Chapter 10 Thirty Kilograms

Time flies by. If you don't pay close attention, it slips away in an instant. Before you realize it, you might find yourself wondering, *Has it really been that long...?*

More than a month had passed since Youya proposed the Wetland Bridge plan. During this time, he finally succeeded in condensing the mark for the Flying Thunder God technique. This speed was reasonable for a ninja of average talent, though if you compared Youya to Minato from the comics... well, better not to compare at all. It would only lead to embarrassment.

Condensing the mark was just the first step; Flying Thunder God was more than just a marking technique—it had many other applications. The ninja academy was now on break, and worth mentioning was the improvement in Youya's clone technique by the end-of-year exam. This improvement was largely due to his shamelessness in asking Senju Tobirama to teach him the Shadow Clone Technique.

When Youya expressed an interest in learning the Multiple Shadow Clone technique, Tobirama flatly refused. Although it was useful for training, the physical toll from the fatigue and pain of dispelled clones would multiply with each one. Youya's physical fitness couldn't compare to Naruto's, who had the benefit of the Nine-Tails' chakra. Using the technique recklessly could damage Youya's foundation in ninjutsu.

Despite a perfect score in his clone technique and math, Youya failed most other subjects. However, his performance in practical combat was passable. Although he hadn't managed to defeat Hinata Kazuko or Uchiha Rou, they hadn't beaten him either. In the end, that was enough.

A month later, Youya ventured out again, this time heading to the northern cliffs beyond the village. Upon arrival, he used his special ability to absorb the gold buried in the earth, condensing it into a solid golden cube. Weighing it with his scale, he noted this time he had gathered 360 kilograms of gold. After sealing most of it into a scroll, he kept 30 kilograms out, shaping it into an irregular form to carry back to Konoha.

It was a relief to have Senju Hashirama around. Youya didn't need to worry about spies infiltrating Konoha with the "God of Shinobi" guarding the village. Recently, Hashirama's health seemed to be improving. His complexion was rosier, his voice more robust—nothing like the sickly state he was supposed to be in according to the comics. Youya doubted whether the story's prediction of Hashirama's death would even come to pass.

For now, Youya focused on his projects. His gold reserves were still under 550 kilograms, not enough to match his pace of development. But with Hashirama's protection, he felt secure enough to continue his work.

The Wetland Bridge was projected to be finished by the end of February, taking about three months to complete. The cost, including labor, was a reasonable 50 million ryo. Youya knew this investment would visibly improve the quality of life for Konoha's residents. Of course, some people grew envious and tried to stir up trouble, but Youya, with Uchiha Kaoru's help, swiftly shut down these distractions using ninjutsu.

It was natural for people to get jealous, Youya thought. While he toiled away, they watched him thrive. But the laborers, who had a vested interest in the project, were determined to prevent any disruptions. Conflict was inevitable. This was where Uchiha Kagami's role as captain of the Uchiha Security Department came in handy, giving the department a chance to boost its reputation. With no other entertainment in the village, people thrived on gossip and stories, and this incident was sure to become something they talked about.

Uchiha Kagami admired Youya, the "advisor" assigned to him by the Second Hokage. He repeatedly expressed his desire to learn from Youya—how to navigate village relationships, maximize outcomes with minimal resources, and create greater value. Tobirama's response was cryptic, often brushing off Kagami with vague encouragement. Nonetheless, Kagami persistently sought advice from Youya, asking questions almost every night and receiving answers the next morning. But today, Youya had gone out to dig for gold, so their correspondence was paused.

By the time Youya returned to Hashirama's estate, it was evening. As expected, Senju Tobirama was already there. Tobirama wasn't one to drop by without reason, and today's purpose was clear.

Without pretense, Youya dumped the 30 kilograms of gold from his pack and grinned. "Here's about thirty kilograms. Uncle, can you teach me a new technique now?"

Tobirama, unable to hide his astonishment, swallowed hard. After a moment of consideration, he asked, "Why don't you just tell me where the gold mine is?"

Youya rolled his eyes. "It's not a gold mine. I'm sensing the gold elements seeping into the surface, and my ability lets me gather them. If there was a real gold mine, I'd be living in it!"

He wasn't exaggerating. With his ability to absorb gold for sustenance and strength, Youya would indeed hunker down in a gold mine if one existed.

Tobirama accepted the explanation with a nod, though he still found the whole thing a bit unbelievable. If there really had been a gold mine near Konoha, it surely would have been discovered by now, especially given the war-torn past of the Land of Fire.

But this put Tobirama in a dilemma. Last time, he had taught Youya the Flying Thunder God technique for a mere ten kilograms. Now there were thirty kilograms on the table. Thirty kilograms of gold... that was over 150 million ryo! What technique could possibly be worth that?

Perhaps he could teach this brat the Reanimation Jutsu...


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**End of Chapter**