Sabrina's punishment and her unwanted Saviour.

Sabrina got off the floor to see the mess that had been made on the princess, and she looked around to realize that every eye in the hall seemed to be directed at the scene.

"I...I am... so...sorry, princess," Sabrina said through gritted teeth; she was almost sure that someone had put out a leg to make her trip; she just couldn't tell who exactly.

"You will pay for this; you will pay dearly. Just let me get out of these clothes first," She yelled back at Sabrina before calling her maids.

"Are you okay, Safiyyah," The king asked; he had left his seat to come to check on his sister.

But Safiyyah did not even acknowledge him, just got up and headed out of the hall with her maids rushing after her.

After she was gone, Sabrina got down on the floor and made to clean the mess that had been made, but it seemed the red wine had a mind of its own.