Chapter 25

As the dust of battle settled and the tension in the air began to ease, John sat in the command center, his hands trembling slightly from the adrenaline. The massive screens in front of him displayed the aftermath: his forces regrouping in an open field, and the massive form of the centipede-like creature now lifeless.

Taking a deep breath, John opened his system interface. The familiar glow of notifications awaited him, a small but welcome sight after such a fierce fight. Two new entries appeared, glowing softly in the dimly lit room. He clicked on the first one, and the details filled his screen:


[⚔️ Task: Eliminate a Nest]

Monsters Killed: +100,000

Rewards: 5,000,000 Points


The number of kills and the massive point reward hit him like a wave. A hundred thousand monsters. His team had faced something truly formidable. The system's acknowledgment of their achievement felt like a validation of their struggles.

John took a moment to digest the reward before clicking on the second notification. This one felt heavier, almost personal. The name on the screen caused him to pause.


[☠️ Boss Battle Reward]

Defeat Terragnath the Dreadcoil

Rewards: 5,000,000 Points


His eyes lingered on the name: Terragnath the Dreadcoil. The memory of the beast was still fresh in his mind. It had been relentless, its massive, segmented form tearing through the earth, snapping at everything in its path. Its size, its ferocity—it was like nothing they had ever faced before. The name was fitting for such a terrifying creature.

John sat back in his chair, watching as his point total surged. Ten million points. It was a staggering sum, one that could change everything.

He looked up from the interface, the glow fading from his screen as his mind turned to the future. With these resources, Fort Sentinel's strength would grow. But for now, he allowed himself a moment to appreciate the victory. They had fought hard, and the rewards—both in points and in survival—were well-earned.

As he stood, adjusting his headset, he radioed out with firm resolve.

"All units, establish a perimeter around that area. I'm coming down with reinforcements." His voice cut through the static, calm but commanding.

There was a short pause before replies began coming in from the field. His men were already moving, positioning themselves in a wide defensive line around the remains of Terragnath the Dreadcoil, ensuring no lingering threats would catch them off guard. They had secured the area, but John knew better than to take chances.

Walking toward the exit of the command center, John felt the gravity of the moment. This was no longer just about survival; this was about building something stronger. And with this victory, Fort Sentinel's future felt more secure, but the road ahead remained unpredictable.

John felt the need to significantly increase the firepower of his soldiers. His forces had grown stronger, but as the threats became more unpredictable, he knew he needed to augment their capabilities further. The solution was clear—he needed new aircraft to dominate the skies and support his ground troops more effectively.

Opening his system, John reviewed the aircraft options available. He had already summoned a few UH-60M Blackhawks, CH-47 Chinooks, and V-22 Ospreys, but it wasn't enough for the scale of operations he envisioned. To truly increase the firepower of his forces, he needed something more robust and deadly.

Without hesitation, John ordered the summoning of five AC-130 Gunships—known for their devastating firepower and close air support capabilities. Next, he summoned ten A-10C Thunderbolt IIs, renowned for their effectiveness against ground targets, and ten F-35 Lightning IIs for superior air dominance and versatility.

But that wasn't all. He added to his fleet fifteen AH-64E Apache helicopters for their lethal precision in attack missions, ten MQ-1C Gray Eagles for reconnaissance and long-range strikes, and ten more CH-53K King Stallions for heavy-lift capabilities.

Finally, to round out the aerial firepower, he summoned ten more UH-60M Blackhawks, ten more CH-47 Chinooks, and ten V-22 Ospreys to ensure rapid troop transport and flexibility in battlefield logistics.

Next, John turned his attention to adding more vehicles to his fleet. With 180 vehicles already under his command, he knew that the firepower and logistical support they provided were critical to maintaining his stronghold.

However, he still had room to summon 70 more vehicles to reach his fleet's maximum limit, and he wasn't about to waste that opportunity.

John carefully considered his options for expanding his fleet, knowing that he needed to strike a balance between firepower, support, and mobility.

"Let's go with ten M1128 Mobile Gun Systems and ten M1A2 SEP/V3 Abrams for heavy fire support," he thought, deciding on reliable firepower that could dominate the battlefield.

The M1128s would bring their powerful 105mm guns on the run, while the Abrams tanks would provide unparalleled strength with their advanced fire control systems.

He moved on to support vehicles, ensuring his forces could maintain operational readiness in the heat of battle. "Ten M88A2 Hercules for vehicle recovery," he calculated, knowing they were essential for keeping his armored units in the fight.

The recovery vehicles would be critical in pulling damaged tanks and other heavy machinery back from the frontlines for repairs.

Next, John focused on increasing his artillery capabilities. "Ten M270 MLRS for rocket artillery support," he decided, selecting the Multiple Launch Rocket Systems that would give him long-range firepower and the ability to devastate enemy positions before they even had a chance to get close.

Finally, he knew he needed flexibility in his operations. "Another 30 JLTVs for reconnaissance and rapid response," he input, knowing the lightweight Joint Light Tactical Vehicles would give his forces speed and adaptability, crucial for scouting enemy positions or responding quickly to threats.

After purchasing additional vehicles and aircrafts, John knew that he would need to expand his forces to operate them efficiently.

He began with his airforce, conducting a detailed assessment of the personnel required to support his substantial aircraft inventory.

For each aircraft type, he calculated the necessary crew, maintenance staff, and ground support personnel:

1. AC-130 Gunship:

Crew: 4-5

Maintenance: 10-15

Ground Support: 3-5

Total per AC-130: Approximately 17-25

2. A-10C Thunderbolt II:

Crew: 1-2

Maintenance: 5-7

Ground Support: 3-4

Total per A-10: Approximately 9-13

3. F-35 Lightning II:

Crew: 1

Maintenance: 5-7

Ground Support: 3-4

Total per F-35: Approximately 9-12

4. AH-64E Apache:

Crew: 2

Maintenance: 5-7

Ground Support: 3-4

Total per Apache: Approximately 10-13

5. CH-53K King Stallion:

Crew: 4

Maintenance: 10-12

Ground Support: 3-4

Total per CH-53K: Approximately 17-20

6. MQ-1C Gray Eagle:

Crew: 2 (Ground control)

Maintenance: 3-5

Ground Support: 2-3

Total per MQ-1C: Approximately 7-10

7. UH-60M Blackhawk:

Crew: 2

Maintenance: 5-7

Ground Support: 3-4

Total per Blackhawk: Approximately 10-13

8. CH-47 Chinook:

Crew: 3

Maintenance: 5-7

Ground Support: 3-4

Total per CH-47: Approximately 11-14

9. V-22 Osprey:

Crew: 2

Maintenance: 5-7

Ground Support: 3-4

Total per V-22: Approximately 10-13

After summing the personnel needed across his entire air fleet, John concluded that he would require between 975 and 1,370 airfield personnel, depending on specific mission demands.

For his land fleet, John assessed the personnel requirements for the new batch of vehicles he planned to summon, ensuring that each would be properly crewed and maintained:

1. M1128 Mobile Gun System (10 Units):

Crew per vehicle: 3 (Commander, Driver, Gunner)

Maintenance Personnel per vehicle: 3-4

Ground Support per vehicle: 2-3

Overall total Personnel for M1128s: 80-100

2. M1A2 SEP/V3 Abrams (10 Units):

Crew per vehicle: 4 (Commander, Driver, Gunner, Loader)

Maintenance Personnel per vehicle: 4-6

Ground Support per vehicle: 3-4

Overall total Personnel for M1A2s: 110-140

3. M88A2 Hercules (10 Units):

Crew per vehicle: 3 (Commander, Driver, Operator)

Maintenance Personnel per vehicle: 4-5

Ground Support per vehicle: 2-3

Overall total Personnel for M88A2s: 90-110

4. M270 MLRS (10 Units):

Crew per vehicle: 3 (Commander, Driver, Gunner)

Maintenance Personnel per vehicle: 4-5

Ground Support per vehicle: 2-3

Total Personnel for M270 MLRS: 90-110

5. JLTV (30 Units):

Crew per vehicle: 2 (Driver, Commander: Not including infantry soldiers)

Maintenance Personnel per vehicle: 1-2

Ground Support per vehicle: 1-2

Total Personnel for JLTVs: 120-180

Total Personnel Required:

M1128s: 80-100 personnel

M1A2 SEP/V3 Abrams: 110-140 personnel

M88A2 Hercules: 90-110 personnel

M270 MLRS: 90-110 personnel

JLTVs: 120-180 personnel

Grand Total: 490-640 personnel needed to operate, maintain, and provide ground support for these 70 additional vehicles.

All in all, John estimated that he would need about 2,000 new soldiers to operate the expanded land and air fleet, including crews, logistics, maintenance, and additional support personnel. The sheer scale of his new requirements weighed on him, but his system provided the solution.

Without hesitation, John accessed his system and began summoning ten level 10 barracks. Each barracks would provide 200 soldiers to be summoned.

As the familiar glow of the system activation filled the area, massive structures began to materialize around the camp. One by one, the barracks stood tall, their sharp lines and reinforced walls symbolizing the new strength his army would possess.

John watched as the structures solidified, feeling a sense of reassurance. "This should do it," he murmured. "Now, we can properly man the vehicles and expand our operations."

He turned to Walker again. "Get the newly summoned soldiers and assign them to their vehicles and duties. I want full coordination with logistics to make sure everything is running smoothly."

Walker saluted. "Roger that, sir. I'll get the teams prepared."

With the additional barracks now in place, John's army would be well-equipped to handle the next phase of his operation, and his soldiers would have the proper accommodations and infrastructure to function at full capacity. He knew the coming battles would demand this level of preparation, and he was determined to stay ahead.

As the newly summoned soldiers were being organized and settled into their respective barracks, John swiftly issued his next set of orders. His strategic mind was already at work, anticipating the need to manage resources and remain prepared for any unexpected challenges.

"Prepare 5 HEMTTs immediately," John commanded, his voice calm but resolute. "Three of them will be loaded with all necessary supplies from the supply depot—food, medical kits, ammunition, fuel, and anything else we might need for the operation."

He then turned to another group of soldiers, "The remaining two HEMTTs will carry a metal container. We need to transport parts of the creature back to base for further analysis and study."

The soldiers saluted and immediately began working on the preparations. The supply depot buzzed with activity as teams loaded the trucks with crates of provisions, while the metal container was being carefully secured onto the remaining HEMTTs. John's gaze drifted to the convoy of vehicles he had selected for escort duty.

"Additionally, I want 5 M1128s, 5 M1A2 Abrams, and 15 JLTVs prepared for the convoy. We'll need firepower and rapid response capability if we encounter any resistance on the way back."

The chosen vehicles were lined up, their crews quickly taking positions and running final checks. The low hum of engines filled the air as the M1128 Mobile Gun Systems and Abrams tanks were readied for heavy fire support.

The JLTVs, with their speed and versatility, were primed for reconnaissance and rapid response duties, ensuring the convoy would be protected from any potential threat along the journey.

John watched with quiet satisfaction as the preparations came together. "Once everything is ready, we'll head out," he said, nodding toward Walker. "Make sure every team is briefed and we have full coordination. We need to move efficiently."

"Understood, sir," Walker responded, setting off to relay the final orders to the soldiers.

As the last of the supplies were loaded and the convoy stood at attention, John felt the familiar rush of anticipation before an important mission. Soon, they would be ready to move out and execute the next phase of his plan.


It was noon when John and the convoy rolled out from Fort Sentinel, the sound of engines roaring as the massive formation left the safety of the base. Their destination was the site where Terragnath, the Dreadcoil, had fallen, and they were prepared for any encounter along the way. John stood in his command vehicle, watching as his meticulously planned convoy took shape.

At the very front, three JLTVs formed the reconnaissance team. These nimble vehicles moved swiftly ahead, their sensors scanning for any threats that could emerge on the road to Terragnath's resting place. They weaved through the terrain effortlessly, always staying a step ahead of the main convoy.

Behind them, two M1128 Stryker Mobile Gun Systems followed closely, ready to unleash rapid firepower at the first sign of danger. Their cannons swiveled side to side, scanning the horizon, ready to clear the path if the scouts reported anything hostile.

In the heart of the convoy's front element were three M1A2 Abrams tanks, their imposing bulk and heavy armor providing a formidable vanguard. Their powerful 120mm cannons were prepared to crush any opposition that stood in the convoy's way, ensuring nothing could halt their advance.

As they moved further along, the middle section of the convoy—five HEMTT trucks laden with critical supplies—rumbled behind the front-line firepower. These trucks carried fuel, ammunition, and the metal containers John had prepared to transport pieces of Terragnath back to Fort Sentinel. Protected on all sides, the HEMTTs were placed in the safest part of the convoy, their survival crucial to the mission's success.

Two more M1128s flanked the supply trucks, keeping a watchful eye on the convoy's middle section. Their cannons could sweep to cover the rear and flanks, ensuring no part of the convoy was left vulnerable.

Any potential threats approaching from behind would face swift and devastating retaliation.

Reserve units, five more JLTVs, were spaced out strategically, their drivers alert for any sudden orders.

These vehicles acted as a flexible force, ready to bolster the front, reinforce weak points, or patrol the flanks as needed. Their speed and adaptability made them a critical part of the convoy's defense.

At the back of the formation, two more Abrams tanks held their position, forming a powerful rear guard. These tanks were John's insurance against any ambush or attack from behind, ready to engage and crush any enemy that dared to strike from the shadows.

Even in the worst-case scenario of a retreat, these tanks would ensure the convoy could fall back without losing ground.

John surveyed the landscape as the convoy moved quickly through the rolling hills and rugged terrain, even passing Crestfall without stopping to save time.

Dust kicked up behind them, filling the air as the massive convoy charged ahead, soldiers inside every vehicle alert and ready for action. The tactical formation gave him confidence that his forces could handle any challenges they might face on the way.

As they neared the location where Terragnath lay, the sheer size of the creature became visible on the horizon. Even from a distance, John could see the magnitude of the fallen beast, awe filling his mind at the sight.

The convoy rumbled to a halt as they neared the colossal remains of Terragnath. Dust settled around the vehicles as engines idled and then slowly died down. The soldiers moved with precision, immediately stepping out of their vehicles and forming a defensive perimeter around the site. The towering wreckage of the creature lay sprawled out before them, its massive form dwarfing even the hulking tanks in the convoy.

John stepped out of his vehicle, his boots crunching on the dry ground as he approached. He scanned the area, making sure that the soldiers were in position, each one alert and securing the perimeter with their weapons ready. Satisfied with their swift response, he moved toward the center of the activity.

"Green," John called out as he approached one of his senior officers, Lieutenant Green, who was directing a team nearby. "How's your team? Everything alright?"

Lieutenant Green looked up, wiping the sweat from his brow. His men were busy scanning the surrounding area, their eyes sharp and focused, but the weight of the long journey and the magnitude of the mission was evident.

"Yeah, we're good, sir," Green responded, standing tall. "My team's a bit worn, but we're holding up. No signs of any hostiles yet, but this thing," he gestured toward the massive body of Terragnath, "is still giving everyone the creeps."

John nodded, understanding the tension in the air. The creature's sheer size, even in death, had a menacing aura. "Stay sharp. We'll get this done quickly and head back to Sentinel." He glanced at the perimeter, watching the soldiers expertly holding their positions.

Turning his gaze back to Green, he added, "Let's get those containers ready. We're taking some of the creature's parts back. I want this wrapped up as soon as possible."

Green saluted, then turned to relay the orders to his men. As John watched them move into action, his mind remained focused on the task at hand, knowing that while the immediate danger seemed low, there was no room for complacency. This was unfamiliar territory, and anything could happen.


John gave the signal for the hazmat team to begin their work. Six soldiers, fully suited in protective gear, approached the massive remains of Terragnath, their reflective visors shielding their faces as they neared the hulking beast.

Their equipment gleamed under the midday sun, and each step they took toward the creature was careful, precise. Behind them, two soldiers from the logistics team readied the large metal container that would house the retrieved parts.

Sergeant Hall led the team, motioning toward a section of Terragnath's exposed side. "We'll start here," he said through the comms, his voice crisp in John's earpiece. "Focus on securing muscle tissue, bone fragments, and any internal components that could provide valuable data."

With a nod from Hall, one of the soldiers wielded a heavy-duty cutting tool and began slicing into the creature's tough flesh. The screech of the blade echoed across the site as it tore through layers of muscle and hide. Hall crouched near the incision, using a pair of tongs to lift large chunks of Terragnath's flesh and muscle, which were then carefully placed into reinforced biohazard bags. Each piece was sealed and labeled with precision before being placed into metal crates.

Next, the team moved to one of the creature's severed limbs, a massive appendage nearly the size of a vehicle. Using powered saws and industrial drills, they carved off sections of the bone and claws.

The team worked quickly, cutting through the dense bone with specialized tools designed for handling such large and resistant materials. As they did so, another soldier collected the oily black fluid seeping from the wounds, securing it in thick, lead-lined vials.

"Make sure to get the scales intact," John instructed over the radio. "They might give us insight into how it withstood so much damage."

Following his orders, two soldiers focused on extracting the scales—each one as large as a shield. Using crowbars and cutting equipment, they pried several of them loose, carefully sliding them into specially designed metal cases.

Each scale was heavy, requiring two soldiers to lift and maneuver them into the container, where they were secured with thick straps.

Meanwhile, Hall's team extracted large pieces of internal organs, massive sinew, and chunks of the creature's armor-like carapace. Every piece, from the smallest vial of fluid to the largest section of bone, was meticulously cataloged and placed in the container.

With the help of a hoist system, the hazmat team lifted the heavier parts into the container, which was designed to withstand potential contamination or damage during transport.

Once the last of the parts were secured, Hall signaled to John. "All parts are retrieved and loaded, sir."

John stood nearby, watching the operation with a sense of grim satisfaction. "Understood. We need to move quickly. Close the container and get everything secured in the HEMTTs."

As the heavy lid of the metal container was sealed shut, the logistics team secured it with reinforced locks and fastened it onto the HEMTT transport vehicles. The container now held Terragnath's flesh, bones, scales, and other vital samples—an invaluable treasure trove of information.

John watched as the last of the hazmat team finished packing up. "Good work, Sergeant Hall. Let's roll out in five minutes." He took a final glance at the fallen creature's immense form, knowing that within those samples might lie the key to defeating future threats.