Chapter 27

John stood in his command room, staring at the map of Fort Sentinel and the surrounding areas, particularly Crestfall, now marked with a small icon representing the newly designated Forward Operating Base. He weighed his options carefully. Company A, his main assault force, was essential for rapid deployments in case of major threats. Sending them would be too great a risk. Company B, his defensive unit, had the crucial task of monitoring the walls and ensuring the 5KM perimeter remained secure—definitely not an option to weaken them.

Company C was his eyes and ears on the ground, a skilled reconnaissance group. Their mobility and scouting expertise were too valuable to be pulled from their mission. And Company D, the army's backbone of support, maintained critical supply lines, logistics, and medical teams. Losing them would leave the entire operation vulnerable.

John sighed, running a hand over his face as the dilemma grew. Every company had a vital role, and sending any of them to Crestfall would compromise some part of his defenses or operations. He needed a solution—something that wouldn't leave his forces stretched too thin.

With a resolute expression, John decided the best course of action was to summon new soldiers specifically for the task of securing Crestfall and establishing the Forward Operating Base. He needed fresh troops that could handle the challenges ahead without impacting the operational capabilities of his existing companies.

He opened the system, his mind racing with possibilities. He could create a dedicated battalion trained for garrison duties, equipped for both defense and light combat scenarios. This unit would allow him to maintain the integrity of his main forces while providing the necessary security for Crestfall.

"Let's go with a new battalion focused on base operations and community support," John said to himself. He began scrolling on the list of soldiers provided by the system: infantry specialized in securing outposts, logistics experts to manage supplies, and a mix of engineers to assist in the construction of the Forward Operating Base.

With a clear goal in mind, John moved swiftly to the system, eager to reinforce his ranks. He constructed two Level 10 barracks, each capable of accommodating 200 soldiers, knowing they would be essential for securing Crestfall and establishing the Forward Operating Base.

Once the barracks were complete, he activated the summoning process, his fingers deftly entering the required parameters.

"Let's bring in 200 infantry soldiers for defense," he declared, picturing the sturdy, well-trained troops ready to take their positions around Crestfall. They would serve as the backbone of his new battalion, tasked with ensuring the town's safety and maintaining order.

Next, he summoned 100 support soldiers, including quartermasters and logistics experts. These individuals would be crucial for managing supplies and ensuring that both the soldiers and the town had the resources they needed.

Finally, John turned his attention to the engineers. "And let's get 100 Engineer soldiers," he added, envisioning them working on the construction of the Forward Operating Base and any necessary repairs in Crestfall. Their expertise would be invaluable in fortifying the area and enhancing its defenses.

As the summoning process unfolded, John felt a sense of satisfaction. He was not just adding numbers to his forces; he was building a community-oriented battalion that could support both military operations and the townspeople of Crestfall.

John quickly exited the command center, a sense of urgency propelling him forward. He hopped into a military vehicle and drove toward the newly built barracks, where rows of soldiers stood in precise formation, awaiting his arrival.

As he approached, he noted the crisp uniforms and the determined expressions of the infantry soldiers. Their posture was sharp, and they stood ready to receive his orders. The sight filled him with a sense of pride and responsibility; these were not just troops but part of a larger mission to protect and uplift Crestfall.

He parked the vehicle and stepped out, scanning the ranks. "At ease, soldiers," he called out, his voice steady but firm. The soldiers relaxed slightly, their gazes still fixed on him, eager for direction.

"Today marks the beginning of our efforts to secure Crestfall and establish our Forward Operating Base," John announced, pacing in front of the formation. "You are the first line of defense for this town and the soldiers who will help bring stability back to this region. Your mission is crucial, and I have no doubt you'll rise to the occasion."

He paused, allowing the gravity of his words to sink in. "We have a lot of work ahead of us, but together, we will build something great here. You will train, fortify the town, and establish connections with the townspeople. Support and cooperation are key, so I expect you to engage with them and earn their trust."

John pointed to the barracks. "Quartermasters and engineers, you'll be working closely together. Prepare for logistical support and infrastructure improvements. The rest of you will be stationed around Crestfall to establish a secure perimeter."

He saw determination in their eyes as they nodded, absorbing the responsibility he had placed on them. "Let's get to work, soldiers. Our mission starts now!"

As the soldiers scrambled to work, John turned his attention back to his tasks. He knew that a strong vehicle presence would be vital for the success of the Forward Operating Base and the security of Crestfall. He quickly constructed a Level 10 Vehicle Garage, capable of summoning up to 50 vehicles.

Once the garage was operational, John accessed the system to procure additional vehicles to bolster his growing forces. With a few swift commands, he finalized his order:

15 JLTVs for rapid mobility and reconnaissance.

5 M1A2 Abrams tanks for heavy fire support.

7 HEMTTs, with 2 modified to serve as command centers for strategic operations.

5 M1083 cargo vehicles for logistics support.

5 M1126 Infantry Carrier Vehicles for troop transport.

3 R-11 refuelers to keep his vehicles operational on the field.

3 M970 Semi-trailer Refuelers to ensure his armored vehicles could maintain their operational range.

2 Caterpillar 420D backhoes for earthmoving and light construction tasks.

2 Caterpillar D9 dozers for heavier construction and clearing operations.

2 mobile cranes for lifting and transporting heavy equipment.

1 Caterpillar Grader for road maintenance and preparation.

As John confirmed the order, he could almost hear the distant rumble of engines as the vehicles began to materialize within the new garage. The sight of the newly summoned vehicles would serve as a morale boost for his troops and reinforce his commitment to establishing a secure base for Crestfall.

With each vehicle taking shape before him, John felt a surge of determination. The Forward Operating Base would not only protect the town but also serve as a beacon of hope for the surrounding areas.

As the last vehicle finished its summoning process, the soldiers wasted no time. Teams of trained drivers and logistics personnel swiftly moved in, taking control of the newly summoned vehicles. The 5 HEMTTs, 3 R-11 refuelers, and 3 M970 Semi-trailer refuelers were immediately driven to the Supply Depot, where crews began the task of loading them up with essential supplies—fuel, rations, ammunition, and equipment needed for the new Forward Operating Base in Crestfall.

The rhythmic sound of loading equipment echoed through the depot as crates were stacked, secured, and locked in place. John observed with satisfaction as everything was coming together efficiently, the soldiers working with practiced precision. The coordination between the logistics teams and the drivers ensured that no time was wasted.

By almost noon, the entire battalion was assembled and ready to move out. The convoy, consisting of infantry, support soldiers, engineers, and their new vehicles, stood in formation, engines idling as they awaited the signal to begin their march to Crestfall. The soldiers were eager, knowing that this operation was crucial not only for securing the town but also for strengthening John's overall position in the region.

John stood near the lead vehicle, scanning the convoy one last time to ensure everything was in place. With a deep breath, he gave a nod to Walker, who would be leading the convoy.

"Move out," John ordered, his voice steady over the radio.

One by one, the vehicles began to roll forward, their engines rumbling with purpose as they headed toward Crestfall. The journey ahead marked the next step in securing John's expanding influence in the area, with the battalion fully prepared to establish the first Forward Operating Base outside Fort Sentinel.


Upon arriving at the location just outside Crestfall, the soldiers moved with urgency and precision. The moment the convoy stopped, 100 of the 200 infantry soldiers quickly spread out, forming small squads that began patrolling the area surrounding the town.

Their primary mission was to secure the perimeter, ensuring there were no immediate threats or lurking dangers. With rifles at the ready and eyes scanning the terrain, they moved methodically, covering every angle to protect both the convoy and the townspeople.

Meanwhile, the remaining soldiers, including the engineers, wasted no time in preparing the land for the Forward Operating Base. The area beside the road, previously offered by Mayor Gideon, had already been marked.

The engineers began surveying the plot, measuring and marking boundaries, while the Caterpillar D9 dozers and graders rumbled into position, leveling the ground for construction. The mobile cranes and Caterpillar 420Ds were also moved into place, ready to lift heavy materials as soon as the construction began.

As the land was being prepared, the quartermasters coordinated with the HEMTTs and other supply vehicles, unloading crates of equipment, tools, and construction materials.

Soon, makeshift tents and temporary structures were being set up, providing shelter and storage for the soldiers as they began the foundational work on the base.

As the construction of the Forward Operating Base (FOB) continued, Lieutenant Parker, the leader of the battalion, oversaw the operation with his usual calm efficiency. He stood near the mobile cranes, giving orders as the prefabricated structures were hoisted into place.

The hum of heavy machinery, including the Caterpillar D9 dozers and graders, filled the air as the soldiers prepared the land, ensuring the base would be solid and well-positioned for their needs.

The soldiers worked with precision, knowing that time was of the essence. Half of them were on patrol around Crestfall, securing the perimeter, while the remaining soldiers focused on laying the foundation for the FOB.

Engineers meticulously checked every measurement, ensuring the base would be both secure and functional. Temporary fortifications—sandbags and watchtowers—were quickly erected to offer immediate protection.

Nearby, the quartermasters were busy setting up a field kitchen. The smell of stewing meat and boiling vegetables began to waft through the camp, providing a comforting presence amid the chaos of construction.

The head quartermaster, known for his ability to prepare hearty meals even in the toughest conditions, stirred a large pot over a portable stove while his team prepared loaves of bread, rice, and cured meats to feed the hard-working soldiers.

"Make sure everyone gets a decent meal," the quartermaster called out to his assistants, glancing over at the soldiers as they labored under the afternoon sun. He knew they would need their strength for the long day ahead.

As the day wore on and the sun dipped lower in the sky, the FOB began to take shape. The prefabricated structures were assembled quickly, transforming into barracks, storage units, and command posts.

Though the soldiers were tired, they pushed on, driven by the knowledge that they were building a stronghold that would safeguard Crestfall.

When the food was finally ready, the soldiers took short breaks, gathering in small groups to enjoy their meals. The warm stew, accompanied by rice and bread, was a welcome respite from their rigorous work.

Lieutenant Parker walked the perimeter, checking on the progress and ensuring everything was proceeding according to plan.

By the time dusk arrived, the majority of the FOB was operational, and Parker was pleased with the progress.

Lieutenant Parker made his way to the HEMTT Command Vehicle, the nerve center of the battalion's communication network. The vehicle, stationed in the heart of the freshly constructed FOB, was bustling with activity. Soldiers manned the consoles inside, and technicians adjusted the control panels as they prepared to establish a secure link with Fort Sentinel.

Parker gave the signal, and with a soft mechanical hum, the antennas atop the vehicle extended upward. A series of communication dishes began to rotate and align, locking onto Fort Sentinel's signal tower. Inside the command vehicle, screens flickered to life, showing real-time data feeds, maps of the surrounding area, and communication status.

"Connection established, sir," reported the communications specialist, glancing at Parker as the system confirmed a secure link.

"Patch me through to Fort Sentinel," Parker ordered.

The specialist tapped a few keys, and the encrypted connection was activated. Parker took a seat in front of the main console, the screen displaying Fort Sentinel's command center. The video feed came through clearly, showing the familiar faces of those back at the base.

"Fort Sentinel, this is Lieutenant Parker, FOB Crestfall is secure and operational. How copy, over."

He waited, listening as the line remained clear, awaiting the response from their main command.


Back at Fort Sentinel, John and his team stood attentively in front of the large screen, watching as it flickered to life. The radio crackled, and Parker's voice came through clearly.

"Fort Sentinel, this is Lieutenant Parker, FOB Crestfall is secure and operational. How copy, over."

A moment later, the surveillance feed from FOB Crestfall appeared on the screen, showing the newly established perimeter and the activity around the base.

Soldiers moved with purpose, and the familiar sight of their vehicles stationed at key points brought a sense of order to the scene.

John leaned closer to the microphone. "We see and hear you clearly, Lieutenant Parker. Thank you for your hard work. Please relay this to your soldiers."

On the screen, Parker gave a sharp nod. "Will do, sir."

John straightened up, arms crossed, as he followed up with his next question. "How's the patrol going?"

Parker responded promptly, "They've begun patrolling the area, sir. So far, no problems. Everything is quiet."

John exhaled, pleased with the progress. "Good. Keep me updated if anything changes. Continue with the perimeter checks, and ensure the FOB remains fully secured."

"Roger that, Commander. We'll keep you posted," Parker said confidently before the transmission ended, leaving John and his officers watching the peaceful surroundings of Crestfall on the screen.

For now, all seemed calm, but John knew the importance of staying vigilant. The day had gone smoothly, but the real challenges might still be ahead.