Truth or Dare

Falko leaned back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eye. He swirled the remnants of his drink in his cup and looked at both Rhea and Leena. The evening had been lighthearted enough, but the atmosphere was shifting. They had eaten, exchanged gifts, and shared a few laughs, but now the night had reached that point where the conversation could go anywhere.

To the girls it was surprising a man like Falko was able to hold his alcohol much better than most of the women they had known.

"How about we play a game?" Meanwhile Falko suggested, eyes bright with a hint of mischief.

Rhea raised an eyebrow at him, skeptical. "What kind of game?" she asked, already sensing something was off.

Leena, who was leaning casually against the table, took a sip from her drink. "Yeah, what are you planning, Falko?"

Falko smirked. "Nothing bad, I promise. It's called 'Truth or Dare.'"

Both women exchanged confused glances. "Truth or dare?" Leena repeated, tilting her head, clearly unfamiliar with the game.

Falko leaned forward, with a sudden surge of stamina coming to his body. "It's simple! Someone spins a bottle, and whoever it lands on has to choose either 'truth' or 'dare.' If you pick truth, you have to answer a question honestly. If you pick dare, you have to do whatever the person tells you to. Simple as that."

Leena snorted. "Sounds like a child's game."

Rhea was still unsure. "What happens if someone refuses?"

Falko grinned. "There's no refusing! You have to do it, or… well, you get called a coward forever. And I know neither of you are cowards."

Leena crossed her arms, a smirk tugging at her lips. "Coward, huh? That suits you Rhea." She paused, weighing her options, then finally nodded. "Alright, why not? Could be fun."

Rhea sighed, knowing it was only a matter of time before she was roped in too. She could already feel the slight buzz of the alcohol loosening her guard. "Fine, I'm in."

"Great!" Falko spun the empty wine bottle on the table, the neck glinting as it spun in slow, lazy circles. The three of them watched it intensely, waiting for it to stop. Finally, it slowed and pointed directly at Leena.

Leena straightened up, her eyes narrowing. "Alright, Falko. Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Falko said easily, flashing her a grin.

Leena thought for a moment, then smirked. "What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?"

Falko blinked, caught off guard by the question. He let out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his head. "Well… there was this one time I tried to fit into a tight pant which is said to help the movements—these ridiculously tight trousers everyone was wearing. I didn't realize how hard it would be to walk in them until I stumbled in front of a crowd, and yeah, I ripped them wide open. Let's just say, I've never felt so exposed in my life… literally."

Rhea snickered, trying to hide her amusement. "Huh? When did that happen? You shouldn't Falko."

"Haha! That's something I like to see," Leena smirked, clearly satisfied with the answer. "Alright, next spin."

The bottle spun again, and this time it landed on Rhea. She stiffened, suddenly feeling the eyes of both Falko and Leena on her.

"Truth or dare, Rhea?" Falko asked, leaning forward, his grin widening.

"Truth," she said quickly, feeling safer with a question than a dare.

Falko grinned. "Okay, here's an easy one: Have you ever had a crush on someone and never told them?"

Rhea blinked, her face heating up immediately. She glanced between Falko and Leena, feeling cornered. "I… well… maybe," she admitted, her voice quiet.

Falko's grin widened, but he didn't press her further. "Interesting. Very interesting."

Rhea glared at him, trying to deflect her embarrassment. "Just spin the bottle."

The game continued, starting with relatively innocent questions and dares. Falko dared Leena to juggle random objects from the room, Rhea was dared to sing an old nursery rhyme from her childhood, and Leena asked Falko about his worst date experience, which didn't exist. But as the wine flowed and the bottle spun more frequently, the dares and questions grew bolder.

On one spin, it landed on Falko again.

Leena leaned in with a gleam in her eye. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Falko said, a little too confidently.

Leena smirked. "I dare you to… take off your shirt."

"Huh?" Rhea quickly looked at Leena with anger. "Are you mad? What are you making him do?"

Falko understood that Lenna would never suggest something like that, unless she was under the influence of the alcohol, but still he was this as an opportunity. Falko's mind was also affected by Tyrant and Gamer, so he didn't really feel embarrassed as he should be feeling.

Falko paused for a second, but then shrugged casually. "Alright, no problem." Without hesitation, he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside, leaving his torso bare.

Rhea quickly averted her eyes, feeling her cheeks flush again. "What is this game turning into? And Why aren't you wearing any underchest?"

Leena laughed, but hidden behind it was the pure lust she had bottled up over the years. "Relax, Rhea. It's all in good fun."

The bottle spun again, and this time it landed on Rhea. She sighed, already regretting her decision to join in.

"Truth or dare?" Falko asked, clearly enjoying himself.

"Truth," she muttered.

Falko's grin turned wicked. "Alright, have you ever… kissed anyone?"

Rhea blinked, her face heating up again. "What? That's too personal!"

"You have to answer," Falko teased, leaning closer. "Or you're a coward."

Rhea bit her lip, feeling the pressure. "Fine," she mumbled. "No, I haven't."

Leena raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment. Falko, however, looked surprised. "Really? Not even once?"

Rhea glared at him. "Shut up and spin the bottle."

The game took another turn after that. When the bottle landed on Leena again, Falko's boldness showed itself once more. "Truth or dare, Leena?"

Leena hesitated, then said, "Truth."

"Are you still a virgin?" Falko asked bluntly, the alcohol clearly affecting his filter.

Leena froze, her cheeks flushing slightly. "That's… not something a man like you ask someone so casually, Falko," she muttered, looking away.

But after a moment, she sighed. "Yes, I am. Now move on."

Falko blinked, a little taken aback by her straightforward answer, but he nodded, respecting her honesty. "Alright."

As the night wore on, the questions grew bolder, and the dares riskier. When it was Rhea's turn again, she chose dare, hoping it would be easier than another embarrassing question.

Falko grinned. "I dare you to sit on my lap for the next two turns."

Rhea's eyes widened in disbelief. "What?! No way."

"A dare's a dare," Falko said, his grin mischievous.

Leena smirked, clearly entertained. "Come on, Rhea. You're not going to back down, are you?"

Rhea groaned, standing up reluctantly. She walked over to Falko and sat down on his lap, feeling awkward and flustered. "This is ridiculous."

She was glancing at his chest through her blurred vision and felt like it was the most ansurd thing she had done in her life. How could she look at Falko like that, and why is she not forcing him to put on his shirt back? She had to wonder? Did she want to see more? 

Falko chuckled, resting his arms casually at his sides. "You're the one who picked dare."

The bottle spun again, and this time it landed on Leena. Falko leaned in, his eyes glinting. "Truth or dare?"

Leena thought for a moment, then said, "Dare."

Falko's grin widened. "I dare you to… tell me one thing you find attractive about me."

Leena's smirk faltered for a moment. She glanced at Rhea, who was still sitting on Falko's lap, clearly uncomfortable.

"Well," Leena began, her tone softening just slightly, "If I have to say it in a simple term, you're right up my dream boy. Not fancy like those powder boys, and down to earth. Also you're fucking hot with your goddess-like body,"

Rhea blinked, her cheeks flushing again. "I… didn't expect that."

Leena shrugged, looking away as if it wasn't a big deal. "I'm just stating the fact. I just like this boy too much."

It was basically confession, but since all three of them were drunk none of them took anything serious, but alcohol really brought up their true feelings, which they kept hidden.

The game continued, with Falko daring Leena to drink the rest of the wine, and Leena daring Rhea to dance to a song they'd once heard in a tavern. But as the questions got raunchier, the conversation became more candid, and the awkwardness slowly faded into camaraderie.

By the end of the night, they were all laughing and all three of them were half naked with Rhea and Leena's modest breasts hanging on Falko's face, though there was a hint of tension in the air from the things they had revealed to each other. It was a strange, almost intimate experience, but it had brought them closer in ways none of them had expected.

[Damn! I'm so jealous, but in this world having those girl's breast might mean nothing to most of the men.]

Gamer commented on what he saw. Tyrant was basically ignoring the whole scenario since he wanted nothing to do with these types of things.

Rhea stood up, stretching as the game finally ended. "That was… interesting," she muttered.

Leena grinned, though her face was still flushed from the wine. "Yeah, let's not make that a regular thing."

Falko laughed, clearly pleased with how the night had gone. "You both did great. No cowards here."

As they all prepared to head to bed, Shalana came out and scolded all three of them, especially Falko telling him to act more modest and not reveal his body in front of so many girls like that.