Famous Shalana

The city of Sommeral loomed ahead as the group made their way back, pulling a cart behind them with the massive, lifeless body of the headless Nightcrawler. The cobblestone streets were filled with curious onlookers, gathered on either side of the road, their eyes wide in disbelief. Whispers floated through the air, carried by the wind.

"Is that… really a Nightcrawler?"

"It can't be! They're supposed to be unkillable!"

"Who are these people? How did they manage to kill that thing?"

"Don't you know her? That is Shalana, the executioner. if someone is going to kill that thing, it is her."

Falko, standing behind Shalana and the others, heard the murmurs but paid little attention. His eyes were fixed on the road ahead, his thoughts drifting as the crowd continued to gawk at the spectacle.

Two guards, stationed near the city gate, quickly noticed the commotion and stepped forward to intercept the group. One of them, a tall woman with a stern face, raised her hand.

"Shalana, right?" she asked, her eyes moving toward the cart and then back to her. "We were asked to allow you to enter if you come in one piece,"

Shalana nodded, her expression unreadable as always when it comes to strangers. "Lead the way."

The guards gestured for them to follow, and without hesitation, Shalana took control of the cart, pulling it behind her as Falko, Leena, and Rhea followed in silence. The road twisted through the bustling marketplace, leading toward a large stone building that stood tall among the other structures in Sommeral.

As they approached the building, Falko couldn't help but study it. "This place… it's always so busy," he muttered to himself. "This is where many things in the city happens. They handle contracts, give out licenses, issue identification cards… all kinds of business. I remember when I got my own identification here," he added, thinking back to that day, not so long ago.

Leena, walking beside him, gave him a sidelong glance. "You're always observant, Falko."

He smiled but didn't respond, his eyes still scanning the various people entering and leaving the building. It was a hub of activity, filled with hunters, guards, officials, and citizens alike.

Inside the building, the noise level grew as they moved through the entrance, weaving between people. Shalana received a few curious stares, whispers exchanged between onlookers as they passed by.

"Isn't that her?"

"She's dangerous, you know. They say she…" Men working there started to talk about the woman, they saw entering into their office.

"Let's not get involved."

The hushed voices didn't seem to affect Shalana, though Falko noticed how they cut short as they drew closer to her. Leena, Rhea, and Falko had grown accustomed to the cold reception. This kind of treatment had followed Shalana for as long as they had been traveling together, and they had learned to ignore it.

Finally, they reached a wide desk at the back of the room, where a middle-aged man stood waiting for them. His name was Gareth, the official who had handed them the contract to kill the Nightcrawler. He was a tall for a man, lanky figure with a thinning patch of hair and a permanent frown on his face.

Gareth's eyes flicked toward the cart carrying the Nightcrawler's corpse, then back to Shalana. "You're back," he said flatly, as if he were merely stating a fact. "I assume the job's done, then?"

Shalana gave a brief nod. "The Nightcrawler's dead."

Gareth barely glanced at the body again, his expression indifferent. He reached into his desk drawer, pulling out a small pouch filled with coins, and handed it to her. "Here's your payment. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other business to attend to."

There was no fanfare, no words of appreciation, no acknowledgment of the danger they had faced. Falko felt a spark of anger at the lack of respect shown to Shalana, but he held his tongue. This wasn't new. This was just how things were and he knew that Shalana didn't like unwanted conflict.

Shalana took the money without a word, her expression unchanged. She turned to leave, motioning for the others to follow her.

But just as they were about to exit, Gareth's voice stopped them. "Brother!"

Falko turned, confused. Gareth was looking directly at him, his expression awkward, almost uneasy. Shalana stopped in her tracks, glancing over her shoulder. "We'll wait for you outside," she said quietly, before leading Leena and Rhea out of the building.

Gareth stepped around his desk, his movements slow and deliberate. "I… I just wanted to ask if you're… alright," he began hesitantly, as if unsure how to phrase the question.

Falko frowned, tilting his head. "What do you mean?"

Gareth rubbed the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable. "Look, I've heard things. Allegations about that dark elf woman."

Falko's face darkened slightly. "Allegations?"

"Yeah," Gareth continued, lowering his voice. "People say she's dangerous, that she might be… forcing you to do things, keeping you with her against your will. I thought… maybe you could use some support. As a fellow man, I just wanted to make sure you're not being… well, forced into anything."

Falko stared at him, confused. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. The allegations against Shalana had been a dark cloud that followed her, but he had never expected someone like Gareth to bring it up so bluntly.

With a sigh, Falko shook his head. "There's nothing like that happening. Shalana isn't forcing me to do anything. She's not what people think she is."

Gareth still looked unsure. "Are you sure? I mean, if there's anything—"

"I'm sure," Falko interrupted, his voice firm. "I don't need any help. Thanks for the concern, but you've got it wrong."

There was a moment of silence between them before Gareth finally nodded, stepping back. "Alright, if you say so. I just thought… you know, it'd be good to look out for a brother."

Falko gave a small, strained smile. "I appreciate it, but there's nothing to worry about."

Without another word, Falko turned and walked out of the building. As he stepped outside, the fresh air hit him, clearing the lingering tension from his mind. Shalana was standing by the cart, arms crossed, her eyes scanning the city street. Leena and Rhea were nearby, speaking quietly to each other.

When Shalana saw him, she raised an eyebrow. "Everything alright?"

Falko gave a shrug, his lips curving into a smile. "Yeah. Everything's fine."

She nodded, satisfied, and together they began to make their way down the street, leaving the bustling city behind them


Falko, Rhea, and Leena sat around a large wooden table, plates filled with roasted meats, bread, and mugs of ale. The flickering light of the candles hanging overhead gave the whole place a warm, cozy glow. Tonight was a celebration—a small feast in honor of their successful contract to take down the Nightcrawler.

Rhea leaned back in her chair, lifting her mug. "To surviving another job," he said with a grin, raising it toward the others.

Leena smirked, raising her own mug to clink against his. "And to slaying the unkillable."

Falko smiled, "It still feels unreal that we did it. I mean… a Nightcrawler. Who even manages that?"

Leena chuckled. "We do, apparently."

They all took a long drink from their mugs, the warmth of the ale settling in their stomachs. For a few moments, they ate in comfortable silence, enjoying the rare moment of peace and celebration.

"So," Rhea began after a pause, her eyes darting between Leena and Falko. "Shalana didn't come with us. She's getting her sword polished and repaired, right?"

Leena nodded. "Yep. That blade took some damage in the fight. She'll be back soon."

Rhea took a small bite of her food before glancing around the tavern. She seemed to hesitate, her eyes lowering to the table as if she were struggling to find the right words. Then, in a softer voice, she asked, "Why do so many people hate her?"

The question hung in the air for a moment. Falko exchanged a glance with Leena, who had stopped mid-bite. Leena didn't respond right away. Instead, she took a slow sip from her mug, her eyes staring down into the drink as if searching for the right words.

After a long pause, Leena finally spoke, her voice low. "It's all bullshit."

Falko raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her sudden bluntness. Rhea blinked, looking between them. "What do you mean?"

Leena set her mug down, her fingers tapping lightly on the table. "Shalana is… complicated. She's from a noble family, like me. Sommeral-born and raised. But she's not… part of her family anymore."

Falko leaned forward slightly, listening intently. This was the first time Leena had ever mentioned Shalana's background. Both of them knew that Leena had a noble birth, but they never expected Shalana to have one. 

Rhea, too, seemed caught off guard by the revelation. "Wait," Rhea said, eyes widening. "Shalana is… noble?"

Leena nodded, though her face showed no joy at the statement. "She was. Her family banished her a long time ago."

Falko felt a knot form in his stomach. He hadn't known that. He had always suspected Shalana came from a strong warrior background, but he never knew the details. "Why?" Falko asked gently.

Leena hesitated again, her fingers tracing the rim of her mug. She didn't answer immediately, as if unsure whether she should. Falko noticed the tension on her face and decided to give her an out. "It's okay, Leena," he said softly. "You don't have to tell us if it's difficult."

But Leena shook her head, taking a deep breath. "No… you deserve to know the truth. The reason people hate Shalana, the reason she gets those looks, those whispers… is because of a scandal. Something that happened when she was younger."

Rhea leaned in closer, her curiosity piqued. "What scandal?"

Leena's voice dropped to a whisper. "She was accused of abusing a baron's son. Sexually."

Rhea's eyes went wide, her hand covering her mouth in shock. "What?"

Falko didn't react at first. He just clicked his tongue, letting the information settle in. He had known Shalana long enough to realize something dark was attached to her name, but this? He hadn't expected this. The world they lived in wasn't forgiving of such accusations. People would see her as a monster, a predator.

Especially other men, who would spread the rumors about the woman, they didn't want to get close to, despite Shalana's beautiful and strong appearance. 

Rhea struggled to process the revelation. "I… I had no idea. I can't believe…"

Leena's eyes darkened. "It's why she was banished. Her family didn't want the scandal attached to their name. They cut her off completely. She was left with nothing."

Rhea looked like she was about to say something, but Falko spoke up first, his voice steady and calm. "I don't believe it."

Both women looked at him, surprised by his statement. Falko met Leena's eyes, then Rhea's, his expression serious. "I've known Shalana for a while now. I've fought beside her, seen how she is. I don't believe for a second that she did something like that."

Leena gave a small, bitter smile. "You're not alone in thinking that. I've known her since we were kids, and I never believed it either. But… the accusation stuck. And in this world, once people label you as something, it's nearly impossible to shake it."

Falko clenched his fist on the table. "It's no wonder she gets those looks. She's been carrying that burden for years."

Rhea sat back in her chair, still trying to wrap her mind around it all. "It explains a lot… but it's still so hard to believe."

Suddenly, the tavern door swung open, and the familiar sound of heavy boots echoed across the wooden floor. Shalana stepped inside, a wide grin on her face, her newly polished sword strapped to her back. She looked proud, almost cheerful, as if she didn't have a care in the world.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," she said as she approached the table, her voice light and casual. "Had to make sure this beauty was in top shape."

She sat down beside Falko, her grin still in place. "What are we talking about?"

Falko glanced at Leena and Rhea, who exchanged a quick look before turning their attention back to Shalana. He smiled, trying to push the heavy conversation they'd just had out of his mind. "Just talking about how great it feels to have a good feast after slaying a monster."

Shalana chuckled, grabbing a piece of meat from the platter. "Damn right. We earned this."

Rhea forced a smile, still shaken by what she had learned, but she quickly picked up her mug and joined in. "To more victories like this."

They all raised their drinks again, the air still heavy with unspoken thoughts. Falko watched Shalana laugh, eat, and drink with them, but in the back of his mind, the weight of her past lingered. He didn't care what people said about her. She wasn't the monster they painted her to be. Not to him.