Women in love I - Dance

The banquet was in full swing, but Falko, Shalana, Leena, and Rhea all hovered near the buffet table, content with filling their plates rather than joining the endless small talk of the nobles. Around them, the chatter of well-dressed women and their companions filled the air, but none of the group seemed particularly interested. 

Plates piled with delicate pastries, roasted meats, and cheeses were far more appealing than exchanging fake pleasantries. Rhea was hesitant when it came to filling her plate, unlike Shalana, Leena and Falko.

Leena felt a little embarrassed, but she knew Rhea was true to herself unlike the nobles that obviously want to eat all these delicious foods.

"This food is ridiculously good," Rhea mumbled between bites, reaching for another slice of roasted lamb. "Why can't all jobs come with this kind of meal?"

Falko chuckled, his eyes scanning the room, making sure to stay alert despite the relaxed setting. "You get what you pay for when the Countess throws a party."

Leena nodded, dabbing at her lips with a napkin. "True, but I wouldn't mind skipping the whole 'mingle with nobles' part. I can't stand the politics of this crowd."

Shalana grunted her agreement, tearing into a pastry while her eyes flicked toward the nobles who had been giving her sideways glances all evening. It was obvious that she felt like an outsider here, and no one had bothered to hide their disdain for her presence.

Suddenly, the loud voice of an announcer rang through the banquet hall, catching everyone's attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, the ball dancing will commence shortly! Please gather at the center!"

Falko raised an eyebrow, intrigued but not overly interested. "Looks like they're starting the dancing," he muttered.

To his surprise, Leena suddenly dropped to one knee in front of him, a playful grin spreading across her face. "Oh, Falko," she said with exaggerated charm, "would you honor me with a dance?"

Rhea blinked in shock, her mouth slightly agape, while Shalana raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Falko, on the other hand, couldn't help but laugh. Leena's flirtatious attitude was always a bit unpredictable, and this time, she was laying it on thick.

"Of course," Falko said with a smirk, offering her his hand on Leena's request. "How could I refuse such a lovely invitation?"

As he and Leena made their way to the dance floor, Rhea's face hardened. Shalana leaned closer to her and whispered, "If you keep lying to yourself, Leena's going to steal him right in front of your eyes. Stop acting like a sister to him because he doesn't need a sister."

Rhea clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white, but she said nothing, her eyes fixed on Falko and Leena as they joined the other dancing couples.

On the dance floor, the music began to play—a soft melody of strings and wind instruments, perfect for a slow, graceful waltz. Falko placed one hand on Leena's waist and took her hand with the other. Leena, true to her nature, tried to take the lead, guiding Falko in the dance. However, Falko wasn't having it. He gently but firmly led her through the steps, keeping his movements smooth and controlled.

Leena narrowed her eyes in playful frustration. "You know the woman is supposed to lead, right?" she teased, trying to nudge him back into her rhythm.

Falko just smiled, continuing to lead the dance effortlessly. "You know me, Leena," he said, his voice low. "I've never been good at letting others control me."

Leena huffed, but a smile tugged at her lips. "Stubborn as always."

They twirled across the floor, catching the eyes of other dancers. Leena's natural grace shone through, but Falko held his own, guiding her with surprising skill which confused Leena since she thought Falko was a commoner. As they danced, Falko leaned in slightly, his voice softening.

"Thank you, Leena. For everything you did for us," he said earnestly. "If it weren't for you lending us that money and introducing us to Shalana, Rhea and I wouldn't have made it this far. We owe you."

Leena looked up at him, her teasing demeanor softening for a moment. "Don't mention it. I think it was the destiny for us to meet, Falko. Besides," she added with a smirk, "how could I refuse a handsome boy like you?"

Falko chuckled at her playful words. "Haha! That's one of the reason" he said, his tone light. But before he could say more, Leena's hand suddenly squeezed his ass, her lips curling into a mischievous grin. It wasn't a vulgar squeeze rather she did it in a lovely way.

Falko raised an eyebrow, amused. "So, you're finally making your move, huh? I thought it was my imagination."

Leena's gaze flicked toward Rhea, who was watching them from the side of the room with a fiery, jealous look. She sighed inwardly, glancing back at Falko with a sly smile. "What can I say? Can't let an opportunity like this slip by."

Not missing a beat, Falko returned the gesture, giving her ass a playful squeeze in return. Leena's cheeks flushed slightly, caught off guard by his boldness. It was arousing for her to see Falko acting so erotic for her.

"Looks like I'm not the only one making moves," she said, her voice breathy with amusement.

Falko chuckled, but his eyes softened. "You've always been there for us, Leena. I really do appreciate it."

Leena, her eyes catching the intense look from Rhea again, sighed inwardly. Sorry, friend, she thought to herself, knowing that Rhea's feelings for Falko were more complicated than she let on. But that didn't mean she'd stop trying to win him over.

As the music came to a gentle close, the dancers slowly came to a halt. Falko and Leena stepped away from each other, both of them smiling as they walked back toward the buffet table.

"What a beautiful performance!" Shalana clapped as they returned. "Next time, I'm dancing with Falko," she said with a grin.

Leena scoffed, crossing her arms. "Never," she replied, though there was no malice in her voice.

Rhea, however, remained silent, her eyes still fixed on Falko, her expression burning with jealousy. Falko glanced at her, sensing the tension but choosing not to address it directly. Instead, he just smiled and gave her a reassuring nod, which did little to ease the frustration simmering beneath the surface.

"Falko, once this contract is over, I want to talk with you." Leena whispered to Falko, as they stood beside each other. Falko obviously knew what this was going to be, and he knew he had a decision to take. Is he going to be bound to a single woman? Can his destiny even allow him something like that? It was question he had to answer by himself.

The rest of the banquet passed uneventfully. They ate their fill, listened to more music, and avoided most of the noble chatter. Falko kept an eye on Rhea, noticing how quiet she had become, but chose to let her have her space. Leena, on the other hand, seemed perfectly content, sipping her wine and throwing Falko occasional glances.

As the night wore on and the guests began to leave, Falko, Leena, Shalana, and Rhea gathered near the entrance, waiting for their final meeting with the Countess. They knew that once the banquet ended, they would get more details about the contract—and it was clear that whatever awaited them was no ordinary job.

"I'm looking forward to hearing more about this," Shalana muttered, glancing around the grand hall. "The Countess seemed pretty shaken up about it."

"Well, it is no wonder. After all, she got personally caught up in it," Falko said.

Leena nodded, her expression serious. "We'll need to be careful. Whatever's going on, it's bigger than just a few disappearances. I can already feel it."

Falko remained silent, his thoughts swirling. The memory of the Countess's scratches haunted him, and the sense of something lurking beneath the surface of the city sent a chill down his spine.

Whatever the next contract was, he knew it would test be something they had never faced before and the risk was too high for them to act too relaxed, as all four of them felt a little anxious.

The Countess finally emerged from one of the side doors, walking toward them with a purposeful stride. Her elegant gown swished with every step, the shimmering fabric catching the low candlelight of the hall. Walking beside her was a young woman—a servant by the look of her simple dress. Her face was pale, and there was a hollow, almost confused look in her eyes, as if she was scared about what is going to happen.

Countess En-Shelda approached them, her regal demeanor still intact despite the lateness of the hour. "Thank you for waiting," she said, her voice calm yet carrying a certain urgency. "I wanted to introduce you to someone before we discuss the details of your next contract."

She gestured to the woman beside her. "This is Lyra. She's one of the victims we've been investigating and might be able to give some more information."