Invitation to a banquet

Rhea groaned, fidgeting with the ceremonial sash wrapped tightly around her waist. "Why do these things always have to be so tight?" she grumbled, half-heartedly attempting to adjust the stiff collar of her outfit.

Falko, standing behind her, sighed and rolled his eyes. "Stop moving, or I'll never get this thing fastened." He was trying to help her with the back of her dress, which required some precise knotting that Rhea had no patience for.

She was already half-naked, but Falko couldn't help but admire her well-toned back, a beautiful testament to Rhea's hard work and self-improvement. He never would have imagined that the reckless village girl she once was would grow into someone so remarkable, and it made him feel a bit proud.

"These clothes are ridiculous," Rhea muttered, glaring at the long sleeves of the gown. The dark green fabric was beautiful, but completely impractical in her mind. "Why do I have to wear this when I could be comfortable in trousers?"

"You could've worn trousers," Falko reminded her, grinning. "But Leena insisted you try this one for the ball. It's supposed to make an impression. Beside Leena said only military women and knights are allowed to wear trousers to the banquets expect of course men."

"Some impression," Rhea mumbled. "It's like being in a muddy mess."

Falko gave her a gentle pat on the back as he finished tying up the last knot. "It's good for you to learn how to act in front of nobles. Not to mention, how to dress the part."

Rhea turned to face him, her expression sceptical. "And what makes you the expert, Falko? You've been weirdly good at this whole noble thing. Where'd you learn to dress like this, anyway?"

Falko's eyes twinkled with amusement. "In a dream," he said with a mock-serious tone. "One night, I fell asleep and woke up knowing how to act like a noble. It was quite miraculous."

Rhea raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Uh-huh. Sure, that's it."

He shrugged with a smirk. He couldn't tell Rhea the truth—not yet, at least. And Rhea, sensing that something was missing from his explanation, didn't push further. She simply sighed, her fingers still tugging uncomfortably at her sleeves.

At that moment, Leena entered the room, her eyes falling immediately on the scene of Falko helping a half-dressed Rhea. She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. "Honestly, Rhea, can't you dress yourself without needing help?" she teased.

Rhea gave her a sharp look, cheeks flushed slightly. "It's harder than it looks, okay? Unlike you, I'm not used to these things."

Leena just sighed, shaking her head. "Whatever. We need to leave soon. The Countess doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Falko stepped back from Rhea and started to fasten his own cuffs. "Speaking of the Countess… do you know her, Leena? Or is this another mysterious contractor?"

Leena glanced at him, her lips curving slightly in thought. "I've heard of her," she said. "Countess En-Shelda. She's known for hosting grand banquets like this. She's a little… eccentric."

"So, you know her somewhat?" Falko asked, a little curious.

Leena nodded. "Somewhat," she echoed. "She's been in Sommeral for a while, though she wasn't born here. She is a noble of skill."

Falko finished helping Rhea with her last bit of attire and then turned to dress himself. The outfit he had chosen was a well-tailored suit in dark blue, with intricate silver embroidery on the sleeves and collar. The trousers fit snugly, and his boots were polished to a shine. By the time he was done, the sun had already begun to set outside, casting a warm glow through the window.

In this world, women wore both skirts and trousers, but men were only limited to trousers just like Tyrant and Gamers world. It is something that didn't change, but the shorter the trouser, more erotic it became for the women, but only when men wore it. 

Shalana, Leena, and Rhea waited for Falko in the courtyard outside the their house. As Falko stepped out to join them, dressed in full noble regalia, the three women froze, their eyes widening slightly as they took in his appearance.

Rhea blinked, clearly stunned. Leena's jaw dropped slightly before she quickly composed herself. Even Shalana, who was usually calm and collected, raised an eyebrow in approval. For a moment, none of them spoke.

Falko chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "What's wrong? Do I look that bad?"

Leena smirked, shaking her head. "No, quite the opposite. You look positively dashing. Well, my friends would be jealous with me if I accompany you to the banquet."

Shalana crossed her arms, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I knew our boy would be this handsome. It is not a surprise to me."

Rhea, still speechless, just nodded in agreement.

Falko chuckled again, stepping closer to them. "Well, if I look this good, you three should know you're not too bad yourselves. I may even say positively dashing."

Shalana gave him a playful punch on the arm. "Come on, charmer, let's get moving before we're late."

They all climbed into the wagon Leena had hired, the wheels creaking as they set off toward the Countess's estate. The air was filled with the sound of horses' hooves and the occasional clatter of the wagon as it bumped over the cobblestone roads. The streets grew quieter as they approached the more opulent part of the city.

"So, why didn't the Countess just give us the contract directly?" Falko asked, looking out at the passing buildings. "Why go through all this trouble with a banquet?"

Shalana, seated across from him, leaned back and crossed her arms. "She probably wants to see what we're capable of—beyond just killing monsters. Nobles like to test people in more subtle ways. She'll want to see how we act, how we handle ourselves in their world."

Leena nodded in agreement. "It's not uncommon for people in her position to do this. And from what I've heard, Countess Adalyn enjoys her games."

Falko frowned slightly. "Great. Sounds like we're in for a fun night."

Leena glanced at him, her expression shifting as if something had just occurred to her. "Actually, Falko… you might find this evening interesting for another reason."

Falko raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Leena's eyes narrowed playfully. "You might finally find the elven official you've been asking about."

At the mention of the elf, Falko's expression stiffened slightly. Rhea, sitting beside him, also tensed, her fingers curling around the edge of her seat.

"We've been searching for her for a while," Falko said, his voice quieter now. He exchanged a glance with Rhea, both of them thinking about the mysterious elf woman who had met with Samantha in the village. They had been chasing leads for weeks, but the city was vast, and there were far too many officials to sift through easily.

Rhea sighed, leaning her head against the wagon's side. "Yeah… we haven't had much luck."

Leena shrugged. "You never know. Banquets like this attract all sorts of important people. Maybe she'll be there."

As they continued to talk, the wagon finally slowed as they arrived at the Countess's estate. The exterior of the house was lavishly decorated, with glowing lanterns lining the driveway and a grand, sprawling garden filled with exotic flowers and hedges shaped like fantastical creatures. Musicians played soft, melodic tunes from the garden, and elegant carriages lined the pathway.

There were few fireeaters and several others tricketser that kept the whole banquet entertained, but Falko knew this was just the beginning of what they are about to experience.

He gazed out the window of the wagon, taking in the sight. The garden was a masterpiece of landscaping, each plant meticulously cared for, the flowers blooming in perfect synchronization. The building itself loomed high, a massive mansion with wide marble steps leading up to the front entrance. Columns lined the front, and intricate carvings adorned the stone walls, depicting stories of battles and noble triumphs.

In the fading light of the sunset, the Countess's estate seemed almost otherworldly.

"Quite the place," Falko muttered to himself as he stepped out of the wagon. "It looks more like a palace than a house."

Shalana nodded, her eyes scanning the estate. "Ugh! I hate these fancy places."

Rhea whistled under her breath. "I guess this is what real noble wealth looks like."

Leena smiled faintly. "Welcome to the world of the elites."

Falko took a deep breath, straightened his clothes, and followed the women up the marble steps. Inside, they would find not only their next contract but also perhaps the answers they had been searching for.