
The sun had begun to set by the time Rhea finished setting the table in the small, modest house near the southern gate of Sommeral Free City. She had just arranged the last dish when she slumped into a chair, still a bit flushed from her earlier encounter with Falko. Seriously, does he even realize how embarrassing and absurd he can be? She shook her head, the image of him stretching lazily and naked in his bed still fresh in her mind.

She sighed and glanced at the small gift she had bought for him—the ring that promised good luck. A little part of her hoped he'd love it, even though she knew Falko wasn't much for jewelry.

"Uhhh~ I feel like this is an underwhelming gift, but I don't have enough money to buy a sword. I will surely buy his something amazing next time," Rhea thought, little disappointed by her gift.

As she zoned out, her mind wandering to the past, the present, and everything in between, the front door creaked open. The sound pulled her from her thoughts, and she turned toward the entrance. Standing in the doorway was a hooded figure, slightly tall and cloaked in shadow.

Rhea's body tensed instinctively. Normally, someone creeping into their house like this would have her reaching for a weapon, ready to defend herself. But as she saw the way the figure moved—deliberate, almost teasing—she sighed instead and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Leena," Rhea called out, her voice filled with mock exasperation, "are you still bothering to cover yourself like that? What is this? Are you trying out a new dark and mysterious look? Are you trying to act like a mysterious dark magician from children story books?"

The hooded woman pulled back her hood, revealing the unmistakable sharp features of Leena, the elf who had helped them when they first arrived in Sommeral. Her blond short hair shimmered under the dim light of the room, and she shot Rhea a sarcastic smile.

"If you had half the skill I do, Rhea," Leena replied, her voice dripping with playful arrogance, "you'd enjoy dressing like this too. But alas... not everyone can pull it off."

Rhea scoffed, but a small smile tugged at her lips. This was the nature of her relationship with Leena—always a bit sharp-tongued, a rivalry that felt oddly comforting. It wasn't hate, no, but they constantly challenged one another, never backing down.

"Yeah, well, I prefer not looking like a villain in a children's tale," Rhea shot back.

Leena opened her mouth to retort, but before she could, a voice interrupted them from the hallway.

"Would you two stop your silly fighting even on a day like this?"

The voice was smooth, commanding, yet somehow warm. A moment later, Shalana entered the room, her presence as striking as always. The dark elf had a sword strapped to her back that was almost as big as her body, gleaming ominously against the wall, and her armor—sleek and fitted—looked more like something a warrior queen would wear than a mercenary.

Her voluptuous breasts and the tightly fitted clothes accentuating her buttocks were a sight many would consider worth half their lifespan. Complementing her stunning features, Shalana had silver hair that cascaded perfectly to her hips, adding a unique contrast to her already dark skin.

Shalana had the kind of presence that made everyone go silent, and even Rhea and Leena stopped their banter, though they both crossed their arms and pointedly looked away from one another, neither willing to be the first to back down.

Shalana chuckled softly as she approached the table. "Where's the birthday boy?" she asked, glancing around. "Well, if he is asleep we can wait since he had a hard job last night."

Before Rhea could answer, Falko came down the stairs, looking refreshed but still a little groggy. He was fully dressed now—thank the gods—and smiled warmly when he saw the group gathered around the table.

"Right here," Falko said with a grin.

Shalana stepped forward, placing her massive sword on a rack near the wall, then pulled him into a gentle hug. It was quick, but it was clear from the way her face softened that she cared for him deeply. "Happy birthday, Falko," she said, stepping back slightly.

Falko smiled wider. "Thank you, Shalana."

"I got you something," she continued, reaching into a pouch at her side. She handed him a small, intricately wrapped package. "Open it."

With eager hands, Falko unwrapped the gift, revealing a beautiful, deadly-looking dagger. Its blade was sleek, polished, and sharp enough to cut through air, with a handle carved from darkwood and inlaid with silver used to kill monsters.

Falko's eyes widened in awe. "Shalana... this is incredible," he said, running his fingers lightly over the blade. "I'll value it."

Shalana smiled, a bit of pride glinting in her eyes. "At first, I thought about getting you something a normal man would want like perfume or powder... but then I remembered," she said with a smirk, "you're anything but normal."

Falko chuckled, the compliment sinking in. "I'll take that as a compliment."

Before anyone could respond, Leena stepped forward, looking almost reluctant as she shoved a small, leather-bound book into Falko's hands. "Here. I... got you something too."

Falko raised an eyebrow, but his smile never wavered as he examined the book. Its title was engraved in gold on the cover: Viropedia: A Complete Guide to Flora, Fauna, and Unknown.

"This is amazing, Leena!" Falko said, clearly impressed. "I've wanted something like this for a long time."

Leena quickly looked away, trying to play it cool. "It's not a cool gift like a dagger or anything, but I thought you might find it useful," she mumbled, her usual sarcasm fading.

Falko beamed at her. "No, it's perfect. Thank you."

For a moment, Leena's face softened, a slight blush dusting her cheeks, but she quickly turned away, brushing it off. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Rhea stood back, watching the scene with a small smile. It was moments like this that reminded her how much Falko meant to all of them, even to someone as guarded as Leena. Finally, it was her turn.

She stepped forward, pulling the ring from her pocket and handing it to Falko. "Happy birthday, Falko. I... I got you this."

Falko took the ring and examined it closely. "A ring?" He turned it over in his hand, the small inscription of luck catching the light. "Thank you, Rhea. I love it."

Rhea blushed, scratching the back of her neck. "It's... it's nothing fancy, but it's supposed to bring good luck."

Falko smiled at her, and for a moment, Rhea felt her heart swell. He really does appreciate it, doesn't he?

The rest of the day passed in a blur of laughter and celebration. They opened a bottle of wine—a rare treat—and after much convincing, Falko took his first sip of alcohol. His face scrunched up in taste at the bitter taste, causing the others to laugh at his reaction.

"Not quite as good as you imagined?" Leena teased, her eyes glinting with amusement.

Falko wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, shaking his head. "Hmm~ this is quite tasty and elegant."

As the night wore on, they all became more relaxed, trading stories and enjoying each other's company. At one point, Shalana, in her usual commanding way, stood up and addressed the group.

"We've got a big job coming up soon," she said, her tone serious yet excited. "Something that will put us on the map as a real group, not just individuals working under the same banner."

Falko perked up at the mention of a job, his eyes gleaming with interest. "A big job? What is it?"

Shalana crossed her arms over her chest. "We're going to make a name for ourselves, Falko. Not just as mercenaries, but as the best in Sommeral. I will tell the details later."

Leena nodded, though her usual smugness was replaced with a look of determination. "Shalana and I are already well-known in the city, but this... this will take all of us to the next level."

Rhea glanced at Falko, seeing the way his face lit up at the idea of becoming something more than just a nobody in the city. This was what he needed. What we all needed.

"But," Shalana continued, "we're not doing it tonight or anytime sooner. Get some rest, all of you. You'll need it."

With that, she turned and headed to her room, her footsteps heavy yet confident, leaving the others in the dimly lit living room to finish the night on their own.

Rhea leaned back in her chair, looking around at her ragtag family. They weren't perfect, but they had each other. 

"Say, what do you think about playing a game since we don't want to sleep this early? All three of us?" Falko proposed, which made both Leena and Rhea confused.

[Hell yeah! Get those girls. Just like I said, you have to use this to your advantage and make those girls wet for you.]

Gamer commented with an excited tone, but Tyrant wasn't fond of the idea.

[You're not suppose to have many. Choose one and sincerely love. Don't listen to this-]

"Hmm~ that's what I expect to do, but I plan to make it more fun. Don't you think it will be fun to have many, but love all of them sincerely. Just wait and see Tyrant. I will show you that I can become my own person." Falko muttered, to which Gamer reacted with a whistle. "Beside, aren't you too pure when it comes to matters like this? What happened to that cold and calculating Tyrant?"

[Let's go, Falko. So let's play then. Truth or Dare]