Jamal's return.

"Who allowed you to touch what belongs to me?" A menacing voice called before them, and Maryam stopped in shock, her heart leaping with joy at the figure standing before them.

Sabrina's eyes slipped open as that familiar voice cut into her subconsciousness. She stared at the figure before, and tears sprang to her eyes.

Jamal is back, that's the only thought that went through her mind as she slipped back into the darkness with tears streaming down her closed eyes.

What adversity couldn't accomplish, Jamal's arrival had accomplished, and Kamal seemed to notice that as he tightened his hands around Sabrina.

The two brothers stared at each other, the hatred was obvious and tangible, the air between them fraught with tension.

"Dearest brother, Is that how you greet the twin brother you haven't seen in more than fifteen years," Kamal said, his tone mocking.