Who is Reemah?

Sabrina noticed the shock in the ivory-colored eyes of the woman and flushed with embarrassment knowing how she must look at that moment.

So she moved her body against Jamal's own trying to cover her nakedness, but Jamal laid a staying hand on her shoulder, and she stared up at him in question.

"You are intruding; step out into the hall; I will be with you in a short while," Jamal said with an automatic tone, and his word seemed to snap the woman out of her daze as she nodded her head in agreement and quickly stepped out of the large dining area.

When she was gone, Sabrina moved her body against the door, hurting herself in the process of trying to escape beneath Jamal but he held her fast.

"Where do you think you are going?" His tone sounds amused.

"To my room," Sabrina said before she realized that she had no room there.