Act 01 - The Awakening.

Hello, I would like to inform you before starting this reading that this is a work translated from Portuguese-BR to English by the IA DeepL software.


I don't speak English, I just wanted to quickly translate the finished text file in order to post it due to the demand for messages I received asking for the fanfic in that language.

I warn you right away that there may be spelling errors, as I really don't understand English, and translations on the internet always cause inconsistencies due to slang and speaking methods in my language that are not translated correctly in yours.


Normally when I read a foreign fanfic, I end up translating the page automatically via the Chrome browser, but as people asked a lot, I'm bringing it here already translated, I hope there aren't many errors and happy reading to everyone. XD



[ First Arc: The Awakening ]

In the middle of the forest outside the hidden leaf village, a blond boy with blue eyes cried compulsively, where on his face he showed all his pain and anguish contained by recent events and his entire life full of hostility and despair.

After all, it's not every day that you discover that you have a demonic fox sealed in your body. The cold stares, the beatings, the mistreatment, now everything made sense in your life. Your mind showed you every abuse, every blow received, every demonstration of contempt that you had received throughout your short life. A very short life compared to the others, but one of the most difficult, where you had not had a decent childhood.

Knowing that his idol, the one he had as an example and goal in life, was responsible for doing that to him. Falling to his knees and completely devastated inside, in a mixture of anger, hatred, despair, confusion and all the negative and conflicting feelings that mixed in his core, where they only left him even more lost.

One of the Chunnin in front of him showed astonishment and lack of action due to his student's hateful face. Although he never admitted it to him, it was a fact that made him receive many critical looks from the students' parents. Yes, it was a fact that Uzumaki Naruto found himself to be his favorite student.

Despite his grades and low performance, when it came to the blond, Iruka was the only one he could see between the lines.

I saw how hard-working and dedicated he was, where he never bragged about what he knew, always using it to overcome and strengthen himself. A truly mysterious boy, but one of the best.



Ignoring the excruciating pain caused by the kunai and shuriken stuck in his body, the Chunnin came to call the blond who, due to the shock, took a while to respond:


- Pay attention, Naruto. Take the scroll and run away from here as fast as you can. Go to Hokage-sama and tell him everything you saw and heard here. I'll hold Mizuki until reinforcements arrive. - Umino Iruka said with a trickle of blood running down the corner of his mouth, where he soon saw his student look at him both worried and fearful.


- Don't worry, everything will be fine. - Finally, the Chunnin said where the enemy's voice had emerged from the vast night forest.



- Really touching! It even made me want to cry. - Mizuki said to the little blond-haired boy, whose face held a murderous smile along with his gaze that demonstrated his thirst for blood. Specifically the blood of the boy in front of him.


Taking out a Fuuma-Shuriken with extremely sharp tips, the albino quickly informed:


- But I've already wasted too much time here, so do us all a favor and die already, you fox brat! - The enemy exclaimed as he threw the fatal weapon towards the blond who still hadn't moved due to the shock.



Seeing the tragedy that was about to happen, Iruka quickly shouted with all his might:


- Naruto, get down! - The dark-haired Chunnin shouted, euphoric and scared.



Unfortunately, the little boy had not heard what his sensei said. His eyes were only focused on the weapon that was quickly coming towards him, cutting through the wind like the Shinigami's scythe about to reap his soul, as he had read many times in the comics ripped from the trash cans. Sadder than ever, the boy had resigned himself to accepting his death, where he curled up and closed his eyes, hoping in the process that it would not hurt too much.

But strangely the pain did not come. Where slowly opening his eyes, to his horror, he saw his sensei above him with an expression of pure pain due to the large blade stuck in his back and another of the tips stuck in the back of his neck with blood gushing all over the ground and on top of the little boy.

He had protected him from the large four-pointed blade with his own body, the boy could only think about the reason for such a sacrifice, especially with him, with him who had been so hostile to his own village throughout his life.



- Iruka-sensei... No, why did you do that? Why did you protect me by risking your own life? I killed your parents, didn't I? Why would you protect a monster like me? - The little Uzumaki asks, euphoric and shaken by seeing so much blood gushing from his instructor's back. Where soon the same coughs up a mouthful of blood on the boy's clothes in a failed attempt to speak.



- Naruto… Never, ever, ever repeat that again… You are not a monster… Don't pay attention to what Mizuki or the others say… No one knows you like I know you… I know how hard-working and dedicated you are… You may even fail sometimes, but you never give up, you never give up… - First, the Chunnin said that he felt his body go numb from his back to his legs.


- That is an admirable trait, and I know I can expect great things from you, for you are my most precious student... - Umino this time suffered from another coughing fit accompanied by blood, which soon continued. - Listen carefully to what I am going to tell you, and I hope you keep this very well in that thick head of yours... You are not the Nine-Tailed Fox, you are not a monster... You are Uzumaki Naruto, a ninja from Konoha who holds the noble dream of becoming Kage.


The Chunnin's words unconsciously touched the depths of the Uzumaki's soul. He looked emotionally at his sensei who responded with an expression of recognition and affection.

He felt all the confusion that existed in his mind and heart completely disappear. He smiled, but not a fake smile like the one he showed to hide all the sadness he felt.

A happy, genuine smile, extremely similar to that of the Yondaime Hokage, in which Iruka had noticed such similarities. Inside him vibrated a determination never seen before, because that was the best thing anyone had ever said to him, finally someone had accepted his existence.



Where unfortunately the moment was interrupted by the sickly voice of the enemy, in which he gritted his teeth due to the interference of his fellow instructor:


- How exciting... beautiful, so beautiful! It's getting impossible to hold back the tears here. - Mizuki laughed in pure mockery and sarcasm, in which he had an extremely serious look from the Uzumaki. - You know Iruka... You've already messed up my plans too much. So you can relax, because I've decided that you'll be the first to die. - He said and soon took out several kunai and shurikens from his shinobi holster.


- Now disappear! - He finally threw the blades where right behind one of the blades was an explosive strip, capable of destroying ten square meters of the area to be affected.



Iruka at that moment didn't know what to do since his body no longer responded to his movements due to some substance in the blade. He could only close his eyes where he imagined that his student could run for his life.

Seeing his sensei in danger, the blond's Uzumaki determination seemed to burn hotly inside him like pure adrenaline seeking to move his body. He felt a pressure on the back of his neck and a burning in his eyes, where with an extremely quick glance he could notice his reflection in Iruka's Hitai-ate.

He was astonished by what he saw: his sky-blue eyes became pure white, everything lay in a pure white of the sclera where it was not possible to find any pupil. Still impressed and even astonished by such an appearance in himself, he looked away to the shurikens thrown at Iruka whom he would protect at all costs even if he had to fight to the death, thus finally making the loss of light in his vision as it already seemed so much in this absurd transformation.

Naruto couldn't see anything where everything seemed to be in complete darkness. However, strangely his senses sharpened drastically, like a sensor pulsing at high speed throughout the land and everything it touched there, he felt the inhabitants, felt the animals, insects, worms, larvae, cocoons and eggs of the forests, he even felt the Hokage where he was surprised by the enormous chakra that the old man held. It was as if each thing he felt began to have form where the darkness continued and another plane ascended in the midst of the darkness.

Everything was concentrated with his mind absorbing every aspect, every elevation of terrain, every abyss, lake, training grounds, rock formations, forests, the Hokage monument mountain, everything agglomerating into an absurd capacity of sensory intelligence that surrounded everything in a circular radius of 10,000 km²

Having thus a great expansion of mental domain, everything quickly returned to the focus of the nearby environment, having as main the two people in that place, Naruto could notice Iruka, Mizuki and the ninja weapons that the Chunnin had thrown. They followed in slow motion in which the blond analyzed a kunai coming directly to one of his eyes, a shuriken to his forehead and another going around the environment towards the back of his neck, having this perception of danger in the midst of all the others that would go to his sensei, was that his perception began to accelerate, or better said, to regress from such speed to the natural reaction.

Already understanding part of the situation and mainly that he should finish off the Fuuma-Shuriken, the Uzumaki pulled the blade from his sensei's back in a quick and precise movement that didn't injure him any more than it already was and then he spun it in a skillful movement of his arms with all the shurikens and kunai being repelled in sequence and finally he grabbed the last Kunai by the handle in a skillful spin that used all his speed and weight to throw it back to its source of origin.

With a concentration of chakra in the soles of his feet, the trunk on which the Chunnin was leaning exploded into pieces with gravity doing its work and sending the albino plummeting, in which he escaped the explosion above him and landed on the ground when he heard:



- You hurt Iruka-sensei... you pathetic piece of shit! - The boy shouted where both Chunnin were scared by the boy's recent eye change.



- "What do you hear with his eyes? It's simply incredible." - Iruka thought both euphoric and impressed with the eyes and the ability his student demonstrated in dodging and deflecting the blades.



- "What the hell are those eyes? Could that damn fox be taking over his body?" - Mizuki thought in astonishment, where the fox brat's eyes were frightening in pure white. - "This might spark Orochimaru-Sama's interest. I have to take him at any cost, maybe I'll get a good reward." - The albino completed his reasoning, where his gaze instantly changed from hatred to greed.



Naruto had no idea what to do. He had glanced at all the techniques in the legendary scroll, where incredibly he was able to remember all the procedures described paragraph by paragraph, but of all the techniques he only felt capable of using one.

Even though he knew he could use that, he couldn't see himself defeating a Chunnin. At that moment, his mind had given a painful snap regarding defeating Mizuki where an unknown ability had appeared in his mind with a kind of crimson figure slowly performing the movements.



At that the albino's voice arose in response:


- Pathetic piece of shit? - Mizuki questioned in pure mockery. - Don't make me laugh, demon! Do you really think a cursed loser has any chance against a Chunnin? - Through the failed attempt to destabilize the boy, Naruto ignored where his mind examined every way to use that strange ability that seemed to dance and adapt to his mind. - Very well! Come on, show me everything you have, Nine-Tailed Fox!



- You asked for it. - More determined than ever, Naruto felt his mind ascending in knowledge of countless elements, such as: "harmony", "proportion of the human body", "golden number of mathematics", "beauty" and "the centrality of man". With such primary perception becoming abundant in the harmony of his body with his chakra, the Uzumaki's body began to process a great charge of adrenaline where his senses sharpened even more. He even thought of some hand seal for the newly acquired technique, but unconsciously his body moved smoothly with both men seeing Naruto move so fast and with his arm leaving trails of mirage in this movement from bottom to top.

The enemy even thought about laughing, but as soon as the movement stopped and the mirages slowly disappeared, eight orange spheres of pure heat appeared from the palm of each one of them, and with a fierce and aberrant look, the Uzumaki moved his hands forward and everything was thrown.

Mizuki had even tried to jump back, but to his horror everything was already face to face with him in an absurdly burning heat, just as the Chunnin had previously done with kunais and shurikens, Naruto had done with such spheres of heat that exploded consecutively, taking all the terrain in a radius of 10 m².



- "What kind of ability is that?" - Stunned by the technique performed by the Jinchuriki, the Chunnin managed to escape after finishing five hand seals, with a nasty burn on his eye and his vest singed with flames, where he had performed a Kawarini previously prepared. - "With that he could easily kill me, that is if I hadn't prepared for Iruka... but him of all people?"


- "Capturing him alive will be a lot of work, especially now that he has a technique like that. It's better to finish him off once and for all." - Determined to kill the blond, Mizuki jumped and threw several shurikens at Naruto, making some hand seals in the process with a kind of purple aura spreading through him for a few seconds:


Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! - (Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!)

The dozen shurikens that were thrown simply converted into double, targeting the blond.


Determined to win that battle now, the Uzumaki had his mind illuminated by yet another ability that already seemed to dance to the movements of the crimson figure. However, this time he didn't waste time and soon let his instincts act on their own.

Again like a painful snap in his mind, the Uzumaki acted by extending his right arm and leg to the side of his body aiming at Mizuki, it was like the sound of a shock in the air, because his palm had caused an air pressurization that repelled all the shurikens, taking the Chunnin an incredible fifteen meters from the ground by the pressurized wind that served for the scorch of flames on his vest to spread in medium flames throughout his chest and neck.

The Chunnin had even tried to act to escape the burns, however, the Uzumaki soon appeared behind him applying a kick that seemed more like the Chunnin had hit his bones against a rock wall. Thus landing with difficulty on the ground where he felt an excruciating pain in his spine and an agonizing burning in his neck from the flames that finally went out in the fall.

Finally, the Uzumaki landed five meters away from the Chunnin who was getting up breathlessly, with both of them staring at each other. A Chunnin completely furious at being beaten by a failure who wasn't even fit to become a Gennin, and an Uzumaki surprised at everything he could do and everything he could achieve from now on.

The blond could not imagine the limits of this development, he could notice that due to being "blind" a new sense had taken over, he felt his body more resistant and powerful. Apart from the fact that his mind was spinning like a whirlwind on the high seas where at every moment of need or action, a required skill would appear in an agonizingly fast flash in his mind and blend into his being.



- "I'm sure those weird eyes have something to do with the fox boy's sudden improvement. There's no way the worst student in the class could instantly improve to the point of using elementary techniques without hand seals. If that's the case, he'll become even more valuable! Damn, this is getting complicated." - Mizuki thought, trying to predict some move or chance to overpower these rare abilities.



With both of them staring at each other for the next few seconds where they analyzed each other, they finally decided to go on the attack, with the blond attacking Mizuki in a pure Taijutsu in which it was not his skill that changed anything, but rather the force exerted in such disconnected blows that impacted as if his own body was heavier, bringing such an impact on the Chunnin's defenses.

Both exchanged punches and kicks where with each movement the blond adapted to the combat making his euphoria and adrenaline grow even more in a burning flame that made Naruto want to continue this combat until he discovered the limits of his abilities of perception and assimilation of combat knowledge.

Mizuki and Naruto were tied, due to the Chunin's vast experience in battles he was able to remain on par against the strength and speed that impacted his blows and defenses.

At that, with both of them moving away from each other, still analyzing each other, the Uzumaki had taken a quick look at Iruka's white image in the vast darkness of his sensory field. His sensei's condition was not good because the Uzumaki could notice a purple coloration impregnating Umino's veins, so far he did not seem to feel all the pain of the injuries due to the hot blood and adrenaline, but Naruto knew that this was risky for his sensei, just as it was risky for him years ago in the hands of the villagers.


Performing a hand seal against the enemy for the first time, Naruto said under a large cloud of smoke that appeared around the place:


Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! - (Shadow Clone Jutsu!)

The blond's voice emerged in a loud chorus, where hundreds of clones were present in the uniform division of the boy's immeasurable chakra, followed by everyone advancing against the Chunnin.


There were punches and kicks everywhere, causing Mizuki to respond in kind, resulting in many clones disappearing every second.

In the midst of this time, the blond ran to Iruka, where he saw him with an admiring look, but without the ability to move.

Umino stared into the completely white eyes of his favorite student, who in the blonde's vision everything was complete darkness with only shapes of living beings in a whitish color.

Naruto could notice a purple coloration infecting his sensei's veins and organs little by little. He thought to himself what to do, whether to run to the village and call an Iryo Ninja, or perhaps drag his sensei there.

Naruto didn't know where he somehow felt someone's gaze on him, and it wasn't from Mizuki who was constantly trying to destroy the clones.

Then, again like an agonizing snap in his mind, the Uzumaki touched his hand to his sensei's wound, making Umino curse in pain, but soon the place began to heat up where the cold and humid night began to have droplets of water all over the lawn evaporating. The place where Naruto touched was the hottest, but not something that damaged or hurt Iruka, but something that made Umino feel his blood hot, his skin slightly burning and numb, having to put an end to the wound on his back and neck, stopping and cauterizing due to the temperature that the Uzumaki's hand was on the area.

At the same time that Naruto finished performing such an act, Mizuki destroyed the last clone, demonstrating an extremely breathless state, in which the sweat and blood present in all the bruises on his face were noticeable.



- You fucking demon! I even wanted to take you alive, but now I don't care. - Mizuki said completely possessed with rage, where he performed hand seals:


Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu! - (Fire Release: Fireball Jutsu!)

Mizuki shouted before blowing out a huge sphere of flames.


Until then kneeling with his back to Mizuki, Naruto simply stood up where he felt excruciating pain in his head with the sphere approaching.

He even thought about touching his head to relieve the pain, but soon his body moved unconsciously for the last time, as he raised both arms beside his body to waist height.

In his vision, the sphere of flames was slightly slow and soon it was possible to notice a light spot rising throughout the dark place that his vision showed.

It was as if smoke appeared in that place along with a refreshing and icy feeling under the skin.

For him it was something normal resulting from the technique he had invoked. Little did he know that this was happening all over Konoha.

Iruka stared in fright at the fact that the place had a drastic drop in temperature in a few seconds, where, having the sphere of fire right in front of the blond, he blew an icy vapor that caused Mizuki's Jutsu to suddenly go out.

The initial attack had only served to erase the technique, but soon the snow that began to fall slowly became a gale that made Mizuki feel her body trembling along with a painful burning sensation where it seemed like ice was forming around her.

And with his mind numb, he barely noticed when he was completely frozen up to his neck, and Naruto fell kneeling on the ground with strong excruciating pain in his forehead and eyes.

Remembering his sensei, Naruto tried to get up quickly, but this time his muscles began to hurt as if they were being stretched and twisted by force in an agonizing torture.

He stared at the place where his teacher was previously, where his eyes returned to normal, making the Uzumaki gasp in despair at not finding him. He even tried to get up, but soon a hand held his body, keeping him calmly on the ground, it was Iruka, now standing and with a reassuring smile on his face:



- Calm down, Naruto. - Iruka said with difficulty, but still with a proud smile. - Don't worry, I'll be fine. But now I want you to close your eyes - Iruka asked, seeing his student obey him.



At that moment Naruto felt his glasses being removed, and something cold being placed on his forehead:


- Okay, you can open it. - Upon opening his eyes, the Uzumaki saw his sensei without Konoha's Hitai-ate, and with a proud smile on his lips. With his hands, Naruto ran his fingers over his forehead, where he could soon feel the soft texture of the fabric and the cold of the steel plate of the bandana. Still in disbelief, he stared at the Chunnin, who widened his smile even more. - Based on everything you showed me, being a Gennin is not enough..., but it's all I can do at the moment as your sensei. - Iruka explained as he sat on the snow accumulated on the ground. - Congratulations, Naruto, you passed... you graduated from the ninja academy as the most powerful Gennin. - Finally, Iruka said with some difficulty, but extreme pride without ever taking the smile off his face.



- Sensei... I... Thank you. - The Uzumaki whispered, feeling tears flood his eyes, hugging the older man. And with a painful spasm, Naruto's body finally shut down.



Iruka had seen the moment when Naruto's eyes were glazed and filled with pain, as his pupils seemed to lose focus on what was in front of him and his body shut down as he had seen with many Jounnins exhausted from the war who suffered a general shutdown in pure protection from chakra exhaustion, and seeing this right away in someone so young who fainted hugging him, Iruka could only sigh heavily as he welcomed the Uzumaki's body against him, who agreed to shut down right in front of him, trusting that nothing bad would happen from now on.

In the midst of all this, the event was witnessed by an old man in noble white robes with red details. He looked at everything in surprise and admiration for the skills demonstrated by the son of those two.

In the eyes of many, it was madness to perform techniques without hand seals, but he was an Uzumaki and according to what he knew about a very hyperactive Uzumaki from his past, there were indeed legends of a warrior with notorious skill.

An ability that attracted the ambition of many villages, with only Konoha having been lucky enough to have some contact with such a clan in the past. Now living proof of the Uzumaki who not only inherited the Uzumaki heritage from his mother, but also the blood inheritance from his father in the physical appearance that the old man saw the young man's disconnected body transform little by little.

Using his most loyal squad, the Hokage instructed each one to take Naruto and Iruka to the Central Hospital, retrieve the sealing scroll, and capture Mizuki, who could do nothing while trapped in the thick ice pillars in what must have been a pain well deserved for such betrayal.



- It looks like your life is about to get better... - The old man with the crystal ball finally said before his office was invaded by two people.



- Sarutobi, they're saying that Uzumaki stole Nidaime-sama's scroll. Is that true?



- "The night will still be very long." - Hiruzen sighed, indicating to his two former teammates to sit on the sofa in front of him.



[ ... ]

{ Dawn of a New Day }

It was already a new day in Konohagakure no Sato, currently many merchants were leaving their homes to finally start another day of work, which was a great surprise for many to find the village exceptionally cloudy where an abundance of snow was present everywhere.

During the long morning, many children played in the expanse of snow that hung over the streets, an unshakable laziness haunted everyone to get out of their beds, leaving everyone to put an end to the doubt of how all that snow had appeared in Konoha while it was summer.



== Konoha Residential District ==

Located meters away from Konoha's shopping district, a kunoichi had ended up waking up a little uncomfortable due to the freezing air that was spreading throughout the village.

Lifting her body where she sat on the bed while rubbing her eyes, at the same time the sheets slid down her body, revealing her bare bust, allowing her to stretch lazily.

The woman finally stood up, where she found herself perfectly naked, looking at herself in the mirror, trying to find some imperfection, some flaccidity or any defect that would explain her boyfriend's actions. However, she saw nothing except the dark circles under her eyes, indicating that she had not had a peaceful night's sleep.

Yuhi Kurenai, a newly graduated Jounnin in the Leaf Military Corps. 22 years old, and was an expert in Genjutsu in the Leaf Village. Owner of an exotic and unique beauty among so many, she has the reputation of being extremely closed and apathetic, allowing herself to show her true self to very few people in her circle of friends.

One of these people was Sarutobi Asuma, her ex-boyfriend, and the reason for her swollen eyes, as she had spent the whole night crying because of him who once again acted like a perfect scoundrel, cheating on her shamelessly, and without even caring about her presence. After a real scandal, she broke up with him, but he mocked her in response, saying that all he had to do was snap his fingers for her to come crawling back to him, humiliating her even more.

She felt angry with herself, because she knew it was true, after all, this wasn't the first time this had happened and from a very early age she had created an emotional dependence on such a man. She mentally cursed the power he had over her, while she grabbed some clothes from her wardrobe and went to the bathroom, preparing a bath with some essences with calming properties that would relax her body before starting another day.



[ ... ]

After an hour of pure relaxation in the bathtub, the scarlet-eyed brunette was finally fully dressed.

Her outfit consisted of a short red top containing several white stripes that covered her body. Her right arm was covered by a long red sleeve, and her left arm was bare, with some bandages on the wrist and forearm.

The metallic hitai-ate sewn into a black fabric went over her forehead, pushing away the bangs that covered her face. Looking back at herself in the mirror, trying to find something, some tiny flaw in herself that made Asuma act in such a way towards her, she sighed under the accompaniment of an Anbu agent who had appeared at her window, his identity was unknown, but a bear mask predominated in front of his face.



- Yuhi Kurenai! Hokage-sama requests your presence in his office at ten o'clock. Please do not be late.



- Hai, I'll be there. - The brunette replied emotionlessly to the Hokage's agent, who then disappeared in a cloud of smoke.



The Jounnin didn't know what the Hokage wanted, but she hoped it would be a mission, preferably a long one and far from the village, where she could get away from her ex-boyfriend in order to forget the last pain that plagued her being.



[ ... ]

== Konoha Central Hospital ==

A few hours after the incident in the forest at the entrance to the village, Naruto finally woke up. He opened his eyes and was startled to find that he couldn't see. Desperate, he brought his hands to his face almost instantly, sighing in relief when he realized that there were bandages covering his eyes. He tried to pull them off, but felt a wrinkled hand stopping him from doing so:


- Stay calm, Naruto! - An old man said in a fatherly tone, which made the blond relax a little. - These bandages are to protect your eyes. You put a lot of effort into them this morning.



- Jiji-chan, how is Iruka-sensei? - The blond said in a worried tone that made the Hokage smile. - Is he okay?



- Yes! I'm fine, Naruto. - Iruka replied this time as the blond turned his head towards the voice. - I'm here in the bed next to you... Don't worry. - Finally, the Chunnin said to the Uzumaki's relief.



- Iruka sensei, how did I do that? I trained the shadow cloning jutsu all night long from the scroll, but everything I did... It was as if I went blind, and could only see outlines and shapes of energy in a completely dark world, where something seemed to instruct me to perform those movements. - The Uzumaki said everything euphoric, where he avoided saying that he remembered everything that was written on the sealing scroll, because he was afraid of being scolded for stealing something so precious to the village.



- Calm down, I'll explain it to you. - Said the Sandaime, letting out a puff of his pipe out the window. - This was all because of Onitensei. - Hiruzen quoted, making the blond find that name strange.



- Oni... what?!? Is it some kind of illness? - Naruto asked, making the Hokage laugh, because from what he saw, the boy's physical change was noticeable, but his mentality was still in the process of changing.



- Onitensei, Naruto. - Corrected the Sandaime, stroking the young man's hair. - It is your bloodline lost in time... Based on the eras, the titles were derived by legends... Over the eras, it was known by many false names, such as Kazegan, Uzugan, Shinigan, Yorungan... Many legends portray it with derived names... However, the closest ones are based on its lineage... Onigan, derived from the Onitensei lineage of the Uzumakis.



- But... if there are so many names and they are so rare... Why would I awaken something like that? Will I go blind? Do I have a clan? - Naruto said to everyone in complete doubt, where both men in the room smiled complicitly at the euphoric state of the blond Uzumaki.



- Let's take it one step at a time... You awakened a very rare Doujutsu that even I don't have many in-depth answers to tell you. - At first, Hiruzen said as he sat on the bed, making the blond adjust himself while sitting.



- Onigan is a title referring to the ancient legend of Oni, either derived from On'yomi, which means "to hide" or "to conceal". Perhaps this was the reason for his vision being blinded, where his senses are sharpened and improved, making him a better sensory fighter. Since in the absence of one sense, all the others are sharpened to alarming levels.


- A very well-known and comprehensive area of the Uzumakis, who were excellent sensory warriors, with ancient arts focused on sealing.


- As I said... they are just tales and legends, where Onigan had many derived names and titles, since only one person from the Uzumaki clan had managed to awaken an ocular power of such magnitude.


- That was Uzumaki Darius... The King Uzukage, and the first to create such a clan that held a size as comprehensive as the entire Konoha, which at its peak confronted more than four ninja villages that attacked them in partnership in an extermination role. - Hiruzen said to everyone making the Uzumaki smile in admiration at the thought of being as powerful as this Uzumaki who was not afraid to confront other villages.



- So I have a family? I mean, Uzumakis... - Naruto commented quietly, making Sarutobi smile knowingly, as he understood the lack of affection and attention he felt, making him have an immense desire to create a family.



- Unfortunately not! We have no news of any living Uzumaki... - Sarutobi replied, sighing heavily as he saw the boy's downcast state. - For a long time, the ninja villages sought conflict with Uzushiogakure, where after Darius managed to exterminate 75% of the villages' ninja armies... he simply took all the Uzumakis on the battlefield and their advanced technologies with him, leaving only ruins after a colossal explosion that would leave any tailed beast frightened.



- I see... - Naruto said after a while, visibly saddened, but he cheered up soon after. - But it's okay! At least now I have something special to remember Uzu's sacrifice, and a way to keep myself more powerful.



- I'm glad you think so. - Said the old Hokage with a smile. - I'm sure Kushina-chan would be proud... - Hiruzen said touching the pipe in his mouth, where he soon widened his eyes as he stared at the Uzumaki without reaction.



- Ku-Kushina? That was my mother's name, wasn't it? Tell me, jiji-chan, please... - Naruto said with hope in his voice, where he still felt a little disoriented to notice which side the Sandaime was on, and Umino was on.



- Yes, Naruto. Your mother's name was Uzumaki Kushina, and she was a very beautiful and powerful kunoichi, who was not only a student of Senju Tsunade, but also instructed many skilled kunoichis from our village in the ninja career. - Hiruzen explained, making the Uzumaki smile, excited to discover things about his mother.



- And my Otou-san... what was his name? - Naruto asked, even Iruka was curious.



- I'm sorry Naruto. Unfortunately I can't mention your father's name at the moment for your safety's sake... - Hiruzen said to the boy's dismay, who soon noticed this, proposed the following: - Let's do it like this... This morning I had a very uncomfortable meeting with my council who wanted to force you to join an organization that I know very well would not do you any good... - The Hokage said what Iruka already understood to be the NE Faction of Konoha.


- Because of that, I myself volunteered to train and instruct you properly as the last remaining Uzumaki.


- I will be taking a year off from my role as Hokage in order to prepare you properly. I know it is very sudden, but this was the only option for me to keep you away from people who do not seek your well-being...


- If within a year you complete your training to a point where you are able to protect yourself, I will expose who your father was, and you will receive all the assets you inherited with the discovery of this.



- I'll be trained by a Hokage? - Naruto asked impressed, making Sarutobi smile.



- And not just a Hokage, Naruto. Hokage-sama was the one responsible for leading Konoha to victory in three previous wars, master of five elemental arts, and the second to be titled as the great God of Shinobi.


- Title previously only given to the great Shodaime Hokage. - Iruka explained where the Uzumaki was even more impressed.



- You're amazing, jiji! - Naruto praised with his striking and excited tone of voice.



- Thank you Naruto..., but I must ask you not to tell anyone anything I told you. Your Doujutsu is something very rare and coveted by the ninja world, if they find out that you have something like that, it is very possible that attacks against you will begin to occur. - The Sarutobi Hokage explained as Naruto gave him a thumbs up.



- Leave it to Jiji-chan! I won't tell anyone. - Naruto replied with apparent excitement in his voice.



- Great! Well, we have another matter to deal with... - Hiruzen said excitedly as he got up from the bed, as one of the doctors in charge had entered the room to remove the Uzumaki's bandages.


As the minutes passed, the doctor responsible for Uzumaki removed the bandages, performed a short eye and sensitivity test, where seeing no apparent problem, he left the ward where Naruto had been discharged to go home.


- Naruto, when you awakened your Doujutsu, it happened that in the process you awakened another Kekkei Genkai.


- Pay attention, because I will explain about each one of the ones you used this morning, and where you can get to. - Hiruzen said with the consent of the Uzumaki who barely notices his physical state.


- The first of them is his Onigan... as I said before, there are many titles about him, but a well-known fact is the fact that he does not charge excessive expenses in his use. Literally a "Doujutsu without prices", because the expenditure of chakra necessary to keep it active is so low that it is barely felt, that is, if there is any chakra being spent , because only you will be able to obtain clear answers with your own development.


- However, do not underestimate it. Power with such great potential is not usually easy to perfect.



- But Hokage-sama, Naruto's eyes went completely white. It was as if he had no focus, but he responded very quickly to things. - Iruka said, to which the Sandaime soon commented.



- This means that your Onigan is in the first phase, obviously. - Hiruzen thought about what Kushina had said and soon added. - Following your mother's words... In the first phase, it makes the user blind with only their ocular sclera showing. Did you say you can see life forms and structures amidst all the darkness? Maybe this is your sensing acting as a guide in you, forming a mental map illustrated in your mind, since a mind that feels everything around it is able to map a margin and presence. - Hiruzen pondered the ideas and what he had already read from the legends. - And all this perception and agility in reaction... it could be a unique ability to respond to murderous intentions, because Naruto, in the future you may end up witnessing very high-level shinobi who can expose an aura of murderous intent, even you being able to acquire this ability... but for now, what it seems is that your Onigan not only brings out advanced sensing, but also a speed of reaction to murderous intent.


- And I didn't even go into the elemental mastery factor, because there is no certainty about the control of chakra natures, all I've heard from your mother was that Uzumakis didn't mold chakra, they bent nature to their will. - Hiruzen said under Iruka's attention. - And apparently that's the reason Naruto performs such automatic movements, a kind of harmonious state between his chakra and body that allows him to bend whatever he wants. I say this of course having seen Darius-sama himself in combat and I say with conviction that I am an inexperienced child in the elemental art based on all the grace and control that man had when using not just one, but all natures and their fusions adapted in such speed, agility and lost martial art of the Uzumakis. - Seeing Naruto and Iruka amazed by everything he said, he guided Naruto to the bathroom, where there was a mirror.



The reflection in the mirror did not match its real appearance at all.

He was taller, the marks on his face were well hidden, where I could still see them, but not as much as before. His hair was longer and he looked to be around seventeen.

His muscles were bigger, nothing extravagant, but it was possible to admire it because the upper hospital gown was half open and he could glimpse a defined and hard chest.


At that, he continued to stare at himself in surprise, where the Hokage's voice soon appeared:


- This is another bloodline. But this time from another clan that may be mentioned in the future. In general, it is called "Tenshi no Karada", or better said, "Angel Body".


- A second Kekkei Genkai that allows the user's body to improve drastically, making it more resistant, physically stronger, the user's chakra flows better through the body, there is a great chance of being resistant to Genjutsus but without much certainty, along with other qualities that we are not yet aware of and it will be for the sake of its own development to present the limits of everything.


- Naruto, such bloodlines achieve a perfect fusion, both in ocular ability, sensor, perception, elemental bending, enhanced body... - Hiruzen dictated everything, returning to the Uzumaki's bed, who continued to squeeze his own muscular arms. - I don't need to tell you how you just awakened weapons of an extremely high level for a shinobi, do I? And look, I didn't even mention the fact that you, my boy, are the shinobi with the greatest amount of chakra present here in the Hidden Leaf Village, because why do you think that such simple techniques were your worst nightmare at the academy and even so I forced the instructors' hands to pass you every year even though you failed the jutsu and thus accompanying your colleagues year after year in the following series?


- You now carry a legacy much greater than any clan in our village, your entire maternal and high-level lineage for a Gennin automatically adapted to your paternal lineage with your body improving with each technique, each grip and each attack from Mizuki, quickly making you as strong as a Chunnin, and one day you will be able to do all this without restrictions, making you as strong as a Hokage.


- And that's what I want! In our one year of training, I will force your body to the extreme, where if everything goes well we will be able to ascend back to the noblest clan this world has ever seen, but which was too petty to accept that our world lives in constant evolution, even us ninjas.



Seeing that he had said enough, under the silence of his potential student.

The Hokage soon asked:


- Do you understand? If you prefer, I can explain a little more slowly... - Hiruzen said to the blond who was now sitting on the bed.



- No need... For the first time I was able to listen to an explanation and understand right away. I just don't know what to say... until yesterday I couldn't even create a clone... now I have a badass Doujutsu, an improved body, the biggest chakra in the village... and also a tailed beast, the biggest one in reality - Naruto said in self-analysis, where he really didn't know how to act in the face of this and Iruka widened his eyes as he only now remembered that Mizuki said some good shit and Naruto wasn't an idiot to let something related to him and all the prejudice linked to him go by. - It's going to be really hard to control everything, isn't it? - Naruto asked, patting his stomach, with the consent of the Hokage who understood what the Uzumaki was asking.



- Indeed, especially following the logic that your pet consumes more than half of your chakra just to keep you imprisoned. But, when you manage to overcome that, and you will! You will probably be a ninja as powerful as the Yondaime Hokage, or much, much more than that. - Hiruzen said under the happy smile of the blond, who treated the Yondaime Hokage as a primary source of inspiration. - But that's not all I need to warn you about. - Hiruzen initially commented under the attention of both Iruka and Uzumaki. - Well, due to the enormous potential demonstrated this morning, and the fact that you managed to not only awaken a very rare Doujutsu, but also another lineage of body improvement.


- It was decided that you would receive the privilege of practicing polygamy. - Hiruzen finished, much to the Chunnin's surprise, who turned pale, while the Uzumaki showed confusion and silence.



- Wait a minute!... - Naruto said thoughtfully as he stood up and walked towards the open window. Both ninjas in the room thought that Naruto would not understand, but soon he turned around where Hiruzen noticed a certain shine in his eyes. - You mean... that I will be able to have a family? - Naruto asked where he felt that this awakened power was the best thing he had ever received in life.



- Well... it's a little more complicated. You'll have to marry and get engaged to several women at the same time. - The Sandaime replied, letting out a small laugh as he observed the blushing face of his potential student. - But in any case, yes... You'll finally be able to have a family, and with all the women you want. - Hiruzen said, already imagining things that weren't very decent.


- In fact, I already have a potential candidate. I just need to talk to her and make everything official. - Hiruzen explained, seeing Naruto's face close a little.



- But, will she agree to it? I don't want anyone being forced to marry me... - Naruto explained related to being the jinchuuriki of the nine-tailed fox, where he was worried that no one would want anything to do with him because of that.



Receiving a smile from Umino and Sarutobi, the Hokage soon dictated:


- There is nothing to worry about! I have made it clear to my advisors that all the requirements for the practice of polygamy will be chosen by you, with my direct consent and no one else's.


- Your first potential wife will be presented to you by the end of the afternoon, where we may have much to discuss. I will personally take care of the presented suitors in order to avoid exploitation or idiotic plans from my advisors. - Finally, Sarutobi said with the consent of the Uzumaki, who could not help but smile excitedly at the fact of being able to have a family.



- Finally! Now I can go... I want to see what I can do with these new abilities. I promise I'll be prepared for our training. - Naruto said to the Hokage who smiled at the Uzumaki's determination.



Iruka was proud to have been Uzumaki's teacher, and although he had awakened all of these abilities, he still had a lot to teach him about the backlog of subjects that he had not yet studied properly.

With that, with the Hokage's consent, the Uzumaki soon leaves the hospital excited, making the two men laugh happily at him not being shaken by the discovery of a tailed beast sealed within him.



- It's him, isn't it? - Iruka asked the Hokage first. - Naruto is the son of the Yondaime Hokage, am I right? - Iruka said again, to Sarutobi's laughter.



- This boy's appearance is very similar to his father's in his youth. It will be difficult to hide such a secret, so we have to prepare him in this one year of training, in order to be able to defend himself from the enemies that Minato-kun has met on his journey. - Sarutobi said as they both saw through the window an Uzumaki running quickly through the villagers towards the zero training ground. - But let's leave that for after the festivities... I want him to at least enjoy everything with new engagement suitors, so that we can all begin the training and missions of the new Gennin generation. - Finally, the Hokage said with Iruka's agreement.



[ ... ]

Kurenai slowly made her way to the fire building. Despite all the sorrows and sadness that clouded her mind and hurt her heart, the attention she received from the male public as she passed by massaged her ego and gave her a little more security. Her exotic beauty attracted the attention of several people in the village, and often earned her several flirtations. Despite this, she never paid attention to them, because unlike Asuma, Kurenai had an aversion to any kind of betrayal.

It hurt her that he had no consideration for her, since they had been having an "affair" since they were thirteen, only admitting their relationship after they were eighteen.

Her mind wandered between her memories of that time, good and bad. That was until she felt her body collide with something average, but strong enough to knock her down. Still dazed from the fall, she felt two hands gently support her, and then she raised her face to see who was helping her, finding it to be a blond teenager.


He must have been seventeen at most, with very unruly blond hair, three barely visible lines on each cheek, and intense, piercing blue eyes.

Such a look that made her get lost in them.



They conveyed so much security, so much affection and concern, that she let herself be carried away by them, until his voice brought her back to reality:


- I'm sorry, I left in such a hurry that I didn't see you passing by. Are you okay? - The blond teenager said doubtfully to the brunette.



- Yes, I'm fine... don't worry. - She replied, getting up with his help and giving him a grateful smile.



- That's great. - The boy said, giving a wide smile that captivated her with how boys that age actually pretended to be serious and things that had nothing to do with them, but there was a boy who didn't care much about showing how he was feeling. - Again, I'm sorry for knocking you down, and excuse me, I'm in a bit of a hurry. See you! - Finally, the blond said as he kissed his mother on the back, pretending to bow funny to a queen, leaving the Jounnin blushing immediately at the scene and the fact that she wasn't used to it due to the closed and withdrawn society that avoided such direct contact.



The woman watched the teenager walk away, her cheeks still slightly red and with a smile because something in her day had cheered her up and cut through all the previous melodrama in her, and she finally headed towards her destination, intrigued. How could a fifteen to seventeen year old boy affect her so much that she couldn't forget those lively blue eyes, his sincere smile, and his presence was warm and welcoming, as if the sun itself was giving her a hug.


She was so distracted that she didn't realize she had reached her destination and was already in front of the Hokage. He looked at her, noticing the kunoichi's distraction, and then asked:


- Is there a problem, my dear? - Hiruzen asked the red-eyed brunette.



- No, Hokage-sama - She replied, still a little thoughtful. - Nothing to worry about.



- Okay. - Sandaime said, taking a puff from his pipe. - I summoned you here because I have a proposal to make to you.



- I'm all ears. - Said the Jounnin, paying attention.



- Do you know Uzumaki Naruto?



- I've heard some things about him. - She answered, thinking about the blond she had just crossed paths with. - Actually, I think I just bumped into him, but he seems older and more mature than they say. - She finished, letting out a little laugh with those eyes that no one else in this village had.



- Hmm... great, and what opinion do you have about him?



- Well, he seems like a good kid, except for the fact that he brought the entire organization to its knees when he played pranks on the Hokage monument and incredibly demonstrated speed and dexterity to escape from all the squads... if I remember correctly, there are even some training missions from the agency that Kakashi-san said were related to improving physical conditioning. - Kurenai laughed at the idiotic idea she heard at the time, but from the laughter of her Hokage it seemed that it wasn't such a lie. - Honestly, I can't understand how people can be so hostile towards him, since he doesn't resemble the being he carries inside him at all, both in appearance and in his attitudes, and no matter how much we follow the path of the tailed beast's risk, it's kind of irrational to set yourself up as an enemy right away to the one who prevents true evil from ravaging our village. - Finally, the Jounnin informed, where the Hokage was already pulling a document from under his desk, in total satisfaction with the answer received and that he also never understood the logic of the villagers in acting with prejudice, soon directed at those who could explode in a mass of angry chakra guided by feelings of animosity or even hatred.



- I'm glad you think so... - The Hokage began with a slight smile, and then added. - Well, the proposal I'm going to make to you... is to marry him. - Sarutobi said at once, where Yuhi looked at him in confusion.



- You're joking, right?



- No, I'm not! In fact, this is a crucial issue for the village, being decisive to further strengthen our military power in this great crisis that has arisen. - The Hokage responded immediately.



- But he's only thirteen, and I understand that shinobi's age of majority is at graduation from the ninja academy, from what I heard he failed the Gennin exam, why would I want to marry him? What was the reason that led you to make me this proposal?



- Naruto... as you may have heard, last night he stole the sealing scroll, which belonged to the Nidaime Hokage, under the influence of one of the academy's instructors, Mizuki.


- Iruka, another of Naruto's instructors, found him in the forest, and before he could do anything, he and Naruto were attacked by Mizuki. In the fight between the two Chunnins, Mizuki revealed to Naruto the fact that he was the jailer of the Kyuubi no Youko (Nine-Tailed Fox). - Hiruzen explained as he sighed. - He was very shaken, and for a moment, he even hated the village..., but Iruka protected him and showed him that there were still people who cared about him, that the ninja side of the village didn't hate him like the civilian side. This gave him more confidence, and then he faced Mizuki to protect Iruka, who had been seriously injured.


- During the fight, Naruto awakened a rare Doujutsu from the Uzumaki clan. Where consequently he also activated the bloodlines from his father's side, giving him an improved body, as you could see a few minutes ago.


- And since he is the last living Uzumaki, it was decided that he could practice polygamy here in the village, with the intention of rebuilding his clan, and that is why your name came up as a candidate to be his first wife. - Finally, the Hokage informed as he released the smoke from his lungs from the pipe he was smoking.



- And why me? There are so many kunoichis in the village his age. - Kurenai said with doubt, but not agitated, showing herself to be an excellent ninja in knowing how to deal with complicated situations without getting shaken.



- First, his first wives will need to be adults of childbearing age, to start producing heirs as quickly as possible.


- And I need a strong team in terms of ninja skills to protect and train him, since in addition to his lineage, he is also the bearer of a very powerful biju that will certainly be the target of the ambition of enemies. - Sarutobi said, taking another puff from the pipe. - In other words, trustworthy kunoichis will be needed, and I trust you with my eyes closed. - Sarutobi completed, seeing the young woman smile.


- Besides the fact that I know well what you have been through at the hands of my son. In fact, I apologize for his behavior, because I know that I did not raise him like this, perhaps the loss of his mother in the last disaster, and my incompetence in taking care of a son made this the result... but if I can change something in all of this with my position as Hokage, this is the way I managed to find.



- It's okay, Hokage-sama. Don't worry about it. - Kurenai said gently. - But as for Naruto, that's not an easy decision. Do I need to give you an answer now? - Finally, she finished her doubts.



- No, my dear... if you want, you can have some time to think about it, since Naruto himself stressed that he will not marry under any circumstances if the chosen person is not in full agreement or comfortable with it. - Hiruzen explained calmly. - Take all the time you need! Although I must ask that if you consider accepting, come to my office before 8:00 pm, because then I can resolve all the documentation at dusk so that my advisors do not try to force anything ahead of time.



- Alright. Excuse me, Hokage-sama. - She said, bowing slightly, and then turning to leave. She stopped before reaching the door, looking thoughtful, and then turned back to the Hokage. - Where could I find Naruto? I want to observe him without him knowing, maybe that will help me decide more quickly.



- At this time, he should be training in the secret place I provided for him. It is an old training area used by previous Hokages, being deactivated because it is too far from the center of the village. - Hiruzen dictated seriously, where the Jounnin had already understood to keep it a secret. - There he can train without being bothered by civilians and can be watched more calmly by escorts made by me and no one else.



- I'll send an ANBU (Ninja Association of Search and Ultimatum) agent to accompany you to your destination. - At that moment, the Hokage snapped his fingers, and an agent with a bat mask appeared kneeling before him. - Kira, could you take Kurenai to Naruto's training location?



- Hai, Hokage-Sama! Kurenai-san, please accompany me. - He asked, and then they both disappeared in clouds of smoke.



- "Well, Naruto-kun... the first step has already been taken. Now it's up to you." - The Hokage thought, taking another puff from his pipe.

And with that I bring to an end the first chapter of the Chronicles of the Wind. Many may have already read the author's old version, and others may not even have any idea that the old author gave me this story to continue.


Well, first of all I want to inform everyone that I have been creating some fanfics on this site for a while now. At first I started out active because I was in high school and unemployed, but now things have changed a lot.


I'm employed, have a girlfriend, and a dog. It's really hard to maintain a good flow of posts on stories when my focus is on my reality.


Anyway, I say right now that I will be posting this fanfic weekly, and in case of any problem I will be posting a warning, which will always be deleted when I post a new chapter.


I hope everyone is enjoying this new iteration in the story, the references I made to other Doujutsus from fanfics by other authors, and how I'm approaching the events.


Soon you will be able to see big differences from version 1.0, so I just ask that you support me in the comments, be it criticism, opinions, ideas, compliments, insults lol.


I would really like to see everyone interacting in the comments, as that is my only source of inspiration to continue posting such fanfic.


Anyway, I really hope you're enjoying it, and don't forget to comment.


I'll answer everyone right below, you guys are awesome, see you soon guys. XD


Fuuma Shuriken:




Solar Spheres :




Shuriken Kage Bunshin:


Kage Bunshin:


Arctic Breath :
