It's Hailing, Why Is That Such a Big Problem?

"Oh ho." Ye Tian let out an awkward laugh, now intrigued.

He had never met Zi Zhenzhu.

How did she know him?

Just as he was about to ask, Hu Liena, who was lying on the sofa beside him, clung to his arm, stood up, and with her big eyes blinking, asked, "How do you know Brother Ye Tian?"

Zi Zhenzhu smiled wryly and explained, "Two years ago, a typhoon destroyed most of the farmland around the East Sea. It was Young Master Ye Tian who quietly purchased a large amount of grain to help the common people through the crisis.

I have several islands out at sea, and the people there also received Young Master Ye Tian's aid."

"At that time, Young Master Ye Tian covered his tracks well, not revealing his name while providing relief.

But as a pirate, I was still able to trace the clues and found out it was Young Master Ye Tian's doing."

After finishing, she cast a deep look at Ye Tian and bowed, saying, "On behalf of the people under the pirates' care, I thank you, Young Master Ye Tian. Even though this thanks is somewhat overdue."

Hearing this, Hu Liena's eyes sparkled, and she hugged Ye Tian's arm tighter, rubbing her face against it with a playful smile, "Looks like my brother has done quite a few good deeds!"

This made Hu Liena secretly agree even more, marveling at how accurate her teacher's judgment was.

Ye Tian's character was truly outstanding.

If he could become her husband, she might just become the happiest woman on earth!

Thinking of this, Hu Liena silently cheered herself on.

Hu Liena, Hu Liena, the opportunity is right in front of you, you must seize it!

Standing in one corner of the sofa, Li Jiuchuan was also surprised after hearing all this.

She had long heard that Ye Tian was charitable and well-known along the East Sea.

She had thought that was the extent of it, but it turned out that he had secretly done even more good deeds.

Li Jiuchuan couldn't help but steal a glance at Ye Tian, her heart suddenly fluttering inexplicably.

Doing good without seeking fame—he really was a humble man.

Seeing Zi Zhenzhu bow in gratitude, Ye Tian shook his head calmly, "It was just a small effort."

Indeed, it was just a small effort, nothing worth mentioning.

Faced with Ye Tian's humility, Zi Zhenzhu admired him even more.

So young, yet with such a promising future.

Afterward, Zi Zhenzhu didn't continue being overly formal and sat quietly across from Ye Tian.

After learning about Ye Tian and Li Haitian's intentions, Zi Zhenzhu nodded solemnly.

"On behalf of the pirates along the East Sea, I sincerely thank you, Young Master Ye Tian, for giving them an opportunity.

I will write down all the information I know accurately and give it to you as a reference."

After speaking, Zi Zhenzhu sighed deeply, "If the chief official of the East Sea were someone like you, Young Master Ye Tian, how could so many people be willing to live by risking their lives as pirates?"

Ye Tian smiled, neither affirming nor denying her statement.

But he also had no interest in such things.

Seeking official positions and power was not something he wished to pursue.


In the evening, after dinner.

The typhoon arrived as expected.

Violent gusts of wind swept through the Li family castle.

Countless crashing sounds echoed, like beans being poured down.

After dinner, Ye Tian was assigned to rest in a luxurious bedroom.

Though it was called luxurious, that was only by comparison.

The bedroom's soundproofing was terrible, and the noise of the wind outside felt as though it were right by his ear.

The constant clattering was maddening.

At this moment, Hu Liena tiptoed into the room.

Ye Tian immediately noticed her, raising an eyebrow, "Why didn't you knock?"

"I did."

Hu Liena tilted her head and blinked innocently.

"But you just didn't hear it."

Ye Tian chuckled lightly through his nose and flexed his wrists, "My hearing is excellent. How could I not know whether you knocked or not?"

Nana was getting bolder by the day.

Luckily, he was still in his pajamas.

If she had come in while he was sleeping, that would have been awkward.

"Well, I did knock."

Hu Liena pouted, acting as if she didn't care whether he believed her or not.

Ye Tian was already used to her antics.

Shaking his head, he poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to her.

Hu Liena happily accepted the tea he poured and eagerly took a sip, then immediately stuck out her tongue, "It's so hot!"

Ye Tian couldn't help but laugh, "Silly girl, can't you tell it's hot?"

"I just wanted to feel the warmth you passed to me right away!" Hu Liena pouted pitifully.

"Enough, you're getting more and more ridiculous."

Though he scolded her, Ye Tian's smile remained bright.

With a little sister like her, who wouldn't like her?

Of course, as a wife, she was still lacking.

Hu Liena, holding the warm cup in her hands, walked over to the bed and sat down.

"It's hailing outside. When I was just coming into your room, I glanced out into the courtyard, and the hail was huge! It was quite a sight!"

Hu Liena exclaimed.

She hadn't seen hail more than a few times in her life.

Seeing it today on Golden Turtle Island, it was truly spectacular.

As she spoke, she held out her delicate hand and used her thumb and forefinger to show Ye Tian the size of the hail.

"They're this big!"

"No wonder it's so loud."

Ye Tian glanced at the tightly shut window, seemingly deep in thought.

Hail accompanied by a typhoon wasn't common, but it wasn't unheard of either.

Hail often comes with a cold snap.

This was not good news.

The typhoon alone was enough to damage crops, and if the hail brought freezing conditions on top of that, there might not be a harvest this year.

Ye Tian's expression gradually grew serious.

After pondering for a moment, he decided to go outside and take a look.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Seeing Ye Tian head toward the door, Hu Liena asked, holding her tea cup.

"Going outside to take a look," Ye Tian replied.

Hearing this, Hu Liena quickly put down her cup and hurried after him.

"Hehe, wait for me!"

Of course, watching such a spectacular hailstorm was something to enjoy together!

However, when she caught up with Ye Tian outside, she realized his expression was far from pleased.

Ye Tian didn't seem to be out to admire the hail.

This made her glance back and forth between the hail and Ye Tian, and she couldn't help but ask, "Is there something wrong with the hail?"

"It's a big problem."

Looking at the hail falling like beans, already piling up ten centimeters thick on the ground, Ye Tian's expression became extremely serious.

He was certain that the East Sea region would likely face a failed harvest this year.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's mood became heavy.

This disaster could lead to countless common people going bankrupt or starving to death.


He couldn't let this happen under his watch.

It seemed it was time to start preparing ahead of time.

Ye Tian lost all interest in watching the hail and turned back to the bedroom.

This left Hu Liena puzzled. She couldn't wrap her head around it, her beautiful eyes watching Ye Tian's departing figure.

"Brother Ye Tian, it's just a hailstorm. Why is it such a big problem?"

(End of the Chapter)

P. S

The fic will receive 1 chapter update on daily basis starting tomorrow onwards. :3

Advance 30 chapters are up on my Patreon
