Countess En-Shelda

As Falko, Shalana, Leena, and Rhea stepped out of the wagon and into the courtyard of the Countess's estate, they could immediately feel the weight of gazes on them. Nobles, dressed in their finest attire, clustered around the courtyard in groups, their eyes curious and judgmental. Among them, several men dressed provocatively lounged about, clearly manwhores hired to entertain the guests.

They wore short pants that empahsised their bulges, while barely wearing anything on the top, which made most of the women in, be it noble and commoner goes wild with their fantasy.

Falko raised an eyebrow at the sight of the male whores, noting the way they winked and smiled at some of the wealthier noblewomen passing by. He chuckled softly to himself, feeling slightly familiar in this world of luxury and manipulation. 

While he was lost in thought, one of the women, a tall, fat noble with dark eyes, caught Falko's gaze and offered a flirtatious grin.

"Careful, Falko," Leena teased, nudging him playfully. "You might catch someone's eye if you keep looking like that."

Falko rolled his eyes, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Not my type," he replied, trying to shake off the awkwardness. "Besides, I think I'd rather avoid any more complications tonight."

They made their way deeper into the courtyard, past fountains spouting crystal-clear water and small gardens filled with exotic flowers. Several noblewomen, dressed in elegant gowns, seemed to take notice of Leena, and one of them—a tall lady with dark hair pinned up in elaborate braids—walked over with a coy smile.

"Lady Leena," the woman greeted, her voice smooth and laced with curiosity. "It's been a while. I didn't expect to see you at such a grand event."

Leena smiled politely but stiffly. "Lady Reva. It's good to see you."

Falko noticed how Leena's eyes flicked nervously toward Shalana, who stood silently beside her. Shalana, for her part, was being completely ignored by the other nobles, even though her imposing presence was hard to overlook. It was as though they pretended she didn't exist.

Several other noblewomen quickly joined the conversation, greeting Leena warmly while throwing sideways glances at Shalana, who kept her gaze firmly on the ground. Falko could feel the tension building, and it was clear that Shalana wasn't comfortable. He watched as Leena, with her usual grace, handled the conversation deftly, keeping it short and avoiding any deeper engagement with the noble ladies.

After a few minutes of polite chatter, Leena excused herself. "Ladies, if you'll excuse us, we need to meet the Countess. She's expecting us, and we shouldn't keep her waiting."

The noblewomen nodded and gave their goodbyes, but not without a few more disdainful looks at Shalana. Once they were out of earshot, Leena sighed, her expression turning serious.

"Let's find the Countess and get out of here," Leena muttered. "Shalana, I know this place makes you uneasy."

Shalana didn't say a word, but the tightness in her jaw said everything. Falko glanced at her, feeling a twinge of frustration at how easily people dismissed her despite her strength and leadership.

As they entered the grand hallway of the Countess's estate, Falko's eyes widened in awe. The interior was breathtaking. Massive chandeliers hung from the ceiling, glittering with hundreds of tiny crystals that reflected the soft glow of candlelight. Silk tapestries lined the walls, each one depicting scenes of battle, feasts, and royal courts. The floors were polished marble, so smooth and reflective that Falko could see his own face in them. The scent of fresh flowers and expensive perfumes filled the air, mingling with the soft strains of music coming from a nearby ballroom.

Falko marveled at the luxury of it all, thinking to himself how far removed this world was from the streets and dirt roads outside.

 The performers were some of the most famous in the kingdom, their music filling the air with a melody that seemed to transport everyone to another realm. One bard, a slender woman with silver hair, stood on a raised platform, singing a hauntingly beautiful ballad about a heroine who had saved a prince from the clutches of a dragoness.


In shadows deep

In castle old

A tale of bravery

Hearts so bold

A maiden fair with sword in hand

Set forth to free a haunted land

The prince was bound in dragon's keep

Where flames did dance

And darkness sleep

Her eyes did shine

Her spirit blaze

To challenge fate

To fight the craze

Oh heroine

With heart so bright

You cast away the cruelest night

With valor strong and sword so true

The dragoness fell 'neath morning dew

Through forest dense and mountain high

She journeyed far

With battle cry

Her voice

It rang

Through vale and glen

The story lives of where she'd been

In dragon's lair

The fire roared

But fear not a word she implored

With skill and grace

She met the beast

To break the chains

The prince released

Oh heroine

With heart so bright

You cast away the cruelest night

With valor strong and sword so true

The dragoness fell 'neath morning dew


Falko closed his eyes for a moment, allowing the music to wash over him. The bard's voice was pure, filled with emotion and strength. 

Leena guided them through the crowd, her eyes scanning the room for the Countess. After a few minutes, they spotted her—standing on a balcony, engaged in conversation with a few elegantly dressed guests. 

The Countess, an imposing elf woman with sharp features and blonde hair, wore a deep blue gown that clung to her curvaceous figure. Her skin, pale and flawless, glowed under the soft lighting, and her eyes were the color of emeralds. The low-cut gown revealed just enough to make Falko glance at her and appearciate her beauty.

In this world, it was always the women that seeked and tried to court men, but he knew this countess will be chased by men that waiting to court her.

When the Countess noticed them approaching, she gracefully excused herself from the group and walked over, her presence commanding attention from everyone in the vicinity.

"Leena," the Countess greeted with a warm, yet calculated smile. "And this must be your team. I've heard much about your success with the nightcrawler. Congratulations."

Leena bowed her head slightly, as did the others. "Thank you, Countess En-Shelda. We're honored to be here."

The Countess's eyes flicked over Falko, Shalana, and Rhea, appraising each of them in turn. Falko could feel the weight of her gaze and stood a little straighter. "You've assembled quite the group," she said, her eyes lingering on Falko a bit longer than the others. "I've no doubt you'll be able to handle what comes next."

Falko's mind raced as he took in her appearance. She's beautiful, he thought, but there's something unsettling about her. Her elven features were elegant, almost ethereal, but there was a guardedness in her eyes, a hint of something cunning.

Leena and Countess En-Shelda talked about several things, that nobles would normally talk in a banquet like this, but both of them knew it wasn't the reason they were here for.

After the brief pleasantries, Countess En-Shelda's tone shifted to business. "Let's discuss why I've asked you here. 

She paused for a few seconds, before talking about the problem they have been facing."There have been several women in the city who've gone missing over the past few days. Most of them have returned, but none of them can recall what happened during the time they were missing. Temporary memory loss, they say."

Leena frowned. "I've heard about the disappearances, but… you believe it's a monster causing this? How can you be sure?"

The Countess hesitated for a moment, her gaze darkening. Then, she gestured for them to follow her to a more private part of the balcony, away from the prying eyes of the other guests. Once they were alone, she turned her back to them and, without a word, lowered her gown slightly, revealing her smooth, pale skin marred by deep scratches—long, thin marks that looked like claw marks running down her back.

Falko's eyes widened in shock. Rhea's hand flew to her mouth, stifling a gasp.

"I was one of the victims," Countess En-Shelda said quietly, her voice strained with emotion. "I don't remember how this happened, but these marks appeared on my body the night I went missing. I woke up in my bed, confused and… violated." She quickly adjusted her gown and turned to face them, her face a mask of calm, but her eyes betrayed the vulnerability she tried to hide.

"I have been through many battles both physical and mental, but it worries me to know that something happened to me, while I was not in my right mind,"

Leena and Shalana exchanged a look, their expressions hardening. Shalana spoke up, her voice low and steady. "This… whatever it is, it's dangerous. We'll take the contract, Countess."

The Countess let out a breath, clearly relieved. "Thank you. I knew I could count on you."

"Do you have any other information on what this creature might be?" Leena asked, her brow furrowed in thought.

The Countess shook her head. "Not yet. But I'll provide you with the details of the other victims after the banquet. For now… please, enjoy yourselves. We'll talk more once the guests have left."

With that, she gave them a polite nod and turned to rejoin the other nobles. Falko watched her go, his mind spinning with questions. Whatever they were dealing with, it wasn't just an ordinary monster. And if the Countess, who is equally talented as Shalana herself had been a victim… this contract was going to be more dangerous than any of them had expected.