Rhea's reason

Samantha groaned, feeling pain radiate through her body. Her limbs felt heavy, and as she tried to move, she realized her wrists and ankles were bound tightly to a chair. Her mouth was stuffed with cloth, making it impossible to speak or scream. She tried to collect her thoughts and remember what just happened to her, as she was still in confusion.

Panic began to flood her senses, but when she lifted her eyes, the sight that greeted her was even worse.

Falko and Rhea stood in front of her, their faces twisted in disdain and hatred.

"Awake already?" Falko's voice was cold, dripping with contempt. He stepped closer, looming over her. Samantha tried to speak, but the gag in her mouth muffled any sound she made.

"You really thought you could get away with all of this, didn't you?" Falko sneered, his eyes dark and unforgiving. He reached down and grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back roughly. Samantha winced in pain, her eyes wide with fear.

"Plotting against Brina and tarnishing her name and thinking that I will act like a dog for you," He kept talking about everything that Samantha did.

"You should have burnt all those letters," Falko said softly, his lips curling into a cruel smile. "The ones where you so generously shared your plans with those eleven official from the Free City. Now we know everything. Who knew this reputed village head will sell one of their village boy to a dirty official."

Rhea stood beside Falko, her gaze hard and unrelenting. She crossed her arms and asked, "What are we going to do with her now, Falko?"

Falko's grip on Samantha's hair tightened as he leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. "As long as she lives, We won't have peace. She'll keep plotting, keep scheming. And with these papers—" he held up the bundle of incriminating letters they had found in Samantha's house, "we'll be able to clear Brina's name. We need to get to the Free City."

"But before all that...we will kill her," It was hard for Falko to say those words, but he knew he had to take the first step. He knew the consequences of being weak. But Rhea was not ready. Falko could easily see how her face twisted upon hearing the word kill.

It was a moment of internal struggle for both Falko and Rhea, but finally both of them came to a decision.

Rhea nodded, her face thoughtful. "Then let's end this. I'll kill her now. She's a threat to everything, and we can't afford to have her in our way. She tried to lay her hands on you, which deserve thousand deaths and my mother... she is a kind woman that haven't hurt anyone and this bitch..."

Rhea took the pole again, but Falko quickly stopped her.

Falko shook his head, releasing Samantha's hair and stepping back. "Not like that. If we murder her outright, we'll be hunted as criminals. She's the village head, after all. Someone important. It has to look like an accident."

Samantha's eyes widened as she listened, terror filling her chest. 

'Aren't they kids? Why are they talking about kill her?'

She thought while struggling against the ropes, but it was no use—her bindings were too tight. Her muffled protests were ignored as Falko's eyes began scanning the room, searching for a solution.

Then his gaze landed on the lantern in the corner of the room—the same one Samantha had brought with her when she entered Falko's room earlier that night. He walked over to it, picking it up and holding it in front of Samantha. The flickering flame illuminated his face, casting shadows that made him look almost ghostly.

"An accident…" Falko murmured, his voice low. 

Rhea's eyes flickered with understanding as she realized what he was about to do. "Falko, are you sure?"

Falko looked at her, his expression serious. "I've never killed anyone before. And I know you haven't either. But she can't be allowed to live. If we leave her here, she'll burn along with her lies. And no one will ever know the truth."

Samantha's eyes were wild now, her body thrashing in the chair as she tried desperately to free herself. But the ropes held firm, and the gag in her mouth prevented her from doing anything more than muffling her pleas for mercy.

Inside Falko's head, Tyrant's voice echoed, approving of the decision. 

[You'll walk a bloody path, Falko. If you're serious about chasing the crown, this is the first step—Samantha's blood will be the first you spill. But it won't be the last.]

Falko nodded subtly, as if affirming Tyrant's words. His grip tightened on the lantern, and with a sudden movement, he dropped it to the floor. The glass shattered, and the fire from the flame began to catch on the dry, flammable wooden floor.

Rhea's breath caught in her throat as she watched the fire spread, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and resolve. "Falko…"

"We block the door," Falko said, his voice calm but cold. "We make sure no one can come in to save her."

Rhea nodded and quickly helped Falko move heavy objects—wooden chairs, crates, anything they could find—to barricade the door. Samantha's muffled screams grew louder as the fire began to spread slowly, the heat filling the room, the flickering flames casting an beautiful yet deadly glow on everything.

The flames licked at the walls, climbing higher and higher. Falko and Rhea worked quickly, gathering everything important they could find in Samantha's house—letters, food supplies, maps, weapons, money—anything that might help them on their journey to the Free City. All the while, the flames grew, and Samantha's struggles became more frantic.

Once they had everything they needed, Falko gave one last look at Samantha. Her face was twisted in terror and rage, her body thrashing helplessly in the chair. The fire was getting closer, the heat unbearable. Her eyes met Falko's, and for a brief moment, he saw pure hatred in them.

But there was no turning back now.

Without a word, Falko turned and headed for the window. Rhea followed, her face set in grim determination. As they left the house, they blocked the window, ensuring that no one would be able to enter in time to save Samantha.

The night air outside was cool, a stark contrast to the fire raging inside the village head's house. Falko and Rhea moved quickly, slipping into the forest without leaving a trace of their presence. The fire grew behind them, and soon, they could hear the distant shouts of villagers as they noticed the flames.

From a safe distance, Falko and Rhea turned back to watch the fire. The village head's house was now fully engulfed, a massive blaze lighting up the night sky.

Rhea stared at the fire, her face lit by the orange glow. "It's really happening," she whispered. "She's gone."

Falko nodded, his mind racing. "It had to be done. There was no other way. With this, we both killed her. You didn't kill her alone, so I will always share that burden with you."

Rhea was silent for a moment, her eyes never leaving the fire. Then she turned to Falko, her voice soft but determined. "I think I've found my reason."

Falko glanced at her, raising an eyebrow. "Your reason?"

Rhea nodded, her expression serious. "You said before that everyone needs a reason to keep going, something that drives them forward. I think I've found mine. It's not just about revenge anymore… I want to help you, Falko. I want to protect you. I felt my blood boiling when I saw that woman touching you. I think of you as my family."

Falko looked at her, surprised by her words. "Rhea…"

She smiled slightly, though there was still a sadness in her eyes. "We're in this together now. After everything we've been through… I'm not backing down. I will learn how to fight and how to protect. I will become the best big sister you could ask for."

Falko looked at her, seeing the strength and resolve in her eyes. Tyrant's voice echoed again in his mind.

[You'll need people like her by your side, Falko. People who are willing to walk that bloody path with you. I can see that she will be a great asset for you.]

For the first time that night, Falko allowed himself to smile—a small, grim smile, but a smile nonetheless. "Then let's move. We have a long way to go."

With the fire behind them and the road to the Free City ahead, Falko and Rhea disappeared into the forest, leaving behind the burning wreckage of Samantha's life and the village that would never be the same again.