindly legs. It weaves strong webs and has venomous mandibles capable of paralyzing prey.


A giant, colorful lizard with armored scales and a whip-like tail. It climbs with ease and has venomous claws that can disorient its prey.


A massive, mutated bear over twelve feet tall with thick fur and enormous claws. Its red eyes glow menacingly as it charges through enemy lines with sheer force.

John marveled at the diversity of the creatures before him. As he read through the descriptions, he concluded that most of these beings likely bred in the mountains nearby.

The unique adaptations and formidable characteristics suggested that the rugged terrain provided both shelter and a breeding ground for these monsters.

The realization set in that if they were to continue their mission, they would need to prepare for encounters not just with these creatures, but possibly with others lurking in the heights.

With the possibility of encountering flying creatures looming in his mind, John felt a surge of determination. He knew that returning to base was crucial.

He needed to build more barracks to accommodate additional soldiers, expand the vehicle bay to increase the number of vehicles, and construct the armory to unlock missiles, rockets, and mortar systems.

Moreover, he recognized the necessity of installing an artillery encampment to provide robust fire support. This would be essential for repelling larger threats and ensuring their defenses were well-prepared.

Additionally, he resolved to implement anti-aircraft weaponry to counter any aerial enemies that might emerge from the mountains.

With a clear plan forming, John felt a renewed sense of purpose. He was ready to fortify their position and ensure his team was equipped for whatever challenges lay ahead.

[ Battle Rewards ⚔️]

Nighthowler (500 Points) x (500 killed): 250,000 Points

Frostfang (500 Points) x (1,750 killed): 875,000 Points

Webshadow (500 Points) x (1,650 killed): 825,000 Points.

Scalebane (500 Points) x (1,800 killed): 900,000 Points

Direpaw (500 Points) x (1,900 killed): 950,000 Points

Total Points Earned: 3,800,000 Points

[Task Completed : Survive a Horde]

• Reward: 1,000,000 Points

John's eyes widened in excitement as he calculated the rewards. For this horde battle alone, he had earned more than 5 million points.

Coupled with his remaining balance, that brought his total to an astounding 6,000,000 points. The sheer magnitude of his success made him giddy with exhilaration.

Just as John was reveling in his triumph, someone approached him from behind. He quickly dismissed the system's notifications, turning to face the newcomer. To his surprise, it was the soldier he had encountered in the town's market earlier.

The soldier looked weary but determined, his expression a mix of gratitude and admiration. "Sir, I just wanted to thank you," he said, his voice steady despite the chaos surrounding them. "What you did out there today… it inspired us all. We didn't think we'd survive the horde, but your team turned the tide."

John nodded, appreciating the soldier's words. "It was a team effort. We all played our part. How are the others holding up?"

The soldier took a breath, glancing back toward the battlefield. "Some are injured, but they're alive. We owe a lot to you and your crew."

John smiled at the soldier's gratitude, feeling a sense of camaraderie and purpose. Just then, his earpiece crackled to life. "Sir, we have finished everything," a voice reported.

John smiled at the soldier's gratitude, feeling a sense of camaraderie and purpose. Just then, his earpiece crackled to life. "Sir, we have finished everything," a voice reported.

John made his way toward the convoy of vehicles parked just outside the town's gate. Team Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie were already in position, waiting for him. The soldiers stood by their vehicles, their faces a mix of exhaustion and pride from the hard-fought battle.

As John approached, he noticed the Mayor of the town, Mayor Gideon, standing beside the convoy. The older man hurried forward, his face beaming with gratitude. "Commander John," he began, his voice filled with appreciation, "I can't thank you enough for your help. You saved our people—our town. Without you, I don't know how we would've survived."

John shook the mayor's hand firmly, nodding as he spoke. "We're glad we could assist. Your people fought hard, and they should be proud."

Mayor Gideon continued, "I must say, the supplies we purchased from you have already proven invaluable. I sincerely hope we can continue trading with you. Having access to those resources could ensure the prosperity of our town for the long term."

John gave a thoughtful nod. "We can certainly make that happen. I'll make sure to stays in touch, and we'll set up regular routes for trade."

The mayor's relief was palpable. "Thank you, John. You and your team are always welcome here."

John nodded again, glancing at his team before turning back to the mayor. "We'll be heading back to base now, but rest assured, we'll keep in touch. Keep your people safe."

With that, John walked toward his command vehicle, ready to lead his convoy back to Fort Sentinel. The soldiers snapped to attention, and in moments, the vehicles roared to life, before departing back towards the base.


John stepped out of his command vehicle, surveying the busy scene before him. Fort Sentinel was alive with movement. Soldiers on the walls kept watchful eyes on the horizon, scanning for any potential threats. Nearby, mechanics were hard at work maintaining the vehicles, their tools clanking as they tuned engines and checked fuel lines.

Along the eastern side of the base, a squad of soldiers drilled in formation, preparing for the next patrol. Others were reinforcing the defensive barricades, stacking sandbags and ensuring the perimeter was secure. The hum of generators powering the base's systems blended with the steady rhythm of soldiers' boots as they went about their duties.

After John arrived at Fort Sentinel, he dismissed the soldiers, allowing them some well-deserved rest. Instead of heading to his quarters, he proceeded to a large vacant area on the base grounds.

John knew that expanding his base's defenses was crucial for the future. Fort Sentinel's current walls, while strong, wouldn't be enough to handle the larger hordes and potential threats lurking beyond the mountains.

More importantly, John had bigger plans in mind—a plan that required significantly more space.

Without hesitation, he accessed the system once more and initiated the upgrade of Fort Sentinel's defensive wall to Level 10.

As the upgrade took effect, the wall's length expanded from 2.5 kilometers to an imposing 4 kilometers, creating a larger perimeter around the base.

The structure grew taller and more reinforced, bristling with advanced defense systems, including new sentry turrets and lookout towers at key intervals.

This upgrade was more than just a protective measure; it was to make room for the future construction of an airfield.

John knew that to dominate both land and sky, they would need air support, and the runway alone would likely require 1 to 2 kilometers of space.

The expansion not only provided more protection but also allowed for future developments within the walls, including barracks, vehicle bays, and the armory necessary for the operations ahead.

He then proceeded to build seven new Level 5 barracks that were at the top of his list, followed by upgrading his three Level 3 vehicle bays to Level 5 and constructing two additional Level 5 bays.

This would give him a total of 1,000 soldiers and 250 vehicles.

The armory, long overdue, was also to be constructed, with plans to unlock powerful new weaponry for his forces.

John carefully laid out the foundations in his mind, visualizing how these new structures would enhance Fort Sentinel's defenses and accommodate the growing needs of his team. With a swipe on the system's holographic panel, construction began, the base buzzing with activity as the system started to put everything in place.

He stood there for a moment, watching as the skeletal frameworks of the new buildings started to rise. Soon, the barracks would house more soldiers, the vehicle bays would provide more vehicles they needed, and the armory would unlock new firepower for the challenges ahead.

With the increase in summoned soldiers, John knew that establishing a proper hierarchy within his forces was crucial for effective command and coordination.

As he surveyed the bustling activity around Fort Sentinel, he took a moment to finalize the organization of the troops.

He called for an assembly in the central yard, gathering everyone. The soldiers, filled with anticipation, formed neat lines, eager to hear John's latest directives.

"Listen up!" John shouted, his voice cutting through the morning air. "Today marks a new chapter for Fort Sentinel and the newly created Ironclad Battalion. With our expanded defenses and the new facilities under construction, we are about to enter a phase of growth and preparedness like never before."

Excited murmurs rippled through the ranks, and John continued, "However, this growth requires organization. We will implement a tiered command structure that allows us to respond swiftly to threats and maintain efficiency in our operations."

He outlined the hierarchy he had envisioned:

1. Battalion Commander: John would remain the overall commander, ensuring a unified vision for the Ironclad Battalion.

2. Company Commanders: Each company would have designated leaders—Lieutenant Hawk Walker for Company A, Lieutenant Marcus Chan for Company B, Lieutenant Jason Black for Company C, and Lieutenant Robert Knight for Company D. They would report directly to John and be responsible for their companies' readiness and morale.

3. Platoon Leaders: Each company would be subdivided into platoons. John announced the appointment of capable leaders to each platoon, ensuring that every soldier had a clear line of command and support.

4. Specialized Teams: John emphasized the importance of specialized roles within the battalion. He appointed dedicated combat medics, engineers, and signal corps members to ensure they were always ready to adapt to various scenarios. Recon specialists would be a vital part of Company C, focused on gathering intelligence ahead of missions.

5. Logistics and Support: The logistics team, operating out of Headquarters Company, would manage the flow of resources, ensuring that troops had what they needed at all times. The mechanics would be integrated into this team to streamline vehicle maintenance and repairs.

"Each of you plays a crucial role in our success," John said, looking each leader in the eye. "Together, we will fortify Fort Sentinel and expand our reach beyond these walls. With the new barracks and vehicles, we will train harder, fight smarter, and prepare for any threat that arises."

The soldiers erupted into applause, their spirits buoyed by John's vision. They felt a renewed sense of purpose and camaraderie, bolstered by the clear direction he had laid out.


[Fort Sentinel Battalion Structure]

Name: Ironclad Battalion

Total Soldiers: 1,000

Motto: "Strength in Unity"


1. Headquarters Company (HQ)

Total Soldiers: 100

Key Positions:

Battalion Commander: John "Commander" Stryker

Vehicles Assigned:

HEMTT (Logistics Support): 3 (Logistics support and command vehicle variants)

Command Vehicle (HEMTT variant): 2 (For command and control operations)


2. Company A: "Wolves" (Assault Company)

Total Soldiers: 250


Platoon 1: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant John "Hawk" Walker)

Vehicles: 10 M2A4 Bradley (25mm cannon, TOW missile system)

Platoon 2: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Sarah "Shadow" Greene)

Vehicles: 10 M2A4 Bradley (25mm cannon, TOW missile system)

Platoon 3: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant David "Rhino" Smith)

Vehicles: 10 M2A4 Bradley (25mm cannon, TOW missile system)

Platoon 4: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Emma "Falcon" Lee)

Vehicles: 10 M2A4 Bradley (25mm cannon, TOW missile system)

Platoon 5: 2 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Tyler "Raptor" Kane)

Vehicles: 5 M1083 (Cargo vehicle, optional .50 caliber machine gun)


3. Company B: "Guardians" (Defense Company)

Total Soldiers: 250


Platoon 1: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Marcus "Shield" Chan)

Vehicles: 10 M1126 ICV (12.7mm M2 Browning machine gun)

Platoon 2: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Lucy "Fortress" Adams)

Vehicles: 10 M1126 ICV (12.7mm M2 Browning machine gun)

Platoon 3: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Ethan "Bulwark" White)

Vehicles: 10 M1126 ICV (12.7mm M2 Browning machine gun)

Platoon 4: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Ava "Sentinel" Young)

Vehicles: 10 M113 (12.7mm machine gun or 7.62mm M240)


4. Company C: "Scouts" (Reconnaissance Company)

Total Soldiers: 250


Platoon 1: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Jason "Ghost" Black)

Vehicles: 10 JLTV (armed with .50 caliber machine gun or MK19 40mm grenade launcher)

Platoon 2: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Mia "Sparrow" Lee)

Vehicles: 10 JLTV (armed with .50 caliber machine gun or MK19 40mm grenade launcher)

Platoon 3: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Tom "Coyote" Green)

Vehicles: 10 JLTV (armed with .50 caliber machine gun or MK19 40mm grenade launcher)

Platoon 4: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Chloe "Hawk" Evans)

Vehicles: 10 XM1283 (armed with .50 caliber machine gun)


5. Company D: "Hammer" (Support Company)

Total Soldiers: 250


Platoon 1: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Robert "Mace" Knight)

Vehicles: 10 M1200 Armored Knight (30mm cannon and .50 caliber machine gun)

Platoon 2: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Natalie "Sledge" Wells)

Vehicles: 10 M117 Guardian (7.62mm and 12.7mm machine guns)

Platoon 3: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Chris "Axe" Turner)

Vehicles: 10 M117 Guardian (7.62mm and 12.7mm machine guns)

Platoon 4: 62 Soldiers (Leader: Lieutenant Sophia "Anvil" Moore)

Vehicles: 10 M10 Booker (105mm howitzer)


Specialized Roles

Combat Medics: Assigned across all companies for medical support.

Engineers: Located within Company D for logistics and fortifications.

Signal Corps: Integrated into HQ for communication management.

Recon Specialists: Assigned to Company C for intelligence operations.


Training and Drills

Regular drills focused on combat readiness, coordination, and specialized training will be conducted.

Monthly joint exercises between companies will enhance teamwork and tactical maneuvers.


Logistics and Supplies

A dedicated supply chain managed by HQ will ensure efficient resource distribution.

Vehicle support will provide armored transport for the rapid movement of troops and equipment.


Deployment Scenarios

Assault Missions: Led by Company A for direct engagement with enemy forces.

Defense Operations: Managed by Company B to protect key locations.

Reconnaissance Tasks: Conducted by Company C to gather information and scout ahead.

Support Operations: Provided by Company D to ensure all units are equipped and supported during missions.