
Jamal eased back out of the room as he did not know what to make of Sabrina's tears.

He is someone who doesn't get moved by the female gender hysterics, their yelling, or even their burst of emotions because he knows how manipulative they can be.

But for some reason, he couldn't get the thought of Sabrina crying out of his head, he wondered what part of his conversation with Reemah would upset her.

And he shouldn't care about it either; he shouldn't, but he can't help himself, so he descended the staircase back to the dining room and found Maryam sitting on a chair at the table, a glass of chilled water at her hand.

"I thought you were going to go do something important upstairs, why are you back again?" Maryam asked with raised brows.

Jamal ignored her and went to fill a decanter of wine for himself before sitting directly opposite her.