Chapter 28

King Cedric sat on his ornate throne, fuming over the recent news. His plan to punish Crestfall had been a disaster. Out of the 30,000 soldiers he had sent, only 5,000 had returned. He clenched his fists, his mind racing with anger and betrayal. 'Traitors', he thought bitterly. 'They are all traitors. They need to be punished.'

Just as his thoughts consumed him, the muffled sounds of shouting echoed from outside the chamber doors.

"I need to see His Majesty!" a voice demanded, full of urgency.

"You have no invitation to enter the chamber! Leave or die!" one of the royal guards barked in response.

There was a brief scuffle, the unmistakable sounds of swords being drawn and the sharp scrape of spear butts against the marble floor.

Then, without warning, a loud boom echoed through the hall, followed by the crumpling thud of a body hitting the floor.

The heavy chamber doors creaked open, revealing a man who staggered forward, his body covered in multiple scars, his armor bloodied. He stepped inside, limping yet determined, his presence defiant and uninvited.

King Cedric's eyes flared with fury at the sight of this insolence. He rose from his throne, voice booming, "How dare you burst into my chamber! You will be reprimanded—"

But before the king could finish, the man interrupted, his voice gravelly and full of dread. "Your Majesty, our southern defenses have fallen. Multiple hordes… they've overrun everything."

Cedric froze mid-sentence, the words sinking in like a dagger to the heart. His eyes widened, the anger draining from his face, replaced by a look of shock. "What?" he whispered, almost in disbelief.

The man staggered forward, leaning heavily on his bloodied spear. "The hordes, Your Majesty… they came in waves. We couldn't hold them back. The fortresses… all lost."

King Cedric sank back onto his throne, his face pale. This wasn't just a defeat. This was an unraveling of his kingdom. The horde had broken through his most important defenses, and now his southern lands were exposed.

For the first time in years, the king felt a creeping chill of fear.

King Cedric's eyes narrowed as he leaned forward, the tension in the chamber growing with each passing second. "What happened?" he asked, his voice a low growl that barely hid his frustration.

The bloodied man standing before him, scars marking his face and body, took a deep breath, his voice shaky as he spoke. "Your Majesty, the southern frontier… it's fallen."

Cedric's grip on the armrest tightened, but he said nothing, waiting for the man to continue.

"At first, it was manageable," the man explained. "Small raids, creatures we've dealt with before. Our defenses held. But then… the waves intensified. More came than we had ever seen, and then something else appeared."

Cedric's eyes flashed with anger. "What do you mean, 'something else'?"

The man shuddered, his face paling at the memory. "Monstrous creatures, like spiders but the size of warhorses. They came in droves, tearing through our defenses, ripping men apart. Our forces were overwhelmed, outmatched. The southern frontier wasn't just defeated, Your Majesty… it was destroyed."

King Cedric stood, his face a mask of fury. "How could this happen? The southern defenses were strong—reinforced! And now you're telling me they've been overrun by… spiders?"

"They were not ordinary creatures, my King," the man replied, voice hoarse with fear. "We barely hit them, and even then, they took almost no damage as if it was nothing. Our men… they couldn't hold. The monsters... they ripped through our lines as if we weren't even there."

Cedric's heart pounded, a mix of disbelief and fury swelling within him. "And how many returned?"

The man hesitated, then spoke softly, "Barely a few. Those who survived did so by running. Many didn't even attempt to come back."

Cedric's face contorted with rage. "Cowards... deserters. They'll pay for their disloyalty."

"Your Majesty," the man said, his voice faltering, "this isn't about disloyalty. The frontier is gone, and the hordes… they're moving north."

The king's blood ran cold. His kingdom's southern line had been obliterated, and now a greater threat loomed on the horizon. "Get out," Cedric commanded through clenched teeth, his mind already racing through what little options he had left.

As the man stumbled out of the chamber, Cedric's fists clenched. This was not just a defeat—it was the beginning of something far worse.


Back at Fort Sentinel, the atmosphere was calm, a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding in the south. Soldiers moved efficiently around the compound, tending to their duties with a sense of purpose and camaraderie. The sound of engines hummed softly in the background as vehicles were maintained and supplies were organized.

In the command center, John stood before the main screen, monitoring the live feeds from FOB Crestfall. Everything appeared smooth; the soldiers were methodical in their patrols, and the construction of the forward operating base was proceeding without a hitch. Parker's voice came through the radio, providing updates on the status of the FOB and assuring that all was secure.

"Patrols are maintaining their schedules, and we've established a solid perimeter, Commander," Parker reported confidently.

"Good work, Parker. Keep me updated if anything changes," John replied, his voice steady as he scanned the feeds. The soldiers at Crestfall were doing their job, and it gave him a momentary sense of relief amidst the growing tensions elsewhere.

In the mess hall, the aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air. Soldiers gathered around tables, sharing laughter and stories, their spirits high despite the uncertainties looming outside their walls.

Even Havenbrook had flourished, transforming into a vibrant community where all 2,520 residents lived comfortably. The town had expanded with multiple houses lining the streets, creating a sense of belonging and stability. Supplies were delivered regularly, ensuring that everyone's daily needs were met without fail.

A salary system had been implemented, allowing residents to earn money for their work on various projects around the community. With food provided for free, the currency they earned could be exchanged for luxury items they desired, from clothing to small gadgets that made life a bit easier.

Education had also become a cornerstone of Havenbrook's development. Basic lessons in math, science, and literacy were offered to both children and adults, fostering a culture of learning and growth. This knowledge proved invaluable, particularly in the agricultural sector, which thrived under the new management.

The introduction of advanced farming techniques led to a significant increase in crop yields. Residents cultivated a variety of agricultural products, including:

Vegetables: Increased production of tomatoes, potatoes, and carrots, thanks to crop rotation and improved soil management.

Grains: A surge in wheat and barley production, allowing for better bread and other staple foods.

Fruits: The introduction of apple and berry orchards, which not only provided fresh produce but also became a source of income through local markets.

Livestock: With better breeding practices and veterinary care, the community saw a rise in healthy cattle, chickens, and goats, which contributed to a more diverse diet and improved nutrition.

As the agricultural sector boomed, Havenbrook became self-sustaining, reducing reliance on external supplies. The sense of community grew stronger, with residents working together on various initiatives to improve their quality of life.

They built gardens, organized festivals celebrating their harvests, and even started small businesses that contributed to the local economy.

The security of Havenbrook was also a top priority, ensuring that the community remained safe amid the surrounding threats. To achieve this, a mandate was established requiring all males aged 18 to 50 to undergo training with the soldiers stationed in the area.

These training sessions focused on physical fitness and self-defense techniques, aiming to equip the men with the skills necessary to protect their families and homes.

Under the guidance of experienced soldiers, residents learned various combat skills, from basic hand-to-hand techniques to the use of simple weapons.

The training took place in the open fields near Havenbrook, where groups of men engaged in rigorous drills, building strength and endurance.

They practiced formations, learned to work as a team, and developed a sense of camaraderie among one another. This not only kept them physically fit but also fostered a deeper bond within the community.

In addition to combat training, the soldiers emphasized the importance of situational awareness and emergency response. The men learned how to recognize potential threats and how to react swiftly and effectively in dangerous situations.

This preparation reassured the townspeople that they were not defenseless and could stand together against any external dangers that might arise.

As the training progressed, the men of Havenbrook began to take pride in their newfound skills. They were not just defenders of their town; they were a unified force, ready to stand against any challenge.

The community felt empowered, knowing that they could rely on one another and the soldiers to keep them safe.


The command center buzzed with activity, the air thick with urgency as soldiers went about their tasks, monitoring systems and coordinating movements. Suddenly, one of the drone operators squinted at his screen, the flickering display highlighting a series of blips that sent a chill down his spine.

"Commander!" he shouted, his voice cracking with tension. "Multiple heat signatures detected to the south!"

His hands moved swiftly over the controls, maneuvering the drone to circle the area. As the live feed filled the screen, horror gripped him—massive hordes were moving in a chaotic mass, their grotesque forms shambling forward with a singular intent.

"Commander! You need to see this!" he urged, panic lacing his tone.

John was at the operator's side in an instant, his heart racing as he absorbed the sight before him. The drone's camera captured the nightmarish throng, a seething mass of monstrous creatures heading directly for Fort Sentinel.

Without hesitation, John pushed a large red button, triggering the alarm. Red lights flashed ominously throughout the command center, and a warning siren blared, cutting through the din of activity like a knife.

He activated the intercom, his voice booming through the base and echoing out into the surrounding area. "Incoming horde detected! All personnel, man your positions and prepare for a defensive battle! I repeat, all personnel to defensive positions now!"

The atmosphere shifted in an instant. Soldiers sprang into action, adrenaline flooding their veins. They dashed to their posts, weapons in hand, as the reality of the threat settled in.

In the barracks, soldiers were jolted from their routines, instantly transforming from civilians to defenders. Armor was donned, weapons checked, and battle strategies whispered between comrades.

John moved swiftly through the command center, barking orders and coordinating units as the reality of the impending attack loomed larger. He could see the fear in his men's eyes but also a fierce determination. They were ready to fight for their home, ready to protect what they had built.

As the screens updated with the advancing horde's location, John prepared for the worst, knowing that the strength of Fort Sentinel would soon be tested. His voice, steady and resolute, rang out once more. "Remember your training! We hold this ground together!"

The soldiers responded with a unified roar, a declaration of their commitment to stand firm against the oncoming darkness.

John turned to the drone operator, urgency etched on his face. "What's the estimated size and distance of the horde?"

The operator's fingers flew over the keyboard as he analyzed the data streaming in. His brow furrowed in concern. "Sir, it's more than what we faced at Crestfall. This horde is five times larger, and there are large spider-like creatures mixed in. Their distance is currently about 100 kilometers."

John's mind raced. The threat was far greater than he had anticipated. With a quick nod, he made a decision. He needed to strike before the horde reached Fort Sentinel.

He moved swiftly to the communication console and contacted the HIMARS operator. "Prepare all 10 HIMARS with MGM-140A missiles equipped with submunitions. We're going to initiate a preemptive strike. I want cluster bombs deployed to reduce their numbers before they can reach us."

The HIMARS operator acknowledged the order, his eyes wide with determination as he prepped the launch systems. John could feel the tension building as every second counted.

"Make sure to target the largest clusters of the horde and the spider-like creatures," John instructed. "We need to maximize damage and disrupt their advance."

The operator nodded, focusing intently on the targeting systems. "Missiles ready, sir. Just waiting for your command."

John took a deep breath, steeling himself for the decision ahead. He glanced at the live feed from the drone, watching the horde continue to move. "Fire when ready. We can't afford to let them get any closer."

With a final confirmation, the operator initiated the launch sequence for all 10 HIMARS. John's heart raced as he watched the missiles streak away from Fort Sentinel, leaving a trail of smoke against the clear sky.


The air crackled with tension as the ten HIMARS systems locked onto their targets, their launchers angled skyward. With a thunderous roar, the missiles launched into the sky, streaking toward the horde like fiery comets. As they soared, the tension in the air built, an ominous anticipation hanging over the battlefield.

Seconds later, the missiles reached their destination, and the first of them struck the ground with a deafening explosion. The impact sent a shockwave rippling through the earth, knocking smaller creatures off their feet and sending dirt and debris flying into the air. A blinding flash illuminated the area, casting grotesque shadows of the horde against the backdrop of the destruction.

As the dust began to settle, the real devastation unfolded. Each missile released its payload of cluster bombs, a rain of death that scattered across the horde like a storm of retribution. The bombs detonated with precise brutality, erupting into a series of secondary explosions that ripped through the masses. Creatures were obliterated in an instant, their shrieks drowned out by the cacophony of chaos.

The cluster bombs released their submunitions, a deadly hail that fell like a merciless rain. Some detonated mid-air, creating fireballs that consumed everything in their vicinity, while others struck the ground, exploding upon impact and sending jagged shards of shrapnel in all directions.

Amidst the destruction, the larger creatures, including the massive spider-like beasts, staggered but did not fall easily. Their tough exoskeletons absorbed some of the blasts, allowing them to push through the chaos. They screeched in anger and pain, rallying the remaining hordes around them, determined to continue their advance despite the devastation.

As the last of the cluster bombs detonated, a thick cloud of smoke and dust enveloped the area, choking the air with the stench of scorched earth and burnt flesh. For a brief moment, it seemed as if the horde had been shattered, the battlefield littered with the remnants of their numbers.

But as the smoke began to clear, it became apparent that not all had been lost. The horde was disorganized but not defeated. The spider-like creatures, their eyes glinting with malice, led the surviving hordes forward. They crawled over the remains of their fallen comrades, driven by a relentless hunger that could not be extinguished.

Though the battlefield bore the scars of the missile strikes, the advance of the horde continued, a testament to their ferocity and determination to press on, undeterred by the chaos that had just unfolded.


John surveyed the aftermath of the missile barrage from the command center, his heart racing as he watched the chaos unfold on the screens before him. Though the cluster bombs had wreaked havoc on the smaller creatures, the larger beasts—particularly the formidable spider-like monstrosities—still pressed forward, unfazed and relentless. He knew that a significant portion of the horde remained intact, and the real battle was far from over.

"Prepare all artillery units for standby!" John commanded, his voice steady despite the adrenaline surging through him. The operators nodded, quickly relaying his orders to the crews manning the artillery pieces, ready to respond at a moment's notice.

Next, John turned his attention to the skies. "Sortie ten F-35s for bombing runs! I want them to focus on those larger targets. And get five AC-130 Gunships in the air to rain devastation on the hordes!"


The airfield was alive with activity as ground crews rushed to prepare the F-35s for takeoff. John had ordered a quick response, and the pilots, donned in their flight suits, were focused and determined as they climbed into the cockpits of their sleek aircraft.

As the engines roared to life, the distinctive sound filled the air, a combination of power and precision. The ground crew completed their final checks, ensuring everything was in place. Each F-35 was equipped with PAVEWAY IV laser-guided bombs, a formidable munition known for its accuracy and devastating impact.

"Clear for takeoff!" the flight controller called over the radio, his voice crackling with urgency.

The first F-35 in line surged forward, its tires gripping the runway as it accelerated. The pilot expertly maneuvered the aircraft into the air, followed closely by the others in a seamless formation. The F-35s climbed higher, the landscape below shrinking rapidly as they gained altitude.

The F-35s soared through the skies, their sleek forms cutting through the air as they approached the location of the horde. Pilots scanned the ground below, searching for larger creatures or significant clusters of the smaller hordes that had been ravaging the southern frontier.

"Stay sharp, everyone," the flight leader reminded the squadron over the comms. "We need to identify the biggest targets before we engage."

As they flew over the chaotic battlefield, the pilots spotted the writhing mass of creatures, but they needed to confirm their targets. The lead pilot guided his aircraft in a tight circle, scanning the area for any sign of the colossal beasts that had been reported.

"There!" he exclaimed, pointing his laser designator at a massive spider-like creature looming over the smaller hordes. Its grotesque form was clearly visible, a horrific sight that sent chills down the spine of anyone watching.

"Locking on!" he announced, his finger poised over the release button.

The other pilots followed suit, finding their own targets among the swarm. Once they had identified the larger threats, they activated their laser designators, focusing beams of light onto the monstrous figures.

"Target acquired! I have the larger spider!" another pilot confirmed, his voice steady.

"Lazing now," the flight leader responded, ensuring everyone was on the same page.

The F-35s maneuvered into position, hovering just above the horde to ensure accuracy. The pilots concentrated, keeping the laser designators trained on their targets as they prepared to release their bombs.

"Release on my mark!" the flight leader commanded, adrenaline surging through him as he locked eyes with the largest creature in the area.

"Three… two… one… release!"

The PAVEWAY IV bombs dropped from their racks, guided by the laser designators toward the monstrous targets below. Each bomb fell with precision, streaking toward the ground as the pilots watched with bated breath.

As the bombs struck their targets, the ground erupted in fiery explosions. The massive spider-like creature writhed in agony, caught in the blast as debris flew in all directions. The large spider as well as the smaller hordes around it were obliterated.

"Impact confirmed! Nice work!" the flight leader cheered over the comms, but there was no time to celebrate.

"Keep your eyes peeled; there are still more of them!" another pilot shouted as they scanned the horizon for any signs of the relentless horde.

With their mission clear, the F-35s regrouped and prepared for another run, ready to unleash more destruction upon the monstrous threats that continued to surge toward Fort Sentinel.