Another thirty minutes dragged by, the duo continued trudging towards the north through the dense forest.

The sunlight filtering through the trees above cast shadows on the forest grounds. Aria's stomach growled, protesting the lack of food. She hadn't eaten since yesterday when Ryan was wanting to share his food and now her body was paying the price.

"Damn it," Aria muttered under her breath, frustration mounting on her skin like pests. Her eyes moved through their surroundings, the trees seeming to close in around her.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked as he passed a tree.

Aria hesitated, unsure how to admit her weakness and her defeat.

"Nothing," she replied shaking her head even when Ryan couldn't see it, attempting to brush it off.

Ryan raised a brow, his only guess was that Aria was hungry and didn't want to admit it, just like she hadn't wanted to admit she needed to urinate earlier.

"You are not exactly known for your subtlety, Aria," Ryan said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Aria's cheeks flushed red,"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, she won't accept defeat, she would hold her growling stomach intact.

Ryan moved forward, Aria's weight settling into a comfortable rhythm on his back. Her injured leg rested against his waist, and he could feel her tension.

"You are hungry, aren't you?" Ryan pressed.

"No, I'm fine," Aria replied, her voice strained and her stomach growled again

Ryan's eyes narrowed."Don't play dumb, Aria," he said.

"I can hear your stomach growling from here."

Aria sighed, ready to throw a convincing lie

"Don't lie to me" Ryan added. "We can take a break. We need to rest anyway."

"Ryan, we can't afford to stop," Aria countered going for the easy part, she was going to use his own words from hours earlier against him.

Ryan's grip on her body tightened. Don't play smart with me, woman, he thought.

"We can't afford not to,"Ryan replied firmly. "You are injured and you need food to heal."

Aria's resolve crumbled, she can't be arguing when her stomach was growling like a volcano, at least she wasn't the one to say by herself she was hungry.

"Fine," Aria conceded, her voice barely above a whisper as she rested her head on Ryan shoulder.

Ryan scanned their surroundings, his eyes settling on a fallen tree about twenty feet away. It has a sturdy trunk but it kind of looked like a natural bench.

"Let's take a break," Ryan said moving towards the tree, his boots crunching on the underbrush.

On reaching the tree, Ryan helped Aria down carefully from his back, supporting her injured leg.

Aria settled onto the tree trunk and Ryan sat down beside her, releasing a deep sigh. Exhaustion lines filling on his face.

Their silence was filled with the sounds of nature, rustling of the leaves.

Aria removed the backpack from her shoulders, wincing as she shifted her injured leg. She unzipped the bag and rummaged through its contents, her hands moving deftly.

"Hey, I have got some food and water," Aria said to Ryan as she pulled out a canned food, its label worn from being packed and repacked, and a bottle of water, its condensation a welcome sight to them both.

She handed them to Ryan.

"Huh, no, no, eat," Ryan protested, shaking his head.

Aria shook her own head firmly.

"I have extras," she insisted. "Eat this. You need it more than I do."

Ryan's eyes met hers, gratitude shining in them. He took the offered food and water, his hands brushing against hers.

"Thanks, Aria," Ryan said low, this was fucking luxury for him, eating from yesterday and today straight was not heard off in this world again.

Aria smiled.

"No problem," she replied. "We are in this together." She pulled out another canned food and water for herself, carefully opening the can with a faint hiss. The little aroma filled the air.

Ryan watched her, "You know, I am impressed," he said.

Aria looked up from her canned food, her eyebrow furrowed and her eyes narrowed slightly. "Why?" she asked curious.

Ryan's gaze held hers, his expression sincere. "You are resourceful," he explained with genuine admiration.

"I didn't know you had all this packed away. Food, water, first aid kit... it's actually impressive."

Aria's thoughts swirled, her mind replaying their journey. Why would he be impressed? Since they met, she had been a liability, relying on him after her leg injury. What was there to admire? She had stumbled, faltered, and needed his rescue.

"You are not exactly known for your preparation," Ryan added with a chuckle, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

Aria's cheeks flushed, a warm glow spreading across her face. "Hey, I resent that," she said, a hint of playfulness in her voice, her lips curling into a smile.

Ryan's smirk widened, "You have proven me wrong," he said. "This food, water... it's thoughtful. You are thinking ahead."

Aria shrugged, her shoulders rising and falling. "Just trying to survive," she said.

She thanked the lords that she had pack all that, she didn't know what to expect and now having all this made her happy to have packed ahead.

Ryan's eyes were onto Aria,"I guess I underestimated you," Ryan said lowly.

Aria's lips curved, a sly smile spreading across her face. "I think you did," she replied, as a matter of fact, come on she was in the military.

"You are resourceful," Ryan complimented her and Aria chuckled.

"You would be surprised what I can do," she said, a hint of mischief in her voice.

Their eyes held for a moment before Ryan looked away, opening his canned tuna with a satisfying pop. The sound of cans opening and water bottles uncapping filled the air.

They ate in comfortable silence, the only sounds the clinking of cans and the rustling of leaves.

As they ate, Ryan glanced at Aria.

"You okay?" he asked.

Aria nodded.

"Just tired," she replied.

Ryan's expression softened."We will rest soon," he promised.


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