Chapter 34 The Security Department is not on guard

In the original history, Senju Tobirama did not bring the Uchiha clan's large forces to the battlefield in the First Ninja War, but only Uchiha Kagami. This made the Uchiha clan feel that Senju Tobirama had never trusted them — which, of course, was true. It also foreshadowed Tobirama's eventual death, and the dissatisfaction of other clans with the Third Hokage, who needed to focus on internal conflicts within the village.

At the same time, because they did not participate in the First Ninja War, the strength of the Uchiha clan was preserved. They ended up with the largest number of ninja among the clans in Konoha Village, leading them to have thoughts they shouldn't have. After all, the Security Department, controlled by the Uchiha, was supposed to maintain order, but to Tobirama, they were merely tools.

The work they did involved offending people. For example, a street fight might have started because of drinking, but the participants might not have had a bad relationship. However, according to regulations, those involved in street fights had to be imprisoned. The duration of the imprisonment didn't matter; once someone was in custody, it left a bad impression on others. Yet the Security Department had no choice but to enforce these rules.

Given the nature of the other clans in Konoha, it was impossible for Uchiha to arrest members of other ninja clans without the Hokage's authorization. So, when a ninja committed a minor crime like wrestling with friends after drinking, but Uchiha arrested them, it led to resentment. This contributed to the Uchiha's eventual rebellion in the original history.

They weren't taken seriously, and their position of power seemed like a joke.

However, things are different now. It's not that Yuya values Uchiha more. If you want Yuya to truly value the Uchiha clan, you would need to kill a few people and awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan. Then Yuya would pay attention.

Yuya also uses the Uchiha as tools, but differently than Tobirama. Tobirama was worried about Uchiha's power growing too large, but to Yuya, the Uchiha must handle all of Konoha's security. Why didn't you stop trouble in the commercial district? Did you complete the registration list I asked for? No? What if a spy from another village sneaks in?

Ninjas from other countries would be foolish not to try to gather intelligence with all the movement in Konoha. They're nervous, and it's normal for them to make a move when they think they've been discovered. But from Yuya's perspective, that's the Security Department's fault. Why weren't they detected before they infiltrated?

The Uchiha clan is smart and proud, so they wouldn't claim they weren't responsible or that the village's defense wasn't their concern. After all, Yuya handed them the responsibility for security, so aren't they responsible for village defense too? Should ANBU be left to handle all defense? In that case, why even have an ANBU? Just call them Konoha's janitor team.

As a result, more security is needed throughout the village, including the Hokage's office, which must always be guarded. Three teams rotate patrols there — a dozen ninja in total. Konoha's gates and walls also need protection, requiring about 40 people in rotating shifts. That's just for those two places.

What about the commercial district? Without security, you'd see theft and robbery constantly. There are also visitors from Kirigakure and Sunagakure. If anything happens there, it would be an international embarrassment.

When Uchiha Kagami heard that enemy ninja injured people in the district he was patrolling, he turned pale. It was a disgrace. No one died, but several were injured. What shame! Is this the Uchiha clan that rivals the Senju clan? Couldn't even detect enemy spies?

Such incidents led to more patrols in the commercial district — four teams in three shifts, adding more strain. Plus, with other areas to patrol, the Uchiha clan is stretched thin.

Yuya also prioritized security at the new research institute, with orders allowing no unauthorized entry or exit. Not only did the Uchiha have to guard it, but three teams from the Hyuga clan were assigned as well. This shows its importance.

The Uchiha clan naturally had to send personnel there. What about other facilities like steel mills or food processing plants? With villagers depending on canned meat at the end of the year, someone must guard those places too.

In short, there's a shortage of Uchiha ninja for security duties recently. It's ironic that the Uchiha used to complain about being excluded, and now they realize they're struggling with their duties.

Tobirama Senju watched this unfold. His skepticism toward the Uchiha remained. He didn't trust them at all, and that hadn't changed. But because it was Yuya's decision, Tobirama held back.

The Uchiha squad leader awaited punishment, and Uchiha Kagami feared that Tobirama's dislike of their clan would lead to harsh consequences.

But to their surprise, Tobirama merely frowned, patted the squad leader on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry. Just keep patrolling, and make sure there are no more problems." Then he left.

Kagami and the squad leader were both confused. Was this really the same Hokage who always targeted the Uchiha?

In truth, Tobirama didn't hold the Uchiha clan accountable for the failure. He never trusted them to begin with, so why would he blame them? From his perspective, this was simply business as usual.

But from the Uchiha's point of view, things were different. Especially when, the next day, Tobirama announced plans to build a factory in Uchiha territory, leaving them even more bewildered.

Had Tobirama been kidnapped?

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