Chapter 24

As the dust began to settle, a stillness fell over the mountainside. The echoes of the explosions faded into the distance, leaving an eerie quiet in their wake.

Lieutenant Green and his team cautiously rose to their feet, brushing the dirt and debris from their uniforms. Their ears still rang from the blasts, but they were alive.

Green squinted through the smoke and debris still lingering in the air, his eyes adjusting to the scene below. Once teeming with monsters, the crack in the ground was now a smoking ruin. But as the air cleared further, a gruesome sight began to emerge.

The ground below was littered with the twisted, charred remains of monsters—hundreds of them. Their lifeless bodies were scattered across the battlefield, some partially buried in the debris from the explosion.

Limbs, claws, and grotesque, armored hides lay in all directions, remnants of the once-menacing horde that had terrorized Crestfall. Green could see the unmistakable forms of the creatures that had been crawling from the crack, now mangled and motionless.

The sight was both horrific and strangely satisfying. The monsters that had threatened the region had been utterly destroyed, their nest reduced to nothing more than a mass grave. Smoke curled from the bodies, and the acrid smell of burnt flesh and singed earth filled the air.

"Look at that," one of the soldiers muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "We got 'em all."

Green gave a grim nod, scanning the battlefield below. "Yeah. Looks like it."

The scale of the devastation was staggering.

The precision of the GLSDB strikes had done more than neutralize the nest—it had annihilated the horde entirely. The monsters hadn't stood a chance against the overwhelming firepower, their numbers rendered meaningless in the face of such destruction.

"Lieutenant," another soldier said, pointing toward a distant section of the battlefield. "It's like... some of them didn't even have time to run. They were just wiped out on the spot."

Green followed the soldier's gaze and saw the truth in his words. Many of the monsters had been caught in the open, unable to flee or take cover in time.

Their bodies lay frozen in grotesque positions, some half-buried in the earth, others slumped against rocks. The once-menacing horde had been reduced to a grim scene of carnage.

Green took a deep breath and turned to his men. "Alright, let's wrap this up. We're done here. Let command know the area's clear and the nest is neutralized."

As the platoon began gathering their equipment and preparing to leave, Green cast one last glance at the battlefield below. The horde's threat had been erased, but the cost of the battle was written in the scorched earth and lifeless bodies.

Before Lieutenant Green could activate his radio, the ground beneath him began to tremble lightly. At first, he and his men dismissed it as a minor aftershock from the HIMARS barrage. They exchanged glances but continued surveying the area, assuming the danger had passed.

But the tremor didn't subside. Instead, it grew stronger.

"Anyone else feel that?" one of the soldiers muttered, his voice tinged with unease.

Green's brow furrowed. "Stay sharp," he said, his hand hovering near his radio. The shaking intensified, rocks and debris vibrating across the ground. The rumble deepened, and suddenly, the entire mountainside felt unstable.

"Lieutenant!" another soldier shouted, his eyes wide with alarm.

The ground beneath their feet lurched violently, sending several soldiers stumbling. Dust rose into the air, and Green's instincts flared. This wasn't a simple tremor—it was something much worse.

"Everyone, hold steady!" Green ordered, his voice barely audible over the growing noise.

But the shaking only became more violent.

The mountain quaked as though something enormous was stirring beneath them.

The soldiers looked around in panic as rocks dislodged from higher up the slope, tumbling down.

Green gritted his teeth, fighting to maintain his balance.

Before anyone could react, the ground split wide open with a thunderous crack. A massive form, armored and segmented, surged up from the earth, sending a cloud of dust and debris into the air.

A monstrous centipede-like creature, its body glistening like obsidian in the morning sun, emerged from the crevice. Each of its segments was covered in jagged plates of natural armor, while dozens of sharp, clawed legs propelled its massive form out of the fissure.

Its body stretched over 100 meters, an enormous behemoth of the underground world. As it rose, the creature's head, crowned with vicious mandibles, snapped at the air with a guttural, hissing roar.

Green and his men stood frozen, barely breathing as the massive centipede-like creature towered before them. The beast's segmented body gleamed ominously in the sunlight, its mandibles clicking in the air as if testing the scent of the soldiers. Green's hand twitched, instinctively moving toward his rifle, but he held himself back.

"Nobody move," Green whispered through clenched teeth, his voice barely audible. "Stay absolutely still."

The men, terrified but trusting their leader, remained motionless. Every second felt like an eternity as the creature's glowing eyes scanned the area, seemingly unaware of their presence, for now. Green slowly reached for his radio, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Command, can you see this?" he whispered into the mic, trying to keep his voice steady.

A moment later, John's calm voice came over the radio. "Yes, we see you. Slowly move back. Don't provoke it."

Green gave a slight nod, motioning for his men to start easing back, one slow step at a time. The ground under their feet felt unstable as the creature shifted slightly, its enormous bulk pressing against the earth, causing small tremors. His men began retreating inch by inch, careful not to make any sudden movements. Green kept his eyes locked on the beast, watching for any sign it might detect them.

"Nice and easy," Green whispered, his eyes flicking to each soldier as they painstakingly moved away from the massive threat before them.

The creature remained still for the moment, towering over the crevice it had emerged from, its massive legs occasionally twitching as though ready to strike.

Unfortunately, a small stone near one of the soldiers' boots rolled down the slope, triggering a cascade of pebbles and debris. The noise echoed in the tense silence.

The massive centipede's head snapped in their direction, its glowing eyes narrowing as it hissed violently, the sound reverberating through the air.

"RUN!" Green bellowed, snapping out of his frozen state.

His men broke into a sprint, scrambling down the mountain as fast as they could. The ground trembled under the massive creature's weight as it turned its attention to them, its many legs moving with terrifying speed.

One soldier, panic taking over, stopped and fired his rifle at the creature. The bullets pinged uselessly off its jagged, obsidian-like armor, barely scratching the surface. The centipede hissed again, louder and angrier, and before anyone could react, one of its sharp, spear-like legs shot forward, piercing the unlucky soldier through the chest.

The soldier gasped in pain, his body lifted into the air before being pulled toward the creature's snapping mandibles. The men watched in horror as he was devoured in a single, brutal bite.

"Keep moving!" Green roared, urging his remaining men to flee faster. Their boots pounded the earth as they raced down the mountain, fear driving them as the monstrous centipede gave chase, crashing through the landscape like an unstoppable force of nature.

Once they reached the vehicles, Lieutenant Green's men wasted no time, scrambling aboard their waiting JLTVs.

Engines roared to life, and the mounted 25mm Bushmaster chain gun came online with a furious rattle, peppering the centipede-like creature with a barrage of high-velocity rounds.

The continuous fire began to crack the creature's glistening armor, sending shards of its hardened exoskeleton flying into the air.

The monster let out a piercing, enraged screech, its beady eyes now locked on the retreating soldiers.

As the vehicle swerved, a mounted Javelin missile launcher on one of the JLTVs swiveled into position.

With a loud whoosh, the missile fired, racing toward the centipede. It hit the creature square in the chest, exploding with a thunderous blast.

The force of the impact knocked the colossal beast to the ground, and for a moment, Green and his men thought they had won. A huge bleeding gash marred the creature's armored torso, and it lay still.

But horror filled the soldiers' faces as the centipede twitched, then slowly rose again.

The massive wound on its chest oozed a thick, dark liquid, but the creature seemed undeterred. It roared, its mandibles snapping in fury, and with terrifying speed, it lunged at the convoy.

"Drive! Drive now!" Green yelled, his voice cutting through the chaos as the JLTVs peeled off, tires kicking up dirt as they sped down the mountain path.

The centipede followed in furious pursuit, its long body undulating and tearing through the terrain, closing the gap between them with each passing second.

Inside the JLTVs, the soldiers were tense, eyes flicking between the rapidly shifting road ahead and the monstrous creature behind them. Green's heart raced as he glanced through the rearview mirror, watching the centipede's mandibles snap dangerously close to the last vehicle in line.

"Fire the Javelins!" Green ordered over the comms.

From the back of the JLTVs, several soldiers quickly adjusted their launchers, locking onto the creature. The missile streaked out, racing towards the creature's face. A moment later, it exploded against the centipede's thick, jagged plates, sending shards of debris into the air. The beast shrieked in fury, and momentarily slowed as the impact rocked its massive body.

But it wasn't enough. The centipede shook off the damage and pressed on, its beady, predatory eyes fixed on the convoy.

"It is still hot on our tails!" one soldier yelled.

Green gritted his teeth as they continued their furious descent down the mountain. "Keep firing, keep it off us!" Another Javelin was launched, hitting the creature's side, chipping away more of its armor but still failing to bring it down. Despite taking visible damage, the centipede plowed forward with relentless determination.

"Take the south road! Don't lead it to Crestfall!" John's voice crackled through the radio, urgency clear in his tone. "Backup is on the way, but you need to hold out until then!"

Green grimly nodded, pushing the JLTV faster. They needed to survive long enough for the reinforcements to arrive.


Back at Fort Sentinel, the roar of helicopter rotors filled the air as the response team took off. Two UH-60 Blackhawks, armed to the teeth with dual GAU-19 Gatling guns and four AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, were the first to ascend, banking sharply in the direction of the pursuing monster.

Due to the weight of the mounted weapons, only 8 soldiers were aboard each Blackhawk, their faces hardened with focus as they prepared for what lay ahead.

Following behind were two CH-47 Chinooks, each carrying 35 soldiers. These massive helicopters were packed not only with troops but also with essential supplies—ammunition, medical gear, and food—ready for whatever the mission required.

The soldiers inside checked their gear, their expressions tense but resolute, knowing they were about to face a threat of unprecedented scale.

At the rear of the formation, the V-22 Osprey ascended, its unique tilt-rotor engines transitioning smoothly from hover to forward flight.

Equipped with a GAU-17/A Minigun on its belly, the Osprey carried an additional 25 soldiers, plus more supplies. The men inside prepared themselves, knowing they were the last wave of reinforcements for their comrades being chased through the mountains.

The squadron flew in formation, the sound of rotor blades slicing through the air as they raced toward their destination, where Green's convoy was locked in a desperate struggle with the enormous centipede-like beast. Every second counted, and they knew they had to reach their comrades before the monster did more damage.

John monitored the situation from the command center, his eyes tracking the helicopters' positions on the screen, hoping they would make it in time. The beast needed to be stopped, and this was their best chance.


As they rounded a sharp bend, the convoy jolted violently. The centipede's claws scraped against the rocks, its massive legs digging into the ground for traction as it barreled down the slope.

Soldiers glimpsed its mandibles snapping hungrily, a grim reminder of what was at stake.

They unleashed another barrage of missiles, each impact chipping away at the creature's formidable armor, but it still surged forward, an embodiment of sheer fury.

"Firing!" shouted one of the gunners, his voice rising above the din as another Javelin missile launched, spiraling toward the beast.

The missile struck true, hitting the centipede in a joint between two segments.

A loud explosion followed, and the monster let out a deafening hiss, momentarily stumbling, its massive body swaying dangerously.

"Keep firing!" Green ordered, adrenaline coursing through his veins.

John's voice crackled through the radio, "Backup is on the way, Lieutenant! Survive until then!"

For almost five minutes, the entire convoy was running from the centipede creature. As their Javelin missiles ran out of ammo, they continued peppering the creature with their 25mm Bushmaster cannons.

The sharp crack of gunfire echoed through the valley, a desperate symphony of survival against the relentless beast.

Green's focus sharpened as he watched the monstrous centipede flinch and twist, its armored segments absorbing the rounds but not without consequence.

With each hit, small chunks of chitin splintered off, showering the ground with fragments of its once-impervious hide.

"Reinforce the rear! Keep that thing off us!" Green shouted over the din, his eyes scanning the rearview mirror.

The creature's mandibles snapped dangerously close, just a few yards behind them now. It was as if the beast were mocking their efforts, a relentless predator intent on its prey.

Suddenly, the lead vehicle's gunner called out, "It's trying to flank us! We need to pivot!"

"Everyone, switch to defensive formation!" Green barked, feeling the weight of his men's lives resting on his shoulders. "Prepare to fire on my mark!"

As the convoy adjusted, the centipede reared back, its segmented body poised for a strike. Green could see the glint of its eyes, filled with primal fury, and in that moment, he felt a chilling realization: they were outmatched.

"Now!" he shouted, and a chorus of gunfire erupted. The Bushmaster rounds rained down on the creature, impacting with enough force to shake the ground beneath them. Each shot aimed for the vulnerable joints between its segments, a tactical effort to bring the beast down.

The centipede shrieked, a bone-chilling sound that echoed through the valley, and for a moment, it hesitated.

Green seized the opportunity. "Go, go, go! Increase speed!"

Just as they reached a clearing, Green spotted Chinooks on the ground, their rotors still whirling as troops poured out, already in position with Javelin missiles on their shoulders. Relief washed over him; they finally had the reinforcements they desperately needed.

The soldiers unleashed a torrent of Javelin missiles, each one soaring through the air with deadly precision. The missiles struck the centipede, causing it to stumble and come to a halt, its massive body swaying as it struggled to regain balance.

The sound of roaring engines filled the air as the two UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter rose from the ground, having just unloaded its troops. The gunners inside quickly aimed, unleashing a hailstorm of bullets from the GAU-19 Gatling gun mounted on the side. The bullets tore into the creature's armored hide, each impact sending shards of chitin flying into the air.

With a calculated precision, the Black Hawk crew prepared to engage with its Hellfire missiles. "Locking on!" shouted the crew chief, eyes glued to the targeting system. The tension in the air was palpable as they waited for the perfect moment.

"Fire!" the crew chief yelled, and two Hellfire missiles shot from the helicopter, streaking toward the centipede-like angry comets. The missiles struck with an earth-shattering explosion, sending shockwaves through the clearing.

Roars of pain echoed from the creature as its flesh was blasted apart, revealing glistening innards and a singed exoskeleton. The sheer force of the explosions knocked the creature off balance, causing it to crash onto its side, thrashing wildly in a desperate attempt to regain control.

Then the radio came alive with John's voice. "HIMARS are reloaded! Laze the target!"

Green's heart raced as he quickly grabbed the laser designator from a nearby soldier. He took aim at the massive creature, steadying his breath to ensure a precise lock. The glowing red dot blinked onto the centipede, its segmented body still thrashing but noticeably weakened.

"Target locked!" Green shouted over the noise of gunfire and explosions, his finger hovering over the trigger of the designator. He could hear John's voice buzzing through the radio again, ordering other troops to pin the creature down.

"Form a perimeter! Keep it contained!" John's command rang out, and the soldiers responded with fierce determination. They advanced toward the creature, firing their weapons to keep its attention focused on them while others set up heavy machine guns to establish a defensive line.

With the Black Hawk providing covering fire, the troops moved with purpose, taking positions to ensure that the centipede couldn't escape or regroup.

"Fire!" John's voice was filled with anticipation.


Moments later, the ground trembled as the HIMARS system launched multiple GLSDB toward the laser-designated target.

The missiles arced gracefully through the sky, leaving trails of smoke behind them.


Green could feel the air shift as they descended, a tangible sense of impending doom for the monstrous creature.

"Impact in three… two… one…" Green counted down, his eyes locked on the centipede.

The rockets struck with a devastating force, a series of explosions erupting around the creature.

The ground shook violently, and shockwaves rippled outward, sending debris flying and filling the air with dust and smoke.

Green shielded his eyes as the brilliance of the blasts illuminated the clearing, the sounds of destruction ringing in his ears.

When the smoke began to settle, a heavy silence enveloped the area. Green cautiously lowered the designator, his heart racing as he searched for any sign of the centipede's survival.

His soldiers stood in awe, weapons still trained on the smoking wreckage.

"Is it… is it over?" one soldier asked, breathless.

Green took a step closer, peering through the haze. The massive body of the centipede lay motionless, the charred remnants of its once-formidable frame sprawled across the ground. "I think so," he breathed, disbelief mixing with relief.

Suddenly, the radio crackled to life once more. "Green, report!" John's voice demanded.

"It's down, Commander. We've neutralized the threat," Green replied, his voice steady despite the adrenaline still coursing through him.