Samantha's revenge

The crowd pressed tightly around the soldiers as Falko weaved through the sea of villagers, his breath coming in short, panicked gasps. He could see the soldiers now, hauling bags from his home. The gleaming red and silver armor they wore felt out of place in the simple village. Falko's heart pounded in his chest as he watched them announce in cold, authoritative voices what he dreaded to hear.

"Brina, healer of this village, has been found guilty of dealing the illegal substance Hypnodust in large quantities. She will be taken to the capital and executed by death sentence under the Sommeral law!"

The words rang through the air like the toll of a bell, freezing Falko in place. His blood ran cold. Hypnodust? No… that's impossible! Brina would never…

His mind raced, but everything came to a halt when he saw them dragging someone out of the house—a figure, beaten and bloodied, stumbling as the soldiers pushed her forward. Falko's breath caught in his throat. It was Brina.

Her usually strong and composed figure was now bruised, bleeding, and broken. A gash ran down the side of her face, and she limped as the soldiers tied her hands behind her back. Falko took a shaky step forward, his vision swimming with disbelief and rage.

"She would never..." Falko never doubted her, but looking at her like this, he felt the same type of pain when he lost Selene that day and his whole family.

Brina's eyes caught his, even through the haze of pain. "Falko," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Find… Rhea."

Her words, filled with urgency, were all she could manage before one of the soldiers yanked her forward. They tied her to the back of a horse, hands bound tightly with rough rope. Falko's heart twisted as he watched them drag her away like a criminal.

Suddenly, his attention shifted to a familiar figure—a tall elf woman, the tax official who had visited the village before. She stood beside Samantha, the village head, who looked as though she was trying to grovel her way into the elf's favor. Samantha's face was twisted into a smile that made Falko's stomach churn with disgust. She was bootlicking, as always, but this time something more sinister lingered in her eyes.

Falko stumbled back, his vision narrowing as he fought off a wave of dizziness. The truth settled into his mind like a cold weight—this wasn't just bad luck. This was a plot. A scheme to remove Brina from the village. And he had a strong feeling he knew exactly who was behind it.


Gamer's voice chimed in, tense. 

[This is a setup, Falko. There's no way Brina was involved with drugs.]

Tyrant on the other hand, growled with satisfaction and curiosity. 

[You know what must be done. Wait. Bide your time. The wheels of the fate is moving now.]

Falko's gaze flickered back to Brina. She was being dragged away, tied to the back of the horse as the soldiers began to gallop out of the village. He clenched his fists so tightly his nails bit into his palms. I can't do anything now, he thought, rage simmering in his veins. 

Why was he helpeless? Would things have turn different if Brina didn't found him that day? These questions keep coming into Falko's mind.

As the soldiers disappeared into the distance, Samantha turned back to the villagers, her voice filled with mock sorrow. "It's such a terrible thing, what's happened to Brina. Who could've imagined that she'd be involved in such a fiendish trade?"

Most of the villagers looked at her with barely concealed suspicion. Samantha was trying too hard to appear sad, but the smirk she couldn't quite hide gave her away. Her eyes glinted with something dark, and Falko could feel the hatred bubbling up inside him. The urge to scream, to lash out, to kill, was overwhelming.

But then Samantha said something that caught his attention. "I believe that sins of the parents should not be carried by the children," she declared, her tone smooth and authoritative. "Therefore, I will take responsibility for Rhea and Falko. Rhea is already in my home, crying over the realization that her mother is a fiend. As for Falko…"

She turned her gaze toward him, locking onto him with that smug, knowing smile. "Falko, come here."

Falko's body moved on its own, though his face remained emotionless. Inside, however, his heart was pounding, his mind screaming. Every step he took toward her felt like a step into the pure hatred inside him.

When he finally stood in front of her, Samantha leaned in close, her voice dropping to a sickening whisper. "If you had stayed at my house when I invited you… this wouldn't have happened. Brina wouldn't be suffering right now. Everything that has happened—it's your fault, Falko."

Her words, like venom, seeped into his mind. She was trying to break him, to plant the seeds of guilt and shame. But inside, Falko felt something else—an overwhelming urge, a singular thought repeating over and over in his head.

Kill… kill… kill.

Tyrant Falko smiled in the back of his mind. 

[Good. Let that hatred grow. This woman deserves to pay and this hatred will support you to achieve your goal.]

Gamer Falko, however, was worried. 


But Falko didn't respond to either voice. His focus was on Samantha, the rage building inside him like a storm. He kept his face blank, his eyes cold and distant, but inside, the fire burned hotter with every word she spoke.

Samantha straightened up, pleased with herself. She reached out and patted his cheek in a mock show of affection, her smile widening. "Good boy. Now, let's go. I have much to teach you. So much!"

Falko followed her without a word, his body numb, but his mind was alive with fury. He knew what had to be done. He would wait. He would watch. And when the time was right, he would make Samantha pay for everything she had done.


Falko walked behind Samantha, his gaze fixed on her back as they moved through the darkening village. His mind swirled with conflicting thoughts—what could he do to her? She was strong, not an ordinary woman by any means, and Falko knew that even though she could be taken by surprise, there were bigger questions that needed answers first.

How had she, a mere village head, gotten her hands on those drugs? What other schemes was she running behind the scenes?

As they approached her home, Falko's thoughts raced. I need to find Rhea… and I need to figure out how far Samantha's influence reaches.

Samantha opened the door, stepping inside with a dark smile. Falko hesitated for a moment before following. Once inside, he turned to her, his voice cold but steady. "Where's Rhea?"

Samantha glanced over her shoulder, her smile unfading. "Who knows? Maybe she ran off. Maybe she's hiding somewhere, crying over her poor mother. Honestly, Falko, I don't care."

His hands clenched into fists. "You don't care?"

Samantha walked further into the room, her voice dripping with amusement. "Why should I? What happens to Rhea is none of my concern. But you, Falko, if you behave, I promise to treat you… well."

Falko stood still, his mind racing as Samantha's excitement became clearer. The way her eyes gleamed, her tone—she was savouring the control she had over him. He glanced around the room, his eyes trailing over every corner, every possible exit, every possible weapon his mind calculating. There has to be a way to turn this around.

But as night descended, Falko found himself seated in a corner, his eyes closed, refusing to engage with Samantha's gaze. He could feel her presence lingering in the room, the air thick with tension. Hours passed, and eventually, the sound of light footsteps filled the room.

When Falko opened his eyes, his heart skipped a beat. Samantha stood before him, completely naked, her eyes filled with twisted desire. She licked her lips, her gaze predatory, like a wolf circling its prey.

"Tonight, you'll behave, won't you?" she purred, her voice low and taunting.

Falko gritted his teeth, knowing it was the time he acted. His eyes focused on his hand, where he clutched a rock he'd found earlier. His knuckles whitened around it as she moved closer, her scent filling the air. I could hit her now, he thought. I could stop this before it goes any further. His muscles tensed, waiting for the right moment.

Just as Samantha drew near, her breath brushing against his skin, there was a sudden, sickening crack behind her. Falko froze, his eyes widening in shock. Samantha stumbled, her hand instinctively reaching for the back of her head as blood began to trickle down her face.

She turned, her eyes filled with confusion and pain.

Standing behind her, panting heavily and gripping a bloodstained pole, was Rhea. Her face was flushed with anger, her chest rising and falling as she stared down at Samantha's bleeding form.

Falko's breath hitched. "Rhea…"

Samantha staggered, clutching her head as she tried to stay on her feet. But Rhea didn't stop. With a snarl of pure rage, she swung the pole again, this time with even more force. It connected with Samantha's body, sending her crashing to the ground.

"You filthy, disgusting woman!" Rhea screamed, her voice filled with venom as she brought the pole down again and again, her strikes relentless.

Falko stood frozen, his mind reeling as he watched the scene unfold. Blood splattered across the floor, the once-powerful village head now lying lifeless beneath Rhea's fury. Samantha's body twitched as Rhea continued to strike, her face twisted in rage and disgust.

"How could you… how could you do this to us?!" Rhea's voice cracked, the pole hitting Samantha's already broken body with brutal force. Tears streamed down her face as she poured all her hatred into every blow. "You ruined everything… EVERYTHING!"

Falko could only watch, his mind still processing. He had never seen Rhea like this—so full of anger, of pain. Each strike seemed to release all the fear, all the anguish she had been holding inside.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Rhea stopped. She stood over Samantha's lifeless, bloodied form, her chest heaving with exhaustion. The pole slipped from her trembling hands, clattering to the ground. Her eyes, filled with tears, slowly turned to Falko.

"Is she dead," Rhea whispered, her voice barely audible.

Falko nodded, still in shock. "She… might be."

Rhea let out a shaky breath, her shoulders trembling as she fell to her knees, tears spilling from her eyes. "I couldn't let her… I couldn't let her hurt you, Falko. I just… I couldn't. I have never killed someone."

Falko knelt beside her, placing a hand on her trembling shoulder. "It's over now, Rhea. You did what you had to do."

The two of them sat there in silence, the weight of what had just happened pressing down on them.