After devouring the canned beans and washing it down with a swig of water, Aria's energy began to return.

Her eyes moving around the room once more, searching for any clue or hint of where she was.

And that's when she spotted a small, worn out backpack that was sitting in the corner of the room, partially hidden by the shadows.

she walked towards it, her footsteps echoing off the concrete walls, the backpack looked old, its fabric already fraying and faded.

she picked it up and dust coated her fingers as she lifted it.

She unzipped the bag, revealing a jumble of contents.

Fabrics spilled out, folded and crumpled.

A loose trouser, A brown tee shirt, its collar worn and a cap with its brim curved.

The clothes were practically designed for a male.

Who did these belongings belong to? Aria's brow raised.

She rummaged deeper in to the bag, searching for any identification of the owner.

A small pocket inside the backpack yielded a few surprises.

A wallet, containing a faded ID card.

Name: Ethan Davidson.

Age: 32.

Occupation: mechanic.

Who was he?

Aria continued searching the backpack, her fingers exploring every pocket and compartment of the bag

A pocket knife with a worn leather sheath caught her attention. The blade was sharp, reflecting the faint light.

"Nice blade," she said, testing its edge.

A compass with a cracked face lay next to it, its needle stuck at 270 degrees.

And a small gun, its magazine empty, rested at the bottom of the backpack.

"Useless," Aria sighed."At least it's something," she said, tucking the gun into her waistband.

Her eyes narrowed, This wasn't just any backpack.

It was a survival kit, assembled for emergencies.

She zipped the backpack shut, the sound echoing through the room like a declaration.

With renewed purpose, Aria walked to the shelves lined with food and supplies.

She started stacking all the canned goods, medical supplies, and water bottles the backpack could contain.

Her movements were swift and efficient, born from years of military training and instincts.

Canned beans, energy bars, and dried fruits filled the backpack's main compartment.

Medical supplies, bandages, antiseptic wipes, and painkillers filled a smaller pouch

Water bottles and purification tablets occupied another.

With the backpack loaded, Aria's thoughts turned to personal hygiene.

She spotted a few bottles of water and a towel in the corner of the room.

She walked over there, her eyes scanning the simple but essential supplies.

She grabbed the towel, one bottle of water, and unscrewed the cap.

The cool liquid felt heavenly against her dirty skin.

Aria washed her face, the water trickling down her neck and chest after removing her top.

She then cleaned her arms, torso, and legs, scrubbing away the dirt and grime that was on her.

The refreshing ritual cleaned both her body and mind.

As she dried herself with the towel, Aria felt her uneasiness return back, her gaze fell upon the backpack, now loaded with Canned goods, Medical supplies, Water bottles and Purification tablets.

Aria wore back her uniform, equipping the small pocket knife and a small torch light she saw in the room.

Aria shouldered the backpack, Its weight settled comfortably, a familiar sensation that she had when serving.

She approached the door, listening intently for any sign of a living thing.

Her hand instinctively went to the gun.

Empty but it was better than nothing.

"Time to move," she whispered to herself and pushed the door open, stepping into the unknown darkness.

The air outside was thick with the scent of decay and neglect.

Aria fumbled a hand into her backpack for her small hand torch.

She clicked it on, and a weak beam of light cut through the darkness.

The corridor stretched before her, lined with flickering fluorescent lights that cast eerie shadows on the walls.

Cobwebs clung to the ceiling, swaying gently in the faint breeze that passed.

Aria's grip on the torch tightened as she swept the light across the corridor.

Doors lined the hallway, each one closed and dirty

Aria's heart pounded in her chest.Which door led to safety?

And which to danger?

She took a cautious step forward, her eyes scanning the corridor for a sign.

"Hello?" She called out, her voice barely above a whisper

No response.

Only silence.

Suddenly, heavy footsteps echoed through the corridor, shaking the dusty air.

Aria's grip on the gun tightened as she prepared for the unknown.

Her heart pounded in her chest, anticipation coursing through her veins.

"Grrrrrrrrr" - the sound started low, a menacing rumble.

Aria's head snapped towards the noise, her senses on high alert.

She swept her torch around her surroundings, the beam dancing across the walls but she couldn't see what was making the sound.

The growling grew louder, more intense.

Her skin crawled up, Her finger instinctively tightened on the trigger.

Still, she saw nothing.

No movement.....No shadow.....Just darkness.

And that terrifying sound.

"Show yourself!" Aria demanded, her voice firm but laced with fear.

The growling stopped,Abruptly and Silence fell, heavy and oppressive

Aria's breathing slowed down, her eyes drafting around the corridor.

And then, she saw it, a pair of glowing eyes.

In the distance.....Watching her.

Aria's heart skipped a beat as she pressed herself into the wall, her back flat against the cold concrete.

Her empty gun raised, trembling slightly in her hand.

The eyes moved closer, their glow illuminating the dark corridor.

Aria's torch light beam moved across the creature's form, revealing a monstrous image.

It was unlike anything she had ever seen.

Its body was ten times hers, a combination fusion of an insect and animal.

Chitinous plates armored its torso, gleaming like it was dark polished to steel.

Six legs sprouted from its sides, each ending in razor sharp claws.

Aria's breath caught in her throat. "What...the hell are you?" she stammered.

The creature's head swung towards her, its eyes burning with an unnatural hunger.

Aria's torch light quivered, casting as the creature's jaws opened, revealing rows of serrated teeth.

A low, rumbling growl shook the air.

"Grrrrrrrr," it hissed, Climbing on the walls with speed towards Aria.