Ryan began his walk, his boots scraping against the dry earth as he moved through the desolate land with Aria clinging to his back. Her injured leg throbbed with each step, but she gritted her teeth.

"Ryan?" Aria whispered, her voice muffled against his shoulder.

"Yeah?" Ryan replied quietly, his eyes scanning the road ahead.

"Do you know the exact route?" Aria asked with concern, her eyes also scanning the road ahead.

She had been relying on Ryan's guidance, but his vague assurance of heading north wasn't reassuring enough. He had mentioned the outpost was located in the north, but that would be a vast area.

"We are heading north," Ryan said as he continued walking, his mind was fixed on their destination.

Aria sighed, her expectation of a detailed answer was not met. "But where exactly in the north?" she pressed frustrated, they can't be moving to an unknown land without having any info.

Ryan's expression turned thoughtful, his brow furrowed. He truly didn't know the exact location of the outpost and with a curious lady gaze boring into his back, he couldn't admit to trusting his instincts alone.

"We haven't reached the North yet, so stop stressing," Ryan said, attempting to reassure her.

Aria's grip on his shoulders tightened as if she was about to choke him to death.(^^)

"That's not reassuring, Ryan," she said.

Ryan's jaw clenched, he doesn't know, alright so let her to stressing him more.

"I will get us there," Ryan said with clenched teeth "Now let me be"

Aria's mouth quickly shut the hell up at that last statement.

Ryan continued his steady pace, his boots scraping against the dry earth.

Thirty minutes into their walk, Aria's discomfort grew. She tried to bear the pain, but her gasps and involuntary movements couldn't escape Ryan's notice.

"What is it?" Ryan asked low and concerned, Aria had being swinging her good leg since in discomfort but this time she tried to close her legs that were wrapped around Ryan waist.

Aria's face flushed red as she tried to hold her freaking bladder.

"Nothing," she whispered.

Ryan halted before side eyeing Aria.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Aria's face went deeper in colour as she tried to hide her embarrassment.

"I need to pee." she couldn't believe she had said that to Ryan, Fuck she is so stupid. Aria thought.

Ryan nodded, not even showing anything reaction to her embarrassment.

"Hold on," he said as he carefully lowered her to the ground.

Aria winced, putting weight on her injured leg.

"Sorry," Ryan whispered while Aria just shook her head.

"It's okay,"

Ryan guided Aria to a secluded spot that was nestled beside a sturdy tree with dense leafy branches that stretched outward like nature's curtain, providing a private place for Aria.

"Here, take your time," Ryan said softly, as he helped her.

Aria leaned against the trunk, wincing as she transferred her weight onto her injured leg. The rough bark scratched her back, a minor annoyance compared to the throbbing pain, she was feeling.

Ryan quickly turned around, giving her privacy, his eyes scanning the surrounding area to ensure they were alone.

"Call me when you are done,"Ryan said, looking forward.Aria nodded even though Ryan couldn't see her.

Aria took a very deep breath, steeling herself for the awkward task ahead.

With shaking hands, Aria unbuttoned her military uniform trousers, the sound of the zipper echoing through the stillness. She carefully lowered herself, her injured leg protesting the movement.

The silence was punctuated only by the rustling of leaves and the distant call of a bird.

Aria's face contorted in discomfort, her teeth gritted.

"Ryan?" she whispered.

"Yeah?" Ryan replied back, his eyes never leaving his focus ahead

"Can you....can you...umm..help me?" Aria's voice trembled,God can this get anymore awkward, Aria thought.

Ryan hesitated, unsure of how to assist without compromising Aria's dignity.

"What do you need?" he asked, still not facing her way.

Aria's voice was barely above a whisper.

"My leg...it's stuck," she said, her voice laced with frustration and pain. Her injured leg had given up on her, refusing to move.

Ryan quietly turned to her, his eyes was fixed on Aria's face trying to avoid her exposed body. Fucking hell, why would her leg give up on her when she's half naked? he thought.

"Let me help," Ryan said, with his eyes unfocused. (^^)

Aria's face contorted in a deep blush"I...I tried to move it, but..."

Ryan gently lifted Aria's injured leg, his touch cautious. "Easy, I have got you."

He helped her raise from her bent position, supporting her weight as she stood.

"Lean on the tree," Ryan instructed.

Aria nodded, her weight resting on the trunk of the tree.

Ryan quickly turned back around, giving her privacy once more.

"Hurry," Ryan whispered and Aria nodded, her movements were labored as she fastened her trousers.

"Done," she said.

Ryan turned towards Aria, his eyes moving around her fully clothed form, a hint of relief washing over his face.

"Ready?" he asked soft.

Aria nodded as Ryan walked two steps closer, his boots scraping against the ground.

"Let's move," he said while lifting her into his back, his hands supporting her legs.

His footsteps echoed through the silent land. Aria wrapped her hand around his neck as he begins his walk to the north.

Ryan adjusted his stride, ensuring a smooth pace as he moved through the rugged terrain with Aria on his back.

After some minutes, concern washed over on his face.

"How's your leg?" Ryan asked.

Aria winced, her face contorting in immersed pain.

"Hurting," she replied.

Her leg pain had escalated to unbearable levels, now pulsating with every step Ryan took. She just hoped it hadn't gotten infected, since they hadn't changed the dressing.

"Bad?" Ryan asked.

Aria nodded."Real bad," she whispered.

Ryan's grip on Aria's body loosen, he doesn't want to add more pain by holding her tight.

"Hang in there," he said, moving forward on their journey"We are almost there."