Her Punishment

"Stop, stop it; I am not some object to be owned!" Sabrina yelled in panic, and Jamal stopped, his fist poised midair as he turned to look at her with fury-filled eyes.

"Huh, told yah, didn't I? What are you going to say now? Will you sell her off again," Kamal said in a jeering voice, and Jamal turned back to face him.

He looked disgusted with himself as he dumped Kamal like a piece of shit on the flower beds before he headed for Sabrina.

And with each step that he took closer to her, her heart thumped like it would escape her ribcage; she was quite sure she had never seen him so furious before.

"Jamal, I...," She was saying, but she was not able to finish the sentence before Jamal grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the secluded garden, leaving both Maryam and Kamal staring after them.

After they disappeared from sight, Maryam turned to face Kamal who was still seated in the flowerbeds.