"Grrrrrrrr," the creature hissed, its jaws snapping wildly as it climbed on the walls with terrifying speed towards Aria.

Aria's grip on the gun tightened, her knuckles turning white with fear, as she quickly pushed herself out from the wall, her feet pounding the floor in a frantic bid for escape.

But the creature was relentless, its hot breath washing over Aria's neck, sending shivers down her spine.

"Grrrrrrrr!" it roared, the sound echoing off the corridor walls, shaking the dusty air.

Aria darted to the side, her eyes scanning the corridor for an exit, but the creature followed, its claws scraping against the concrete with an eerie screech, sparks flying as they gouged the floor.

Aria's heart pounded in her chest, her lungs burning from the exhaustion, her mind moving with terror.

She couldn't outrun it.

Not forever.

"Stop!" Aria shouted, spinning around to face the creature, gun raised in a futile gesture of defiance.


But it was all she had.

The creature loomed, its eyes blazing with hunger, its jaws yawned wide, revealing rows of teeth that would tear her apart.

Aria's finger tightened on the trigger, the click echoing through the corridor, a hollow reminder of her desperation.


The creature's jaws snapped shut mere inches from Aria's face, its hot breath washing over her.

Aria's scream echoed through the corridor, a primal cry of terror. She couldn't die again, not after having a second chance.

Before the creature could attack again, a loud "Bang" sounded through the corridor.

The creature recoiled, its body jerking backward as a bullet tore into its shoulder.

It stumbled back, injured but far from dead.

Aria's eyes widened as she spun around to face her rescuer.

A hand grasped her shoulder, pulling her backward."Get behind me," a low voice commanded.

Aria's gaze fell on a ruggedly handsome stranger, his eyes were on the creature with a fierce determination.

He held a smoking gun, its barrel still warm from the shot it has fired.

The creature snarled, its eyes blazing with fury and hunger.

"Grrrrrrr," it growled again.

The stranger's grip on Aria's shoulder tightened.

"Run," he whispered and Aria didn't hesitate turning on her heels and fleeing, her savior not so far from her.

Together, they sprinted down the corridor, the creature's enraged roars echoing behind them.

"What is that thing?" Aria panted, her chest heaving with exhaustion as they sprinted through the dim lit corridor , the sound of their footsteps echos off the cold concrete walls.

"A Genicter," Her savior replied, his deep voice low and urgent, his gaze flicked towards her for a brief moment before navigating the twisted hallway.

"A genetic experiment gone horribly wrong."

Aria's eyes widened,"Genetic experiment?" she repeated.

"We will discuss it later.For now, let's focus on escaping."

Aria nodded, her heart racing as the creature's enraged roars grew louder andcloser.

"Grrrrrrr"The sound sent shivers down Aria's spine.

Her savior quickly turned with the gun raised.

"Get down!" he shouted.

Aria ducked and "Bang"

The gun's sound echoed through the corridor again, the recoil reverberating through Her savior's arm.

The creature recoiled back, its body jerking backward as another bullet tore into its flesh.

But it refused to fall nor die

Her savior eyes narrowed."It's adapting," he muttered.

"Damned thing's learning fast."

Aria's fear spiked,she was used to fight humans not creatures.

"We need to move," Her savior voice brought her from her fear.

"Where are we going?" Aria asked matching his speed

"Escape route," Her savior replied. "Should be nearby."

Aria prayed he was right as the creature's roar shook the walls again getting closer.

"Almost there,"

Aria's heart bounced as they ran for escape.

Suddenly, Her savior pushed open a door to the side. "Inside!" He shouted.

Aria dashed through the doorway and her savior followed, slamming the door shut, locking it

Aria leaned against the wall, panting heavily, her chest heaving with exhaustion. For a moment, she closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of safety, the cool concrete that she had hated before was now a welcomed gesture against her sweat-drenched back.

But it was short-lived.

"We have to keep moving," Her savior voice broke into her reverie, his tone urgent,

"This door won't hold long. That damned thing will find a way in."

Aria's eyes snapped open, her eyes moving to her savior's frame.

He stood by the door, gun still clutched in his hand, his eyes scanning the room with a mixture of caution and strategy.

The room was damaged, furniture were overturned and broken while shattered glass littered the floor like a thousand tiny landmines.

A crushed desk was laying against one wall, its metal frame twisted, a testament to that creature's brute strength.

"We need to find another way out," he said, "We can't stay here."

Aria nodded, pushing off from the wall, her legs trembling weak from all the running.

"Where are we?"She asked, picking up her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings.

The room was filled with dust and cobwebs.

"An abandoned hotel," Her savior replied, his gaze sweeping the room, taking in the shattered chandelier, the faded grandeur, and the silence.

Aria's brow furrowed, Why was an abandoned hotel harboring a monster?

What dark secrets lurked within these crumbling walls? she thought

She pushed the questions aside for now, focusing on the present.

"What's your name?" she asked instead.

Her savior walked to a window, his eyes calculating the distance to the ground, with escape strategies.

"Ryan," he replied, his deep voice distracted as his gaze was fixed on the rusty window frame.

Aria's gaze lingered on him, taking in the rugged features, the sharp jawline, and the piercing blue eyes.

Ryan is a tall,broad shoulders squared guy, who exudes an air of quiet confidence.

His dark hair was mussed, his clothes worn out but understandable from all the hardship.

Aria felt gratitude toward this stranger for saving her even without knowing her.

"Thanks for saving me," she said, her voice sincere.

Ryan turned, "You are welcome," he replied.

Aria approached him, her footsteps echoing through the stillness.

"How are we leaving here" she asked.

Ryan's gaze dropped to her, and he gave her his first expression apart from seriousness.

He grinned "We jump" he gestures to the window.

Aria shivered at the expression.

Suddenly, Ryan's head snapped toward the door.

"We have to jump, now" he whispered.

Aria's heart skipped a beat as she heard the creature's roar echoing through the corridors.


"Time to go," Ryan said flinging a leg over the window.